package org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines; import; import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISO7816; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA1Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.CBCBlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithRandom; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class RC2WrapEngine implements Wrapper { private static final byte[] IV2 = {74, -35, -94, ISO7816.INS_UNBLOCK_CHV, 121, -24, 33, 5}; private CBCBlockCipher engine; private boolean forWrapping; private byte[] iv; private CipherParameters param; private ParametersWithIV paramPlusIV; private SecureRandom sr; Digest sha1 = new SHA1Digest(); byte[] digest = new byte[20]; @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper public byte[] wrap(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { if (!this.forWrapping) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized for wrapping"); } int i3 = i2 + 1; int i4 = i3 % 8; int i5 = i4 != 0 ? (8 - i4) + i3 : i3; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i5]; bArr2[0] = (byte) i2; System.arraycopy(bArr, i, bArr2, 1, i2); int i6 = (i5 - i2) - 1; byte[] bArr3 = new byte[i6]; if (i6 > 0) {; System.arraycopy(bArr3, 0, bArr2, i3, i6); } byte[] calculateCMSKeyChecksum = calculateCMSKeyChecksum(bArr2); int length = calculateCMSKeyChecksum.length + i5; byte[] bArr4 = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr4, 0, i5); System.arraycopy(calculateCMSKeyChecksum, 0, bArr4, i5, calculateCMSKeyChecksum.length); byte[] bArr5 = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bArr4, 0, bArr5, 0, length); int blockSize = length / this.engine.getBlockSize(); if (length % this.engine.getBlockSize() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not multiple of block length"); } this.engine.init(true, this.paramPlusIV); for (int i7 = 0; i7 < blockSize; i7++) { int blockSize2 = this.engine.getBlockSize() * i7; this.engine.processBlock(bArr5, blockSize2, bArr5, blockSize2); } byte[] bArr6 = this.iv; int length2 = bArr6.length + length; byte[] bArr7 = new byte[length2]; System.arraycopy(bArr6, 0, bArr7, 0, bArr6.length); System.arraycopy(bArr5, 0, bArr7, this.iv.length, length); byte[] bArr8 = new byte[length2]; int i8 = 0; while (i8 < length2) { int i9 = i8 + 1; bArr8[i8] = bArr7[length2 - i9]; i8 = i9; } this.engine.init(true, new ParametersWithIV(this.param, IV2)); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < blockSize + 1; i10++) { int blockSize3 = this.engine.getBlockSize() * i10; this.engine.processBlock(bArr8, blockSize3, bArr8, blockSize3); } return bArr8; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper public byte[] unwrap(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws InvalidCipherTextException { if (this.forWrapping) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not set for unwrapping"); } if (bArr == null) { throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Null pointer as ciphertext"); } if (i2 % this.engine.getBlockSize() != 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Ciphertext not multiple of "); sb.append(this.engine.getBlockSize()); throw new InvalidCipherTextException(sb.toString()); } this.engine.init(false, new ParametersWithIV(this.param, IV2)); byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i2]; System.arraycopy(bArr, i, bArr2, 0, i2); for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i2 / this.engine.getBlockSize(); i3++) { int blockSize = this.engine.getBlockSize() * i3; this.engine.processBlock(bArr2, blockSize, bArr2, blockSize); } byte[] bArr3 = new byte[i2]; int i4 = 0; while (i4 < i2) { int i5 = i4 + 1; bArr3[i4] = bArr2[i2 - i5]; i4 = i5; } byte[] bArr4 = new byte[8]; this.iv = bArr4; int i6 = i2 - 8; byte[] bArr5 = new byte[i6]; System.arraycopy(bArr3, 0, bArr4, 0, 8); System.arraycopy(bArr3, 8, bArr5, 0, i6); ParametersWithIV parametersWithIV = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, this.iv); this.paramPlusIV = parametersWithIV; this.engine.init(false, parametersWithIV); byte[] bArr6 = new byte[i6]; System.arraycopy(bArr5, 0, bArr6, 0, i6); for (int i7 = 0; i7 < i6 / this.engine.getBlockSize(); i7++) { int blockSize2 = this.engine.getBlockSize() * i7; this.engine.processBlock(bArr6, blockSize2, bArr6, blockSize2); } int i8 = i2 - 16; byte[] bArr7 = new byte[i8]; byte[] bArr8 = new byte[8]; System.arraycopy(bArr6, 0, bArr7, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(bArr6, i8, bArr8, 0, 8); if (!checkCMSKeyChecksum(bArr7, bArr8)) { throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Checksum inside ciphertext is corrupted"); } int i9 = bArr7[0]; if (i8 - ((i9 & 255) + 1) <= 7) { byte[] bArr9 = new byte[i9]; System.arraycopy(bArr7, 1, bArr9, 0, i9); return bArr9; } StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("too many pad bytes ("); sb2.append(i8 - ((bArr7[0] & 255) + 1)); sb2.append(")"); throw new InvalidCipherTextException(sb2.toString()); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper public void init(boolean z, CipherParameters cipherParameters) { this.forWrapping = z; this.engine = new CBCBlockCipher(new RC2Engine()); if (cipherParameters instanceof ParametersWithRandom) { ParametersWithRandom parametersWithRandom = (ParametersWithRandom) cipherParameters; = parametersWithRandom.getRandom(); cipherParameters = parametersWithRandom.getParameters(); } else { = new SecureRandom(); } if (!(cipherParameters instanceof ParametersWithIV)) { this.param = cipherParameters; if (this.forWrapping) { byte[] bArr = new byte[8]; this.iv = bArr;; this.paramPlusIV = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, this.iv); return; } return; } ParametersWithIV parametersWithIV = (ParametersWithIV) cipherParameters; this.paramPlusIV = parametersWithIV; this.iv = parametersWithIV.getIV(); this.param = this.paramPlusIV.getParameters(); if (!this.forWrapping) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You should not supply an IV for unwrapping"); } byte[] bArr2 = this.iv; if (bArr2 == null || bArr2.length != 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("IV is not 8 octets"); } } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper public String getAlgorithmName() { return "RC2"; } private boolean checkCMSKeyChecksum(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2) { return Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(calculateCMSKeyChecksum(bArr), bArr2); } private byte[] calculateCMSKeyChecksum(byte[] bArr) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[8]; this.sha1.update(bArr, 0, bArr.length); this.sha1.doFinal(this.digest, 0); System.arraycopy(this.digest, 0, bArr2, 0, 8); return bArr2; } }