
2777 lines
130 KiB

package o;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.view.animation.BounceInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator;
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import o.AbstractC0234Bzx;
import o.AbstractC16812rSx;
import o.Prc;
import o.YpW;
import o.yqQ;
/* renamed from: o.jKt, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class C15870jKt {
private String C;
private int[] D;
private HashMap<String, AbstractC16812rSx> E;
public HashMap<String, YpW> a;
public ktU b;
public HashMap<String, AbstractC0234Bzx> c;
public float d;
public float e;
public double[] f;
int i;
public int[] m;
public double[] n;
/* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */
public AZC[] f9181o;
public ktU[] s;
public View x;
private String[] z;
private Rect H = new Rect();
public boolean g = false;
private int B = -1;
public C11094eYU v = new C11094eYU();
public C11094eYU h = new C11094eYU();
public TqO w = new TqO();
TqO j = new TqO();
public float q = Float.NaN;
public float p = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
public float y = 1.0f;
private int A = 4;
private float[] N = new float[4];
public ArrayList<C11094eYU> k = new ArrayList<>();
public float[] u = new float[1];
ArrayList<AbstractC0558JiG> l = new ArrayList<>();
public int r = -1;
private int J = -1;
private View K = null;
private int I = -1;
private float G = Float.NaN;
private Interpolator F = null;
boolean t = false;
public C15870jKt(View view) {
this.x = view;
this.i = view.getId();
ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams();
if (layoutParams instanceof ConstraintLayout.Sts) {
this.C = ((ConstraintLayout.Sts) layoutParams).f6383o;
public final void e(double d, float[] fArr, float[] fArr2) {
double[] dArr = new double[4];
double[] dArr2 = new double[4];
this.s[0].a(d, dArr);
this.s[0].b(d, dArr2);
float f = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
Arrays.fill(fArr2, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED);
C11094eYU c11094eYU = this.v;
int[] iArr = this.m;
float f2 = c11094eYU.s;
float f3 = c11094eYU.r;
float f4 = c11094eYU.f8961o;
float f5 = c11094eYU.d;
float f6 = 0.0f;
float f7 = 0.0f;
float f8 = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < iArr.length; i++) {
float f9 = (float) dArr[i];
float f10 = (float) dArr2[i];
int i2 = iArr[i];
if (i2 == 1) {
f2 = f9;
f = f10;
} else if (i2 == 2) {
f3 = f9;
f8 = f10;
} else if (i2 == 3) {
f4 = f9;
f6 = f10;
} else if (i2 == 4) {
f5 = f9;
f7 = f10;
float f11 = 2.0f;
float f12 = (f6 / 2.0f) + f;
float f13 = (f7 / 2.0f) + f8;
C15870jKt c15870jKt = c11094eYU.i;
if (c15870jKt != null) {
float[] fArr3 = new float[2];
float[] fArr4 = new float[2];
c15870jKt.e(d, fArr3, fArr4);
float f14 = fArr3[0];
float f15 = fArr3[1];
float f16 = fArr4[0];
float f17 = fArr4[1];
double d2 = f2;
double d3 = f3;
float sin = (float) ((f14 + (Math.sin(d3) * d2)) - (f4 / 2.0f));
float cos = (float) ((f15 - (d2 * Math.cos(d3))) - (f5 / 2.0f));
double d4 = f;
double d5 = f8;
float sin2 = (float) (f16 + (Math.sin(d3) * d4) + (Math.cos(d3) * d5));
float cos2 = (float) ((f17 - (d4 * Math.cos(d3))) + (Math.sin(d3) * d5));
f2 = sin;
f3 = cos;
f13 = cos2;
f12 = sin2;
f11 = 2.0f;
fArr[0] = f2 + (f4 / f11) + BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
fArr[1] = f3 + (f5 / f11) + BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
fArr2[0] = f12;
fArr2[1] = f13;
/* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:123:0x024e. Please report as an issue. */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:260:0x0524. Please report as an issue. */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:335:0x06e1. Please report as an issue. */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:339:0x07a9. Please report as an issue. */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:667:0x0d98. Please report as an issue. */
public final void b(int i, int i2, long j) {
String str;
String str2;
ArrayList arrayList;
HashSet<String> hashSet;
Object obj;
String str3;
String str4;
Object obj2;
HashSet<String> hashSet2;
C15870jKt c15870jKt;
String str5;
Object obj3;
Object obj4;
Object obj5;
String str6;
Object obj6;
Object obj7;
String str7;
String str8;
String str9;
String str10;
String str11;
String str12;
String str13;
String str14;
char c;
char c2;
AbstractC0234Bzx ojq;
Iterator<String> it;
AbstractC0234Bzx abstractC0234Bzx;
String str15;
String str16;
String str17;
String str18;
String str19;
double d;
int i3;
String str20;
Prc prc;
Object obj8;
Object obj9;
String str21;
Object obj10;
char c3;
char c4;
Object obj11;
QQt qQt;
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap;
String str22;
Iterator<String> it2;
Object obj12;
Object obj13;
char c5;
char c6;
AbstractC16812rSx zqN;
Prc prc2;
Iterator<String> it3;
int i4;
Integer num;
HashSet<String> hashSet3;
Iterator<String> it4;
Object obj14;
Object obj15;
String str23;
String str24;
HashSet<String> hashSet4;
Object obj16;
char c7;
char c8;
YpW ojq2;
YpW ypW;
Prc prc3;
String str25;
String str26;
C15870jKt c15870jKt2 = this;
new HashSet();
HashSet<String> hashSet5 = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> hashSet6 = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> hashSet7 = new HashSet<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap2 = new HashMap<>();
int i5 = c15870jKt2.r;
if (i5 != -1) {
c15870jKt2.v.h = i5;
TqO tqO = c15870jKt2.w;
TqO tqO2 = c15870jKt2.j;
String str27 = "alpha";
if (TqO.c(tqO.b, tqO2.b)) {
String str28 = "elevation";
if (TqO.c(tqO.c, tqO2.c)) {
int i6 = tqO.s;
int i7 = tqO2.s;
if (i6 != i7 && tqO.j == 0 && (i6 == 0 || i7 == 0)) {
String str29 = "rotation";
if (TqO.c(tqO.f, tqO2.f)) {
String str30 = "transitionPathRotate";
if (!Float.isNaN(tqO.a) || !Float.isNaN(tqO2.a)) {
String str31 = "progress";
if (!Float.isNaN(tqO.h) || !Float.isNaN(tqO2.h)) {
if (TqO.c(tqO.g, tqO2.g)) {
if (TqO.c(tqO.i, tqO2.i)) {
if (TqO.c(tqO.d, tqO2.d)) {
if (TqO.c(tqO.e, tqO2.e)) {
String str32 = "scaleX";
if (TqO.c(tqO.m, tqO2.m)) {
Object obj17 = "rotationX";
String str33 = "scaleY";
if (TqO.c(tqO.n, tqO2.n)) {
Object obj18 = "rotationY";
if (TqO.c(tqO.l, tqO2.l)) {
Object obj19 = "translationX";
String str34 = "translationY";
if (TqO.c(tqO.k, tqO2.k)) {
String str35 = "translationZ";
if (TqO.c(tqO.f8381o, tqO2.f8381o)) {
ArrayList<AbstractC0558JiG> arrayList2 = c15870jKt2.l;
if (arrayList2 != null) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it5 = arrayList2.iterator();
ArrayList arrayList3 = null;
while (it5.hasNext()) {
AbstractC0558JiG next = it5.next();
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it6 = it5;
if (next instanceof LHE) {
LHE lhe = (LHE) next;
str26 = str34;
str25 = str35;
C11094eYU c11094eYU = new C11094eYU(i, i2, lhe, c15870jKt2.v, c15870jKt2.h);
if (Collections.binarySearch(c15870jKt2.k, c11094eYU) == 0) {
float f = c11094eYU.l;
c15870jKt2.k.add((-r6) - 1, c11094eYU);
if (lhe.q != -1) {
c15870jKt2.B = lhe.q;
} else {
str25 = str35;
str26 = str34;
if (next instanceof C14118fnE) {
} else if (next instanceof QQt) {
} else if (next instanceof AZC) {
ArrayList arrayList4 = arrayList3 == null ? new ArrayList() : arrayList3;
arrayList4.add((AZC) next);
arrayList3 = arrayList4;
} else {
it5 = it6;
str34 = str26;
str35 = str25;
str = str35;
str2 = str34;
arrayList = arrayList3;
} else {
str = "translationZ";
str2 = "translationY";
arrayList = null;
if (arrayList != null) {
c15870jKt2.f9181o = (AZC[]) arrayList.toArray(new AZC[0]);
if (hashSet6.isEmpty()) {
hashSet = hashSet7;
obj = obj19;
str3 = str2;
str4 = str;
obj2 = obj18;
hashSet2 = hashSet6;
} else {
c15870jKt2.a = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<String> it7 = hashSet6.iterator();
while (it7.hasNext()) {
String next2 = it7.next();
if (next2.startsWith("CUSTOM,")) {
SparseArray sparseArray = new SparseArray();
String str36 = next2.split(",")[1];
it4 = it7;
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it8 = c15870jKt2.l.iterator();
while (it8.hasNext()) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it9 = it8;
AbstractC0558JiG next3 = it8.next();
HashSet<String> hashSet8 = hashSet7;
if (next3.d != null && (prc3 = next3.d.get(str36)) != null) {
sparseArray.append(next3.e, prc3);
hashSet7 = hashSet8;
it8 = it9;
hashSet3 = hashSet7;
YpW.RVV rvv = new YpW.RVV(next2, sparseArray);
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
ypW = rvv;
str24 = str;
} else {
hashSet3 = hashSet7;
it4 = it7;
switch (next2.hashCode()) {
case -1249320806:
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
if (next2.equals(obj16)) {
c7 = 0;
c7 = 65535;
case -1249320805:
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
if (next2.equals(obj14)) {
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 1;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -1225497657:
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
if (next2.equals(obj15)) {
obj14 = obj18;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 2;
} else {
obj14 = obj18;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -1225497656:
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
if (next2.equals(str23)) {
obj15 = obj19;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 3;
} else {
obj15 = obj19;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -1225497655:
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
if (next2.equals(str24)) {
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 4;
} else {
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -1001078227:
if (next2.equals("progress")) {
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 5;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -908189618:
if (next2.equals("scaleX")) {
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 6;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -908189617:
if (next2.equals("scaleY")) {
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 7;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -797520672:
if (next2.equals("waveVariesBy")) {
c8 = '\b';
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -760884510:
if (next2.equals("transformPivotX")) {
c8 = '\t';
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -760884509:
if (next2.equals("transformPivotY")) {
c8 = '\n';
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -40300674:
if (next2.equals("rotation")) {
c8 = 11;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case -4379043:
if (next2.equals("elevation")) {
c8 = '\f';
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case 37232917:
if (next2.equals("transitionPathRotate")) {
c8 = '\r';
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case 92909918:
if (next2.equals("alpha")) {
c8 = 14;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
case 156108012:
if (next2.equals("waveOffset")) {
c8 = 15;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = c8;
str24 = str;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
obj14 = obj18;
obj15 = obj19;
str23 = str2;
str24 = str;
hashSet4 = hashSet6;
obj16 = obj17;
c7 = 65535;
switch (c7) {
case 0:
ojq2 = new YpW.ojQ();
case 1:
ojq2 = new YpW.jbe();
case 2:
ojq2 = new YpW.jNh();
case 3:
ojq2 = new YpW.NHB();
case 4:
ojq2 = new YpW.ZnX();
case 5:
ojq2 = new YpW.tOB();
case 6:
ojq2 = new YpW.dAO();
case 7:
ojq2 = new YpW.vUG();
case '\b':
ojq2 = new YpW.IeS();
case '\t':
ojq2 = new YpW.LWm();
case '\n':
ojq2 = new YpW.ZqN();
case 11:
ojq2 = new YpW.saX();
case '\f':
ojq2 = new YpW.HBt();
case '\r':
ojq2 = new YpW.Sts();
case 14:
ojq2 = new YpW.IeS();
case 15:
ojq2 = new YpW.IeS();
obj17 = obj16;
ypW = null;
YpW ypW2 = ojq2;
obj17 = obj16;
ypW = ypW2;
if (ypW != null) {
ypW.e = next2;
c15870jKt2.a.put(next2, ypW);
str = str24;
str2 = str23;
hashSet6 = hashSet4;
obj18 = obj14;
it7 = it4;
hashSet7 = hashSet3;
obj19 = obj15;
} else {
str = str24;
str2 = str23;
obj19 = obj15;
hashSet6 = hashSet4;
it7 = it4;
hashSet7 = hashSet3;
obj18 = obj14;
hashSet = hashSet7;
obj = obj19;
str3 = str2;
str4 = str;
obj2 = obj18;
hashSet2 = hashSet6;
ArrayList<AbstractC0558JiG> arrayList5 = c15870jKt2.l;
if (arrayList5 != null) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it10 = arrayList5.iterator();
while (it10.hasNext()) {
AbstractC0558JiG next4 = it10.next();
if (next4 instanceof C11446efW) {
c15870jKt2.w.c(c15870jKt2.a, 0);
c15870jKt2.j.c(c15870jKt2.a, 100);
Iterator<String> it11 = c15870jKt2.a.keySet().iterator();
while (it11.hasNext()) {
String next5 = it11.next();
if (!hashMap2.containsKey(next5) || (num = hashMap2.get(next5)) == null) {
it3 = it11;
i4 = 0;
} else {
i4 = num.intValue();
it3 = it11;
YpW ypW3 = c15870jKt2.a.get(next5);
if (ypW3 != null) {
it11 = it3;
if (hashSet5.isEmpty()) {
c15870jKt = c15870jKt2;
str5 = str3;
obj3 = obj;
obj4 = obj2;
} else {
if (c15870jKt2.E == null) {
c15870jKt2.E = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<String> it12 = hashSet5.iterator();
while (it12.hasNext()) {
String next6 = it12.next();
if (c15870jKt2.E.containsKey(next6)) {
hashMap = hashMap2;
str22 = str3;
} else {
if (next6.startsWith("CUSTOM,")) {
SparseArray sparseArray2 = new SparseArray();
String str37 = next6.split(",")[1];
it2 = it12;
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it13 = c15870jKt2.l.iterator();
while (it13.hasNext()) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it14 = it13;
AbstractC0558JiG next7 = it13.next();
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap3 = hashMap2;
if (next7.d != null && (prc2 = next7.d.get(str37)) != null) {
sparseArray2.append(next7.e, prc2);
hashMap2 = hashMap3;
it13 = it14;
hashMap = hashMap2;
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.LWm(next6, sparseArray2);
str22 = str3;
obj13 = obj2;
} else {
it2 = it12;
hashMap = hashMap2;
switch (next6.hashCode()) {
case -1249320806:
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
if (next6.equals(obj12)) {
c5 = 0;
c5 = 65535;
case -1249320805:
obj13 = obj2;
if (next6.equals(obj13)) {
obj12 = obj17;
c5 = 1;
} else {
obj12 = obj17;
c5 = 65535;
case -1225497657:
if (next6.equals(obj)) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 2;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -1225497656:
if (next6.equals(str3)) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 3;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -1225497655:
if (next6.equals(str4)) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 4;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -1001078227:
if (next6.equals("progress")) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 5;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -908189618:
if (next6.equals("scaleX")) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 6;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -908189617:
if (next6.equals("scaleY")) {
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 7;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -40300674:
if (next6.equals("rotation")) {
c6 = '\b';
c5 = c6;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case -4379043:
if (next6.equals("elevation")) {
c6 = '\t';
c5 = c6;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case 37232917:
if (next6.equals("transitionPathRotate")) {
c6 = '\n';
c5 = c6;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
case 92909918:
if (next6.equals("alpha")) {
c6 = 11;
c5 = c6;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
obj12 = obj17;
obj13 = obj2;
c5 = 65535;
switch (c5) {
case 0:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.ZqN();
case 1:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.ojQ();
case 2:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.dAO();
case 3:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.ZnX();
case 4:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.NHB();
case 5:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.RVV();
case 6:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.tOB();
case 7:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.saX();
case '\b':
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.jbe();
case '\t':
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.Sts();
case '\n':
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.IeS();
case 11:
zqN = new AbstractC16812rSx.HBt();
obj17 = obj12;
str22 = str3;
zqN = null;
obj17 = obj12;
str22 = str3;
zqN.e = j;
if (zqN != null) {
zqN.j = next6;
c15870jKt2.E.put(next6, zqN);
obj2 = obj13;
it12 = it2;
hashMap2 = hashMap;
str3 = str22;
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap4 = hashMap2;
String str38 = str3;
Object obj20 = obj2;
ArrayList<AbstractC0558JiG> arrayList6 = c15870jKt2.l;
if (arrayList6 != null) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it15 = arrayList6.iterator();
while (it15.hasNext()) {
AbstractC0558JiG next8 = it15.next();
if (next8 instanceof QQt) {
QQt qQt2 = (QQt) next8;
HashMap<String, AbstractC16812rSx> hashMap5 = c15870jKt2.E;
Iterator<String> it16 = hashMap5.keySet().iterator();
while (it16.hasNext()) {
String next9 = it16.next();
AbstractC16812rSx abstractC16812rSx = hashMap5.get(next9);
if (abstractC16812rSx != null) {
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it17 = it15;
if (next9.startsWith("CUSTOM")) {
Prc prc4 = qQt2.d.get(next9.substring(7));
if (prc4 != null) {
AbstractC16812rSx.LWm lWm = (AbstractC16812rSx.LWm) abstractC16812rSx;
HashMap<String, AbstractC16812rSx> hashMap6 = hashMap5;
int i8 = qQt2.e;
Iterator<String> it18 = it16;
float f2 = qQt2.r;
int i9 = qQt2.s;
Object obj21 = obj20;
float f3 = qQt2.p;
lWm.f.append(i8, prc4);
lWm.h.append(i8, new float[]{f2, f3});
lWm.g = Math.max(lWm.g, i9);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it18;
hashMap5 = hashMap6;
obj20 = obj21;
qQt2 = qQt2;
obj = obj;
} else {
Object obj22 = obj20;
QQt qQt3 = qQt2;
HashMap<String, AbstractC16812rSx> hashMap7 = hashMap5;
Object obj23 = obj;
Iterator<String> it19 = it16;
switch (next9.hashCode()) {
case -1249320806:
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
if (next9.equals(obj8)) {
c3 = 0;
c3 = 65535;
case -1249320805:
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
if (next9.equals(obj9)) {
obj8 = obj17;
c3 = 1;
} else {
obj8 = obj17;
c3 = 65535;
case -1225497657:
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
obj8 = obj17;
if (next9.equals(obj10)) {
obj9 = obj22;
c3 = 2;
} else {
obj9 = obj22;
c3 = 65535;
case -1225497656:
str21 = str38;
obj8 = obj17;
if (next9.equals(str21)) {
c3 = 3;
obj9 = obj22;
obj10 = obj23;
} else {
obj9 = obj22;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -1225497655:
if (next9.equals(str4)) {
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 4;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -1001078227:
if (next9.equals("progress")) {
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 5;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -908189618:
if (next9.equals("scaleX")) {
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 6;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -908189617:
if (next9.equals("scaleY")) {
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 7;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -40300674:
if (next9.equals("rotation")) {
c4 = '\b';
c3 = c4;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case -4379043:
if (next9.equals("elevation")) {
c4 = '\t';
c3 = c4;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case 37232917:
if (next9.equals("transitionPathRotate")) {
c4 = '\n';
c3 = c4;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
case 92909918:
if (next9.equals("alpha")) {
c4 = 11;
c3 = c4;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
obj8 = obj17;
obj9 = obj22;
str21 = str38;
obj10 = obj23;
c3 = 65535;
switch (c3) {
case 0:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.g)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.g, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 1:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.k)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.k, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 2:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.f8327o)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.f8327o, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 3:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.t)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.t, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 4:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.q)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.q, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 5:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.f)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.f, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 6:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.m)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.m, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 7:
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.n)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.n, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case '\b':
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.i)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.i, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case '\t':
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.j)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.j, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case '\n':
obj11 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt = qQt3;
if (!Float.isNaN(qQt.l)) {
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.l, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
case 11:
qQt = qQt3;
if (Float.isNaN(qQt.h)) {
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
obj20 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
} else {
obj17 = obj8;
obj11 = obj9;
abstractC16812rSx.b(qQt.e, qQt.h, qQt.r, qQt.s, qQt.p);
it15 = it17;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
qQt2 = qQt;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
obj20 = obj11;
it16 = it19;
str38 = str21;
obj = obj10;
obj20 = obj9;
obj17 = obj8;
hashMap5 = hashMap7;
qQt2 = qQt3;
it15 = it17;
c15870jKt2 = this;
obj4 = obj20;
obj3 = obj;
str5 = str38;
c15870jKt = this;
for (String str39 : c15870jKt.E.keySet()) {
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap8 = hashMap4;
c15870jKt.E.get(str39).b(hashMap8.containsKey(str39) ? hashMap8.get(str39).intValue() : 0);
hashMap4 = hashMap8;
int size = c15870jKt.k.size();
int i10 = size + 2;
C11094eYU[] c11094eYUArr = new C11094eYU[i10];
c11094eYUArr[0] = c15870jKt.v;
c11094eYUArr[size + 1] = c15870jKt.h;
if (c15870jKt.k.size() > 0 && c15870jKt.B == -1) {
c15870jKt.B = 0;
Iterator<C11094eYU> it20 = c15870jKt.k.iterator();
int i11 = 1;
while (it20.hasNext()) {
c11094eYUArr[i11] = it20.next();
HashSet hashSet9 = new HashSet();
Iterator<String> it21 = c15870jKt.h.c.keySet().iterator();
while (it21.hasNext()) {
String next10 = it21.next();
Iterator<String> it22 = it21;
if (c15870jKt.v.c.containsKey(next10)) {
Object obj24 = obj3;
HashSet<String> hashSet10 = hashSet2;
if (!hashSet10.contains("CUSTOM,".concat(String.valueOf(next10)))) {
hashSet2 = hashSet10;
obj3 = obj24;
it21 = it22;
Object obj25 = obj3;
String[] strArr = (String[]) hashSet9.toArray(new String[0]);
c15870jKt.z = strArr;
c15870jKt.D = new int[strArr.length];
int i12 = 0;
while (true) {
String[] strArr2 = c15870jKt.z;
if (i12 < strArr2.length) {
String str40 = strArr2[i12];
c15870jKt.D[i12] = 0;
int i13 = 0;
while (true) {
if (i13 >= i10) {
str20 = str5;
} else if (!c11094eYUArr[i13].c.containsKey(str40) || (prc = c11094eYUArr[i13].c.get(str40)) == null) {
str5 = str5;
} else {
int[] iArr = c15870jKt.D;
int i14 = iArr[i12];
int i15 = Prc.AnonymousClass1.a[prc.g.ordinal()];
str20 = str5;
iArr[i12] = i14 + ((i15 == 4 || i15 == 5) ? 4 : 1);
str5 = str20;
} else {
String str41 = str5;
boolean z = c11094eYUArr[0].h != -1;
int length = c15870jKt.z.length + 18;
boolean[] zArr = new boolean[length];
int i16 = 1;
while (i16 < i10) {
C11094eYU c11094eYU2 = c11094eYUArr[i16];
String str42 = str4;
C11094eYU c11094eYU3 = c11094eYUArr[i16 - 1];
String str43 = str31;
String str44 = str32;
boolean a = C11094eYU.a(c11094eYU2.s, c11094eYU3.s);
boolean a2 = C11094eYU.a(c11094eYU2.r, c11094eYU3.r);
zArr[0] = zArr[0] | C11094eYU.a(c11094eYU2.l, c11094eYU3.l);
boolean z2 = a | a2 | z;
zArr[1] = zArr[1] | z2;
zArr[2] = z2 | zArr[2];
zArr[3] = zArr[3] | C11094eYU.a(c11094eYU2.f8961o, c11094eYU3.f8961o);
zArr[4] = C11094eYU.a(c11094eYU2.d, c11094eYU3.d) | zArr[4];
str31 = str43;
str32 = str44;
str4 = str42;
str33 = str33;
str29 = str29;
String str45 = str4;
String str46 = str32;
String str47 = str29;
String str48 = str31;
String str49 = str33;
int i17 = 0;
for (int i18 = 1; i18 < length; i18++) {
if (zArr[i18]) {
c15870jKt.m = new int[i17];
int max = Math.max(2, i17);
c15870jKt.f = new double[max];
c15870jKt.n = new double[max];
int i19 = 0;
for (int i20 = 1; i20 < length; i20++) {
if (zArr[i20]) {
c15870jKt.m[i19] = i20;
double[][] dArr = (double[][]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) Double.TYPE, i10, c15870jKt.m.length);
double[] dArr2 = new double[i10];
int i21 = 0;
while (i21 < i10) {
C11094eYU c11094eYU4 = c11094eYUArr[i21];
double[] dArr3 = dArr[i21];
int[] iArr2 = c15870jKt.m;
String str50 = str28;
String str51 = str27;
String str52 = str30;
float[] fArr = {c11094eYU4.l, c11094eYU4.s, c11094eYU4.r, c11094eYU4.f8961o, c11094eYU4.d, c11094eYU4.g};
int i22 = 0;
for (int i23 : iArr2) {
if (i23 < 6) {
dArr3[i22] = fArr[r11];
dArr2[i21] = c11094eYUArr[i21].m;
str28 = str50;
str30 = str52;
str27 = str51;
String str53 = str27;
String str54 = str28;
String str55 = str30;
int i24 = 0;
while (true) {
int[] iArr3 = c15870jKt.m;
if (i24 < iArr3.length) {
if (iArr3[i24] < C11094eYU.a.length) {
String str56 = C11094eYU.a[c15870jKt.m[i24]];
for (int i25 = 0; i25 < i10; i25++) {
double d2 = dArr[i25][i24];
} else {
c15870jKt.s = new ktU[c15870jKt.z.length + 1];
int i26 = 0;
while (true) {
String[] strArr3 = c15870jKt.z;
if (i26 < strArr3.length) {
String str57 = strArr3[i26];
int i27 = 0;
double[] dArr4 = null;
double[][] dArr5 = null;
for (int i28 = 0; i28 < i10; i28++) {
if (c11094eYUArr[i28].c.containsKey(str57)) {
if (dArr5 == null) {
dArr4 = new double[i10];
Prc prc5 = c11094eYUArr[i28].c.get(str57);
if (prc5 == null) {
i3 = 0;
} else {
int i29 = Prc.AnonymousClass1.a[prc5.g.ordinal()];
i3 = (i29 == 4 || i29 == 5) ? 4 : 1;
dArr5 = (double[][]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) Double.TYPE, i10, i3);
dArr4[i27] = c11094eYUArr[i28].m;
C11094eYU c11094eYU5 = c11094eYUArr[i28];
double[] dArr6 = dArr5[i27];
Prc prc6 = c11094eYU5.c.get(str57);
if (prc6 != null) {
int i30 = Prc.AnonymousClass1.a[prc6.g.ordinal()];
if (i30 != 4 && i30 != 5) {
dArr6[0] = prc6.c();
} else {
int i31 = Prc.AnonymousClass1.a[prc6.g.ordinal()];
int i32 = (i31 == 4 || i31 == 5) ? 4 : 1;
prc6.e(new float[i32]);
int i33 = 0;
int i34 = 0;
while (i33 < i32) {
dArr6[i34] = r12[i33];
dArr4 = dArr4;
dArr5 = dArr5;
dArr4 = dArr4;
dArr5 = dArr5;
c15870jKt.s[i26] = ktU.b(c15870jKt.B, Arrays.copyOf(dArr4, i27), (double[][]) Arrays.copyOf(dArr5, i27));
} else {
c15870jKt.s[0] = ktU.b(c15870jKt.B, dArr2, dArr);
if (c11094eYUArr[0].h != -1) {
int[] iArr4 = new int[i10];
double[] dArr7 = new double[i10];
double[][] dArr8 = (double[][]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) Double.TYPE, i10, 2);
for (int i35 = 0; i35 < i10; i35++) {
iArr4[i35] = c11094eYUArr[i35].h;
dArr7[i35] = c11094eYUArr[i35].m;
dArr8[i35][0] = c11094eYUArr[i35].s;
dArr8[i35][1] = c11094eYUArr[i35].r;
c15870jKt.b = new Ioe(iArr4, dArr7, dArr8);
c15870jKt.c = new HashMap<>();
if (c15870jKt.l != null) {
Iterator<String> it23 = hashSet.iterator();
float f4 = Float.NaN;
while (it23.hasNext()) {
String next11 = it23.next();
if (next11.startsWith("CUSTOM")) {
it = it23;
abstractC0234Bzx = new AbstractC0234Bzx.LWm();
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
} else {
switch (next11.hashCode()) {
case -1249320806:
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals(obj5)) {
c = 0;
c = 65535;
case -1249320805:
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
if (next11.equals(obj7)) {
c = 1;
c = 65535;
case -1225497657:
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
if (next11.equals(obj6)) {
obj7 = obj4;
c = 2;
obj7 = obj4;
c = 65535;
case -1225497656:
str6 = str48;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
if (next11.equals(str8)) {
obj6 = obj25;
c = 3;
obj7 = obj4;
} else {
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
c = 65535;
case -1225497655:
str6 = str48;
str7 = str46;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
if (next11.equals(str9)) {
str8 = str41;
c = 4;
} else {
str8 = str41;
c = 65535;
case -1001078227:
str6 = str48;
str7 = str46;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str8 = str41;
if (next11.equals(str6)) {
str9 = str45;
c = 5;
str9 = str45;
c = 65535;
case -908189618:
str7 = str46;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
if (next11.equals(str7)) {
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = 6;
} else {
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = 65535;
case -908189617:
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
if (next11.equals(str10)) {
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = 7;
} else {
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = 65535;
case -797520672:
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals("waveVariesBy")) {
c2 = '\b';
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = c2;
str10 = str49;
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
c = 65535;
case -40300674:
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals(str11)) {
c2 = '\t';
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
c = c2;
str10 = str49;
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
c = 65535;
case -4379043:
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals(str12)) {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
c = '\n';
str11 = str47;
} else {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
c = 65535;
case 37232917:
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals(str13)) {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
c = 11;
str12 = str54;
} else {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
c = 65535;
case 92909918:
str14 = str53;
if (next11.equals(str14)) {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
c = '\f';
str13 = str55;
} else {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
c = 65535;
case 156108012:
if (next11.equals("waveOffset")) {
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
c = '\r';
str14 = str53;
obj5 = obj17;
str6 = str48;
obj6 = obj25;
obj7 = obj4;
str7 = str46;
str8 = str41;
str9 = str45;
str10 = str49;
str11 = str47;
str12 = str54;
str13 = str55;
str14 = str53;
c = 65535;
switch (c) {
case 0:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.ojQ();
case 1:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.ZqN();
case 2:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.jNh();
case 3:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.ZnX();
case 4:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.NHB();
case 5:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.HBt();
case 6:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.jbe();
case 7:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.saX();
case '\b':
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.RVV();
case '\t':
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.tOB();
case '\n':
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.Sts();
case 11:
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.IeS();
case '\f':
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.RVV();
case '\r':
ojq = new AbstractC0234Bzx.RVV();
it = it23;
abstractC0234Bzx = null;
it = it23;
abstractC0234Bzx = ojq;
if (abstractC0234Bzx != null) {
obj17 = obj5;
str53 = str14;
if (abstractC0234Bzx.d != 1) {
str15 = str13;
str16 = str12;
str17 = str11;
str18 = str10;
str19 = str7;
} else if (Float.isNaN(f4)) {
float[] fArr2 = new float[2];
double d3 = 0.0d;
float f5 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
str15 = str13;
double d4 = 0.0d;
int i36 = 0;
while (i36 < 100) {
float f6 = i36 * 0.01010101f;
String str58 = str12;
String str59 = str11;
double d5 = f6;
Yrp yrp = c15870jKt.v.f;
Iterator<C11094eYU> it24 = c15870jKt.k.iterator();
float f7 = Float.NaN;
float f8 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
while (it24.hasNext()) {
Iterator<C11094eYU> it25 = it24;
C11094eYU next12 = it24.next();
String str60 = str10;
if (next12.f != null) {
if (next12.m < f6) {
yrp = next12.f;
f8 = next12.m;
} else if (Float.isNaN(f7)) {
f7 = next12.m;
it24 = it25;
str10 = str60;
String str61 = str10;
if (yrp != null) {
if (Float.isNaN(f7)) {
f7 = 1.0f;
d = (((float) yrp.e((f6 - f8) / r28)) * (f7 - f8)) + f8;
} else {
d = d5;
c15870jKt.s[0].a(d, c15870jKt.f);
String str62 = str7;
c15870jKt.v.d(d, c15870jKt.m, c15870jKt.f, fArr2, 0);
if (i36 > 0) {
f5 = (float) (f5 + Math.hypot(d4 - fArr2[1], d3 - fArr2[0]));
d3 = fArr2[0];
str11 = str59;
d4 = fArr2[1];
str12 = str58;
str10 = str61;
str7 = str62;
str16 = str12;
str17 = str11;
str18 = str10;
str19 = str7;
f4 = f5;
} else {
str15 = str13;
str16 = str12;
str17 = str11;
str18 = str10;
str19 = str7;
abstractC0234Bzx.c = next11;
c15870jKt.c.put(next11, abstractC0234Bzx);
it23 = it;
str47 = str17;
str48 = str6;
str45 = str9;
str41 = str8;
obj25 = obj6;
obj4 = obj7;
str55 = str15;
str54 = str16;
str49 = str18;
str46 = str19;
} else {
it23 = it;
obj17 = obj5;
str53 = str14;
str55 = str13;
str54 = str12;
str47 = str11;
str49 = str10;
str46 = str7;
str48 = str6;
str45 = str9;
str41 = str8;
obj25 = obj6;
obj4 = obj7;
Iterator<AbstractC0558JiG> it26 = c15870jKt.l.iterator();
while (it26.hasNext()) {
AbstractC0558JiG next13 = it26.next();
if (next13 instanceof C14118fnE) {
((C14118fnE) next13).e(c15870jKt.c);
Iterator<AbstractC0234Bzx> it27 = c15870jKt.c.values().iterator();
while (it27.hasNext()) {
public final String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" start: x: ");
sb.append(" y: ");
sb.append(" end: x: ");
sb.append(" y: ");
return sb.toString();
private void c(C11094eYU c11094eYU) {
float x = (int) this.x.getX();
float y = (int) this.x.getY();
float width = this.x.getWidth();
float height = this.x.getHeight();
c11094eYU.s = x;
c11094eYU.r = y;
c11094eYU.f8961o = width;
c11094eYU.d = height;
public final void d(ZmI zmI, View view) {
this.v.m = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
this.v.l = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
Rect rect = new Rect();
C11094eYU c11094eYU = this.v;
float f = rect.left;
float f2 = rect.top;
float width = rect.width();
float height = rect.height();
c11094eYU.s = f;
c11094eYU.r = f2;
c11094eYU.f8961o = width;
c11094eYU.d = height;
TqO tqO = this.w;
float f3 = zmI.c;
int i = rect.left;
int i2 = rect.top;
tqO.d = Float.NaN;
tqO.e = Float.NaN;
private static void kF_(Rect rect, Rect rect2, int i, int i2, int i3) {
if (i == 1) {
int i4 = rect.left;
int i5 = rect.right;
rect2.left = ((rect.top + rect.bottom) - rect.width()) / 2;
rect2.top = i3 - (((i4 + i5) + rect.height()) / 2);
rect2.right = rect2.left + rect.width();
rect2.bottom = rect2.top + rect.height();
if (i == 2) {
int i6 = rect.left;
int i7 = rect.right;
rect2.left = i2 - (((rect.top + rect.bottom) + rect.width()) / 2);
rect2.top = ((i6 + i7) - rect.height()) / 2;
rect2.right = rect2.left + rect.width();
rect2.bottom = rect2.top + rect.height();
if (i == 3) {
int i8 = rect.left + rect.right;
int i9 = rect.top;
int i10 = rect.bottom;
rect2.left = ((rect.height() / 2) + rect.top) - (i8 / 2);
rect2.top = i3 - ((i8 + rect.height()) / 2);
rect2.right = rect2.left + rect.width();
rect2.bottom = rect2.top + rect.height();
if (i == 4) {
int i11 = rect.left;
int i12 = rect.right;
rect2.left = i2 - (((rect.bottom + rect.top) + rect.width()) / 2);
rect2.top = ((i11 + i12) - rect.height()) / 2;
rect2.right = rect2.left + rect.width();
rect2.bottom = rect2.top + rect.height();
public final void kH_(Rect rect, yqQ yqq, int i, int i2) {
Interpolator loadInterpolator;
int i3 = yqq.d;
if (i3 != 0) {
kF_(rect, this.H, i3, i, i2);
this.v.m = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
this.v.l = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
C11094eYU c11094eYU = this.v;
float f = rect.left;
float f2 = rect.top;
float width = rect.width();
float height = rect.height();
c11094eYU.s = f;
c11094eYU.r = f2;
c11094eYU.f8961o = width;
c11094eYU.d = height;
yqQ.Sts b = yqq.b(this.i);
this.q = b.f.c;
this.w.kE_(rect, yqq, i3, this.i);
this.J = b.h.f;
this.I = b.f.m;
this.G = b.f.l;
Context context = this.x.getContext();
int i4 = b.f.h;
String str = b.f.f;
int i5 = b.f.g;
if (i4 == -2) {
loadInterpolator = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, i5);
} else if (i4 == -1) {
loadInterpolator = new Interpolator(Yrp.a(str)) { // from class: o.jKt.4
final Yrp b;
this.b = r1;
@Override // android.animation.TimeInterpolator
public final float getInterpolation(float f3) {
return (float) this.b.e(f3);
} else if (i4 == 0) {
loadInterpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();
} else if (i4 == 1) {
loadInterpolator = new AccelerateInterpolator();
} else if (i4 == 2) {
loadInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
} else if (i4 == 4) {
loadInterpolator = new BounceInterpolator();
} else {
loadInterpolator = i4 != 5 ? null : new OvershootInterpolator();
this.F = loadInterpolator;
public final void kG_(Rect rect, yqQ yqq, int i, int i2) {
int i3 = yqq.d;
if (i3 != 0) {
kF_(rect, this.H, i3, i, i2);
rect = this.H;
this.h.m = 1.0f;
this.h.l = 1.0f;
C11094eYU c11094eYU = this.h;
float f = rect.left;
float f2 = rect.top;
float width = rect.width();
float height = rect.height();
c11094eYU.s = f;
c11094eYU.r = f2;
c11094eYU.f8961o = width;
c11094eYU.d = height;
this.j.kE_(rect, yqq, i3, this.i);
public final float a(float f, float[] fArr) {
float f2 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
if (fArr != null) {
fArr[0] = 1.0f;
} else {
float f3 = this.y;
if (f3 != 1.0d) {
float f4 = this.p;
if (f < f4) {
f = 0.0f;
if (f > f4 && f < 1.0d) {
f = Math.min((f - f4) * f3, 1.0f);
Yrp yrp = this.v.f;
Iterator<C11094eYU> it = this.k.iterator();
float f5 = Float.NaN;
while (it.hasNext()) {
C11094eYU next = it.next();
if (next.f != null) {
if (next.m < f) {
yrp = next.f;
f2 = next.m;
} else if (Float.isNaN(f5)) {
f5 = next.m;
if (yrp != null) {
float f6 = (Float.isNaN(f5) ? 1.0f : f5) - f2;
double d = (f - f2) / f6;
f = (((float) yrp.e(d)) * f6) + f2;
if (fArr != null) {
fArr[0] = (float) yrp.a(d);
return f;
public final boolean c(View view, float f, long j, ZhI zhI) {
AbstractC16812rSx.IeS ieS;
boolean z;
float f2;
boolean z2;
double d;
float f3;
AbstractC16812rSx.IeS ieS2;
boolean z3;
double d2;
float f4;
boolean z4;
float f5;
float f6;
float f7;
float f8;
float f9;
C15870jKt c15870jKt = this;
View view2 = view;
float a = c15870jKt.a(f, null);
int i = c15870jKt.I;
if (i != -1) {
float f10 = 1.0f / i;
float floor = (float) Math.floor(a / f10);
float f11 = (a % f10) / f10;
if (!Float.isNaN(c15870jKt.G)) {
f11 = (f11 + c15870jKt.G) % 1.0f;
Interpolator interpolator = c15870jKt.F;
if (interpolator != null) {
f9 = interpolator.getInterpolation(f11);
} else {
f9 = ((double) f11) > 0.5d ? 1.0f : BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
a = (f9 * f10) + (floor * f10);
float f12 = a;
HashMap<String, YpW> hashMap = c15870jKt.a;
if (hashMap != null) {
Iterator<YpW> it = hashMap.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
it.next().e(view2, f12);
HashMap<String, AbstractC16812rSx> hashMap2 = c15870jKt.E;
if (hashMap2 != null) {
ieS = null;
z = false;
for (AbstractC16812rSx abstractC16812rSx : hashMap2.values()) {
if (abstractC16812rSx instanceof AbstractC16812rSx.IeS) {
ieS = (AbstractC16812rSx.IeS) abstractC16812rSx;
} else {
z |= abstractC16812rSx.e(view, f12, j, zhI);
} else {
ieS = null;
z = false;
ktU[] ktuArr = c15870jKt.s;
if (ktuArr != null) {
double d3 = f12;
ktuArr[0].a(d3, c15870jKt.f);
c15870jKt.s[0].b(d3, c15870jKt.n);
ktU ktu = c15870jKt.b;
if (ktu != null) {
double[] dArr = c15870jKt.f;
if (dArr.length > 0) {
ktu.a(d3, dArr);
c15870jKt.b.b(d3, c15870jKt.n);
if (c15870jKt.t) {
d = d3;
f3 = f12;
ieS2 = ieS;
z3 = z;
} else {
C11094eYU c11094eYU = c15870jKt.v;
int[] iArr = c15870jKt.m;
double[] dArr2 = c15870jKt.f;
double[] dArr3 = c15870jKt.n;
boolean z5 = c15870jKt.g;
float f13 = c11094eYU.s;
float f14 = c11094eYU.r;
float f15 = c11094eYU.f8961o;
float f16 = c11094eYU.d;
if (iArr.length != 0) {
f4 = f14;
if (c11094eYU.n.length <= iArr[iArr.length - 1]) {
int i2 = iArr[iArr.length - 1] + 1;
c11094eYU.n = new double[i2];
c11094eYU.k = new double[i2];
} else {
f4 = f14;
Arrays.fill(c11094eYU.n, Double.NaN);
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < iArr.length; i3++) {
double[] dArr4 = c11094eYU.n;
int i4 = iArr[i3];
dArr4[i4] = dArr2[i3];
c11094eYU.k[i4] = dArr3[i3];
float f17 = f15;
ieS2 = ieS;
float f18 = f4;
float f19 = f16;
int i5 = 0;
float f20 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
float f21 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
float f22 = Float.NaN;
f3 = f12;
float f23 = f13;
float f24 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
z3 = z;
float f25 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED;
while (true) {
double[] dArr5 = c11094eYU.n;
z4 = z5;
if (i5 >= dArr5.length) {
if (Double.isNaN(dArr5[i5])) {
f7 = f23;
f8 = f25;
} else {
f7 = f23;
float f26 = (float) (Double.isNaN(c11094eYU.n[i5]) ? 0.0d : c11094eYU.n[i5] + 0.0d);
f8 = f25;
float f27 = (float) c11094eYU.k[i5];
if (i5 != 1) {
if (i5 == 2) {
f18 = f26;
f24 = f27;
} else if (i5 == 3) {
f17 = f26;
f20 = f27;
} else if (i5 == 4) {
f19 = f26;
f21 = f27;
} else if (i5 == 5) {
f23 = f7;
f22 = f26;
f25 = f8;
f25 = f8;
f23 = f7;
} else {
f25 = f27;
f23 = f26;
z5 = z4;
f23 = f7;
f25 = f8;
z5 = z4;
float f28 = f23;
float f29 = f25;
C15870jKt c15870jKt2 = c11094eYU.i;
if (c15870jKt2 != null) {
float[] fArr = new float[2];
float[] fArr2 = new float[2];
c15870jKt2.e(d3, fArr, fArr2);
float f30 = fArr[0];
float f31 = fArr[1];
float f32 = fArr2[0];
float f33 = fArr2[1];
d = d3;
double d4 = f28;
double d5 = f18;
float sin = (float) ((f30 + (Math.sin(d5) * d4)) - (f17 / 2.0f));
float cos = (float) ((f31 - (Math.cos(d5) * d4)) - (f19 / 2.0f));
double d6 = f29;
double d7 = f24;
float sin2 = (float) (f32 + (Math.sin(d5) * d6) + (Math.cos(d5) * d4 * d7));
f5 = f17;
float cos2 = (float) ((f33 - (d6 * Math.cos(d5))) + (d4 * Math.sin(d5) * d7));
if (dArr3.length >= 2) {
dArr3[0] = sin2;
dArr3[1] = cos2;
if (Float.isNaN(f22)) {
view2 = view;
} else {
view2 = view;
view2.setRotation((float) (f22 + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(cos2, sin2))));
f18 = cos;
f6 = sin;
} else {
d = d3;
f5 = f17;
if (!Float.isNaN(f22)) {
view2.setRotation((float) (f22 + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(f24 + (f21 / 2.0f), f29 + (f20 / 2.0f))) + 0.0d));
f6 = f28;
if (view2 instanceof zYh) {
} else {
float f34 = f6 + 0.5f;
int i6 = (int) f34;
float f35 = f18 + 0.5f;
int i7 = (int) f35;
int i8 = (int) (f34 + f5);
int i9 = (int) (f35 + f19);
int i10 = i8 - i6;
int i11 = i9 - i7;
if (i10 != view.getMeasuredWidth() || i11 != view.getMeasuredHeight() || z4) {
view2.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i10, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i11, 1073741824));
view2.layout(i6, i7, i8, i9);
c15870jKt = this;
c15870jKt.g = false;
if (c15870jKt.J != -1) {
if (c15870jKt.K == null) {
c15870jKt.K = ((View) view.getParent()).findViewById(c15870jKt.J);
if (c15870jKt.K != null) {
float top = (r1.getTop() + c15870jKt.K.getBottom()) / 2.0f;
float left = (c15870jKt.K.getLeft() + c15870jKt.K.getRight()) / 2.0f;
if (view.getRight() - view.getLeft() > 0 && view.getBottom() - view.getTop() > 0) {
float left2 = view.getLeft();
float top2 = view.getTop();
view2.setPivotX(left - left2);
view2.setPivotY(top - top2);
HashMap<String, YpW> hashMap3 = c15870jKt.a;
if (hashMap3 != null) {
for (YpW ypW : hashMap3.values()) {
if (ypW instanceof YpW.Sts) {
double[] dArr6 = c15870jKt.n;
if (dArr6.length > 1) {
view2.setRotation(((float) ((YpW.Sts) ypW).d.e(d)) + ((float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dArr6[1], dArr6[0]))));
double d8 = d;
if (ieS2 != null) {
double[] dArr7 = c15870jKt.n;
d2 = d8;
view2.setRotation(ieS2.a(f3, j, view, zhI) + ((float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dArr7[1], dArr7[0]))));
z2 = z3 | ieS2.c;
} else {
d2 = d8;
z2 = z3;
int i12 = 1;
while (true) {
ktU[] ktuArr2 = c15870jKt.s;
if (i12 >= ktuArr2.length) {
ktuArr2[i12].a(d2, c15870jKt.N);
Gsu.d(c15870jKt.v.c.get(c15870jKt.z[i12 - 1]), view2, c15870jKt.N);
if (c15870jKt.w.j == 0) {
if (f3 <= BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) {
} else if (f3 >= 1.0f) {
} else if (c15870jKt.j.s != c15870jKt.w.s) {
if (c15870jKt.f9181o != null) {
int i13 = 0;
while (true) {
AZC[] azcArr = c15870jKt.f9181o;
if (i13 >= azcArr.length) {
azcArr[i13].e(f3, view2);
f2 = f3;
} else {
f2 = f12;
boolean z6 = z;
float f36 = c15870jKt.v.s + ((c15870jKt.h.s - c15870jKt.v.s) * f2) + 0.5f;
int i14 = (int) f36;
float f37 = c15870jKt.v.r + ((c15870jKt.h.r - c15870jKt.v.r) * f2) + 0.5f;
int i15 = (int) f37;
int i16 = (int) (f36 + c15870jKt.v.f8961o + ((c15870jKt.h.f8961o - c15870jKt.v.f8961o) * f2));
int i17 = (int) (f37 + c15870jKt.v.d + ((c15870jKt.h.d - c15870jKt.v.d) * f2));
if (c15870jKt.h.f8961o != c15870jKt.v.f8961o || c15870jKt.h.d != c15870jKt.v.d || c15870jKt.g) {
view2.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i16 - i14, 1073741824), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i17 - i15, 1073741824));
c15870jKt.g = false;
view2.layout(i14, i15, i16, i17);
z2 = z6;
HashMap<String, AbstractC0234Bzx> hashMap4 = c15870jKt.c;
if (hashMap4 != null) {
for (AbstractC0234Bzx abstractC0234Bzx : hashMap4.values()) {
if (!(abstractC0234Bzx instanceof AbstractC0234Bzx.IeS)) {
abstractC0234Bzx.c(view2, f2);
} else {
double[] dArr8 = c15870jKt.n;
view2.setRotation(((AbstractC0234Bzx.IeS) abstractC0234Bzx).d(f2) + ((float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dArr8[1], dArr8[0]))));
return z2;