package org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.RandomGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.SessionParameters; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public abstract class TlsProtocol { protected static final short ADS_MODE_0_N = 1; protected static final short ADS_MODE_0_N_FIRSTONLY = 2; protected static final short ADS_MODE_1_Nsub1 = 0; protected static final short CS_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST = 7; protected static final short CS_CERTIFICATE_STATUS = 5; protected static final short CS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY = 12; protected static final short CS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE = 10; protected static final short CS_CLIENT_FINISHED = 13; protected static final short CS_CLIENT_HELLO = 1; protected static final short CS_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE = 11; protected static final short CS_CLIENT_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA = 9; protected static final short CS_END = 16; protected static final short CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE = 4; protected static final short CS_SERVER_FINISHED = 15; protected static final short CS_SERVER_HELLO = 2; protected static final short CS_SERVER_HELLO_DONE = 8; protected static final short CS_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE = 6; protected static final short CS_SERVER_SESSION_TICKET = 14; protected static final short CS_SERVER_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA = 3; protected static final short CS_START = 0; protected static final Integer EXT_RenegotiationInfo = Integers.valueOf(65281); protected static final Integer EXT_SessionTicket = Integers.valueOf(35); private static final String TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Internal TLS error, this could be an attack"; private ByteQueue alertQueue; protected boolean allowCertificateStatus; private volatile boolean appDataReady; private volatile boolean appDataSplitEnabled; private volatile int appDataSplitMode; private ByteQueue applicationDataQueue; protected boolean blocking; protected Hashtable clientExtensions; private volatile boolean closed; protected short connection_state; protected boolean expectSessionTicket; private byte[] expected_verify_data; private volatile boolean failedWithError; private ByteQueue handshakeQueue; protected ByteQueueInputStream inputBuffers; protected int[] offeredCipherSuites; protected short[] offeredCompressionMethods; protected ByteQueueOutputStream outputBuffer; protected Certificate peerCertificate; protected boolean receivedChangeCipherSpec; RecordStream recordStream; protected boolean resumedSession; protected SecureRandom secureRandom; protected boolean secure_renegotiation; protected SecurityParameters securityParameters; protected Hashtable serverExtensions; protected SessionParameters sessionParameters; private TlsInputStream tlsInputStream; private TlsOutputStream tlsOutputStream; protected TlsSession tlsSession; private void processApplicationData() { } protected abstract TlsContext getContext(); abstract AbstractTlsContext getContextAdmin(); protected abstract TlsPeer getPeer(); protected void handleChangeCipherSpecMessage() throws IOException { } protected abstract void handleHandshakeMessage(short s, byte[] bArr) throws IOException; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void handleWarningMessage(short s) throws IOException { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void writeHandshakeMessage(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { while (i2 > 0) { int min = Math.min(i2, this.recordStream.getPlaintextLimit()); safeWriteRecord((short) 22, bArr, i, min); i += min; i2 -= min; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void writeData(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (this.closed) { if (!this.failedWithError) { throw new IOException("Sorry, connection has been closed, you cannot write more data"); } throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } while (i2 > 0) { if (this.appDataSplitEnabled) { int i3 = this.appDataSplitMode; if (i3 != 1) { if (i3 != 2) { safeWriteRecord((short) 23, bArr, i, 1); i++; i2--; } else { this.appDataSplitEnabled = false; } } safeWriteRecord((short) 23, TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES, 0, 0); } if (i2 > 0) { int min = Math.min(i2, this.recordStream.getPlaintextLimit()); safeWriteRecord((short) 23, bArr, i, min); i += min; i2 -= min; } } } protected void setAppDataSplitMode(int i) { if (i < 0 || i > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal appDataSplitMode mode: ".concat(String.valueOf(i))); } this.appDataSplitMode = i; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void sendSupplementalDataMessage(Vector vector) throws IOException { HandshakeMessage handshakeMessage = new HandshakeMessage(this, (short) 23); writeSupplementalData(handshakeMessage, vector); handshakeMessage.writeToRecordStream(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void sendFinishedMessage() throws IOException { byte[] createVerifyData = createVerifyData(getContext().isServer()); HandshakeMessage handshakeMessage = new HandshakeMessage(this, (short) 20, createVerifyData.length); handshakeMessage.write(createVerifyData); handshakeMessage.writeToRecordStream(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void sendChangeCipherSpecMessage() throws IOException { safeWriteRecord((short) 20, new byte[]{1}, 0, 1); this.recordStream.sentWriteCipherSpec(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void sendCertificateMessage(Certificate certificate) throws IOException { if (certificate == null) { certificate = Certificate.EMPTY_CHAIN; } if (certificate.isEmpty() && !getContext().isServer()) { ProtocolVersion serverVersion = getContext().getServerVersion(); if (serverVersion.isSSL()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(serverVersion.toString()); sb.append(" client didn't provide credentials"); raiseWarning((short) 41, sb.toString()); return; } } HandshakeMessage handshakeMessage = new HandshakeMessage(this, (short) 11); certificate.encode(handshakeMessage); handshakeMessage.writeToRecordStream(); } protected void safeWriteRecord(short s, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { try { this.recordStream.writeRecord(s, bArr, i, i2); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, (short) 80, "Failed to write record", e); } throw e; } catch (TlsFatalAlert e2) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, e2.getAlertDescription(), "Failed to write record", e2); } throw e2; } catch (IOException e3) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, (short) 80, "Failed to write record", e3); } throw e3; } } protected void safeReadRecord() throws IOException { try { if (this.recordStream.readRecord()) { } else { throw new EOFException(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, (short) 80, "Failed to read record", e); } throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e2) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, (short) 80, "Failed to read record", e2); } throw e2; } catch (TlsFatalAlert e3) { if (!this.closed) { failWithError((short) 2, e3.getAlertDescription(), "Failed to read record", e3); } throw e3; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void refuseRenegotiation() throws IOException { if (TlsUtils.isSSL(getContext())) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 40); } raiseWarning((short) 100, "Renegotiation not supported"); } public int readOutput(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use readOutput() in blocking mode! Use getOutputStream() instead."); } int min = Math.min(getAvailableOutputBytes(), i2); this.outputBuffer.getBuffer().removeData(bArr, i, min, 0); return min; } public int readInput(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use readInput() in blocking mode! Use getInputStream() instead."); } try { return readApplicationData(bArr, i, Math.min(i2, applicationDataAvailable())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public int readApplicationData(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (i2 <= 0) { return 0; } while (this.applicationDataQueue.available() == 0) { if (this.closed) { if (this.failedWithError) { throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return -1; } safeReadRecord(); } int min = Math.min(i2, this.applicationDataQueue.available()); this.applicationDataQueue.removeData(bArr, i, min, 0); return min; } protected void raiseWarning(short s, String str) throws IOException { raiseAlert((short) 1, s, str, null); } protected void raiseAlert(short s, short s2, String str, Throwable th) throws IOException { getPeer().notifyAlertRaised(s, s2, str, th); safeWriteRecord((short) 21, new byte[]{(byte) s, (byte) s2}, 0, 2); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void processRecord(short s, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { switch (s) { case 20: processChangeCipherSpec(bArr, i, i2); return; case 21: this.alertQueue.addData(bArr, i, i2); processAlert(); return; case 22: this.handshakeQueue.addData(bArr, i, i2); processHandshake(); return; case 23: if (!this.appDataReady) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 10); } this.applicationDataQueue.addData(bArr, i, i2); processApplicationData(); return; case 24: if (!this.appDataReady) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 10); } return; default: return; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public short processMaxFragmentLengthExtension(Hashtable hashtable, Hashtable hashtable2, short s) throws IOException { short maxFragmentLengthExtension = TlsExtensionsUtils.getMaxFragmentLengthExtension(hashtable2); if (maxFragmentLengthExtension < 0 || (MaxFragmentLength.isValid(maxFragmentLengthExtension) && (this.resumedSession || maxFragmentLengthExtension == TlsExtensionsUtils.getMaxFragmentLengthExtension(hashtable)))) { return maxFragmentLengthExtension; } throw new TlsFatalAlert(s); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void processFinishedMessage(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream) throws IOException { byte[] bArr = this.expected_verify_data; if (bArr == null) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 80); } byte[] readFully = TlsUtils.readFully(bArr.length, byteArrayInputStream); assertEmpty(byteArrayInputStream); if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(this.expected_verify_data, readFully)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 51); } } public void offerOutput(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use offerOutput() in blocking mode! Use getOutputStream() instead."); } if (!this.appDataReady) { throw new IOException("Application data cannot be sent until the handshake is complete!"); } writeData(bArr, i, i2); } public void offerInput(byte[] bArr) throws IOException { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use offerInput() in blocking mode! Use getInputStream() instead."); } if (this.closed) { throw new IOException("Connection is closed, cannot accept any more input"); } this.inputBuffers.addBytes(bArr); while (this.inputBuffers.available() >= 5) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[5]; this.inputBuffers.peek(bArr2); if (this.inputBuffers.available() < TlsUtils.readUint16(bArr2, 3) + 5) { return; } else { safeReadRecord(); } } } public boolean isClosed() { return this.closed; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void invalidateSession() { SessionParameters sessionParameters = this.sessionParameters; if (sessionParameters != null) { sessionParameters.clear(); this.sessionParameters = null; } TlsSession tlsSession = this.tlsSession; if (tlsSession != null) { tlsSession.invalidate(); this.tlsSession = null; } } protected void handleClose(boolean z) throws IOException { if (this.closed) { return; } if (z && !this.appDataReady) { raiseWarning((short) 90, "User canceled handshake"); } failWithError((short) 1, (short) 0, "Connection closed", null); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { if (this.blocking) { return this.tlsOutputStream; } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use OutputStream in non-blocking mode! Use offerOutput() instead."); } public InputStream getInputStream() { if (this.blocking) { return this.tlsInputStream; } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use InputStream in non-blocking mode! Use offerInput() instead."); } public int getAvailableOutputBytes() { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use getAvailableOutputBytes() in blocking mode! Use getOutputStream() instead."); } return this.outputBuffer.getBuffer().available(); } public int getAvailableInputBytes() { if (this.blocking) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use getAvailableInputBytes() in blocking mode! Use getInputStream().available() instead."); } return applicationDataAvailable(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void flush() throws IOException { this.recordStream.flush(); } protected void failWithError(short s, short s2, String str, Throwable th) throws IOException { if (!this.closed) { this.closed = true; if (s == 2) { invalidateSession(); this.failedWithError = true; } raiseAlert(s, s2, str, th); this.recordStream.safeClose(); if (s != 2) { return; } } throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } protected byte[] createVerifyData(boolean z) { TlsContext context = getContext(); return TlsUtils.calculateVerifyData(context, z ? ExporterLabel.server_finished : ExporterLabel.client_finished, getCurrentPRFHash(context, this.recordStream.getHandshakeHash(), z ? TlsUtils.SSL_SERVER : TlsUtils.SSL_CLIENT)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void completeHandshake() throws IOException { try { this.recordStream.finaliseHandshake(); this.appDataSplitEnabled = !TlsUtils.isTLSv11(getContext()); if (!this.appDataReady) { this.appDataReady = true; if (this.blocking) { this.tlsInputStream = new TlsInputStream(this); this.tlsOutputStream = new TlsOutputStream(this); } } if (this.tlsSession != null) { if (this.sessionParameters == null) { this.sessionParameters = new SessionParameters.Builder().setCipherSuite(this.securityParameters.getCipherSuite()).setCompressionAlgorithm(this.securityParameters.getCompressionAlgorithm()).setMasterSecret(this.securityParameters.getMasterSecret()).setPeerCertificate(this.peerCertificate).setPSKIdentity(this.securityParameters.getPSKIdentity()).setSRPIdentity(this.securityParameters.getSRPIdentity()).setServerExtensions(this.serverExtensions).build(); this.tlsSession = new TlsSessionImpl(this.tlsSession.getSessionID(), this.sessionParameters); } getContextAdmin().setResumableSession(this.tlsSession); } getPeer().notifyHandshakeComplete(); } finally { cleanupHandshake(); } } public void close() throws IOException { handleClose(true); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void cleanupHandshake() { byte[] bArr = this.expected_verify_data; if (bArr != null) { Arrays.fill(bArr, (byte) 0); this.expected_verify_data = null; } this.securityParameters.clear(); this.peerCertificate = null; this.offeredCipherSuites = null; this.offeredCompressionMethods = null; this.clientExtensions = null; this.serverExtensions = null; this.resumedSession = false; this.receivedChangeCipherSpec = false; this.secure_renegotiation = false; this.allowCertificateStatus = false; this.expectSessionTicket = false; } protected void checkReceivedChangeCipherSpec(boolean z) throws IOException { if (z != this.receivedChangeCipherSpec) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 10); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void blockForHandshake() throws IOException { if (this.blocking) { while (this.connection_state != 16) { safeReadRecord(); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void applyMaxFragmentLengthExtension() throws IOException { if (this.securityParameters.maxFragmentLength >= 0) { if (!MaxFragmentLength.isValid(this.securityParameters.maxFragmentLength)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 80); } this.recordStream.setPlaintextLimit(1 << (this.securityParameters.maxFragmentLength + CS_SERVER_HELLO_DONE)); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public int applicationDataAvailable() { return this.applicationDataQueue.available(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void writeSupplementalData(OutputStream outputStream, Vector vector) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) { SupplementalDataEntry supplementalDataEntry = (SupplementalDataEntry) vector.elementAt(i); int dataType = supplementalDataEntry.getDataType(); TlsUtils.checkUint16(dataType); TlsUtils.writeUint16(dataType, byteArrayOutputStream); TlsUtils.writeOpaque16(supplementalDataEntry.getData(), byteArrayOutputStream); } TlsUtils.writeOpaque24(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), outputStream); } protected static void writeSelectedExtensions(OutputStream outputStream, Hashtable hashtable, boolean z) throws IOException { Enumeration keys = hashtable.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer num = (Integer) keys.nextElement(); int intValue = num.intValue(); byte[] bArr = (byte[]) hashtable.get(num); if (z == (bArr.length == 0)) { TlsUtils.checkUint16(intValue); TlsUtils.writeUint16(intValue, outputStream); TlsUtils.writeOpaque16(bArr, outputStream); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void writeExtensions(OutputStream outputStream, Hashtable hashtable) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeSelectedExtensions(byteArrayOutputStream, hashtable, true); writeSelectedExtensions(byteArrayOutputStream, hashtable, false); TlsUtils.writeOpaque16(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), outputStream); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Vector readSupplementalDataMessage(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream) throws IOException { byte[] readOpaque24 = TlsUtils.readOpaque24(byteArrayInputStream); assertEmpty(byteArrayInputStream); ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(readOpaque24); Vector vector = new Vector(); while (byteArrayInputStream2.available() > 0) { vector.addElement(new SupplementalDataEntry(TlsUtils.readUint16(byteArrayInputStream2), TlsUtils.readOpaque16(byteArrayInputStream2))); } return vector; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Hashtable readExtensions(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream) throws IOException { if (byteArrayInputStream.available() <= 0) { return null; } byte[] readOpaque16 = TlsUtils.readOpaque16(byteArrayInputStream); assertEmpty(byteArrayInputStream); ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(readOpaque16); Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); while (byteArrayInputStream2.available() > 0) { if (hashtable.put(Integers.valueOf(TlsUtils.readUint16(byteArrayInputStream2)), TlsUtils.readOpaque16(byteArrayInputStream2)) != null) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 47); } } return hashtable; } private void processHandshake() throws IOException { while (this.handshakeQueue.available() >= 4) { byte[] bArr = new byte[4];, 0, 4, 0); short readUint8 = TlsUtils.readUint8(bArr, 0); int readUint24 = TlsUtils.readUint24(bArr, 1); if (this.handshakeQueue.available() < readUint24 + 4) { return; } byte[] removeData = this.handshakeQueue.removeData(readUint24, 4); checkReceivedChangeCipherSpec(this.connection_state == 16 || readUint8 == 20); if (readUint8 != 0) { if (readUint8 == 20) { TlsContext context = getContext(); if (this.expected_verify_data == null && context.getSecurityParameters().getMasterSecret() != null) { this.expected_verify_data = createVerifyData(true ^ context.isServer()); } } this.recordStream.updateHandshakeData(bArr, 0, 4); this.recordStream.updateHandshakeData(removeData, 0, readUint24); } handleHandshakeMessage(readUint8, removeData); } } private void processChangeCipherSpec(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i2; i3++) { if (TlsUtils.readUint8(bArr, i + i3) != 1) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 50); } if (this.receivedChangeCipherSpec || this.alertQueue.available() > 0 || this.handshakeQueue.available() > 0) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 10); } this.recordStream.receivedReadCipherSpec(); this.receivedChangeCipherSpec = true; handleChangeCipherSpecMessage(); } } private void processAlert() throws IOException { while (this.alertQueue.available() >= 2) { byte[] removeData = this.alertQueue.removeData(2, 0); short s = removeData[0]; short s2 = removeData[1]; getPeer().notifyAlertReceived(s, s2); if (s == 2) { invalidateSession(); this.failedWithError = true; this.closed = true; this.recordStream.safeClose(); throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } if (s2 == 0) { handleClose(false); } handleWarningMessage(s2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:10:0x001b. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:11:0x001e. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:12:0x0021. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:5:0x000e. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:6:0x0011. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:8:0x0015. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:9:0x0018. Please report as an issue. */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x0031 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x003c A[RETURN] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:29:0x003d */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public static int getPRFAlgorithm(org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsContext r4, int r5) throws { /* boolean r4 = org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsUtils.isTLSv12(r4) r0 = 1 r1 = 47 switch(r5) { case 59: goto L3a; case 60: goto L3a; case 61: goto L3a; case 62: goto L3a; case 63: goto L3a; case 64: goto L3a; default: goto La; } La: switch(r5) { case 103: goto L3a; case 104: goto L3a; case 105: goto L3a; case 106: goto L3a; case 107: goto L3a; default: goto Ld; } Ld: r2 = 2 switch(r5) { case 156: goto L3a; case 157: goto L31; case 158: goto L3a; case 159: goto L31; case 160: goto L3a; case 161: goto L31; case 162: goto L3a; case 163: goto L31; case 164: goto L3a; case 165: goto L31; default: goto L11; } L11: switch(r5) { case 168: goto L3a; case 169: goto L31; case 170: goto L3a; case 171: goto L31; case 172: goto L3a; case 173: goto L31; default: goto L14; } L14: r3 = 0 switch(r5) { case 175: goto L43; case 177: goto L43; case 179: goto L43; case 181: goto L43; case 183: goto L43; case 49208: goto L43; case 49211: goto L43; case 49301: goto L43; case 49303: goto L43; case 49305: goto L43; default: goto L18; } L18: switch(r5) { case 49266: goto L3a; case 49267: goto L31; case 49268: goto L3a; case 49269: goto L31; case 49270: goto L3a; case 49271: goto L31; case 49272: goto L3a; case 49273: goto L31; case 49274: goto L3a; case 49275: goto L31; case 49276: goto L3a; case 49277: goto L31; case 49278: goto L3a; case 49279: goto L31; case 49280: goto L3a; case 49281: goto L31; case 49282: goto L3a; case 49283: goto L31; case 49284: goto L3a; case 49285: goto L31; case 49286: goto L3a; case 49287: goto L31; case 49288: goto L3a; case 49289: goto L31; case 49290: goto L3a; case 49291: goto L31; case 49292: goto L3a; case 49293: goto L31; case 49294: goto L3a; case 49295: goto L31; case 49296: goto L3a; case 49297: goto L31; case 49298: goto L3a; case 49299: goto L31; default: goto L1b; } L1b: switch(r5) { case 65296: goto L3a; case 65297: goto L3a; case 65298: goto L3a; case 65299: goto L3a; case 65300: goto L3a; case 65301: goto L3a; default: goto L1e; } L1e: switch(r5) { case 185: goto L43; case 186: goto L3a; case 187: goto L3a; case 188: goto L3a; case 189: goto L3a; case 190: goto L3a; case 191: goto L3a; case 192: goto L3a; case 193: goto L3a; case 194: goto L3a; case 195: goto L3a; case 196: goto L3a; case 197: goto L3a; default: goto L21; } L21: switch(r5) { case 49187: goto L3a; case 49188: goto L31; case 49189: goto L3a; case 49190: goto L31; case 49191: goto L3a; case 49192: goto L31; case 49193: goto L3a; case 49194: goto L31; case 49195: goto L3a; case 49196: goto L31; case 49197: goto L3a; case 49198: goto L31; case 49199: goto L3a; case 49200: goto L31; case 49201: goto L3a; case 49202: goto L31; default: goto L24; } L24: switch(r5) { case 49307: goto L43; case 49308: goto L3a; case 49309: goto L3a; case 49310: goto L3a; case 49311: goto L3a; case 49312: goto L3a; case 49313: goto L3a; case 49314: goto L3a; case 49315: goto L3a; case 49316: goto L3a; case 49317: goto L3a; case 49318: goto L3a; case 49319: goto L3a; case 49320: goto L3a; case 49321: goto L3a; case 49322: goto L3a; case 49323: goto L3a; case 49324: goto L3a; case 49325: goto L3a; case 49326: goto L3a; case 49327: goto L3a; default: goto L27; } L27: switch(r5) { case 52392: goto L3a; case 52393: goto L3a; case 52394: goto L3a; case 52395: goto L3a; case 52396: goto L3a; case 52397: goto L3a; case 52398: goto L3a; default: goto L2a; } L2a: switch(r5) { case 65280: goto L3a; case 65281: goto L3a; case 65282: goto L3a; case 65283: goto L3a; case 65284: goto L3a; case 65285: goto L3a; default: goto L2d; } L2d: if (r4 == 0) goto L30 return r0 L30: return r3 L31: if (r4 == 0) goto L34 return r2 L34: org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsFatalAlert r4 = new org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsFatalAlert r4.(r1) throw r4 L3a: if (r4 == 0) goto L3d return r0 L3d: org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsFatalAlert r4 = new org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsFatalAlert r4.(r1) throw r4 L43: if (r4 == 0) goto L46 return r2 L46: return r3 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsProtocol.getPRFAlgorithm(org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.TlsContext, int):int"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static byte[] getCurrentPRFHash(TlsContext tlsContext, TlsHandshakeHash tlsHandshakeHash, byte[] bArr) { Digest forkPRFHash = tlsHandshakeHash.forkPRFHash(); if (bArr != null && TlsUtils.isSSL(tlsContext)) { forkPRFHash.update(bArr, 0, bArr.length); } byte[] bArr2 = new byte[forkPRFHash.getDigestSize()]; forkPRFHash.doFinal(bArr2, 0); return bArr2; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void establishMasterSecret(TlsContext tlsContext, TlsKeyExchange tlsKeyExchange) throws IOException { byte[] generatePremasterSecret = tlsKeyExchange.generatePremasterSecret(); try { tlsContext.getSecurityParameters().masterSecret = TlsUtils.calculateMasterSecret(tlsContext, generatePremasterSecret); } finally { if (generatePremasterSecret != null) { Arrays.fill(generatePremasterSecret, (byte) 0); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static byte[] createRenegotiationInfo(byte[] bArr) throws IOException { return TlsUtils.encodeOpaque8(bArr); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static byte[] createRandomBlock(boolean z, RandomGenerator randomGenerator) { byte[] bArr = new byte[32]; randomGenerator.nextBytes(bArr); if (z) { TlsUtils.writeGMTUnixTime(bArr, 0); } return bArr; } /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ class HandshakeMessage extends ByteArrayOutputStream { final TlsProtocol this$0; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void writeToRecordStream() throws IOException { int i = ((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).count - 4; TlsUtils.checkUint24(i); TlsUtils.writeUint24(i, ((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).buf, 1); this.this$0.writeHandshakeMessage(((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).buf, 0, ((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).count); ((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).buf = null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public HandshakeMessage(TlsProtocol tlsProtocol, short s, int i) throws IOException { super(i + 4); this.this$0 = tlsProtocol; TlsUtils.writeUint8(s, (OutputStream) this); ((ByteArrayOutputStream) this).count += 3; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public HandshakeMessage(TlsProtocol tlsProtocol, short s) throws IOException { this(tlsProtocol, s, 60); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void assertEmpty(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream) throws IOException { if (byteArrayInputStream.available() > 0) { throw new TlsFatalAlert((short) 50); } } public TlsProtocol(SecureRandom secureRandom) { this.applicationDataQueue = new ByteQueue(); this.alertQueue = new ByteQueue(2); this.handshakeQueue = new ByteQueue(); this.tlsInputStream = null; this.tlsOutputStream = null; this.closed = false; this.failedWithError = false; this.appDataReady = false; this.appDataSplitEnabled = true; this.appDataSplitMode = 0; this.expected_verify_data = null; this.tlsSession = null; this.sessionParameters = null; this.securityParameters = null; this.peerCertificate = null; this.offeredCipherSuites = null; this.offeredCompressionMethods = null; this.clientExtensions = null; this.serverExtensions = null; this.connection_state = (short) 0; this.resumedSession = false; this.receivedChangeCipherSpec = false; this.secure_renegotiation = false; this.allowCertificateStatus = false; this.expectSessionTicket = false; this.blocking = false; this.inputBuffers = new ByteQueueInputStream(); this.outputBuffer = new ByteQueueOutputStream(); this.recordStream = new RecordStream(this, this.inputBuffers, this.outputBuffer); this.secureRandom = secureRandom; } public TlsProtocol(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, SecureRandom secureRandom) { this.applicationDataQueue = new ByteQueue(); this.alertQueue = new ByteQueue(2); this.handshakeQueue = new ByteQueue(); this.tlsInputStream = null; this.tlsOutputStream = null; this.closed = false; this.failedWithError = false; this.appDataReady = false; this.appDataSplitEnabled = true; this.appDataSplitMode = 0; this.expected_verify_data = null; this.tlsSession = null; this.sessionParameters = null; this.securityParameters = null; this.peerCertificate = null; this.offeredCipherSuites = null; this.offeredCompressionMethods = null; this.clientExtensions = null; this.serverExtensions = null; this.connection_state = (short) 0; this.resumedSession = false; this.receivedChangeCipherSpec = false; this.secure_renegotiation = false; this.allowCertificateStatus = false; this.expectSessionTicket = false; this.blocking = true; this.recordStream = new RecordStream(this, inputStream, outputStream); this.secureRandom = secureRandom; } }