package org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.SkippingStreamCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.StreamBlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class SICBlockCipher extends StreamBlockCipher implements SkippingStreamCipher { private byte[] IV; private final int blockSize; private int byteCount; private final BlockCipher cipher; private byte[] counter; private byte[] counterOut; @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.SkippingCipher public long skip(long j) { adjustCounter(j); checkCounter(); this.cipher.processBlock(this.counter, 0, this.counterOut, 0); return j; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.SkippingCipher public long seekTo(long j) { reset(); return skip(j); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher public void reset() { Arrays.fill(this.counter, (byte) 0); byte[] bArr = this.IV; System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, this.counter, 0, bArr.length); this.cipher.reset(); this.byteCount = 0; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher public int processBlock(byte[] bArr, int i, byte[] bArr2, int i2) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { processBytes(bArr, i, this.blockSize, bArr2, i2); return this.blockSize; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher public void init(boolean z, CipherParameters cipherParameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!(cipherParameters instanceof ParametersWithIV)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CTR/SIC mode requires ParametersWithIV"); } ParametersWithIV parametersWithIV = (ParametersWithIV) cipherParameters; byte[] clone = Arrays.clone(parametersWithIV.getIV()); this.IV = clone; int i = this.blockSize; if (i < clone.length) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CTR/SIC mode requires IV no greater than: "); sb.append(this.blockSize); sb.append(" bytes."); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } int i2 = i / 2; if (8 <= i2) { i2 = 8; } if (i - clone.length <= i2) { if (parametersWithIV.getParameters() != null) { this.cipher.init(true, parametersWithIV.getParameters()); } reset(); } else { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("CTR/SIC mode requires IV of at least: "); sb2.append(this.blockSize - i2); sb2.append(" bytes."); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb2.toString()); } } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.SkippingCipher public long getPosition() { byte[] bArr = this.counter; int length = bArr.length; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, bArr2, 0, length); int i = length - 1; while (i > 0) { byte[] bArr3 = this.IV; int i2 = i < bArr3.length ? (bArr2[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) - (bArr3[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) : bArr2[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE; if (i2 < 0) { bArr2[i - 1] = (byte) (bArr2[r3] - 1); i2 += 256; } bArr2[i] = (byte) i2; i--; } return (Pack.bigEndianToLong(bArr2, length - 8) * this.blockSize) + this.byteCount; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher public int getBlockSize() { return this.cipher.getBlockSize(); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher public String getAlgorithmName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.cipher.getAlgorithmName()); sb.append("/SIC"); return sb.toString(); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.StreamBlockCipher public byte calculateByte(byte b) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { int i = this.byteCount; if (i == 0) { this.cipher.processBlock(this.counter, 0, this.counterOut, 0); byte[] bArr = this.counterOut; int i2 = this.byteCount; this.byteCount = i2 + 1; return (byte) (b ^ bArr[i2]); } byte[] bArr2 = this.counterOut; int i3 = i + 1; this.byteCount = i3; byte b2 = (byte) (b ^ bArr2[i]); if (i3 == this.counter.length) { this.byteCount = 0; incrementCounterAt(0); checkCounter(); } return b2; } private void incrementCounterAt(int i) { byte b; int length = this.counter.length - i; do { length--; if (length < 0) { return; } byte[] bArr = this.counter; b = (byte) (bArr[length] + 1); bArr[length] = b; } while (b == 0); } private void incrementCounter(int i) { byte[] bArr = this.counter; byte b = bArr[bArr.length - 1]; int length = bArr.length - 1; bArr[length] = (byte) (bArr[length] + i); if (b == 0 || bArr[bArr.length - 1] >= b) { return; } incrementCounterAt(1); } private void decrementCounterAt(int i) { byte b; int length = this.counter.length - i; do { length--; if (length < 0) { return; } b = (byte) (r1[length] - 1); this.counter[length] = b; } while (b == -1); } private void checkCounter() { if (this.IV.length >= this.blockSize) { return; } int i = 0; while (true) { byte[] bArr = this.IV; if (i == bArr.length) { return; } if (this.counter[i] != bArr[i]) { throw new IllegalStateException("Counter in CTR/SIC mode out of range."); } i++; } } private void adjustCounter(long j) { long j2; long j3; int i = 5; if (j >= 0) { long j4 = (this.byteCount + j) / this.blockSize; if (j4 > 255) { j3 = j4; while (i > 0) { long j5 = 1 << (i << 3); while (j3 >= j5) { incrementCounterAt(i); j3 -= j5; } i--; } } else { j3 = j4; } incrementCounter((int) j3); this.byteCount = (int) ((j + this.byteCount) - (this.blockSize * j4)); return; } long j6 = ((-j) - this.byteCount) / this.blockSize; if (j6 > 255) { j2 = j6; while (i > 0) { long j7 = 1 << (i << 3); while (j2 > j7) { decrementCounterAt(i); j2 -= j7; } i--; } } else { j2 = j6; } for (long j8 = 0; j8 != j2; j8++) { decrementCounterAt(0); } int i2 = (int) (this.byteCount + j + (this.blockSize * j6)); if (i2 >= 0) { this.byteCount = 0; } else { decrementCounterAt(0); this.byteCount = this.blockSize + i2; } } public SICBlockCipher(BlockCipher blockCipher) { super(blockCipher); this.cipher = blockCipher; int blockSize = blockCipher.getBlockSize(); this.blockSize = blockSize; this.IV = new byte[blockSize]; this.counter = new byte[blockSize]; this.counterOut = new byte[blockSize]; this.byteCount = 0; } }