package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encoding; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1String; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSet; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERUniversalString; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name; import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class X509Name extends ASN1Object { public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier BUSINESS_CATEGORY; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier C; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier CN; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier COUNTRY_OF_CITIZENSHIP; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier DATE_OF_BIRTH; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier DC; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier DMD_NAME; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier DN_QUALIFIER; public static final Hashtable DefaultLookUp; public static boolean DefaultReverse; public static final Hashtable DefaultSymbols; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier E; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier EmailAddress; private static final Boolean FALSE; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier GENDER; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier GENERATION; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier GIVENNAME; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier INITIALS; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier L; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier NAME; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier NAME_AT_BIRTH; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier O; public static final Hashtable OIDLookUp; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier OU; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier PLACE_OF_BIRTH; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier POSTAL_ADDRESS; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier POSTAL_CODE; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier PSEUDONYM; public static final Hashtable RFC1779Symbols; public static final Hashtable RFC2253Symbols; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier SERIALNUMBER; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier SN; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier ST; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier STREET; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier SURNAME; public static final Hashtable SymbolLookUp; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier T; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier TELEPHONE_NUMBER; private static final Boolean TRUE; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier UID; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier UnstructuredAddress; public static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier UnstructuredName; private Vector added; private X509NameEntryConverter converter; private int hashCodeValue; private boolean isHashCodeCalculated; private Vector ordering; private ASN1Sequence seq; private Vector values; public String toString(boolean z, Hashtable hashtable) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); Vector vector = new Vector(); StringBuffer stringBuffer2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.ordering.size(); i++) { if (((Boolean) this.added.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()) { stringBuffer2.append('+'); appendValue(stringBuffer2, hashtable, (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) this.ordering.elementAt(i), (String) this.values.elementAt(i)); } else { stringBuffer2 = new StringBuffer(); appendValue(stringBuffer2, hashtable, (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) this.ordering.elementAt(i), (String) this.values.elementAt(i)); vector.addElement(stringBuffer2); } } boolean z2 = true; if (z) { for (int size = vector.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) { if (z2) { z2 = false; } else { stringBuffer.append(','); } stringBuffer.append(vector.elementAt(size).toString()); } } else { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < vector.size(); i2++) { if (z2) { z2 = false; } else { stringBuffer.append(','); } stringBuffer.append(vector.elementAt(i2).toString()); } } return stringBuffer.toString(); } public String toString() { return toString(DefaultReverse, DefaultSymbols); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object, org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() { DERSequence dERSequence; if (this.seq == null) { ASN1EncodableVector aSN1EncodableVector = new ASN1EncodableVector(); ASN1EncodableVector aSN1EncodableVector2 = new ASN1EncodableVector(); ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier = null; int i = 0; while (i != this.ordering.size()) { ASN1EncodableVector aSN1EncodableVector3 = new ASN1EncodableVector(); ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier2 = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) this.ordering.elementAt(i); aSN1EncodableVector3.add(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2); aSN1EncodableVector3.add(this.converter.getConvertedValue(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2, (String) this.values.elementAt(i))); if (aSN1ObjectIdentifier == null || ((Boolean) this.added.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()) { dERSequence = new DERSequence(aSN1EncodableVector3); } else { aSN1EncodableVector.add(new DERSet(aSN1EncodableVector2)); aSN1EncodableVector2 = new ASN1EncodableVector(); dERSequence = new DERSequence(aSN1EncodableVector3); } aSN1EncodableVector2.add(dERSequence); i++; aSN1ObjectIdentifier = aSN1ObjectIdentifier2; } aSN1EncodableVector.add(new DERSet(aSN1EncodableVector2)); this.seq = new DERSequence(aSN1EncodableVector); } return this.seq; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object public int hashCode() { if (this.isHashCodeCalculated) { return this.hashCodeValue; } this.isHashCodeCalculated = true; for (int i = 0; i != this.ordering.size(); i++) { String stripInternalSpaces = stripInternalSpaces(canonicalize((String) this.values.elementAt(i))); int hashCode = this.hashCodeValue ^ this.ordering.elementAt(i).hashCode(); this.hashCodeValue = hashCode; this.hashCodeValue = stripInternalSpaces.hashCode() ^ hashCode; } return this.hashCodeValue; } public Vector getValues(ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier) { Vector vector = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i != this.values.size(); i++) { if (this.ordering.elementAt(i).equals(aSN1ObjectIdentifier)) { String str = (String) this.values.elementAt(i); if (str.length() > 2 && str.charAt(0) == '\\' && str.charAt(1) == '#') { str = str.substring(1); } vector.addElement(str); } } return vector; } public Vector getValues() { Vector vector = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i != this.values.size(); i++) { vector.addElement(this.values.elementAt(i)); } return vector; } public Vector getOIDs() { Vector vector = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i != this.ordering.size(); i++) { vector.addElement(this.ordering.elementAt(i)); } return vector; } public boolean equals(Object obj, boolean z) { if (!z) { return equals(obj); } if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof X509Name) && !(obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)) { return false; } if (toASN1Primitive().equals(((ASN1Encodable) obj).toASN1Primitive())) { return true; } try { X509Name x509Name = getInstance(obj); int size = this.ordering.size(); if (size != x509Name.ordering.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (!((ASN1ObjectIdentifier) this.ordering.elementAt(i)).equals((ASN1ObjectIdentifier) x509Name.ordering.elementAt(i)) || !equivalentStrings((String) this.values.elementAt(i), (String) x509Name.values.elementAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { return false; } } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:32:0x0084, code lost: r3[r9] = true; r4 = r4 + r6; */ @Override // org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public boolean equals(java.lang.Object r12) { /* r11 = this; r0 = 1 if (r12 != r11) goto L4 return r0 L4: boolean r1 = r12 instanceof org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Name r2 = 0 if (r1 != 0) goto Le boolean r1 = r12 instanceof org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence if (r1 != 0) goto Le return r2 Le: r1 = r12 org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable r1 = (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable) r1 org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive r1 = r1.toASN1Primitive() org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive r3 = r11.toASN1Primitive() boolean r1 = r3.equals(r1) if (r1 == 0) goto L20 return r0 L20: org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Name r12 = getInstance(r12) // Catch: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -> L8d java.util.Vector r1 = r11.ordering int r1 = r1.size() java.util.Vector r3 = r12.ordering int r3 = r3.size() if (r1 == r3) goto L33 return r2 L33: boolean[] r3 = new boolean[r1] java.util.Vector r4 = r11.ordering java.lang.Object r4 = r4.elementAt(r2) java.util.Vector r5 = r12.ordering java.lang.Object r5 = r5.elementAt(r2) boolean r4 = r4.equals(r5) if (r4 == 0) goto L4b r6 = r0 r5 = r1 r4 = r2 goto L4f L4b: int r4 = r1 + (-1) r5 = -1 r6 = r5 L4f: if (r4 == r5) goto L8c java.util.Vector r7 = r11.ordering java.lang.Object r7 = r7.elementAt(r4) org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier r7 = (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier) r7 java.util.Vector r8 = r11.values java.lang.Object r8 = r8.elementAt(r4) java.lang.String r8 = (java.lang.String) r8 r9 = r2 L62: if (r9 >= r1) goto L8b boolean r10 = r3[r9] if (r10 != 0) goto L88 java.util.Vector r10 = r12.ordering java.lang.Object r10 = r10.elementAt(r9) org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier r10 = (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier) r10 boolean r10 = r7.equals(r10) if (r10 == 0) goto L88 java.util.Vector r10 = r12.values java.lang.Object r10 = r10.elementAt(r9) java.lang.String r10 = (java.lang.String) r10 boolean r10 = r11.equivalentStrings(r8, r10) if (r10 == 0) goto L88 r3[r9] = r0 int r4 = r4 + r6 goto L4f L88: int r9 = r9 + 1 goto L62 L8b: return r2 L8c: return r0 L8d: return r2 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Name.equals(java.lang.Object):boolean"); } private String unescape(String str) { int i; if (str.length() == 0 || (str.indexOf(92) < 0 && str.indexOf(34) < 0)) { return str.trim(); } char[] charArray = str.toCharArray(); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(str.length()); if (charArray[0] == '\\' && charArray[1] == '#') { stringBuffer.append("\\#"); i = 2; } else { i = 0; } boolean z = false; int i2 = 0; boolean z2 = false; boolean z3 = false; while (i != charArray.length) { char c = charArray[i]; if (c != ' ') { z3 = true; } if (c != '\"') { if (c == '\\' && !z && !z2) { i2 = stringBuffer.length(); z = true; } else if (c == ' ' && !z && !z3) { } i++; } else if (!z) { z2 = !z2; z = false; i++; } stringBuffer.append(c); z = false; i++; } if (stringBuffer.length() > 0) { while (stringBuffer.charAt(stringBuffer.length() - 1) == ' ' && i2 != stringBuffer.length() - 1) { stringBuffer.setLength(stringBuffer.length() - 1); } } return stringBuffer.toString(); } private String stripInternalSpaces(String str) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (str.length() != 0) { char charAt = str.charAt(0); stringBuffer.append(charAt); int i = 1; while (i < str.length()) { char charAt2 = str.charAt(i); if (charAt != ' ' || charAt2 != ' ') { stringBuffer.append(charAt2); } i++; charAt = charAt2; } } return stringBuffer.toString(); } public static X509Name getInstance(ASN1TaggedObject aSN1TaggedObject, boolean z) { return getInstance(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(aSN1TaggedObject, z)); } public static X509Name getInstance(Object obj) { if (obj == null || (obj instanceof X509Name)) { return (X509Name) obj; } if (obj instanceof X500Name) { return new X509Name(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(((X500Name) obj).toASN1Primitive())); } if (obj != null) { return new X509Name(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(obj)); } return null; } private boolean equivalentStrings(String str, String str2) { String canonicalize = canonicalize(str); String canonicalize2 = canonicalize(str2); return canonicalize.equals(canonicalize2) || stripInternalSpaces(canonicalize).equals(stripInternalSpaces(canonicalize2)); } private ASN1Primitive decodeObject(String str) { try { return ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(Hex.decode(str.substring(1))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown encoding in name: ".concat(String.valueOf(e))); } } private ASN1ObjectIdentifier decodeOID(String str, Hashtable hashtable) { String trim = str.trim(); if (Strings.toUpperCase(trim).startsWith("OID.")) { return new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(trim.substring(4)); } if (trim.charAt(0) >= '0' && trim.charAt(0) <= '9') { return new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(trim); } ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) hashtable.get(Strings.toLowerCase(trim)); if (aSN1ObjectIdentifier != null) { return aSN1ObjectIdentifier; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Unknown object id - "); sb.append(trim); sb.append(" - passed to distinguished name"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } private String canonicalize(String str) { String lowerCase = Strings.toLowerCase(str.trim()); if (lowerCase.length() <= 0 || lowerCase.charAt(0) != '#') { return lowerCase; } ASN1Encodable decodeObject = decodeObject(lowerCase); return decodeObject instanceof ASN1String ? Strings.toLowerCase(((ASN1String) decodeObject).getString().trim()) : lowerCase; } private String bytesToString(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; char[] cArr = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i != length; i++) { cArr[i] = (char) (bArr[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE); } return new String(cArr); } private void appendValue(StringBuffer stringBuffer, Hashtable hashtable, ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier, String str) { String str2 = (String) hashtable.get(aSN1ObjectIdentifier); if (str2 == null) { str2 = aSN1ObjectIdentifier.getId(); } stringBuffer.append(str2); stringBuffer.append('='); int length = stringBuffer.length(); stringBuffer.append(str); int length2 = stringBuffer.length(); if (str.length() >= 2 && str.charAt(0) == '\\' && str.charAt(1) == '#') { length += 2; } while (length < length2 && stringBuffer.charAt(length) == ' ') { stringBuffer.insert(length, "\\"); length += 2; length2++; } while (true) { length2--; if (length2 <= length || stringBuffer.charAt(length2) != ' ') { break; } else { stringBuffer.insert(length2, '\\'); } } while (length <= length2) { char charAt = stringBuffer.charAt(length); if (charAt != '\"' && charAt != '\\' && charAt != '+' && charAt != ',') { switch (charAt) { case ';': case '<': case '=': case '>': break; default: length++; continue; } } stringBuffer.insert(length, "\\"); length += 2; length2++; } } private void addEntry(Hashtable hashtable, String str, Boolean bool) { X509NameTokenizer x509NameTokenizer = new X509NameTokenizer(str, '='); String nextToken = x509NameTokenizer.nextToken(); if (!x509NameTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("badly formatted directory string"); } String nextToken2 = x509NameTokenizer.nextToken(); this.ordering.addElement(decodeOID(nextToken, hashtable)); this.values.addElement(unescape(nextToken2)); this.added.addElement(bool); } public X509Name(boolean z, Hashtable hashtable, String str, X509NameEntryConverter x509NameEntryConverter) { this.converter = null; this.ordering = new Vector(); this.values = new Vector(); this.added = new Vector(); this.converter = x509NameEntryConverter; X509NameTokenizer x509NameTokenizer = new X509NameTokenizer(str); while (x509NameTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String nextToken = x509NameTokenizer.nextToken(); if (nextToken.indexOf(43) > 0) { X509NameTokenizer x509NameTokenizer2 = new X509NameTokenizer(nextToken, '+'); String nextToken2 = x509NameTokenizer2.nextToken(); Boolean bool = FALSE; while (true) { addEntry(hashtable, nextToken2, bool); if (x509NameTokenizer2.hasMoreTokens()) { nextToken2 = x509NameTokenizer2.nextToken(); bool = TRUE; } } } else { addEntry(hashtable, nextToken, FALSE); } } if (z) { Vector vector = new Vector(); Vector vector2 = new Vector(); Vector vector3 = new Vector(); int i = 1; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.ordering.size(); i2++) { if (((Boolean) this.added.elementAt(i2)).booleanValue()) { vector.insertElementAt(this.ordering.elementAt(i2), i); vector2.insertElementAt(this.values.elementAt(i2), i); vector3.insertElementAt(this.added.elementAt(i2), i); i++; } else { vector.insertElementAt(this.ordering.elementAt(i2), 0); vector2.insertElementAt(this.values.elementAt(i2), 0); vector3.insertElementAt(this.added.elementAt(i2), 0); i = 1; } } this.ordering = vector; this.values = vector2; this.added = vector3; } } public X509Name(boolean z, Hashtable hashtable, String str) { this(z, hashtable, str, new X509DefaultEntryConverter()); } public X509Name(boolean z, String str, X509NameEntryConverter x509NameEntryConverter) { this(z, DefaultLookUp, str, x509NameEntryConverter); } public X509Name(boolean z, String str) { this(z, DefaultLookUp, str); } public X509Name(ASN1Sequence aSN1Sequence) { Vector vector; this.converter = null; this.ordering = new Vector(); this.values = new Vector(); this.added = new Vector(); this.seq = aSN1Sequence; Enumeration objects = aSN1Sequence.getObjects(); while (objects.hasMoreElements()) { ASN1Set aSN1Set = ASN1Set.getInstance(((ASN1Encodable) objects.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive()); int i = 0; while (i < aSN1Set.size()) { ASN1Sequence aSN1Sequence2 = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(aSN1Set.getObjectAt(i).toASN1Primitive()); if (aSN1Sequence2.size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("badly sized pair"); } this.ordering.addElement(ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(aSN1Sequence2.getObjectAt(0))); ASN1Encodable objectAt = aSN1Sequence2.getObjectAt(1); if (!(objectAt instanceof ASN1String) || (objectAt instanceof DERUniversalString)) { try { Vector vector2 = this.values; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("#"); sb.append(bytesToString(Hex.encode(objectAt.toASN1Primitive().getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER)))); vector2.addElement(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException unused) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot encode value"); } } else { String string = ((ASN1String) objectAt).getString(); if (string.length() <= 0 || string.charAt(0) != '#') { vector = this.values; } else { vector = this.values; string = "\\".concat(String.valueOf(string)); } vector.addElement(string); } this.added.addElement(i != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); i++; } } } public X509Name(Vector vector, Vector vector2, X509NameEntryConverter x509NameEntryConverter) { this.converter = null; this.ordering = new Vector(); this.values = new Vector(); this.added = new Vector(); this.converter = x509NameEntryConverter; if (vector.size() != vector2.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("oids vector must be same length as values."); } for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) { this.ordering.addElement(vector.elementAt(i)); this.values.addElement(vector2.elementAt(i)); this.added.addElement(FALSE); } } public X509Name(Vector vector, Vector vector2) { this(vector, vector2, new X509DefaultEntryConverter()); } public X509Name(Vector vector, Hashtable hashtable, X509NameEntryConverter x509NameEntryConverter) { this.converter = null; this.ordering = new Vector(); this.values = new Vector(); this.added = new Vector(); this.converter = x509NameEntryConverter; if (vector != null) { for (int i = 0; i != vector.size(); i++) { this.ordering.addElement(vector.elementAt(i)); this.added.addElement(FALSE); } } else { Enumeration keys = hashtable.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { this.ordering.addElement(keys.nextElement()); this.added.addElement(FALSE); } } for (int i2 = 0; i2 != this.ordering.size(); i2++) { ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) this.ordering.elementAt(i2); if (hashtable.get(aSN1ObjectIdentifier) == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("No attribute for object id - "); sb.append(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.getId()); sb.append(" - passed to distinguished name"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } this.values.addElement(hashtable.get(aSN1ObjectIdentifier)); } } public X509Name(Vector vector, Hashtable hashtable) { this(vector, hashtable, new X509DefaultEntryConverter()); } public X509Name(Hashtable hashtable) { this((Vector) null, hashtable); } public X509Name(String str, X509NameEntryConverter x509NameEntryConverter) { this(DefaultReverse, DefaultLookUp, str, x509NameEntryConverter); } public X509Name(String str) { this(DefaultReverse, DefaultLookUp, str); } protected X509Name() { this.converter = null; this.ordering = new Vector(); this.values = new Vector(); this.added = new Vector(); } static { ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); C = aSN1ObjectIdentifier; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier2 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); O = aSN1ObjectIdentifier2; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier3 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); OU = aSN1ObjectIdentifier3; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier4 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); T = aSN1ObjectIdentifier4; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier5 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); CN = aSN1ObjectIdentifier5; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier6 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); SN = aSN1ObjectIdentifier6; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier7 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); STREET = aSN1ObjectIdentifier7; SERIALNUMBER = aSN1ObjectIdentifier6; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier8 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); L = aSN1ObjectIdentifier8; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier9 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); ST = aSN1ObjectIdentifier9; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier10 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); SURNAME = aSN1ObjectIdentifier10; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier11 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); GIVENNAME = aSN1ObjectIdentifier11; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier12 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); INITIALS = aSN1ObjectIdentifier12; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier13 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); GENERATION = aSN1ObjectIdentifier13; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier14 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = aSN1ObjectIdentifier14; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier15 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); BUSINESS_CATEGORY = aSN1ObjectIdentifier15; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier16 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); POSTAL_CODE = aSN1ObjectIdentifier16; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier17 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); DN_QUALIFIER = aSN1ObjectIdentifier17; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier18 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); PSEUDONYM = aSN1ObjectIdentifier18; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier19 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); DATE_OF_BIRTH = aSN1ObjectIdentifier19; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier20 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); PLACE_OF_BIRTH = aSN1ObjectIdentifier20; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier21 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); GENDER = aSN1ObjectIdentifier21; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier22 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); COUNTRY_OF_CITIZENSHIP = aSN1ObjectIdentifier22; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier23 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE = aSN1ObjectIdentifier23; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier24 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); NAME_AT_BIRTH = aSN1ObjectIdentifier24; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier25 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); POSTAL_ADDRESS = aSN1ObjectIdentifier25; DMD_NAME = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier26 = X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_at_telephoneNumber; TELEPHONE_NUMBER = aSN1ObjectIdentifier26; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier27 = X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_at_name; NAME = aSN1ObjectIdentifier27; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier28 = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_emailAddress; EmailAddress = aSN1ObjectIdentifier28; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier29 = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_unstructuredName; UnstructuredName = aSN1ObjectIdentifier29; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier30 = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_unstructuredAddress; UnstructuredAddress = aSN1ObjectIdentifier30; E = aSN1ObjectIdentifier28; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier31 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25"); DC = aSN1ObjectIdentifier31; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier32 = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"); UID = aSN1ObjectIdentifier32; DefaultReverse = false; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); DefaultSymbols = hashtable; Hashtable hashtable2 = new Hashtable(); RFC2253Symbols = hashtable2; Hashtable hashtable3 = new Hashtable(); RFC1779Symbols = hashtable3; Hashtable hashtable4 = new Hashtable(); DefaultLookUp = hashtable4; OIDLookUp = hashtable; SymbolLookUp = hashtable4; TRUE = Boolean.TRUE; FALSE = Boolean.FALSE; hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier, "C"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2, "O"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier4, "T"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier3, "OU"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier5, "CN"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier8, "L"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier9, "ST"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier6, "SERIALNUMBER"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier28, "E"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier31, "DC"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier32, "UID"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier7, "STREET"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier10, "SURNAME"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier11, "GIVENNAME"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier12, "INITIALS"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier13, "GENERATION"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier30, "unstructuredAddress"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier29, "unstructuredName"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier14, "UniqueIdentifier"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier17, "DN"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier18, "Pseudonym"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier25, "PostalAddress"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier24, "NameAtBirth"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier22, "CountryOfCitizenship"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier23, "CountryOfResidence"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier21, "Gender"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier20, "PlaceOfBirth"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier19, "DateOfBirth"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier16, "PostalCode"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier15, "BusinessCategory"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier26, "TelephoneNumber"); hashtable.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier27, KtaJsonExactionHelper.NAME); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier, "C"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2, "O"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier3, "OU"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier5, "CN"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier8, "L"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier9, "ST"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier7, "STREET"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier31, "DC"); hashtable2.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier32, "UID"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier, "C"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2, "O"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier3, "OU"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier5, "CN"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier8, "L"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier9, "ST"); hashtable3.put(aSN1ObjectIdentifier7, "STREET"); hashtable4.put("c", aSN1ObjectIdentifier); hashtable4.put("o", aSN1ObjectIdentifier2); hashtable4.put("t", aSN1ObjectIdentifier4); hashtable4.put("ou", aSN1ObjectIdentifier3); hashtable4.put("cn", aSN1ObjectIdentifier5); hashtable4.put("l", aSN1ObjectIdentifier8); hashtable4.put("st", aSN1ObjectIdentifier9); hashtable4.put("sn", aSN1ObjectIdentifier6); hashtable4.put("serialnumber", aSN1ObjectIdentifier6); hashtable4.put("street", aSN1ObjectIdentifier7); hashtable4.put("emailaddress", aSN1ObjectIdentifier28); hashtable4.put("dc", aSN1ObjectIdentifier31); hashtable4.put("e", aSN1ObjectIdentifier28); hashtable4.put(CommonConstant.KEY_UID, aSN1ObjectIdentifier32); hashtable4.put("surname", aSN1ObjectIdentifier10); hashtable4.put("givenname", aSN1ObjectIdentifier11); hashtable4.put("initials", aSN1ObjectIdentifier12); hashtable4.put("generation", aSN1ObjectIdentifier13); hashtable4.put("unstructuredaddress", aSN1ObjectIdentifier30); hashtable4.put("unstructuredname", aSN1ObjectIdentifier29); hashtable4.put("uniqueidentifier", aSN1ObjectIdentifier14); hashtable4.put("dn", aSN1ObjectIdentifier17); hashtable4.put("pseudonym", aSN1ObjectIdentifier18); hashtable4.put("postaladdress", aSN1ObjectIdentifier25); hashtable4.put("nameofbirth", aSN1ObjectIdentifier24); hashtable4.put("countryofcitizenship", aSN1ObjectIdentifier22); hashtable4.put("countryofresidence", aSN1ObjectIdentifier23); hashtable4.put(CommonConstant.KEY_GENDER, aSN1ObjectIdentifier21); hashtable4.put("placeofbirth", aSN1ObjectIdentifier20); hashtable4.put("dateofbirth", aSN1ObjectIdentifier19); hashtable4.put("postalcode", aSN1ObjectIdentifier16); hashtable4.put("businesscategory", aSN1ObjectIdentifier15); hashtable4.put("telephonenumber", aSN1ObjectIdentifier26); hashtable4.put("name", aSN1ObjectIdentifier27); } }