package okhttp3.repackaged; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public final class CacheControl { private final int aha; private final boolean ahb; private final boolean ahc; private final boolean ahd; String headerValue; private final int maxAgeSeconds; private final int maxStaleSeconds; private final int minFreshSeconds; private final boolean noCache; private final boolean noStore; private final boolean noTransform; private final boolean onlyIfCached; public static final CacheControl FORCE_NETWORK = new Builder().noCache().build(); public static final CacheControl FORCE_CACHE = new Builder().onlyIfCached().maxStale(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(); private CacheControl(boolean z, boolean z2, int i, int i2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, int i3, int i4, boolean z6, boolean z7, String str) { this.noCache = z; this.noStore = z2; this.maxAgeSeconds = i; this.aha = i2; this.ahb = z3; this.ahc = z4; this.ahd = z5; this.maxStaleSeconds = i3; this.minFreshSeconds = i4; this.onlyIfCached = z6; this.noTransform = z7; this.headerValue = str; } private CacheControl(Builder builder) { this.noCache = builder.noCache; this.noStore = builder.noStore; this.maxAgeSeconds = builder.maxAgeSeconds; this.aha = -1; this.ahb = false; this.ahc = false; this.ahd = false; this.maxStaleSeconds = builder.maxStaleSeconds; this.minFreshSeconds = builder.minFreshSeconds; this.onlyIfCached = builder.onlyIfCached; this.noTransform = builder.noTransform; } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x003e */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public static okhttp3.repackaged.CacheControl parse(okhttp3.repackaged.Headers r22) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 324 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: okhttp3.repackaged.CacheControl.parse(okhttp3.repackaged.Headers):okhttp3.repackaged.CacheControl"); } public final String toString() { String str = this.headerValue; if (str != null) { return str; } String ul = ul(); this.headerValue = ul; return ul; } private String ul() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (this.noCache) { sb.append("no-cache, "); } if (this.noStore) { sb.append("no-store, "); } if (this.maxAgeSeconds != -1) { sb.append("max-age="); sb.append(this.maxAgeSeconds); sb.append(", "); } if (this.aha != -1) { sb.append("s-maxage="); sb.append(this.aha); sb.append(", "); } if (this.ahb) { sb.append("private, "); } if (this.ahc) { sb.append("public, "); } if (this.ahd) { sb.append("must-revalidate, "); } if (this.maxStaleSeconds != -1) { sb.append("max-stale="); sb.append(this.maxStaleSeconds); sb.append(", "); } if (this.minFreshSeconds != -1) { sb.append("min-fresh="); sb.append(this.minFreshSeconds); sb.append(", "); } if (this.onlyIfCached) { sb.append("only-if-cached, "); } if (this.noTransform) { sb.append("no-transform, "); } if (sb.length() == 0) { return ""; } sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); return sb.toString(); } /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static final class Builder { int maxAgeSeconds = -1; int maxStaleSeconds = -1; int minFreshSeconds = -1; boolean noCache; boolean noStore; boolean noTransform; boolean onlyIfCached; public final Builder maxAge(int i, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxAge < 0: ".concat(String.valueOf(i))); } long seconds = timeUnit.toSeconds(i); this.maxAgeSeconds = seconds > 2147483647L ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) seconds; return this; } public final Builder maxStale(int i, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxStale < 0: ".concat(String.valueOf(i))); } long seconds = timeUnit.toSeconds(i); this.maxStaleSeconds = seconds > 2147483647L ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) seconds; return this; } public final Builder minFresh(int i, TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minFresh < 0: ".concat(String.valueOf(i))); } long seconds = timeUnit.toSeconds(i); this.minFreshSeconds = seconds > 2147483647L ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) seconds; return this; } public final CacheControl build() { return new CacheControl(this); } public final Builder onlyIfCached() { this.onlyIfCached = true; return this; } public final Builder noTransform() { this.noTransform = true; return this; } public final Builder noStore() { this.noStore = true; return this; } public final Builder noCache() { this.noCache = true; return this; } } public final int sMaxAgeSeconds() { return this.aha; } public final boolean onlyIfCached() { return this.onlyIfCached; } public final boolean noTransform() { return this.noTransform; } public final boolean noStore() { return this.noStore; } public final boolean noCache() { return this.noCache; } public final boolean mustRevalidate() { return this.ahd; } public final int minFreshSeconds() { return this.minFreshSeconds; } public final int maxStaleSeconds() { return this.maxStaleSeconds; } public final int maxAgeSeconds() { return this.maxAgeSeconds; } public final boolean isPublic() { return this.ahc; } public final boolean isPrivate() { return this.ahb; } }