package; import; import; import; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C15160gio; import o.C15164gis; import o.InterfaceC15168giw; import o.giD; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public interface FileSystem { public static final Companion Companion = Companion.$$INSTANCE; public static final FileSystem SYSTEM = new Companion.SystemFileSystem(); InterfaceC15168giw appendingSink(File file) throws FileNotFoundException; void delete(File file) throws IOException; void deleteContents(File file) throws IOException; boolean exists(File file); void rename(File file, File file2) throws IOException; InterfaceC15168giw sink(File file) throws FileNotFoundException; long size(File file); giD source(File file) throws FileNotFoundException; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static final class Companion { static final Companion $$INSTANCE = new Companion(); private Companion() { } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class SystemFileSystem implements FileSystem { @Override // public final giD source(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); return C15160gio.a(file); } @Override // public final InterfaceC15168giw sink(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { InterfaceC15168giw e; InterfaceC15168giw e2; C14957gcv.e(file, ""); try { e2 = C15164gis.e(file); return e2; } catch (FileNotFoundException unused) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); e = C15164gis.e(file); return e; } } @Override // public final InterfaceC15168giw appendingSink(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); try { return C15160gio.d(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException unused) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return C15160gio.d(file); } } @Override // public final void delete(File file) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); if (!file.delete() && file.exists()) { throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("failed to delete ", file)); } } @Override // public final boolean exists(File file) { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); return file.exists(); } @Override // public final long size(File file) { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); return file.length(); } @Override // public final void rename(File file, File file2) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); C14957gcv.e(file2, ""); delete(file2); if (file.renameTo(file2)) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("failed to rename "); sb.append(file); sb.append(" to "); sb.append(file2); throw new IOException(sb.toString()); } @Override // public final void deleteContents(File file) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(file, ""); File[] listFiles = file.listFiles(); if (listFiles == null) { throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("not a readable directory: ", file)); } int length = listFiles.length; int i = 0; while (i < length) { File file2 = listFiles[i]; i++; if (file2.isDirectory()) { C14957gcv.c(file2, ""); deleteContents(file2); } if (!file2.delete()) { throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("failed to delete ", file2)); } } } public final String toString() { return "FileSystem.SYSTEM"; } } } }