package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509; import; import; import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import; import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISO7816; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class KeyPurposeId extends ASN1Object { private static byte[] a; public static final KeyPurposeId anyExtendedKeyUsage; private static int b; private static int c; private static int d; private static short[] e; private static int i; private static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_kp; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_OCSPSigning; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_capwapAC; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_capwapWTP; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_clientAuth; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_codeSigning; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_dvcs; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_eapOverLAN; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_eapOverPPP; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_emailProtection; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_ipsecEndSystem; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_ipsecIKE; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_ipsecTunnel; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_ipsecUser; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_sbgpCertAAServerAuth; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_scvpClient; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_scvpServer; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_scvp_responder; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_serverAuth; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_smartcardlogon; public static final KeyPurposeId id_kp_timeStamping; private ASN1ObjectIdentifier id; private static final byte[] $$a = {78, -14, -82, ISO7816.INS_UPDATE_BINARY}; private static final int $$b = 210; private static int $10 = 0; private static int $11 = 1; private static int g = 0; private static void h(byte b2, short s, byte b3, Object[] objArr) { int i2 = 110 - (b2 * 2); int i3 = 3 - (b3 * 4); byte[] bArr = $$a; int i4 = s * 2; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[1 - i4]; int i5 = 0 - i4; int i6 = -1; if (bArr == null) { i2 += -i3; i3 = i3; i6 = -1; } while (true) { int i7 = i6 + 1; bArr2[i7] = (byte) i2; int i8 = i3 + 1; if (i7 == i5) { objArr[0] = new String(bArr2, 0); return; } else { i2 += -bArr[i8]; i3 = i8; i6 = i7; } } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x0237 */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ private static void f(short r17, byte r18, int r19, int r20, int r21, java.lang.Object[] r22) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 887 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.KeyPurposeId.f(short, byte, int, int, int, java.lang.Object[]):void"); } static void d() { b = 453270887; c = 1406017041; d = 913603243; a = new byte[]{-24, -24, -24}; } public String toString() { int i2 = 2 % 2; int i3 = i + 121; g = i3 % 128; int i4 = i3 % 2; String obj =; int i5 = g + 1; i = i5 % 128; int i6 = i5 % 2; return obj; } public ASN1ObjectIdentifier toOID() { int i2 = 2 % 2; int i3 = i + 31; int i4 = i3 % 128; g = i4; int i5 = i3 % 2; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier =; int i6 = i4 + 47; i = i6 % 128; int i7 = i6 % 2; return aSN1ObjectIdentifier; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object, org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() { int i2 = 2 % 2; int i3 = i + 55; int i4 = i3 % 128; g = i4; int i5 = i3 % 2; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier =; int i6 = i4 + 113; i = i6 % 128; if (i6 % 2 != 0) { return aSN1ObjectIdentifier; } Object obj = null; obj.hashCode(); throw null; } public String getId() { int i2 = 2 % 2; int i3 = i + 89; g = i3 % 128; if (i3 % 2 != 0) {; throw null; } String id =; int i4 = i + 109; g = i4 % 128; if (i4 % 2 != 0) { int i5 = 10 / 0; } return id; } public static KeyPurposeId getInstance(Object obj) { int i2 = 2 % 2; if (!(obj instanceof KeyPurposeId)) { if (obj != null) { return new KeyPurposeId(ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(obj)); } return null; } int i3 = i; int i4 = i3 + 31; g = i4 % 128; KeyPurposeId keyPurposeId = (KeyPurposeId) obj; if (i4 % 2 != 0) { throw null; } int i5 = i3 + 29; g = i5 % 128; if (i5 % 2 != 0) { int i6 = 72 / 0; } return keyPurposeId; } private KeyPurposeId(ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier) { = aSN1ObjectIdentifier; } public KeyPurposeId(String str) { this(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(str)); } static { i = 1; d(); ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""); id_kp = aSN1ObjectIdentifier; ASN1ObjectIdentifier aSN1ObjectIdentifier2 = Extension.extendedKeyUsage; Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; f((short) (ViewConfiguration.getPressedStateDuration() >> 16), (byte) ( - 64), (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) > 0.0d ? 1 : (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) == 0.0d ? 0 : -1)) - 5, TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0') - 1221215089, (-1706714254) - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), objArr); anyExtendedKeyUsage = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier2.branch(((String) objArr[0]).intern())); Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1]; f((short) TextUtils.getOffsetAfter("", 0), (byte) ((-10) - (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1))), ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L) - 4, TextUtils.indexOf("", "", 0, 0) - 1221215089, (-1706714253) -, objArr2); id_kp_serverAuth = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch(((String) objArr2[0]).intern())); Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1]; f((short) (1 - (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1))), (byte) (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup(0L) + 63), (-5) - (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForGroup(0) > 0L ? 1 : (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForGroup(0) == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (-1221215088) + (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), (-1706714252) + (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8), objArr3); id_kp_clientAuth = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch(((String) objArr3[0]).intern())); id_kp_codeSigning = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("3")); id_kp_emailProtection = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("4")); id_kp_ipsecEndSystem = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("5")); id_kp_ipsecTunnel = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("6")); id_kp_ipsecUser = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("7")); id_kp_timeStamping = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("8")); id_kp_OCSPSigning = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("9")); id_kp_dvcs = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("10")); id_kp_sbgpCertAAServerAuth = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("11")); id_kp_scvp_responder = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("12")); id_kp_eapOverPPP = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("13")); id_kp_eapOverLAN = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("14")); id_kp_scvpServer = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("15")); id_kp_scvpClient = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("16")); id_kp_ipsecIKE = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("17")); id_kp_capwapAC = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("18")); id_kp_capwapWTP = new KeyPurposeId(aSN1ObjectIdentifier.branch("19")); id_kp_smartcardlogon = new KeyPurposeId(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("")); int i2 = g + 27; i = i2 % 128; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { throw null; } } }