package okhttp3.repackaged; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import okhttp3.repackaged.Call; import okhttp3.repackaged.Headers; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.InternalCache; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Platform; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.RouteDatabase; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Util; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.http.StreamAllocation; import; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.tls.OkHostnameVerifier; import okhttp3.repackaged.internal.tls.TrustRootIndex; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class OkHttpClient implements Cloneable, Call.Factory { final InternalCache agE; final Dns agx; final Authenticator agy; final CertificatePinner agz; final TrustRootIndex ahf; final Dispatcher aik; final CookieJar ail; final Cache aim; final Authenticator ain; final ConnectionPool aio; final int connectTimeout; final List connectionSpecs; final boolean followRedirects; final boolean followSslRedirects; final HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier; final List interceptors; final List networkInterceptors; final List protocols; final Proxy proxy; final ProxySelector proxySelector; final int readTimeout; final boolean retryOnConnectionFailure; final SocketFactory socketFactory; final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory; final int writeTimeout; private static final List DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS = Util.immutableList(Protocol.HTTP_2, Protocol.SPDY_3, Protocol.HTTP_1_1); private static final List DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SPECS = Util.immutableList(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS, ConnectionSpec.COMPATIBLE_TLS, ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT); static { Internal.instance = new Internal() { // from class: okhttp3.repackaged.OkHttpClient.1 @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void addLenient(Headers.Builder builder, String str) { builder.aT(str); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void addLenient(Headers.Builder builder, String str, String str2) { builder.U(str, str2); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void setCache(Builder builder, InternalCache internalCache) { builder.a(internalCache); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final InternalCache internalCache(OkHttpClient okHttpClient) { return okHttpClient.uq(); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final boolean connectionBecameIdle(ConnectionPool connectionPool, RealConnection realConnection) { return connectionPool.b(realConnection); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final RealConnection get(ConnectionPool connectionPool, Address address, StreamAllocation streamAllocation) { return connectionPool.a(address, streamAllocation); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void put(ConnectionPool connectionPool, RealConnection realConnection) { connectionPool.a(realConnection); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final RouteDatabase routeDatabase(ConnectionPool connectionPool) { return connectionPool.aho; } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void callEnqueue(Call call, Callback callback, boolean z) { ((a) call).a(callback, z); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final StreamAllocation callEngineGetStreamAllocation(Call call) { return ((a) call).aiw.streamAllocation; } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final void apply(ConnectionSpec connectionSpec, SSLSocket sSLSocket, boolean z) { connectionSpec.apply(sSLSocket, z); } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.internal.Internal public final HttpUrl getHttpUrlChecked(String str) throws MalformedURLException, UnknownHostException { return HttpUrl.aU(str); } }; } public OkHttpClient() { this(new Builder()); } private OkHttpClient(Builder builder) { boolean z; this.aik = builder.aik; this.proxy = builder.proxy; this.protocols = builder.protocols; List list = builder.connectionSpecs; this.connectionSpecs = list; this.interceptors = Util.immutableList(builder.interceptors); this.networkInterceptors = Util.immutableList(builder.networkInterceptors); this.proxySelector = builder.proxySelector; this.ail = builder.ail; this.aim = builder.aim; this.agE = builder.agE; this.socketFactory = builder.socketFactory; Iterator it = list.iterator(); loop0: while (true) { while (it.hasNext()) { z = z ||; } } if (builder.sslSocketFactory != null || !z) { this.sslSocketFactory = builder.sslSocketFactory; } else { try { SSLContext sSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance(org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.TLS); sSLContext.init(null, null, null); this.sslSocketFactory = sSLContext.getSocketFactory(); } catch (GeneralSecurityException unused) { throw new AssertionError(); } } if (this.sslSocketFactory != null && builder.ahf == null) { X509TrustManager trustManager = Platform.get().trustManager(this.sslSocketFactory); if (trustManager == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Unable to extract the trust manager on "); sb.append(Platform.get()); sb.append(", sslSocketFactory is "); sb.append(this.sslSocketFactory.getClass()); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } TrustRootIndex trustRootIndex = Platform.get().trustRootIndex(trustManager); this.ahf = trustRootIndex; this.agz =; } else { this.ahf = builder.ahf; this.agz = builder.agz; } this.hostnameVerifier = builder.hostnameVerifier; this.agy = builder.agy; this.ain = builder.ain; this.aio = builder.aio; this.agx = builder.agx; this.followSslRedirects = builder.followSslRedirects; this.followRedirects = builder.followRedirects; this.retryOnConnectionFailure = builder.retryOnConnectionFailure; this.connectTimeout = builder.connectTimeout; this.readTimeout = builder.readTimeout; this.writeTimeout = builder.writeTimeout; } InternalCache uq() { Cache cache = this.aim; return cache != null ? cache.agE : this.agE; } @Override // okhttp3.repackaged.Call.Factory public Call newCall(Request request) { return new a(this, request); } public Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(this); } /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static final class Builder { InternalCache agE; Dns agx; Authenticator agy; CertificatePinner agz; TrustRootIndex ahf; Dispatcher aik; CookieJar ail; Cache aim; Authenticator ain; ConnectionPool aio; int connectTimeout; List connectionSpecs; boolean followRedirects; boolean followSslRedirects; HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier; final List interceptors; final List networkInterceptors; List protocols; Proxy proxy; ProxySelector proxySelector; int readTimeout; boolean retryOnConnectionFailure; SocketFactory socketFactory; SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory; int writeTimeout; public Builder() { this.interceptors = new ArrayList(); this.networkInterceptors = new ArrayList(); this.aik = new Dispatcher(); this.protocols = OkHttpClient.DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS; this.connectionSpecs = OkHttpClient.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SPECS; this.proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); this.ail = CookieJar.NO_COOKIES; this.socketFactory = SocketFactory.getDefault(); this.hostnameVerifier = OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE; this.agz = CertificatePinner.DEFAULT; this.agy = Authenticator.NONE; this.ain = Authenticator.NONE; this.aio = new ConnectionPool(); this.agx = Dns.SYSTEM; this.followSslRedirects = true; this.followRedirects = true; this.retryOnConnectionFailure = true; this.connectTimeout = HwBuildEx.VersionCodes.CUR_DEVELOPMENT; this.readTimeout = HwBuildEx.VersionCodes.CUR_DEVELOPMENT; this.writeTimeout = HwBuildEx.VersionCodes.CUR_DEVELOPMENT; } Builder(OkHttpClient okHttpClient) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); this.interceptors = arrayList; ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); this.networkInterceptors = arrayList2; this.aik = okHttpClient.aik; this.proxy = okHttpClient.proxy; this.protocols = okHttpClient.protocols; this.connectionSpecs = okHttpClient.connectionSpecs; arrayList.addAll(okHttpClient.interceptors); arrayList2.addAll(okHttpClient.networkInterceptors); this.proxySelector = okHttpClient.proxySelector; this.ail = okHttpClient.ail; this.agE = okHttpClient.agE; this.aim = okHttpClient.aim; this.socketFactory = okHttpClient.socketFactory; this.sslSocketFactory = okHttpClient.sslSocketFactory; this.ahf = okHttpClient.ahf; this.hostnameVerifier = okHttpClient.hostnameVerifier; this.agz = okHttpClient.agz; this.agy = okHttpClient.agy; this.ain = okHttpClient.ain; this.aio = okHttpClient.aio; this.agx = okHttpClient.agx; this.followSslRedirects = okHttpClient.followSslRedirects; this.followRedirects = okHttpClient.followRedirects; this.retryOnConnectionFailure = okHttpClient.retryOnConnectionFailure; this.connectTimeout = okHttpClient.connectTimeout; this.readTimeout = okHttpClient.readTimeout; this.writeTimeout = okHttpClient.writeTimeout; } public final Builder connectTimeout(long j, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (j < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0"); } if (timeUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unit == null"); } long millis = timeUnit.toMillis(j); if (millis > 2147483647L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too large."); } if (millis == 0 && j > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too small."); } this.connectTimeout = (int) millis; return this; } public final Builder readTimeout(long j, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (j < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0"); } if (timeUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unit == null"); } long millis = timeUnit.toMillis(j); if (millis > 2147483647L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too large."); } if (millis == 0 && j > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too small."); } this.readTimeout = (int) millis; return this; } public final Builder writeTimeout(long j, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (j < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0"); } if (timeUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unit == null"); } long millis = timeUnit.toMillis(j); if (millis > 2147483647L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too large."); } if (millis == 0 && j > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout too small."); } this.writeTimeout = (int) millis; return this; } public final Builder cookieJar(CookieJar cookieJar) { if (cookieJar == null) { throw new NullPointerException("cookieJar == null"); } this.ail = cookieJar; return this; } public final Builder dns(Dns dns) { if (dns == null) { throw new NullPointerException("dns == null"); } this.agx = dns; return this; } public final Builder socketFactory(SocketFactory socketFactory) { if (socketFactory == null) { throw new NullPointerException("socketFactory == null"); } this.socketFactory = socketFactory; return this; } public final Builder sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory) { if (sSLSocketFactory == null) { throw new NullPointerException("sslSocketFactory == null"); } this.sslSocketFactory = sSLSocketFactory; this.ahf = null; return this; } public final Builder hostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) { if (hostnameVerifier == null) { throw new NullPointerException("hostnameVerifier == null"); } this.hostnameVerifier = hostnameVerifier; return this; } public final Builder certificatePinner(CertificatePinner certificatePinner) { if (certificatePinner == null) { throw new NullPointerException("certificatePinner == null"); } this.agz = certificatePinner; return this; } public final Builder authenticator(Authenticator authenticator) { if (authenticator == null) { throw new NullPointerException("authenticator == null"); } this.ain = authenticator; return this; } public final Builder proxyAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator) { if (authenticator == null) { throw new NullPointerException("proxyAuthenticator == null"); } this.agy = authenticator; return this; } public final Builder connectionPool(ConnectionPool connectionPool) { if (connectionPool == null) { throw new NullPointerException("connectionPool == null"); } this.aio = connectionPool; return this; } public final Builder dispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher) { if (dispatcher == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dispatcher == null"); } this.aik = dispatcher; return this; } public final Builder protocols(List list) { List immutableList = Util.immutableList(list); if (!immutableList.contains(Protocol.HTTP_1_1)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocols doesn't contain http/1.1: ".concat(String.valueOf(immutableList))); } if (immutableList.contains(Protocol.HTTP_1_0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocols must not contain http/1.0: ".concat(String.valueOf(immutableList))); } if (immutableList.contains(null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocols must not contain null"); } this.protocols = Util.immutableList(immutableList); return this; } public final Builder connectionSpecs(List list) { this.connectionSpecs = Util.immutableList(list); return this; } public final Builder addInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { this.interceptors.add(interceptor); return this; } public final Builder addNetworkInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { this.networkInterceptors.add(interceptor); return this; } public final OkHttpClient build() { return new OkHttpClient(this); } public final Builder retryOnConnectionFailure(boolean z) { this.retryOnConnectionFailure = z; return this; } public final Builder proxySelector(ProxySelector proxySelector) { this.proxySelector = proxySelector; return this; } public final Builder proxy(Proxy proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; return this; } public final List networkInterceptors() { return this.networkInterceptors; } public final List interceptors() { return this.interceptors; } public final Builder followSslRedirects(boolean z) { this.followSslRedirects = z; return this; } public final Builder followRedirects(boolean z) { this.followRedirects = z; return this; } public final Builder cache(Cache cache) { this.aim = cache; this.agE = null; return this; } final void a(InternalCache internalCache) { this.agE = internalCache; this.aim = null; } } public int writeTimeoutMillis() { return this.writeTimeout; } public SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory() { return this.sslSocketFactory; } public SocketFactory socketFactory() { return this.socketFactory; } public boolean retryOnConnectionFailure() { return this.retryOnConnectionFailure; } public int readTimeoutMillis() { return this.readTimeout; } public ProxySelector proxySelector() { return this.proxySelector; } public Authenticator proxyAuthenticator() { return this.agy; } public Proxy proxy() { return this.proxy; } public List protocols() { return this.protocols; } public List networkInterceptors() { return this.networkInterceptors; } public List interceptors() { return this.interceptors; } public HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier() { return this.hostnameVerifier; } public boolean followSslRedirects() { return this.followSslRedirects; } public boolean followRedirects() { return this.followRedirects; } public Dns dns() { return this.agx; } public Dispatcher dispatcher() { return this.aik; } public CookieJar cookieJar() { return this.ail; } public List connectionSpecs() { return this.connectionSpecs; } public ConnectionPool connectionPool() { return this.aio; } public int connectTimeoutMillis() { return this.connectTimeout; } public CertificatePinner certificatePinner() { return this.agz; } public Cache cache() { return this.aim; } public Authenticator authenticator() { return this.ain; } }