575 lines
18 KiB
575 lines
18 KiB
package o;
import android.os.Process;
import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISOFileInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite;
/* renamed from: o.be, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class C4644be {
private String a;
private String b;
private String c;
private String d;
private String e;
private String f;
private String g;
private String i;
private String j;
private static final byte[] $$a = {33, ISOFileInfo.ENV_TEMP_EF, -97, 85};
private static final int $$b = 118;
private static int $10 = 0;
private static int $11 = 1;
private static int l = 0;
private static int m = 1;
private static long h = 9051040786702654117L;
private static int k = 452713125;
private static char n = 56735;
public static /* synthetic */ Object e(Object[] objArr, int i, int i2, int i3) {
int i4 = (i * CipherSuite.TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) + (i2 * (-163));
int i5 = ~i3;
int i6 = i4 + (((~(i5 | i2)) | i) * (-328)) + ((i | i3) * CipherSuite.TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256);
int i7 = ~i;
int i8 = ~i2;
return i6 + (((~((i | i5) | i2)) | ((~(i3 | i8)) | (~(i7 | i8)))) * CipherSuite.TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) != 1 ? e(objArr) : b(objArr);
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x002a */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:7:0x0022 */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:10:0x002a -> B:4:0x002c). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void p(byte r7, byte r8, byte r9, java.lang.Object[] r10) {
int r8 = r8 * 4
int r8 = 3 - r8
byte[] r0 = o.C4644be.$$a
int r7 = r7 + 114
int r9 = r9 * 2
int r9 = r9 + 1
byte[] r1 = new byte[r9]
r2 = 0
if (r0 != 0) goto L15
r7 = r8
r3 = r9
r5 = r2
goto L2c
r3 = r2
r6 = r8
r8 = r7
r7 = r6
byte r4 = (byte) r8
int r7 = r7 + 1
int r5 = r3 + 1
r1[r3] = r4
if (r5 != r9) goto L2a
java.lang.String r7 = new java.lang.String
r7.<init>(r1, r2)
r10[r2] = r7
r3 = r0[r7]
int r8 = r8 + r3
r3 = r5
goto L19
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C4644be.p(byte, byte, byte, java.lang.Object[]):void");
/* JADX WARN: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private /* synthetic */ C4644be(byte r10) {
r9 = this;
r10 = 0
int r0 = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.getSize(r10)
int r0 = 31639 - r0
char r1 = (char) r0
r2 = 0
int r0 = android.widget.ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(r2)
r2 = 1377323297(0x52184921, float:1.6351548E11)
int r2 = r2 - r0
r0 = 4
char[] r3 = new char[r0]
r3 = {x0040: FILL_ARRAY_DATA , data: [8927, 6217, -26798, -21381} // fill-array
r4 = 1
char[] r5 = new char[r4]
r6 = 687(0x2af, float:9.63E-43)
r5[r10] = r6
char[] r0 = new char[r0]
r0 = {x0048: FILL_ARRAY_DATA , data: [0, 0, 0, 0} // fill-array
java.lang.Object[] r7 = new java.lang.Object[r4]
r4 = r5
r5 = r0
r6 = r7
o(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6)
r10 = r7[r10]
java.lang.String r10 = (java.lang.String) r10
java.lang.String r6 = r10.intern()
r1 = 0
r2 = 0
r3 = 0
r4 = 0
r5 = 0
r7 = 0
r8 = 0
r0 = r9
r0.<init>(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C4644be.<init>(byte):void");
public C4644be(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7, String str8) {
this.c = str;
this.e = str2;
this.b = str3;
this.g = str4;
this.f = str5;
this.d = str6;
this.j = str7;
this.i = null;
this.a = str8;
private static void o(char c, int i, char[] cArr, char[] cArr2, char[] cArr3, Object[] objArr) {
char c2;
int i2 = 2 % 2;
Nhs nhs = new Nhs();
int length = cArr.length;
char[] cArr4 = new char[length];
int length2 = cArr3.length;
char[] cArr5 = new char[length2];
int i3 = 0;
System.arraycopy(cArr, 0, cArr4, 0, length);
System.arraycopy(cArr3, 0, cArr5, 0, length2);
cArr4[0] = (char) (cArr4[0] ^ c);
cArr5[2] = (char) (cArr5[2] + ((char) i));
int length3 = cArr2.length;
char[] cArr6 = new char[length3];
nhs.a = 0;
int i4 = $11 + 105;
$10 = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
while (nhs.a < length3) {
int i6 = $10 + 13;
$11 = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
try {
Object[] objArr2 = {nhs};
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(263693715);
if (obj == null) {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16) + 45, 5 - TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(""), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16));
Class<?>[] clsArr = new Class[1];
clsArr[i3] = Object.class;
obj = cls.getMethod("t", clsArr);
xzZ.y.put(263693715, obj);
int intValue = ((Integer) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).intValue();
Object[] objArr3 = {nhs};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-484664112);
if (obj2 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(Process.getGidForName("") + 353, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout() >> 16), (char) ((CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(i3) > 0.0d ? 1 : (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(i3) == 0.0d ? 0 : -1)) + 52128));
byte b = (byte) 1;
byte b2 = (byte) (b - 1);
Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1];
p(b, b2, b2, objArr4);
String str = (String) objArr4[i3];
Class<?>[] clsArr2 = new Class[1];
clsArr2[i3] = Object.class;
obj2 = cls2.getMethod(str, clsArr2);
xzZ.y.put(-484664112, obj2);
int intValue2 = ((Integer) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr3)).intValue();
int i8 = cArr4[nhs.a % 4] * 32718;
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[3];
objArr5[2] = Integer.valueOf(cArr5[intValue]);
objArr5[1] = Integer.valueOf(i8);
objArr5[i3] = nhs;
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(430099516);
if (obj3 == null) {
Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c(TextUtils.getCapsMode("", i3, i3) + 748, 4 - MotionEvent.axisFromString(""), (char) View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i3, i3));
Class<?>[] clsArr3 = new Class[3];
clsArr3[i3] = Object.class;
clsArr3[1] = Integer.TYPE;
clsArr3[2] = Integer.TYPE;
obj3 = cls3.getMethod(com.pingan.ai.p.a, clsArr3);
xzZ.y.put(430099516, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr5);
int i9 = cArr4[intValue2] * 32718;
Object[] objArr6 = new Object[2];
objArr6[1] = Integer.valueOf(cArr5[intValue]);
objArr6[i3] = Integer.valueOf(i9);
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1019894806);
if (obj4 != null) {
c2 = 2;
} else {
Class cls4 = (Class) xzZ.c(402 - ((Process.getThreadPriority(i3) + 20) >> 6), (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForChild(i3, i3) > 0L ? 1 : (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForChild(i3, i3) == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 6, (char) (TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', i3, i3) + 21609));
byte b3 = (byte) i3;
byte b4 = b3;
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
p(b3, b4, b4, objArr7);
String str2 = (String) objArr7[i3];
c2 = 2;
Class<?>[] clsArr4 = new Class[2];
clsArr4[i3] = Integer.TYPE;
clsArr4[1] = Integer.TYPE;
obj4 = cls4.getMethod(str2, clsArr4);
xzZ.y.put(1019894806, obj4);
cArr5[intValue2] = ((Character) ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr6)).charValue();
cArr4[intValue2] = nhs.c;
cArr6[nhs.a] = (char) ((((int) (k ^ 9051040786702654117L)) ^ ((cArr4[intValue2] ^ cArr2[nhs.a]) ^ (h ^ 9051040786702654117L))) ^ ((char) (n ^ 9051040786702654117L)));
i3 = 0;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
objArr[0] = new String(cArr6);
private static /* synthetic */ Object b(Object[] objArr) {
C4644be c4644be = (C4644be) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l + 3;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
m = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
String str = c4644be.d;
int i5 = i3 + 123;
l = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
return str;
throw null;
private static /* synthetic */ Object e(Object[] objArr) {
C4644be c4644be = (C4644be) objArr[0];
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l;
int i3 = i2 + 91;
m = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
String str = c4644be.g;
int i5 = i2 + 17;
m = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
int i6 = 2 / 0;
return str;
public final String toString() {
int i = 2 % 2;
String str = this.c;
String str2 = this.e;
String str3 = this.b;
String str4 = this.g;
String str5 = this.f;
String str6 = this.d;
String str7 = this.j;
String str8 = this.i;
String str9 = this.a;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PreloadCheckRequest(dtag=");
sb.append(", mobileNo=");
sb.append(", jailbreak=");
sb.append(", userMode=");
sb.append(", tilesVersion=");
sb.append(", isLoadGeneralConsent=");
sb.append(", tag=");
sb.append(", payload=");
sb.append(", awarenessNextQuestionDate=");
String obj = sb.toString();
int i2 = m + 63;
l = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
return obj;
throw null;
public final void e(String str) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l + 121;
m = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
this.i = str;
if (i3 == 0) {
throw null;
public final void b(String str) {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l + 87;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
m = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
this.c = str;
int i5 = i3 + 83;
l = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 != 0) {
int i6 = 38 / 0;
public final String g() {
return (String) e(new Object[]{this}, 845598403, -845598402, System.identityHashCode(this));
public final int hashCode() {
int hashCode;
int hashCode2;
int hashCode3;
int hashCode4;
int hashCode5;
int i = 2 % 2;
String str = this.c;
if (str == null) {
int i2 = l + 31;
m = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
hashCode = 0;
} else {
hashCode = str.hashCode();
int i4 = m + 107;
l = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
String str2 = this.e;
int hashCode6 = str2 == null ? 0 : str2.hashCode();
String str3 = this.b;
int hashCode7 = str3 == null ? 0 : str3.hashCode();
String str4 = this.g;
if (str4 == null) {
int i6 = l + 19;
m = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
hashCode2 = 0;
} else {
hashCode2 = str4.hashCode();
String str5 = this.f;
if (str5 == null) {
hashCode3 = 0;
} else {
hashCode3 = str5.hashCode();
int i8 = l + 117;
m = i8 % 128;
int i9 = i8 % 2;
String str6 = this.d;
int i10 = 1;
if (str6 == null) {
int i11 = l + 87;
m = i11 % 128;
hashCode4 = i11 % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
} else {
hashCode4 = str6.hashCode();
String str7 = this.j;
if (str7 == null) {
int i12 = m + 121;
l = i12 % 128;
int i13 = i12 % 2;
hashCode5 = 0;
} else {
hashCode5 = str7.hashCode();
String str8 = this.i;
if (str8 == null) {
int i14 = l + 61;
m = i14 % 128;
if (i14 % 2 != 0) {
i10 = 0;
} else {
i10 = str8.hashCode();
String str9 = this.a;
return (((((((((((((((hashCode * 31) + hashCode6) * 31) + hashCode7) * 31) + hashCode2) * 31) + hashCode3) * 31) + hashCode4) * 31) + hashCode5) * 31) + i10) * 31) + (str9 != null ? str9.hashCode() : 0);
public final String h() {
return (String) e(new Object[]{this}, -411188585, 411188585, System.identityHashCode(this));
public final String b() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l + 11;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
m = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
String str = this.f;
int i5 = i3 + 67;
l = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
return str;
public final String c() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = m + 121;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
l = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
String str = this.j;
int i5 = i3 + 67;
m = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
return str;
public final String a() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = m + 47;
l = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
return this.e;
Object obj = null;
throw null;
public final String d() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = m;
int i3 = i2 + 5;
l = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 != 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
String str = this.b;
int i4 = i2 + 49;
l = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
return str;
public final String e() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = m + 101;
int i3 = i2 % 128;
l = i3;
int i4 = i2 % 2;
String str = this.c;
int i5 = i3 + 123;
m = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
int i6 = 16 / 0;
return str;
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
int i = 2 % 2;
if (this == obj) {
int i2 = l + 23;
m = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof C4644be)) {
int i4 = l + 5;
m = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
return false;
C4644be c4644be = (C4644be) obj;
if (!C14957gcv.b((Object) this.c, (Object) c4644be.c)) {
int i6 = m + 27;
l = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
return false;
if (!C14957gcv.b((Object) this.e, (Object) c4644be.e)) {
int i8 = l + 113;
m = i8 % 128;
return i8 % 2 == 0;
if (C14957gcv.b((Object) this.b, (Object) c4644be.b)) {
if (!C14957gcv.b((Object) this.g, (Object) c4644be.g)) {
return false;
if (C14957gcv.b((Object) this.f, (Object) c4644be.f)) {
return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.d, (Object) c4644be.d) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.j, (Object) c4644be.j) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.i, (Object) c4644be.i) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.a, (Object) c4644be.a);
int i9 = m + 33;
l = i9 % 128;
int i10 = i9 % 2;
return false;
int i11 = m;
int i12 = i11 + 119;
l = i12 % 128;
int i13 = i12 % 2;
int i14 = i11 + 17;
l = i14 % 128;
if (i14 % 2 == 0) {
return false;
Object obj2 = null;
throw null;
public C4644be() {
this((byte) 0);