package; import; import; import java.util.Random; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C15111ghZ; import o.C15155gij; import o.InterfaceC15148gic; import o.giJ; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public final class WebSocketWriter implements Closeable { private final boolean isClient; private final C15111ghZ.RVV maskCursor; private final byte[] maskKey; private final C15111ghZ messageBuffer; private MessageDeflater messageDeflater; private final long minimumDeflateSize; private final boolean noContextTakeover; private final boolean perMessageDeflate; private final Random random; private final InterfaceC15148gic sink; private final C15111ghZ sinkBuffer; private boolean writerClosed; public WebSocketWriter(boolean z, InterfaceC15148gic interfaceC15148gic, Random random, boolean z2, boolean z3, long j) { C14957gcv.e(interfaceC15148gic, ""); C14957gcv.e(random, ""); this.isClient = z; this.sink = interfaceC15148gic; this.random = random; this.perMessageDeflate = z2; this.noContextTakeover = z3; this.minimumDeflateSize = j; this.messageBuffer = new C15111ghZ(); this.sinkBuffer = interfaceC15148gic.i(); this.maskKey = z ? new byte[4] : null; this.maskCursor = z ? new C15111ghZ.RVV() : null; } public final void writePing(C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); writeControlFrame(9, c15155gij); } public final void writePong(C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); writeControlFrame(10, c15155gij); } public final void writeClose(int i, C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C15155gij c15155gij2 = C15155gij.e; if (i != 0 || c15155gij != null) { if (i != 0) { WebSocketProtocol.INSTANCE.validateCloseCode(i); } C15111ghZ c15111ghZ = new C15111ghZ(); c15111ghZ.g(i); if (c15155gij != null) { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); c15155gij.a(c15111ghZ, c15155gij.a()); } c15155gij2 = c15111ghZ.c(c15111ghZ.c); } try { writeControlFrame(8, c15155gij2); } finally { this.writerClosed = true; } } public final void writeMessageFrame(int i, C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); if (this.writerClosed) { throw new IOException("closed"); } C15111ghZ c15111ghZ = this.messageBuffer; C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); c15155gij.a(c15111ghZ, c15155gij.a()); int i2 = i | 128; if (this.perMessageDeflate && c15155gij.a() >= this.minimumDeflateSize) { MessageDeflater messageDeflater = this.messageDeflater; if (messageDeflater == null) { messageDeflater = new MessageDeflater(this.noContextTakeover); this.messageDeflater = messageDeflater; } messageDeflater.deflate(this.messageBuffer); i2 = i | 192; } long j = this.messageBuffer.c; this.sinkBuffer.b(i2); int i3 = this.isClient ? 128 : 0; if (j <= 125) { this.sinkBuffer.b(i3 | ((int) j)); } else if (j <= WebSocketProtocol.PAYLOAD_SHORT_MAX) { this.sinkBuffer.b(i3 | 126); this.sinkBuffer.g((int) j); } else { this.sinkBuffer.b(i3 | 127); this.sinkBuffer.n(j); } if (this.isClient) { Random random = this.random; byte[] bArr = this.maskKey; C14957gcv.e(bArr); random.nextBytes(bArr); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ2 = this.sinkBuffer; byte[] bArr2 = this.maskKey; C14957gcv.e(bArr2, ""); c15111ghZ2.b(bArr2, 0, bArr2.length); if (j > 0) { C15111ghZ c15111ghZ3 = this.messageBuffer; C15111ghZ.RVV rvv = this.maskCursor; C14957gcv.e(rvv); C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); giJ.d(c15111ghZ3, rvv); this.maskCursor.e(0L); WebSocketProtocol.INSTANCE.toggleMask(this.maskCursor, this.maskKey); this.maskCursor.close(); } } this.sinkBuffer.write(this.messageBuffer, j); this.sink.a(); } @Override //, java.lang.AutoCloseable public final void close() { MessageDeflater messageDeflater = this.messageDeflater; if (messageDeflater != null) { messageDeflater.close(); } } private final void writeControlFrame(int i, C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { if (this.writerClosed) { throw new IOException("closed"); } int a = c15155gij.a(); if (a > 125) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload size must be less than or equal to 125".toString()); } this.sinkBuffer.b(i | 128); if (this.isClient) { this.sinkBuffer.b(a | 128); Random random = this.random; byte[] bArr = this.maskKey; C14957gcv.e(bArr); random.nextBytes(bArr); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ = this.sinkBuffer; byte[] bArr2 = this.maskKey; C14957gcv.e(bArr2, ""); c15111ghZ.b(bArr2, 0, bArr2.length); if (a > 0) { long j = this.sinkBuffer.c; C15111ghZ c15111ghZ2 = this.sinkBuffer; C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); c15155gij.a(c15111ghZ2, c15155gij.a()); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ3 = this.sinkBuffer; C15111ghZ.RVV rvv = this.maskCursor; C14957gcv.e(rvv); C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); giJ.d(c15111ghZ3, rvv); this.maskCursor.e(j); WebSocketProtocol.INSTANCE.toggleMask(this.maskCursor, this.maskKey); this.maskCursor.close(); } } else { this.sinkBuffer.b(a); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ4 = this.sinkBuffer; C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); c15155gij.a(c15111ghZ4, c15155gij.a()); } this.sink.flush(); } public final InterfaceC15148gic getSink() { return this.sink; } public final Random getRandom() { return this.random; } }