package org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.drbg; import; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class DualECPoints { private final int cofactor; private final ECPoint p; private final ECPoint q; private final int securityStrength; private static int log2(int i) { int i2 = 0; while (true) { i >>= 1; if (i == 0) { return i2; } i2++; } } public int getSeedLen() { return this.p.getCurve().getFieldSize(); } public int getSecurityStrength() { return this.securityStrength; } public ECPoint getQ() { return this.q; } public ECPoint getP() { return this.p; } public int getMaxOutlen() { return ((this.p.getCurve().getFieldSize() - (log2(this.cofactor) + 13)) / 8) << 3; } public int getCofactor() { return this.cofactor; } public DualECPoints(int i, ECPoint eCPoint, ECPoint eCPoint2, int i2) { if (!eCPoint.getCurve().equals(eCPoint2.getCurve())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("points need to be on the same curve"); } this.securityStrength = i; this.p = eCPoint; this.q = eCPoint2; this.cofactor = i2; } }