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39 lines
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@startuml High Level Architecture - Diagram
skinparam linetype orthogonally
skinparam orthogonalSpace 30
together {
entity "Bootstrap" as bootstrap <<Bootstrap>>
actor User as user
together {
package "Room Manager" as rm_p {
package "Room" {
component "Chat Room" as chat_room
component "Room Manager" as room_manager
package "Session" as s_p {
component "Chat Session" as chat_session
bootstrap -[hidden]d-> user
bootstrap -[hidden]r-> rm_p
user -[hidden]r-> s_p
rm_p -[hidden]d-> s_p
bootstrap -> rm_p: 1. Setup Each Room and\nRoom Manager Globally
user -> s_p: 2. Connect to Server\nand send Commands
chat_session -u-> room_manager: 3. Join/Leave Rooms per User Request,\n store and manage the **UserSessionHandle**\n returned for each room
room_manager -> chat_room: 3.1. Join/Leave Room utilizing\n the **UserSessionHandle**
chat_session -> chat_session: 4. Handle Message Sending and\nCreate Unified Event Stream\nof dynamic number of joined rooms
user <- s_p: 5. Send Events