package org.bouncycastle.crypto.agreement.srp; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.SRP6GroupParameters; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class SRP6Client { protected BigInteger A; protected BigInteger B; protected BigInteger Key; protected BigInteger M1; protected BigInteger M2; protected BigInteger N; protected BigInteger S; protected BigInteger a; protected Digest digest; protected BigInteger g; protected SecureRandom random; protected BigInteger u; protected BigInteger x; public boolean verifyServerEvidenceMessage(BigInteger bigInteger) throws CryptoException { BigInteger bigInteger2; BigInteger bigInteger3; BigInteger bigInteger4 = this.A; if (bigInteger4 == null || (bigInteger2 = this.M1) == null || (bigInteger3 = this.S) == null) { throw new CryptoException("Impossible to compute and verify M2: some data are missing from the previous operations (A,M1,S)"); } if (!SRP6Util.calculateM2(this.digest, this.N, bigInteger4, bigInteger2, bigInteger3).equals(bigInteger)) { return false; } this.M2 = bigInteger; return true; } protected BigInteger selectPrivateValue() { return SRP6Util.generatePrivateValue(this.digest, this.N, this.g, this.random); } public void init(SRP6GroupParameters sRP6GroupParameters, Digest digest, SecureRandom secureRandom) { init(sRP6GroupParameters.getN(), sRP6GroupParameters.getG(), digest, secureRandom); } public void init(BigInteger bigInteger, BigInteger bigInteger2, Digest digest, SecureRandom secureRandom) { this.N = bigInteger; this.g = bigInteger2; this.digest = digest; this.random = secureRandom; } public BigInteger generateClientCredentials(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2, byte[] bArr3) { this.x = SRP6Util.calculateX(this.digest, this.N, bArr, bArr2, bArr3); BigInteger selectPrivateValue = selectPrivateValue(); this.a = selectPrivateValue; BigInteger modPow = this.g.modPow(selectPrivateValue, this.N); this.A = modPow; return modPow; } public BigInteger calculateSessionKey() throws CryptoException { BigInteger bigInteger = this.S; if (bigInteger == null || this.M1 == null || this.M2 == null) { throw new CryptoException("Impossible to compute Key: some data are missing from the previous operations (S,M1,M2)"); } BigInteger calculateKey = SRP6Util.calculateKey(this.digest, this.N, bigInteger); this.Key = calculateKey; return calculateKey; } public BigInteger calculateSecret(BigInteger bigInteger) throws CryptoException { BigInteger validatePublicValue = SRP6Util.validatePublicValue(this.N, bigInteger); this.B = validatePublicValue; this.u = SRP6Util.calculateU(this.digest, this.N, this.A, validatePublicValue); BigInteger calculateS = calculateS(); this.S = calculateS; return calculateS; } public BigInteger calculateClientEvidenceMessage() throws CryptoException { BigInteger bigInteger; BigInteger bigInteger2; BigInteger bigInteger3 = this.A; if (bigInteger3 == null || (bigInteger = this.B) == null || (bigInteger2 = this.S) == null) { throw new CryptoException("Impossible to compute M1: some data are missing from the previous operations (A,B,S)"); } BigInteger calculateM1 = SRP6Util.calculateM1(this.digest, this.N, bigInteger3, bigInteger, bigInteger2); this.M1 = calculateM1; return calculateM1; } private BigInteger calculateS() { BigInteger calculateK = SRP6Util.calculateK(this.digest, this.N, this.g); return this.B.subtract(this.g.modPow(this.x, this.N).multiply(calculateK).mod(this.N)).mod(this.N).modPow(this.u.multiply(this.x).add(this.a), this.N); } }