3459 lines
136 KiB
3459 lines
136 KiB
package com.scb.phone.view.activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.media.AudioTrack;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation;
import android.text.AndroidCharacter;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager;
import butterknife.BindView;
import butterknife.OnClick;
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory;
import com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView;
import com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationBarView;
import com.huawei.hms.support.api.entity.common.CommonConstant;
import com.kofax.mobile.sdk._internal.impl.extraction.kta.KtaJsonExactionHelper;
import com.scb.phone.R;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.bankingaccount.BankingActionActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.chequemanagement.activatecheque.ActivateChequeLandingActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.chequemanagement.chequestatus.ChequeStatusActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.fastpay.ManageFastPayQrScanActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.prelogin.PinLoginActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.transferandpay.ScanPaymentActivity;
import com.scb.phone.view.adapter.LifestyleTutorialViewPagerAdapter;
import com.scb.phone.view.custom.KnockKnockView;
import com.scb.phone.view.custom.common.CustomDialog;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.accountsummary.AccountSummaryFragment;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.landingpage.LandingFragment;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.moneyaction.MoneyActionFragment;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.moreoptions.MoreOptionsFragment;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.notification.NotificationFragment;
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import me.relex.circleindicator.CircleIndicator;
import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISO7816;
import o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY;
import o.AbstractC13482fbE;
import o.C0198BcN;
import o.C0908Rg;
import o.C0930Rt;
import o.C12914fKz;
import o.C12931fLi;
import o.C12946fLx;
import o.C13020fOa;
import o.C14957gcv;
import o.C15581guh;
import o.C2227aad;
import o.C4593bdB;
import o.C5745byp;
import o.C6583cXR;
import o.C6587cXY;
import o.C9817dqz;
import o.InterfaceC12980fNE;
import o.InterfaceC13391fZD;
import o.InterfaceC6681cZx;
import o.InterfaceC9505dkx;
import o.RunnableC9808dqq;
import o.Tjw;
import o.dQY;
import o.fNW;
import o.fSJ;
import o.guQ;
import o.nMh;
import o.xhu;
import o.xzZ;
import o.yRS;
/* loaded from: classes4.dex */
public class HomeActivity extends AbstractActivityC9737dpY implements InterfaceC6681cZx, ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener, LifestyleTutorialViewPagerAdapter.LWm, ViewPager.ojQ, LandingFragment.IeS, LandingFragment.RVV {
private static boolean l = false;
private fSJ C;
ImageView fastPaySettingCoachmarkImage;
public C2227aad homePresenter;
public InterfaceC9505dkx iDeviceCompatibilityHelper;
ImageView ivJuristicCoachMark;
public boolean k;
KnockKnockView knockView;
ImageView mBlurBackgroundImageView;
public BottomNavigationView mBottomNavigationView;
FrameLayout mFragmentContainer;
LinearLayout mLifestyleTutorialContainer;
CircleIndicator mLifestyleTutorialIndicator;
ViewPager mLifestyleTutorialViewPager;
public RelativeLayout mRemoveTileLayout;
public TextView mRemoveTileTextView;
RelativeLayout mRootView;
public ImageView mTrashImageView;
FrameLayout moneyOutTutorial;
private int q;
private boolean r;
private boolean s;
private ImageView v;
private String y;
private static final byte[] $$p = {54, 41, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, 43};
private static final int $$q = 0;
private static int $10 = 0;
private static int $11 = 1;
private static int G = 0;
private static int I = 1;
private static char[] z = {14995, 3551, 21520, 40777, 59281, 11988, 28932, 47113, 32901, 52186, 4674, 25923, 44452, 62714, 16187, 1658, 20145, 37362, 62402, 50327, 40277, 22042, 11976, 59264, 47175, 28981, 18889, 650, 56147, 44073, 25830, 15783, 63103, 53029, 34814, 22716, 36843, 47295, 57708, 10805, 21230, 21378, 25797, 15699, 63002, 36495, 18321, 6209, 53506, 59858, 41610, 31561, 3171, 50337, 40365, 22137, 28472, 10214, 63653, 45436, 19071, 697, 56317, 60486, 42191, 32157, 13839, 53019, 34711, 22660, 4373, 10846, 58063, 48051, 19569, 1328, 56747};
private static long B = -2326207609614649199L;
private static long A = -8483328576782480528L;
private boolean w = false;
private boolean m = false;
private Queue<Runnable> D = new ArrayDeque();
private List<Integer> t = new ArrayList();
private List<String> p = new ArrayList();
private List<String> x = new ArrayList();
/* renamed from: o */
private C6587cXY.LWm f6535o = new C6587cXY.LWm(this) { // from class: o.dqg
private HomeActivity e;
@Override // o.C6587cXY.LWm
public final void d() {
this.e = this;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0024 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:7:0x001c */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:10:0x0024 -> B:4:0x002d). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void aD(int r6, short r7, short r8, java.lang.Object[] r9) {
int r8 = r8 * 4
int r0 = r8 + 1
byte[] r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.$$p
int r6 = 106 - r6
int r7 = r7 * 4
int r7 = 3 - r7
byte[] r0 = new byte[r0]
r2 = 0
if (r1 != 0) goto L14
r3 = r7
r4 = r2
goto L2d
r3 = r2
int r7 = r7 + 1
byte r4 = (byte) r6
r0[r3] = r4
if (r3 != r8) goto L24
java.lang.String r6 = new java.lang.String
r6.<init>(r0, r2)
r9[r2] = r6
int r3 = r3 + 1
r4 = r1[r7]
r5 = r7
r7 = r6
r6 = r4
r4 = r3
r3 = r5
int r6 = -r6
int r6 = r6 + r7
r7 = r3
r3 = r4
goto L15
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.aD(int, short, short, java.lang.Object[]):void");
public static /* synthetic */ Object e(Object[] objArr, int i, int i2, int i3) {
int i4 = (i * 471) + (i2 * 471) + ((i | i2) * (-470));
int i5 = ~i;
int i6 = ~i2;
int i7 = (~(i5 | i6)) | (~(i6 | i3));
int i8 = ~(i2 | (~i3) | i);
switch (i4 + ((i7 | i8) * (-470)) + (((~(i | i6 | i3)) | i8) * 470)) {
case 1:
return a(objArr);
case 2:
return b(objArr);
case 3:
return e(objArr);
case 4:
return c(objArr);
case 5:
return j(objArr);
case 6:
return i(objArr);
case 7:
return g(objArr);
case 8:
return f(objArr);
case 9:
return h(objArr);
case 10:
return k(objArr);
case 11:
return m(objArr);
return d(objArr);
private static void aC(char[] cArr, int i, Object[] objArr) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
C4593bdB c4593bdB = new C4593bdB();
c4593bdB.a = i;
int length = cArr.length;
long[] jArr = new long[length];
c4593bdB.e = 0;
while (c4593bdB.e < cArr.length) {
int i3 = $10 + 79;
$11 = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
int i4 = c4593bdB.e;
try {
Object[] objArr2 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr[c4593bdB.e]), c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(-1229953068);
if (obj == null) {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c(402 - (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) > 0.0d ? 1 : (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) == 0.0d ? 0 : -1)), TextUtils.getOffsetBefore("", 0) + 5, (char) (KeyEvent.normalizeMetaState(0) + 21608));
int i5 = $$q;
byte b = (byte) (i5 | 29);
byte b2 = (byte) i5;
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
aD(b, b2, b2, objArr3);
obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE, Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1229953068, obj);
jArr[i4] = ((Long) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).longValue() & (A % (-6958928035870403642L));
Object[] objArr4 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj2 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(((byte) KeyEvent.getModifierMetaStateMask()) + 239, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getMaximumDrawingCacheSize() >> 24), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16));
int i6 = $$q;
byte b3 = (byte) (i6 | 28);
byte b4 = (byte) i6;
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
aD(b3, b4, b4, objArr5);
obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
} else {
int i7 = c4593bdB.e;
Object[] objArr6 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr[c4593bdB.e]), c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(-1229953068);
if (obj3 == null) {
Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c(402 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() >> 16), 6 - (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) (21608 - View.resolveSize(0, 0)));
int i8 = $$q;
byte b5 = (byte) (i8 | 29);
byte b6 = (byte) i8;
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
aD(b5, b6, b6, objArr7);
obj3 = cls3.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Integer.TYPE, Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1229953068, obj3);
jArr[i7] = ((Long) ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6)).longValue() ^ (A ^ (-6958928035870403642L));
Object[] objArr8 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj4 == null) {
Class cls4 = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16) + 238, View.MeasureSpec.getMode(0) + 5, (char) (1 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1))));
int i9 = $$q;
byte b7 = (byte) (i9 | 28);
byte b8 = (byte) i9;
Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1];
aD(b7, b8, b8, objArr9);
obj4 = cls4.getMethod((String) objArr9[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj4);
((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr8);
char[] cArr2 = new char[length];
c4593bdB.e = 0;
while (c4593bdB.e < cArr.length) {
int i10 = $10 + 19;
$11 = i10 % 128;
if (i10 % 2 == 0) {
cArr2[c4593bdB.e] = (char) jArr[c4593bdB.e];
Object[] objArr10 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj5 == null) {
Class cls5 = (Class) xzZ.c((TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 238, TextUtils.getOffsetAfter("", 0) + 5, (char) (MotionEvent.axisFromString("") + 1));
int i11 = $$q;
byte b9 = (byte) (i11 | 28);
byte b10 = (byte) i11;
Object[] objArr11 = new Object[1];
aD(b9, b10, b10, objArr11);
obj5 = cls5.getMethod((String) objArr11[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj5);
Object obj6 = null;
((Method) obj5).invoke(null, objArr10);
throw null;
cArr2[c4593bdB.e] = (char) jArr[c4593bdB.e];
Object[] objArr12 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj7 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj7 == null) {
Class cls6 = (Class) xzZ.c(Process.getGidForName("") + 239, 4 - TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0, 0), (char) (KeyEvent.getMaxKeyCode() >> 16));
int i12 = $$q;
byte b11 = (byte) (i12 | 28);
byte b12 = (byte) i12;
Object[] objArr13 = new Object[1];
aD(b11, b12, b12, objArr13);
obj7 = cls6.getMethod((String) objArr13[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj7);
((Method) obj7).invoke(null, objArr12);
objArr[0] = new String(cArr2);
private static void aB(int i, int i2, char c, Object[] objArr) {
int i3 = 2 % 2;
dQY dqy = new dQY();
long[] jArr = new long[i2];
dqy.a = 0;
while (dqy.a < i2) {
int i4 = $11 + 69;
$10 = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 != 0) {
int i5 = dqy.a;
try {
Object[] objArr2 = {Integer.valueOf(z[i >> dqy.a])};
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(1095064095);
if (obj == null) {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getMinimumFlingVelocity() >> 16) + 308, 6 - (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) (TextUtils.getCapsMode("", 0, 0) + 32797));
int i6 = $$q;
byte b = (byte) (i6 | 8);
byte b2 = (byte) i6;
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
aD(b, b2, b2, objArr3);
obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(1095064095, obj);
Object[] objArr4 = {Long.valueOf(((Long) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).longValue()), Long.valueOf(dqy.a), Long.valueOf(B), Integer.valueOf(c)};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-548438098);
if (obj2 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c((SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 411, 4 - ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L), (char) (1 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() == 0L ? 0 : -1))));
int i7 = $$q;
byte b3 = (byte) (i7 | 7);
byte b4 = (byte) i7;
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
aD(b3, b4, b4, objArr5);
obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(-548438098, obj2);
jArr[i5] = ((Long) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4)).longValue();
Object[] objArr6 = {dqy, dqy};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919);
if (obj3 == null) {
Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c((-16776809) - Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), '5' - AndroidCharacter.getMirror('0'), (char) (29234 - Color.blue(0)));
byte b5 = (byte) $$q;
byte b6 = b5;
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
aD(b5, b6, b6, objArr7);
obj3 = cls3.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
} else {
int i8 = dqy.a;
Object[] objArr8 = {Integer.valueOf(z[i + dqy.a])};
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1095064095);
if (obj4 == null) {
Class cls4 = (Class) xzZ.c(TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0) + 309, (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16) + 5, (char) (TextUtils.indexOf("", "", 0) + 32797));
int i9 = $$q;
byte b7 = (byte) (i9 | 8);
byte b8 = (byte) i9;
Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1];
aD(b7, b8, b8, objArr9);
obj4 = cls4.getMethod((String) objArr9[0], Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(1095064095, obj4);
Object[] objArr10 = {Long.valueOf(((Long) ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr8)).longValue()), Long.valueOf(dqy.a), Long.valueOf(B), Integer.valueOf(c)};
Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(-548438098);
if (obj5 == null) {
Class cls5 = (Class) xzZ.c(411 - Process.getGidForName(""), 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), (char) Color.blue(0));
int i10 = $$q;
byte b9 = (byte) (i10 | 7);
byte b10 = (byte) i10;
Object[] objArr11 = new Object[1];
aD(b9, b10, b10, objArr11);
obj5 = cls5.getMethod((String) objArr11[0], Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(-548438098, obj5);
jArr[i8] = ((Long) ((Method) obj5).invoke(null, objArr10)).longValue();
Object[] objArr12 = {dqy, dqy};
Object obj6 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919);
if (obj6 == null) {
Class cls6 = (Class) xzZ.c(407 - (ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout() >> 16), 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), (char) (29234 - (ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16)));
byte b11 = (byte) $$q;
byte b12 = b11;
Object[] objArr13 = new Object[1];
aD(b11, b12, b12, objArr13);
obj6 = cls6.getMethod((String) objArr13[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj6);
((Method) obj6).invoke(null, objArr12);
char[] cArr = new char[i2];
dqy.a = 0;
int i11 = $10 + 111;
$11 = i11 % 128;
int i12 = i11 % 2;
while (dqy.a < i2) {
int i13 = $11 + 123;
$10 = i13 % 128;
if (i13 % 2 != 0) {
cArr[dqy.a] = (char) jArr[dqy.a];
Object[] objArr14 = {dqy, dqy};
Object obj7 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919);
if (obj7 == null) {
Class cls7 = (Class) xzZ.c(407 - (KeyEvent.getMaxKeyCode() >> 16), 5 - View.MeasureSpec.getSize(0), (char) (TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0) + 29235));
byte b13 = (byte) $$q;
byte b14 = b13;
Object[] objArr15 = new Object[1];
aD(b13, b14, b14, objArr15);
obj7 = cls7.getMethod((String) objArr15[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj7);
((Method) obj7).invoke(null, objArr14);
int i14 = 95 / 0;
} else {
cArr[dqy.a] = (char) jArr[dqy.a];
Object[] objArr16 = {dqy, dqy};
Object obj8 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919);
if (obj8 == null) {
Class cls8 = (Class) xzZ.c((SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 406, 4 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0'), (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16) + 29234));
byte b15 = (byte) $$q;
byte b16 = b15;
Object[] objArr17 = new Object[1];
aD(b15, b16, b16, objArr17);
obj8 = cls8.getMethod((String) objArr17[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj8);
((Method) obj8).invoke(null, objArr16);
objArr[0] = new String(cArr);
private static /* synthetic */ Object i(Object[] objArr) {
Context context = (Context) objArr[0];
C0930Rt c0930Rt = (C0930Rt) objArr[1];
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_PRELOAD_CHECK", c0930Rt);
int i2 = G + 125;
I = i2 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
return null;
throw null;
public static void c(Context context, boolean z2) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 27;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (context != null) {
context.startActivity(new Intent(context, (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class).addFlags(603979776).putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_LAYOUT", R.id.account_summary_tab).putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_REFRESH", z2));
int i4 = I + 59;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
int i6 = I + 93;
G = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
private static /* synthetic */ Object b(Object[] objArr) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent addFlags = new Intent((Context) objArr[0], (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class).putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_LAYOUT", R.id.landing_page_tab).addFlags(603979776);
int i2 = G + 61;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 66 / 0;
return addFlags;
public static Intent XO_(Context context) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("EXTRA_NAVIGATE_TO_BANKING_ACTION", true);
int i2 = G + 31;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
return intent;
throw null;
public static Intent XN_(Context context) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_LAYOUT", R.id.more_options_tab);
int i2 = G + 97;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
return intent;
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x00be, code lost:
if (r3 > 99999) goto L64;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x045c */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle r20) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 1434
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle):void");
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onResume() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
Object obj = null;
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55511, 5585, 17088, 49119, 60669, 55794, 5860, 17319, 45215, 60823, 55964, 6139, 17563, 45472, 61116, 56152, 2128, 17734, 45664, 61284, 56406, 2403, 17922, 45852, 57359, 56627}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.deposit_amount_value).substring(0, 3).codePointAt(2) + 52374, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
aB(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.auto_direct_debit_ref_1).substring(0, 10).codePointAt(5) - 14, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().codePointAt(1) - 93, (char) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.easycash_credit_line_mcmc_title).substring(23, 24).length() + 31858), objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
int i2 = G + 69;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
int i4 = I + 105;
G = i4 % 128;
try {
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(492 - TextUtils.getOffsetAfter("", 0), 5 - TextUtils.getOffsetBefore("", 0), (char) (TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0') + 1))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj2);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1378719468);
if (obj3 == null) {
obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString("") + 487, (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForGroup(0) > 0L ? 1 : (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForGroup(0) == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 5, (char) Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(0, 0))).getMethod(KtaJsonExactionHelper.OBJECT, Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1378719468, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
} else {
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj4 == null) {
obj4 = ((Class) xzZ.c(492 - KeyEvent.getDeadChar(0, 0), (TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 5, (char) (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj4);
Object invoke2 = ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr4 = {baseContext};
Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(1378719468);
if (obj5 == null) {
obj5 = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16) + 487, 5 - View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, 0), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8))).getMethod(KtaJsonExactionHelper.OBJECT, Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1378719468, obj5);
((Method) obj5).invoke(invoke2, objArr4);
throw null;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
C2227aad c2227aad = this.homePresenter;
if (c2227aad != null) {
String str = this.y;
if (str != null) {
int i5 = I + 33;
G = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
if (this.k) {
private void XM_(Intent intent) {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (intent != null) {
int i2 = I + 13;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (intent.hasExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_LAYOUT")) {
int i4 = G + 69;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
this.mBottomNavigationView.setSelectedItemId(intent.getIntExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_LAYOUT", 0));
this.m = intent.getBooleanExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_FROM_BANKING_ACTION", false);
if (intent.getBooleanExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEW_INSTANCE_REFRESH", false)) {
Intent intent2 = new Intent("com.scb.phone/BROADCAST_HOME_ACTIVITY_REFRESH");
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
C14957gcv.e(intent2, "");
/* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:33:0x004b, code lost:
if (r6.equals("MONEY_OUT_TAG") != true) goto L69;
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private void c(java.lang.String r6) {
r5 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 17
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
int r1 = r6.hashCode()
r2 = 3
r3 = 4
r4 = 1
switch(r1) {
case -1418518766: goto L4e;
case 1408470602: goto L45;
case 1636776975: goto L3b;
case 1887270438: goto L24;
case 2096255055: goto L1a;
default: goto L19;
goto L65
java.lang.String r1 = "MORE_OPTIONS_TAG"
boolean r6 = r6.equals(r1)
if (r6 == 0) goto L65
r6 = r3
goto L66
java.lang.String r1 = "NOTIFICATION_TAG"
boolean r6 = r6.equals(r1)
if (r6 == 0) goto L65
int r6 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r6 = r6 + 73
int r1 = r6 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r1
int r6 = r6 % r0
if (r6 == 0) goto L39
r6 = 2
int r6 = r6 / r3
r6 = r2
goto L66
java.lang.String r1 = "ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_TAG"
boolean r6 = r6.equals(r1)
if (r6 == 0) goto L65
r6 = r0
goto L66
java.lang.String r1 = "MONEY_OUT_TAG"
boolean r6 = r6.equals(r1)
if (r6 == r4) goto L61
goto L65
java.lang.String r1 = "LANDING_PAGE_TAG"
boolean r6 = r6.equals(r1)
if (r6 == 0) goto L65
int r6 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r6 = r6 + 101
int r1 = r6 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1
int r6 = r6 % r0
if (r6 != 0) goto L63
r6 = r4
goto L66
r6 = 0
goto L66
r6 = -1
if (r6 == 0) goto L89
if (r6 == r4) goto L83
if (r6 == r0) goto L7d
if (r6 == r2) goto L77
if (r6 == r3) goto L71
java.lang.String r6 = "moreoptionsmenu"
java.lang.String r6 = "notificationcenter"
java.lang.String r6 = "accountsummary_landing"
java.lang.String r6 = "moneymovement_landing"
java.lang.String r6 = "lifestyle_landing"
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.c(java.lang.String):void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onStop() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 69;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
this.k = false;
int i4 = G + 9;
I = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 != 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 99;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (intent != null) {
if (!intent.hasExtra("FROM_LINK_TAG")) {
int i4 = I + 105;
G = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
String action = getIntent().getAction();
if (action != null) {
C2227aad c2227aad = this.homePresenter;
C2227aad.e(new Object[]{c2227aad, action}, 1751061046, -1751061046, System.identityHashCode(c2227aad));
int i5 = G + 117;
I = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
throw null;
private static /* synthetic */ Object c(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
homeActivity.D.add(new Runnable(homeActivity, (C0908Rg) objArr[1]) { // from class: o.dqh
private HomeActivity c;
private C0908Rg e;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
HomeActivity.b(this.c, this.e);
this.c = homeActivity;
this.e = r2;
int i2 = G + 35;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 84 / 0;
return null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void a(C0908Rg c0908Rg) {
int i = 2 % 2;
this.D.add(new Runnable(this, c0908Rg) { // from class: o.dqd
private HomeActivity a;
private C0908Rg c;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
HomeActivity.e(this.a, this.c);
this.a = this;
this.c = c0908Rg;
Runnable poll = this.D.poll();
if (poll != null) {
int i2 = G + 27;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 5;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void i() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(this, (Class<?>) ChequeStatusActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("insufficient", true);
int i2 = G + 117;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 59 / 0;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void j() {
int i = 2 % 2;
startActivity(new Intent(this, (Class<?>) ActivateChequeLandingActivity.class));
int i2 = G + 11;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void s() {
int i = 2 % 2;
((CustomDialog) CustomDialog.e(new Object[]{CustomDialog.b(this).c(R.string.onboarding_registration_push_title).d(R.string.onboarding_registration_push_sub_title).aoT_(R.string.onboarding_registration_push_button_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.dqb
private HomeActivity c;
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
HomeActivity.XF_(this.c, dialogInterface);
this.c = this;
}), Integer.valueOf(R.string.onboarding_registration_button_cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: o.dqn
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
int i2 = I + 77;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void a() {
C6587cXY c6587cXY;
int i;
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = G + 85;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
c6587cXY = this.inAppUpdateHelper;
C6587cXY.LWm lWm = this.f6535o;
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
C14957gcv.e(lWm, "");
c6587cXY.c = lWm;
i = 12260;
} else {
c6587cXY = this.inAppUpdateHelper;
C6587cXY.LWm lWm2 = this.f6535o;
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
C14957gcv.e(lWm2, "");
c6587cXY.c = lWm2;
i = 8726;
c6587cXY.Wg_(this, 0, i);
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void b() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 11;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
C6587cXY c6587cXY = this.inAppUpdateHelper;
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
c6587cXY.Wg_(this, 1, 5460);
} else {
C6587cXY c6587cXY2 = this.inAppUpdateHelper;
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
c6587cXY2.Wg_(this, 1, 8725);
private static /* synthetic */ Object m(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 7;
I = i2 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
int i3 = I + 19;
G = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
return null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void o() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 75;
G = i2 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
int i3 = G + 105;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void e() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int[] iArr = {0};
this.ivJuristicCoachMark.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this, iArr) { // from class: o.dqm
private HomeActivity a;
private int[] b;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
HomeActivity.d(this.a, this.b);
this.a = this;
this.b = iArr;
int i2 = I + 99;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
int i3 = 41 / 0;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void h() {
int i = 2 % 2;
LandingFragment landingFragment = (LandingFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("LANDING_PAGE_TAG");
if (landingFragment != null) {
int i2 = I + 105;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 67;
I = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
int i5 = 4 % 5;
public static /* synthetic */ void XK_(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 21;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 == 0) {
int i4 = 57 / 0;
int i5 = I + 5;
G = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
private void ax() {
int i = 2 % 2;
this.mBottomNavigationView.setOnItemSelectedListener(new NavigationBarView.RVV(this) { // from class: o.dqk
private HomeActivity a;
@Override // com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationBarView.RVV
public final boolean adS_(MenuItem menuItem) {
return HomeActivity.XB_(this.a, menuItem);
this.a = this;
this.mBottomNavigationView.setOnItemReselectedListener(new NavigationBarView.HBt(this) { // from class: o.dql
private HomeActivity a;
@Override // com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationBarView.HBt
public final void XQ_(MenuItem menuItem) {
HomeActivity.e(new Object[]{this.a, menuItem}, -1676042790, 1676042793, (int) System.currentTimeMillis());
this.a = this;
int i2 = G + 85;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
private void R() {
int i = 2 % 2;
AbstractC13482fbE a = getSupportFragmentManager().a();
a.b(this.q, new LandingFragment(), "LANDING_PAGE_TAG", 1);
int i2 = G + 113;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 44 / 0;
private void e(String str) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 125;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (X()) {
int i4 = I + 111;
G = i4 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i4 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
if (!z_()) {
e(new Object[]{this, str}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
startActivityForResult((Intent) PinLoginActivity.c(new Object[]{this}, -1569431463, 1569431470, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()), 7134);
int i5 = G + 107;
I = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
private static /* synthetic */ Object k(Object[] objArr) {
int i;
boolean g;
Object e;
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
String str = (String) objArr[1];
int i2 = 2 % 2;
((BaseActivity) homeActivity).g = !C12931fLi.d(str);
if (homeActivity.n != null) {
homeActivity.n.m = C12931fLi.d(str);
yRS supportFragmentManager = homeActivity.getSupportFragmentManager();
AbstractC13482fbE a = supportFragmentManager.a();
String[] strArr = homeActivity.u;
int length = strArr.length;
int i3 = G + 37;
I = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
int i5 = 0;
while (true) {
Object obj = null;
if (i5 >= length) {
Fragment findFragmentByTag = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(str);
if (findFragmentByTag != null) {
if (findFragmentByTag instanceof MoneyActionFragment) {
} else if (!"ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_TAG".equals(str)) {
if ("MONEY_OUT_TAG".equals(str)) {
int i6 = I + 37;
G = i6 % 128;
if (i6 % 2 != 0) {
a.b(homeActivity.q, MoneyActionFragment.a(homeActivity.L()), "MONEY_OUT_TAG", 0);
} else {
a.b(homeActivity.q, MoneyActionFragment.a(homeActivity.L()), "MONEY_OUT_TAG", 1);
} else if (!"NOTIFICATION_TAG".equals(str)) {
if ("MORE_OPTIONS_TAG".equals(str)) {
int i7 = I + 9;
G = i7 % 128;
if (i7 % 2 == 0) {
i = homeActivity.q;
g = homeActivity.homePresenter.g();
C2227aad c2227aad = homeActivity.homePresenter;
e = C2227aad.e(new Object[]{c2227aad}, 844105464, -844105459, System.identityHashCode(c2227aad));
} else {
i = homeActivity.q;
g = homeActivity.homePresenter.g();
C2227aad c2227aad2 = homeActivity.homePresenter;
e = C2227aad.e(new Object[]{c2227aad2}, 844105464, -844105459, System.identityHashCode(c2227aad2));
a.b(i, MoreOptionsFragment.d(g, ((Boolean) e).booleanValue()), "MORE_OPTIONS_TAG", 1);
} else {
a.b(homeActivity.q, new NotificationFragment(), "NOTIFICATION_TAG", 1);
} else {
a.b(homeActivity.q, new AccountSummaryFragment(), "ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_TAG", 1);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
return null;
int i8 = G + 29;
I = i8 % 128;
if (i8 % 2 != 0) {
Fragment findFragmentByTag2 = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(strArr[i5]);
if (findFragmentByTag2 != null) {
} else {
throw null;
private byte[] L() {
int i = 2 % 2;
FrameLayout frameLayout = this.mFragmentContainer;
Bitmap aAB_ = C12946fLx.aAB_(frameLayout, frameLayout.getWidth(), this.mFragmentContainer.getHeight());
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (aAB_ == null) {
return new byte[0];
int i2 = G + 85;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
aAB_.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 10, byteArrayOutputStream);
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
int i4 = I + 17;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
return byteArray;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x0041, code lost:
if ("LANDING_PAGE_TAG".equals(r1) == false) goto L43;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x004a, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x0052, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:15:0x0048, code lost:
if ("LANDING_PAGE_TAG".equals(r1) == false) goto L43;
@Override // androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public void onBackPressed() {
r7 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
r2 = 1
int r1 = r1 + r2
int r3 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r3
int r1 = r1 % r0
android.widget.FrameLayout r1 = r7.moneyOutTutorial
int r1 = r1.getVisibility()
if (r1 != 0) goto L28
android.widget.FrameLayout r0 = r7.moneyOutTutorial
android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator r0 = r0.animate()
r1 = 0
android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator r0 = r0.alpha(r1)
o.dqq r1 = new o.dqq
java.lang.String r1 = r7.y
r3 = 0
if (r1 == 0) goto L53
int r4 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r4 = r4 + 33
int r5 = r4 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r5
int r4 = r4 % r0
java.lang.String r5 = "LANDING_PAGE_TAG"
if (r4 == 0) goto L44
boolean r1 = r5.equals(r1)
r4 = 72
int r4 = r4 / r3
if (r1 != 0) goto L53
goto L4a
boolean r1 = r5.equals(r1)
if (r1 != 0) goto L53
com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView r0 = r7.mBottomNavigationView
r1 = 2131364678(0x7f0a0b46, float:1.83492E38)
o.aad r1 = r7.homePresenter
o.aad r1 = r7.homePresenter
java.lang.Object[] r4 = new java.lang.Object[]{r1}
int r1 = java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r1)
r5 = -378285549(0xffffffffe973d213, float:-1.8422564E25)
r6 = 378285551(0x168c2def, float:2.2647208E-25)
o.C2227aad.e(r4, r5, r6, r1)
android.app.Application r1 = r7.getApplication()
boolean r1 = r1 instanceof com.scb.phone.AndroidApplication
if (r1 == 0) goto L91
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 125
int r4 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r4
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 != 0) goto L88
android.app.Application r1 = r7.getApplication()
com.scb.phone.AndroidApplication r1 = (com.scb.phone.AndroidApplication) r1
goto L91
android.app.Application r1 = r7.getApplication()
com.scb.phone.AndroidApplication r1 = (com.scb.phone.AndroidApplication) r1
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 95
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 == 0) goto La0
r0 = 0
throw r0
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.onBackPressed():void");
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void f() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent("com.scb.phone/BROADCAST_HOME_ACTIVITY_REFRESH");
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
C14957gcv.e(intent, "");
int i2 = G + 87;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onDestroy() {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (this.C != null && (!r1.isDisposed())) {
int i2 = I + 105;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
if (this.v != null) {
Picasso d = Picasso.d();
ImageView imageView = this.v;
if (imageView == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("view cannot be null.");
int i3 = I + 3;
G = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
l = false;
C6587cXY c6587cXY = this.inAppUpdateHelper;
int i5 = I + 103;
G = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x0039, code lost:
if (r1.b.h.r != r6) goto L21;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0023, code lost:
if (r1.b.h.r != r6) goto L21;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x003b, code lost:
r2 = r1.b;
r2.n.r = r6;
r2.h.r = r6;
r1.e.i = true;
r6 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 77;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r6 % 128;
r6 = r6 % 2;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void b(int r6) {
r5 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 45
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
r2 = 0
r3 = 1
if (r1 != 0) goto L26
com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView r1 = r5.mBottomNavigationView
o.byp r1 = r1.d()
int r6 = java.lang.Math.max(r2, r6)
o.Tjw r2 = r1.b
o.Tjw$RVV r2 = r2.h
int r2 = r2.r
if (r2 == r6) goto L5b
goto L3b
com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView r1 = r5.mBottomNavigationView
o.byp r1 = r1.d()
int r6 = java.lang.Math.max(r2, r6)
o.Tjw r2 = r1.b
o.Tjw$RVV r2 = r2.h
int r2 = r2.r
if (r2 == r6) goto L5b
o.Tjw r2 = r1.b
o.Tjw$RVV r4 = r2.n
r4.r = r6
o.Tjw$RVV r2 = r2.h
r2.r = r6
o.pMl r6 = r1.e
r6.i = r3
int r6 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r6 = r6 + 77
int r1 = r6 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1
int r6 = r6 % r0
int r6 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r6 = r6 + 7
int r1 = r6 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r1
int r6 = r6 % r0
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.b(int):void");
/* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:73:0x0104, code lost:
if (r1.equals("MAILING_ADDRESS_TUTORIAL") != false) goto L186;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:99:0x016e, code lost:
if (r1.equals("STATIC_TILES_CUSTOMIZATION_TUTORIAL") != false) goto L184;
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:7:0x009f. Please report as an issue. */
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void b(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> r8) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 1004
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.b(java.util.Set):void");
/* renamed from: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity$4 */
/* loaded from: classes4.dex */
public final class AnonymousClass4 implements InterfaceC12980fNE {
private TextView a;
private HomeActivity b;
private CheckBox c;
private Dialog d;
private ImageView e;
private C0908Rg g;
private CheckBox j;
@Override // o.InterfaceC12980fNE
public final void b(Exception exc) {
AnonymousClass4(HomeActivity homeActivity, C0908Rg c0908Rg, ImageView imageView, TextView textView, CheckBox checkBox, CheckBox checkBox2, Dialog dialog) {
this.b = homeActivity;
this.g = c0908Rg;
this.e = imageView;
this.a = textView;
this.j = checkBox;
this.c = checkBox2;
this.d = dialog;
@Override // o.InterfaceC12980fNE
public final void d() {
HomeActivity homeActivity = this.b;
if (((Boolean) PreLoadCheckActivity.f(new Object[]{homeActivity}, -620132053, 620132070, System.identityHashCode(homeActivity))).booleanValue()) {
if ("FakeWhite".equalsIgnoreCase(this.g.c)) {
this.e.setColorFilter(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f3032131099810));
this.a.setTextColor(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f3032131099810));
} else {
this.e.setColorFilter(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f2982131099805));
this.a.setTextColor(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f2982131099805));
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void k() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 13;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 29;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
public static /* synthetic */ void XL_(Dialog dialog) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 75;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 == 0) {
int i4 = 67 / 0;
int i5 = I + 75;
G = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
private static /* synthetic */ Object h(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
C0908Rg c0908Rg = (C0908Rg) objArr[1];
int i = 2 % 2;
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(homeActivity);
View inflate = homeActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.2131559254, (ViewGroup) null);
dialog.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0));
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) inflate.findViewById(R.id.iv_close_ads);
TextView textView = (TextView) inflate.findViewById(R.id.do_not_show_text_view);
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) inflate.findViewById(R.id.light_checkbox);
CheckBox checkBox2 = (CheckBox) inflate.findViewById(R.id.dark_checkbox);
homeActivity.v = (ImageView) inflate.findViewById(R.id.iv_ads);
imageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(dialog) { // from class: o.dqi
private Dialog b;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
this.b = dialog;
dialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener(homeActivity, checkBox, checkBox2, c0908Rg) { // from class: o.dqf
private CheckBox a;
private C0908Rg b;
private CheckBox c;
private HomeActivity e;
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener
public final void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
HomeActivity.XI_(this.e, this.a, this.c, this.b);
this.e = homeActivity;
this.a = checkBox;
this.c = checkBox2;
this.b = c0908Rg;
int i2 = (int) (homeActivity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels * 0.9f);
C13020fOa e = Picasso.d().e(c0908Rg.a);
Bitmap.Config config = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
fNW.IeS ieS = e.a;
if (config != null) {
int i3 = G + 113;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
ieS.a = config;
throw null;
ieS.a = config;
e.a.e(i2, 0);
e.aBu_(homeActivity.v, new InterfaceC12980fNE(homeActivity, c0908Rg, imageView, textView, checkBox, checkBox2, dialog) { // from class: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.4
private TextView a;
private HomeActivity b;
private CheckBox c;
private Dialog d;
private ImageView e;
private C0908Rg g;
private CheckBox j;
@Override // o.InterfaceC12980fNE
public final void b(Exception exc) {
AnonymousClass4(HomeActivity homeActivity2, C0908Rg c0908Rg2, ImageView imageView2, TextView textView2, CheckBox checkBox3, CheckBox checkBox22, Dialog dialog2) {
this.b = homeActivity2;
this.g = c0908Rg2;
this.e = imageView2;
this.a = textView2;
this.j = checkBox3;
this.c = checkBox22;
this.d = dialog2;
@Override // o.InterfaceC12980fNE
public final void d() {
HomeActivity homeActivity2 = this.b;
if (((Boolean) PreLoadCheckActivity.f(new Object[]{homeActivity2}, -620132053, 620132070, System.identityHashCode(homeActivity2))).booleanValue()) {
if ("FakeWhite".equalsIgnoreCase(this.g.c)) {
this.e.setColorFilter(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f3032131099810));
this.a.setTextColor(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f3032131099810));
} else {
this.e.setColorFilter(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f2982131099805));
this.a.setTextColor(nMh.getColor(this.b, R.color.f2982131099805));
homeActivity2.v.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(homeActivity2, c0908Rg2, checkBox3, checkBox22, dialog2) { // from class: o.dqo
private CheckBox a;
private HomeActivity b;
private C0908Rg c;
private CheckBox d;
private Dialog e;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
HomeActivity.XC_(this.b, this.c, this.a, this.d, this.e);
this.b = homeActivity2;
this.c = c0908Rg2;
this.a = checkBox3;
this.d = checkBox22;
this.e = dialog2;
int i4 = I + 39;
G = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
return null;
int i5 = 1 / 0;
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("config == null");
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void b(String str) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(CommonConstant.ACTION.HWID_SCHEME_URL);
int i2 = G + 21;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void g() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent("com.scb.phone/BROADCAST_HOME_ACTIVITY_REFRESH");
C14957gcv.e(this, "");
C14957gcv.e(intent, "");
int i2 = G + 93;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
private static /* synthetic */ Object f(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 93;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
return null;
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void l() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 101;
I = i2 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
int i3 = I + 71;
G = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
throw null;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onActivityResult(int i, int i2, Intent intent) {
int i3 = 2 % 2;
Object obj = null;
PreLoadCheckActivity.f(new Object[]{this, true}, -219813183, 219813183, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + 1196153088);
if (i == 7134) {
if (i2 == -1) {
if (!"MONEY_OUT_TAG".equals(this.y)) {
int i4 = G + 125;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
if (!this.s) {
e(new Object[]{this, this.y}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
super.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent);
} else {
this.k = true;
if (this.m) {
this.m = false;
startActivity(new Intent(this, (Class<?>) BankingActionActivity.class));
} else if (i == 322) {
int i6 = G + 117;
int i7 = i6 % 128;
I = i7;
int i8 = i6 % 2;
if (i2 == -1) {
int i9 = i7 + 79;
G = i9 % 128;
if (i9 % 2 != 0) {
int i10 = 36 / 0;
} else {
} else {
super.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent);
this.s = false;
int i11 = I + 15;
G = i11 % 128;
if (i11 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x00c4, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x00c5, code lost:
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(new java.lang.Object[]{r11}, 2124247551, -2124247516, java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r11));
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x00d0, code lost:
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x00d1, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:15:0x00d6, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:16:0x007f, code lost:
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 19;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1 % 128;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x0088, code lost:
if ((r1 % 2) == 0) goto L38;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:18:0x008a, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:19:0x008f, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:20:0x0090, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:21:0x0095, code lost:
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:23:0x007d, code lost:
if (T() != false) goto L34;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x004b, code lost:
if (T() != false) goto L34;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:6:0x009d, code lost:
if ((!o.C12931fLi.d(r11.y)) == true) goto L48;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x009f, code lost:
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 23;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1 % 128;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x00ae, code lost:
if ((r1 % 2) == 0) goto L46;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x00b0, code lost:
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(new java.lang.Object[]{r11}, 2124247551, -2124247516, java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r11));
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I + 109;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r1 % 128;
r1 = r1 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, o.InterfaceC12839fIn
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void V() {
r11 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r1 = r1 + 67
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
r2 = 219813183(0xd1a153f, float:4.748049E-31)
r3 = -219813183(0xfffffffff2e5eac1, float:-9.107951E30)
java.lang.String r4 = "currentApplication"
java.lang.String r5 = "android.app.ActivityThread"
r6 = 1196153088(0x474bd900, float:52185.0)
r7 = 1
r8 = 0
r9 = 0
if (r1 == 0) goto L4e
java.lang.Boolean r1 = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(r8)
java.lang.Object[] r1 = new java.lang.Object[]{r11, r1}
java.lang.Class r5 = java.lang.Class.forName(r5)
java.lang.Class[] r8 = new java.lang.Class[r8]
java.lang.reflect.Method r4 = r5.getMethod(r4, r8)
r5 = r9
java.lang.Object[] r5 = (java.lang.Object[]) r5
java.lang.Object r4 = r4.invoke(r9, r9)
android.content.Context r4 = (android.content.Context) r4
android.content.Context r4 = r4.getApplicationContext()
android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo r4 = r4.getApplicationInfo()
int r4 = r4.targetSdkVersion
int r4 = r4 + r6
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(r1, r3, r2, r4)
boolean r1 = r11.T()
if (r1 == 0) goto L96
goto L7f
java.lang.Object[] r1 = new java.lang.Object[r0]
r1[r8] = r11
java.lang.Boolean r10 = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(r7)
r1[r7] = r10
java.lang.Class r5 = java.lang.Class.forName(r5)
java.lang.Class[] r8 = new java.lang.Class[r8]
java.lang.reflect.Method r4 = r5.getMethod(r4, r8)
r5 = r9
java.lang.Object[] r5 = (java.lang.Object[]) r5
java.lang.Object r4 = r4.invoke(r9, r9)
android.content.Context r4 = (android.content.Context) r4
android.content.Context r4 = r4.getApplicationContext()
android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo r4 = r4.getApplicationInfo()
int r4 = r4.targetSdkVersion
int r4 = r4 + r6
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(r1, r3, r2, r4)
boolean r1 = r11.T()
if (r1 == 0) goto L96
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 19
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 == 0) goto L90
o.aad r0 = r11.homePresenter
o.aad r0 = r11.homePresenter
throw r9
java.lang.String r1 = r11.y
boolean r1 = o.C12931fLi.d(r1)
r1 = r1 ^ r7
if (r1 == r7) goto Ld1
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 23
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
r2 = -2124247516(0xffffffff81628e24, float:-4.1611625E-38)
r3 = 2124247551(0x7e9d71ff, float:1.0464035E38)
if (r1 == 0) goto Lc5
java.lang.Object[] r1 = new java.lang.Object[]{r11}
int r4 = java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r11)
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(r1, r3, r2, r4)
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r1 = r1 + 109
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
java.lang.Object[] r0 = new java.lang.Object[]{r11}
int r1 = java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r11)
com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity.f(r0, r3, r2, r1)
throw r9
o.aad r0 = r11.homePresenter
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.V():void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, o.InterfaceC8962daj
public final void o(C0930Rt c0930Rt) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 59;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
int i3 = 98 / 0;
if (!this.w) {
} else {
if (!this.w) {
int i4 = I + 49;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
this.w = false;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.adapter.LifestyleTutorialViewPagerAdapter.LWm
public void onPageClick(View view) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int currentItem = this.mLifestyleTutorialViewPager.getCurrentItem() + 1;
if (currentItem >= this.mLifestyleTutorialViewPager.getAdapter().getCount()) {
int i2 = G + 35;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 37;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
public void closeTutorial() {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (C15581guh.b(this, "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION")) {
Runnable poll = this.D.poll();
if (poll != null) {
int i2 = I + 73;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) {
int i4 = I + 29;
G = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
if (C6583cXR.b(this) != 0) {
int i5 = I + 111;
G = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
public void closeMoneyOutTutorial() {
int i = 2 % 2;
this.moneyOutTutorial.animate().alpha(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED).withEndAction(new RunnableC9808dqq(this));
int i2 = I + 85;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
public final void M() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 57;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
guQ.a("requestPostNotificationPermissionAccept", new Object[0]);
if (C6583cXR.b(this) != 0) {
int i4 = I + 81;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
int i6 = G + 85;
I = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity
public final void j(boolean z2) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(this, (Class<?>) HomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_NEED_RELOAD", z2);
int i2 = G + 91;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
@Override // android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 87;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
} else {
throw null;
@Override // android.app.Activity, android.view.Window.Callback
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean z2) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 7;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (!(!z2)) {
int i4 = G + 97;
I = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 != 0) {
} else {
int i5 = 57 / 0;
@Override // androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int i, String[] strArr, int[] iArr) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = G + 113;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr);
C9817dqz.e(this, i, iArr);
int i4 = 77 / 0;
} else {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(i, strArr, iArr);
C9817dqz.e(this, i, iArr);
@Override // com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, o.aRJ
public final void C_() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 11;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 3;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
private static /* synthetic */ Object g(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 1;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
Runnable poll = homeActivity.D.poll();
if (poll != null) {
int i4 = G + 23;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
int i6 = G + 103;
I = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
return null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x005d, code lost:
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x0028, code lost:
r0 = getIntent().getAction();
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x0030, code lost:
if (r0 == null) goto L37;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x0032, code lost:
r1 = r4.homePresenter;
o.C2227aad.e(new java.lang.Object[]{r1, r0}, 1751061046, -1751061046, java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r1));
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x0045, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:15:?, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x0026, code lost:
if (getIntent().hasExtra("FROM_LINK_TAG") != false) goto L28;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x001b, code lost:
if (getIntent().hasExtra("FROM_LINK_TAG") != false) goto L28;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0046, code lost:
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I + 5;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r1 % 128;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:6:0x0056, code lost:
if ((r1 % 2) != 0) goto L35;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x0058, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0059, code lost:
r0 = null;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.fragment.landingpage.LandingFragment.IeS
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void K() {
r4 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r1 = r1 + 11
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
java.lang.String r2 = "FROM_LINK_TAG"
if (r1 == 0) goto L1e
android.content.Intent r1 = r4.getIntent()
boolean r1 = r1.hasExtra(r2)
r2 = 7
int r2 = r2 / 0
if (r1 == 0) goto L46
goto L28
android.content.Intent r1 = r4.getIntent()
boolean r1 = r1.hasExtra(r2)
if (r1 == 0) goto L46
android.content.Intent r0 = r4.getIntent()
java.lang.String r0 = r0.getAction()
if (r0 == 0) goto L45
o.aad r1 = r4.homePresenter
java.lang.Object[] r0 = new java.lang.Object[]{r1, r0}
int r1 = java.lang.System.identityHashCode(r1)
r2 = 1751061046(0x685f1236, float:4.2136946E24)
r3 = -1751061046(0xffffffff97a0edca, float:-1.0399784E-24)
o.C2227aad.e(r0, r2, r3, r1)
android.content.Intent r1 = r4.getIntent()
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r1 = r1 + 5
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 != 0) goto L59
r0 = 0
throw r0
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.K():void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.fragment.landingpage.LandingFragment.IeS
public final void J() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 53;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
int i3 = G + 27;
I = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 95;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
bundle.putString("OUTSTATE_CURRENT_FRAGMENT", this.y);
int i4 = I + 69;
G = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (bundle != null) {
int i2 = I + 37;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
this.y = bundle.getString("OUTSTATE_CURRENT_FRAGMENT");
int i4 = G + 23;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.fragment.landingpage.LandingFragment.RVV
public final void N() {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (B_().equalsIgnoreCase("en")) {
int i2 = G + 75;
I = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
} else if (B_().equalsIgnoreCase("th")) {
int i3 = G + 25;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
int i4 = 41 / 0;
} else {
public void onFastPaySettingCoachmarkClicked() {
int i = 2 % 2;
((CustomDialog) CustomDialog.e(new Object[]{CustomDialog.b(this).d(R.string.fastpay_transfer_dialog_description).aoT_(R.string.fastpay_transfer_dialog_ok_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.dqt
private HomeActivity e;
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
HomeActivity.XH_(this.e, dialogInterface);
this.e = this;
}), Integer.valueOf(R.string.fastpay_transfer_dialog_cancel_button), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.dqp
private HomeActivity b;
@Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i2) {
HomeActivity.e(new Object[]{this.b, dialogInterface}, -1303229249, 1303229249, (int) System.currentTimeMillis());
this.b = this;
int i2 = I + 29;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onPause() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
Object obj = null;
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55511, 5585, 17088, 49119, 60669, 55794, 5860, 17319, 45215, 60823, 55964, 6139, 17563, 45472, 61116, 56152, 2128, 17734, 45664, 61284, 56406, 2403, 17922, 45852, 57359, 56627}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.favorite_add_suggestion_bulk_transfer).substring(55, 56).codePointAt(0) + 52457, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
aB(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.mf_decline_data_sharing_terms_and_conditions_description).substring(31, 32).codePointAt(0) - 14, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.single_form_om_header).substring(21, 22).length() + 17, (char) (Color.blue(0) + 31859), objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
int i2 = I + 29;
G = i2 % 128;
try {
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(TextUtils.getOffsetAfter("", 0) + 492, (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 4, (char) ((-1) - TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0)))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj2);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1633456013);
if (obj3 == null) {
obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(View.getDefaultSize(0, 0) + 487, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), (char) (Process.myTid() >> 22))).getMethod("c", Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1633456013, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
throw null;
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj4 == null) {
obj4 = ((Class) xzZ.c((SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() > (-1L) ? 1 : (SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() == (-1L) ? 0 : -1)) + 491, (ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16) + 5, (char) (1 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1))))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj4);
Object invoke2 = ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr4 = {baseContext};
Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(1633456013);
if (obj5 == null) {
obj5 = ((Class) xzZ.c(ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(0L) + 487, TextUtils.getTrimmedLength("") + 5, (char) ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup(0L))).getMethod("c", Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1633456013, obj5);
((Method) obj5).invoke(invoke2, objArr4);
int i3 = I + 59;
G = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity, android.view.ContextThemeWrapper, android.content.ContextWrapper
public void attachBaseContext(Context context) {
Context context2;
int i = 2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
aB(View.resolveSize(0, 0), (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16) + 18, (char) (46367 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0)), objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55515, 52874, 62569, 39440, 33222}, 5701 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() >> 16), objArr2);
int intValue = ((Integer) cls.getDeclaredMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue() % 100000;
if (intValue >= 99000) {
int i2 = I + 7;
G = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
if (intValue <= 99999) {
if (context != null) {
int i3 = G + 1;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
context2 = context.getApplicationContext();
} else {
context2 = context;
if (context2 != null) {
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(493 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), TextUtils.getOffsetAfter("", 0) + 5, (char) Color.blue(0))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55431, 38142, 16508, 15785, 59769, 42670, 4650, 53166, 47916, 26872, 9330, 37282, 19825, 15015, 63095, 41983, 7972, 52458, 47210, 30179, 8553, 40681, 19005, 2022, 62264, 41191, 7219, 51686, 34097, 29420, 11824, 39910, 22375, 1244, 61520, 44506, 6412, 54920, 33294, 32653, 11100, 39125, 21593, 470, 64769, 43741, 26113, 54227}, 19583 - (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16), objArr3);
String str = (String) objArr3[0];
Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55507, 60749, 46002, 30744, 3812, 54057, 39188, 44960, 29723, 15074, 53118, 38163, 23464, 24645, 14047, 64368, 33040, 22443, 7237, 8927, 63265, 48397, 17393, 2109, 57053, 58225, 43276, 32758, 1080, 51930, 40808, 42249, 27553, 12344, 50897, 35644, 20743, 26515, 11362, 62107, 34664, 19797, 5069, 55347, 61135, 45922, 31230, 4035, 54370, 39623, 44850, 30202, 15297, 49187, 38597, 23307, 25078, 14276, 64557, 33485, 22364, 7585, 9177, 59508}, 13720 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0), objArr4);
String str2 = (String) objArr4[0];
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55511, 43679, 15524, 36534, 4243, 58064, 29877, 50852, 18444, 55830, 44079, 15976, 32792, 4703, 58472, 30321, 63943, 19445, 56802, 44997, 12755, 33763, 5623, 59139, 26957, 64295, 19818, 57112, 41298, 13165, 34161, 2269, 39586, 27877, 65173, 16592, 53991, 42225, 13825, 47120, 2603, 39999, 28233, 61534, 16956, 54312, 42894, 10700, 48100, 3474, 40918, 25069, 62452, 17674, 55056, 22903, 11070, 48414, 3850, 37180, 25471, 63107, 30923, 51886}, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) + 16806417, objArr5);
String str3 = (String) objArr5[0];
Object[] objArr6 = new Object[1];
aC(new char[]{55518, 61051, 46512, 31981, 545, 51473, 37071, 42902, 27917, 13406, 64493, 33064, 18553, 8124, 9925, 60428, 45891, 31373, 471, 55140, 40611, 42487, 27442, 12872, 63872, 32972, 22098, 7489, 9442, 59953, 45437, 30896, 4066, 54540, 40005, 41870, 27334, 12325, 51111, 36588, 21567, 7013, 8840, 59862, 48907, 17990, 3561, 54067, 39523, 41457, 26871, 15874, 50511, 36052, 21457, 6521, 8359, 63400, 48437, 17531, 2957, 53958, 38923, 44869, 30425, 15417, 49974, 35570, 20983, 26397, 11845, 62871, 48330, 16900}, 14009 - (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16), objArr6);
String str4 = (String) objArr6[0];
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
aB(TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0') + 37, View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 5, (char) KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString(""), objArr7);
String str5 = (String) objArr7[0];
Object[] objArr8 = new Object[1];
aB(40 - MotionEvent.axisFromString(""), 36 - TextUtils.indexOf("", ""), (char) (56373 - Drawable.resolveOpacity(0, 0)), objArr8);
Object[] objArr9 = {context2, str, str2, str3, str4, true, str5, (String) objArr8[0]};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1656189573);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(486 - TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0), 5 - (Process.myTid() >> 22), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getPressedStateDuration() >> 16))).getMethod("e", Context.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE, String.class, String.class);
xzZ.y.put(1656189573, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr9);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
public static /* synthetic */ void e(HomeActivity homeActivity, C0908Rg c0908Rg) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 13;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
C2227aad c2227aad = homeActivity.homePresenter;
if (i3 != 0) {
int i4 = 60 / 0;
} else {
int i5 = G + 83;
I = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
int i6 = 87 / 0;
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:2:0x0027. Please report as an issue. */
public static /* synthetic */ boolean XB_(HomeActivity homeActivity, MenuItem menuItem) {
int i;
int i2;
int i3 = 2 % 2;
int i4 = G + 21;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
switch (menuItem.getItemId()) {
case R.id.account_summary_tab /* 2131361874 */:
if (!"ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_TAG".equals(homeActivity.y)) {
int i6 = G + 5;
I = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
homeActivity.y = "ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_TAG";
return true;
case R.id.landing_page_tab /* 2131364678 */:
if (!"LANDING_PAGE_TAG".equals(homeActivity.y)) {
homeActivity.y = "LANDING_PAGE_TAG";
e(new Object[]{homeActivity, "LANDING_PAGE_TAG"}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
i = G + 35;
i2 = i % 128;
I = i2;
int i8 = i % 2;
return true;
case R.id.more_options_tab /* 2131365615 */:
if (!"MORE_OPTIONS_TAG".equals(homeActivity.y)) {
homeActivity.y = "MORE_OPTIONS_TAG";
return true;
case R.id.notification_tab /* 2131365732 */:
if (!"NOTIFICATION_TAG".equals(homeActivity.y)) {
int i9 = G + 33;
I = i9 % 128;
int i10 = i9 % 2;
homeActivity.y = "NOTIFICATION_TAG";
C5745byp d = homeActivity.mBottomNavigationView.d();
if (d.b.h.r != -1) {
int i11 = G + 41;
I = i11 % 128;
if (i11 % 2 == 0) {
Tjw tjw = d.b;
tjw.n.r = -1;
tjw.h.r = -1;
d.e.i = false;
} else {
Tjw tjw2 = d.b;
tjw2.n.r = -1;
tjw2.h.r = -1;
d.e.i = true;
return true;
case R.id.request_to_pay_tab /* 2131366248 */:
if (!"MONEY_OUT_TAG".equals(homeActivity.y)) {
int i12 = I + 23;
G = i12 % 128;
if (i12 % 2 != 0) {
homeActivity.y = "MONEY_OUT_TAG";
e(new Object[]{homeActivity, "MONEY_OUT_TAG"}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
throw null;
homeActivity.y = "MONEY_OUT_TAG";
e(new Object[]{homeActivity, "MONEY_OUT_TAG"}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
return true;
i = G + 45;
i2 = i % 128;
I = i2;
int i82 = i % 2;
return true;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:23:0x003c, code lost:
if ((!r8.isChecked()) != false) goto L58;
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public static /* synthetic */ void XC_(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity r6, o.C0908Rg r7, android.widget.CheckBox r8, android.widget.CheckBox r9, android.app.Dialog r10) {
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
java.lang.String r1 = r7.i
boolean r2 = android.text.TextUtils.isEmpty(r1) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
if (r2 != 0) goto L9b
java.lang.String r2 = "://"
boolean r1 = r1.contains(r2) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
if (r1 == 0) goto L9b
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
r2 = 1
int r1 = r1 + r2
int r3 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r3
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 != 0) goto L91
boolean r1 = r6.r // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
if (r1 != 0) goto L88
int r3 = r3 + 81
int r1 = r3 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1
int r3 = r3 % r0
r1 = 0
if (r3 != 0) goto L35
r6.r = r2 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
boolean r8 = r8.isChecked() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
if (r8 != 0) goto L47
goto L3e
r6.r = r2 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
boolean r8 = r8.isChecked() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r8 = r8 ^ r2
if (r8 == 0) goto L47
boolean r8 = r9.isChecked() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
if (r8 == 0) goto L45
goto L47
r8 = r1
goto L51
int r8 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r8 = r8 + 57
int r9 = r8 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r9
int r8 = r8 % r0
r8 = r2
r9 = 4
o.pug[] r9 = new o.pug[r9] // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
o.pug r3 = new o.pug // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
java.lang.String r4 = "ads_name"
java.lang.String r5 = r7.d // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r3.<init>(r4, r5) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r9[r1] = r3 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
o.pug r1 = new o.pug // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
java.lang.String r3 = "user_action"
java.lang.String r4 = "click_link"
r1.<init>(r3, r4) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r9[r2] = r1 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
o.pug r1 = new o.pug // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
java.lang.String r2 = "tick_checkbox"
java.lang.String r8 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r8) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r1.<init>(r2, r8) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r9[r0] = r1 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
o.pug r8 = new o.pug // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
java.lang.String r0 = "ads_id"
java.lang.String r1 = r7.b // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r8.<init>(r0, r1) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r0 = 3
r9[r0] = r8 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
java.lang.String r8 = "pop_up_ad"
r6.c(r8, r9) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r10.dismiss() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
o.aad r6 = r6.homePresenter // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r6.e(r7) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
boolean r6 = r6.r // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L97
r6 = 0
throw r6 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L95 java.lang.Exception -> L97
r6 = move-exception
throw r6
r6 = move-exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.XC_(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity, o.Rg, android.widget.CheckBox, android.widget.CheckBox, android.app.Dialog):void");
public static /* synthetic */ void c(HomeActivity homeActivity) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent("IN_APP_UPDATE_TAG");
C14957gcv.e(homeActivity, "");
C14957gcv.e(intent, "");
int i2 = G + 9;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x001e, code lost:
if (r2 <= 3) goto L22;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0015, code lost:
if (r2 <= 5) goto L22;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x002d, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:6:0x0039, code lost:
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x0020, code lost:
r1 = r1 + 95;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1 % 128;
r1 = r1 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x002c, code lost:
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public static /* synthetic */ void d(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity r5, int[] r6) {
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r2 = r1 + 73
int r3 = r2 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r3
int r2 = r2 % r0
r3 = 1
r4 = 0
if (r2 != 0) goto L18
r2 = r6[r3]
r6[r4] = r2
r6 = 5
if (r2 > r6) goto L2d
goto L20
r2 = r6[r4]
int r2 = r2 + r3
r6[r4] = r2
r6 = 3
if (r2 > r6) goto L2d
int r1 = r1 + 95
int r6 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r6
int r1 = r1 % r0
android.widget.ImageView r5 = r5.ivJuristicCoachMark
android.widget.ImageView r6 = r5.ivJuristicCoachMark
r0 = 8
com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView r5 = r5.mBottomNavigationView
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.d(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity, int[]):void");
public static /* synthetic */ void b(HomeActivity homeActivity, C0908Rg c0908Rg) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 7;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
C2227aad c2227aad = homeActivity.homePresenter;
if (i3 == 0) {
int i4 = 68 / 0;
} else {
int i5 = I + 77;
G = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
private static /* synthetic */ Object a(Object[] objArr) {
int i;
int i2;
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
Intent intent = (Intent) objArr[1];
int i3 = 2 % 2;
boolean booleanExtra = intent.getBooleanExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_SHOW_SNACK_BAR", false);
boolean booleanExtra2 = intent.getBooleanExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_IS_SUCCESS", true);
if (booleanExtra) {
int i4 = G;
int i5 = i4 + 83;
I = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
if (booleanExtra2) {
int i7 = i4 + 21;
I = i7 % 128;
int i8 = i7 % 2;
i = R.drawable.ic_check_circle_white_24dp;
} else {
i = R.drawable.ic_error_white_24dp;
String stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.EXTRA_MESSAGE");
if (booleanExtra2) {
int i9 = G + 11;
I = i9 % 128;
if (i9 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
i2 = R.color.f13832131100891;
} else {
i2 = R.color.f2852131099792;
C12914fKz.e(new Object[]{homeActivity, Integer.valueOf(R.id.view_group_root), Integer.valueOf(i), stringExtra, Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(((Integer) C12914fKz.e(new Object[]{homeActivity}, 27586478, -27586464, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())).intValue())}, 1796001485, -1796001467, R.id.view_group_root);
return null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x0062, code lost:
r0 = r7.c;
r1 = new o.C14221fpC(r7, null);
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x006b, code lost:
if (r0.a == true) goto L36;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x006d, code lost:
r0.a = true;
r7 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 19;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r7 % 128;
r7 = r7 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x003a, code lost:
if (r7 != null) goto L30;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:6:0x002f, code lost:
if (r7 != null) goto L30;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x003c, code lost:
r7 = (com.scb.phone.view.fragment.notification.NotificationFragment) r7;
r1 = r7.c;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x0040, code lost:
if (r1 == null) goto L33;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0042, code lost:
r4 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I + 121;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r4 % 128;
r4 = r4 % 2;
r4 = r1.b.size();
r1.notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, r4);
r0 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I + 59;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r0 % 128;
r0 = r0 % 2;
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static /* synthetic */ java.lang.Object e(java.lang.Object[] r7) {
r0 = 0
r1 = r7[r0]
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity r1 = (com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity) r1
r2 = 1
r7 = r7[r2]
android.view.MenuItem r7 = (android.view.MenuItem) r7
r3 = 2
int r4 = r3 % r3
int r7 = r7.getItemId()
r4 = 2131365732(0x7f0a0f64, float:1.8351338E38)
r5 = 0
if (r7 != r4) goto L7b
int r7 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r7 = r7 + 91
int r4 = r7 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r4
int r7 = r7 % r3
java.lang.String r4 = "NOTIFICATION_TAG"
if (r7 == 0) goto L32
o.yRS r7 = r1.getSupportFragmentManager()
androidx.fragment.app.Fragment r7 = r7.findFragmentByTag(r4)
r1 = 58
int r1 = r1 / r0
if (r7 == 0) goto L7b
goto L3c
o.yRS r7 = r1.getSupportFragmentManager()
androidx.fragment.app.Fragment r7 = r7.findFragmentByTag(r4)
if (r7 == 0) goto L7b
com.scb.phone.view.fragment.notification.NotificationFragment r7 = (com.scb.phone.view.fragment.notification.NotificationFragment) r7
o.exv r1 = r7.c
if (r1 == 0) goto L62
int r4 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r4 = r4 + 121
int r6 = r4 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r6
int r4 = r4 % r3
java.util.List<o.SN> r4 = r1.b
int r4 = r4.size()
java.util.List<o.SN> r6 = r1.b
r1.notifyItemRangeRemoved(r0, r4)
int r0 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r0 = r0 + 59
int r1 = r0 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r1
int r0 = r0 % r3
o.exv r0 = r7.c
o.fpC r1 = new o.fpC
r1.<init>(r7, r5)
boolean r7 = r0.a
if (r7 == r2) goto L7b
r0.a = r2
int r7 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r7 = r7 + 19
int r0 = r7 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r0
int r7 = r7 % r3
int r7 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r7 = r7 + 45
int r0 = r7 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r0
int r7 = r7 % r3
return r5
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.e(java.lang.Object[]):java.lang.Object");
public static /* synthetic */ void XF_(HomeActivity homeActivity, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 53;
I = i2 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
if (!homeActivity.X() || homeActivity.z_()) {
homeActivity.startActivityForResult((Intent) PinLoginActivity.c(new Object[]{homeActivity}, -1569431463, 1569431470, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()), 322);
int i3 = G + 43;
I = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
} else {
int i5 = I + 53;
G = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
private static /* synthetic */ Object d(Object[] objArr) {
HomeActivity homeActivity = (HomeActivity) objArr[0];
DialogInterface dialogInterface = (DialogInterface) objArr[1];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I + 3;
G = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (homeActivity.iDeviceCompatibilityHelper.d()) {
new xhu().c(((BaseActivity) homeActivity).scbAnalytics, "fastpay_cancel");
homeActivity.startActivity(new Intent(homeActivity, (Class<?>) ScanPaymentActivity.class));
int i4 = G + 27;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
return null;
public static /* synthetic */ void b(HomeActivity homeActivity) {
FrameLayout frameLayout;
int i;
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = G + 99;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
frameLayout = homeActivity.moneyOutTutorial;
i = 71;
} else {
frameLayout = homeActivity.moneyOutTutorial;
i = 8;
int i4 = I + 109;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
public static /* synthetic */ void XH_(HomeActivity homeActivity, DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
int i = 2 % 2;
homeActivity.s = true;
new xhu().c(((BaseActivity) homeActivity).scbAnalytics, "fastpay_setup");
homeActivity.startActivity(new Intent(homeActivity, (Class<?>) ManageFastPayQrScanActivity.class));
int i2 = G + 109;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:19:0x0027, code lost:
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 75;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1 % 128;
r1 = r1 % 2;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:20:0x0034, code lost:
if (r8.isChecked() == false) goto L38;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x0024, code lost:
if (r7.isChecked() != false) goto L37;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0018, code lost:
if (r7.isChecked() == false) goto L35;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0036, code lost:
r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G + 89;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r1 % 128;
r1 = r1 % 2;
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public static /* synthetic */ void XI_(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity r6, android.widget.CheckBox r7, android.widget.CheckBox r8, o.C0908Rg r9) {
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r1 = r1 + 39
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
r2 = 1
if (r1 == 0) goto L1b
o.aad r1 = r6.homePresenter
boolean r1 = r7.isChecked()
if (r1 != 0) goto L36
goto L27
o.aad r1 = r6.homePresenter
boolean r1 = r7.isChecked()
if (r1 == 0) goto L27
goto L36
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 75
int r3 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r3
int r1 = r1 % r0
boolean r1 = r8.isChecked()
if (r1 == 0) goto L46
o.aad r1 = r6.homePresenter
java.lang.String r3 = r9.b
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G
int r1 = r1 + 89
int r3 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I = r3
int r1 = r1 % r0
r1 = 0
r6.r = r1
boolean r7 = r7.isChecked()
if (r7 != 0) goto L67
int r7 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.I
int r7 = r7 + 73
int r3 = r7 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.G = r3
int r7 = r7 % r0
if (r7 != 0) goto L62
boolean r7 = r8.isChecked()
if (r7 != 0) goto L67
r7 = r1
goto L68
r6 = 0
throw r6
r7 = r2
r8 = 4
o.pug[] r8 = new o.pug[r8]
o.pug r3 = new o.pug
java.lang.String r4 = "ads_name"
java.lang.String r5 = r9.d
r3.<init>(r4, r5)
r8[r1] = r3
o.pug r1 = new o.pug
java.lang.String r3 = "user_action"
java.lang.String r4 = "close_ad"
r1.<init>(r3, r4)
r8[r2] = r1
o.pug r1 = new o.pug
java.lang.String r2 = "tick_checkbox"
java.lang.String r7 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r7)
r1.<init>(r2, r7)
r8[r0] = r1
o.pug r7 = new o.pug
java.lang.String r0 = "ads_id"
java.lang.String r9 = r9.b
r7.<init>(r0, r9)
r9 = 3
r8[r9] = r7
java.lang.String r7 = "pop_up_ad"
r6.c(r7, r8)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity.XI_(com.scb.phone.view.activity.HomeActivity, android.widget.CheckBox, android.widget.CheckBox, o.Rg):void");
public static /* synthetic */ void b(HomeActivity homeActivity, Fragment fragment) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 121;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
I = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
if (!(fragment instanceof LandingFragment)) {
int i5 = i3 + 97;
G = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
LandingFragment landingFragment = (LandingFragment) fragment;
landingFragment.f = homeActivity;
landingFragment.d = homeActivity;
} else {
LandingFragment landingFragment2 = (LandingFragment) fragment;
landingFragment2.f = homeActivity;
landingFragment2.d = homeActivity;
throw null;
private static /* synthetic */ Object j(Object[] objArr) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = I;
int i3 = i2 + 9;
G = i3 % 128;
Object obj = null;
if (i3 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
int i4 = i2 + 103;
G = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
return Integer.valueOf(R.style.f49302132017174);
throw null;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC9737dpY, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onStart() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 5;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 == 0) {
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void b(C0908Rg c0908Rg) {
e(new Object[]{this, c0908Rg}, 207734817, -207734813, System.identityHashCode(this));
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void n() {
e(new Object[]{this}, -919152867, 919152878, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 1549511515);
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void m() {
e(new Object[]{this}, 1328484195, -1328484187, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 604183402);
private void d(String str) {
e(new Object[]{this, str}, -258595026, 258595036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_1).substring(0, 120).codePointAt(91) - 709865315);
@Override // o.InterfaceC6681cZx
public final void e(C0908Rg c0908Rg) {
e(new Object[]{this, c0908Rg}, 525850123, -525850114, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_ntb_ekyc_landing_activity_description).substring(87, 88).length() + 592734477);
@Override // androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.ojQ
public void onPageSelected(int i) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = G + 9;
I = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
@Override // androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.ojQ
public void onPageScrolled(int i, float f, int i2) {
int i3 = 2 % 2;
int i4 = I + 27;
G = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
@Override // androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.ojQ
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int i) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = G + 109;
I = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
int i4 = 86 / 0;
@Override // com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, o.aRJ
public final void v_() {
e(new Object[]{this}, 1248342043, -1248342036, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_landing_amount_too_low).substring(11, 12).length() - 1013004794);
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity
protected final int Q() {
return ((Integer) e(new Object[]{this}, 1959647490, -1959647485, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.e_document_description_mcmc).substring(49, 50).length() + 127575857)).intValue();
public static void b(Context context, C0930Rt c0930Rt) {
e(new Object[]{context, c0930Rt}, -366349303, 366349309, (int) System.currentTimeMillis());
public static boolean r() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G;
int i3 = i2 + 77;
I = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
boolean z2 = l;
int i5 = i2 + 41;
I = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 != 0) {
return z2;
throw null;
public static Intent XJ_(Context context) {
return (Intent) e(new Object[]{context}, -1290522472, 1290522474, (int) System.currentTimeMillis());
public static /* synthetic */ void d(Throwable th) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = G + 75;
I = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 == 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
int i4 = G + 59;
I = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;