package okhttp3.internal.http2; import io.beid.beidk.definitions.LivenessStatus; import io.beid.beidk.definitions.SCBHeader; import io.grpc.internal.GrpcUtil; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import o.C14881gav; import o.C14953gcr; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C15111ghZ; import o.C15155gij; import o.C15160gio; import o.InterfaceC15149gid; import o.gdP; import o.giD; import okhttp3.internal.Util; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class Hpack { public static final Hpack INSTANCE; private static final Map NAME_TO_FIRST_INDEX; private static final int PREFIX_4_BITS = 15; private static final int PREFIX_5_BITS = 31; private static final int PREFIX_6_BITS = 63; private static final int PREFIX_7_BITS = 127; private static final int SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = 4096; private static final int SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE_LIMIT = 16384; private static final Header[] STATIC_HEADER_TABLE; private Hpack() { } static { Hpack hpack = new Hpack(); INSTANCE = hpack; STATIC_HEADER_TABLE = new Header[]{new Header(Header.TARGET_AUTHORITY, ""), new Header(Header.TARGET_METHOD, "GET"), new Header(Header.TARGET_METHOD, GrpcUtil.HTTP_METHOD), new Header(Header.TARGET_PATH, "/"), new Header(Header.TARGET_PATH, "/index.html"), new Header(Header.TARGET_SCHEME, "http"), new Header(Header.TARGET_SCHEME, "https"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "200"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "204"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "206"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "304"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "400"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, "404"), new Header(Header.RESPONSE_STATUS, LivenessStatus.ERROR_UNKNOW), new Header("accept-charset", ""), new Header(GrpcUtil.CONTENT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate"), new Header(SCBHeader.SCB_REQ_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, ""), new Header("accept-ranges", ""), new Header("accept", ""), new Header("access-control-allow-origin", ""), new Header("age", ""), new Header("allow", ""), new Header("authorization", ""), new Header("cache-control", ""), new Header("content-disposition", ""), new Header(GrpcUtil.CONTENT_ENCODING, ""), new Header("content-language", ""), new Header("content-length", ""), new Header("content-location", ""), new Header("content-range", ""), new Header("content-type", ""), new Header("cookie", ""), new Header("date", ""), new Header("etag", ""), new Header("expect", ""), new Header("expires", ""), new Header("from", ""), new Header("host", ""), new Header("if-match", ""), new Header("if-modified-since", ""), new Header("if-none-match", ""), new Header("if-range", ""), new Header("if-unmodified-since", ""), new Header("last-modified", ""), new Header("link", ""), new Header("location", ""), new Header("max-forwards", ""), new Header("proxy-authenticate", ""), new Header("proxy-authorization", ""), new Header("range", ""), new Header("referer", ""), new Header("refresh", ""), new Header("retry-after", ""), new Header("server", ""), new Header("set-cookie", ""), new Header("strict-transport-security", ""), new Header("transfer-encoding", ""), new Header("user-agent", ""), new Header("vary", ""), new Header("via", ""), new Header("www-authenticate", "")}; NAME_TO_FIRST_INDEX = hpack.nameToFirstIndex(); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static final class Reader { public Header[] dynamicTable; public int dynamicTableByteCount; public int headerCount; private final List
headerList; private final int headerTableSizeSetting; private int maxDynamicTableByteCount; private int nextHeaderIndex; private final InterfaceC15149gid source; public Reader(giD gid, int i, int i2) { C14957gcv.e(gid, ""); this.headerTableSizeSetting = i; this.maxDynamicTableByteCount = i2; this.headerList = new ArrayList(); this.source = C15160gio.c(gid); this.dynamicTable = new Header[8]; this.nextHeaderIndex = 7; } public /* synthetic */ Reader(giD gid, int i, int i2, int i3, C14953gcr c14953gcr) { this(gid, i, (i3 & 4) != 0 ? i : i2); } public final List
getAndResetHeaderList() { List
d = C14881gav.d((Iterable) this.headerList); this.headerList.clear(); return d; } private final void adjustDynamicTableByteCount() { int i = this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; int i2 = this.dynamicTableByteCount; if (i < i2) { if (i == 0) { clearDynamicTable(); } else { evictToRecoverBytes(i2 - i); } } } private final int evictToRecoverBytes(int i) { int i2; int i3 = 0; if (i > 0) { int length = this.dynamicTable.length; while (true) { length--; i2 = this.nextHeaderIndex; if (length < i2 || i <= 0) { break; } Header header = this.dynamicTable[length]; C14957gcv.e(header); i -= header.hpackSize; this.dynamicTableByteCount -= header.hpackSize; this.headerCount--; i3++; } Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; int i4 = i2 + 1; System.arraycopy(headerArr, i4, headerArr, i4 + i3, this.headerCount); this.nextHeaderIndex += i3; } return i3; } public final void readHeaders() throws IOException { while (!this.source.j()) { int and = Util.and(this.source.f(), 255); if (and == 128) { throw new IOException("index == 0"); } if ((and & 128) == 128) { readIndexedHeader(readInt(and, 127) - 1); } else if (and == 64) { readLiteralHeaderWithIncrementalIndexingNewName(); } else if ((and & 64) == 64) { readLiteralHeaderWithIncrementalIndexingIndexedName(readInt(and, 63) - 1); } else if ((and & 32) == 32) { int readInt = readInt(and, 31); this.maxDynamicTableByteCount = readInt; if (readInt < 0 || readInt > this.headerTableSizeSetting) { throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("Invalid dynamic table size update ", Integer.valueOf(this.maxDynamicTableByteCount))); } adjustDynamicTableByteCount(); } else if (and == 16 || and == 0) { readLiteralHeaderWithoutIndexingNewName(); } else { readLiteralHeaderWithoutIndexingIndexedName(readInt(and, 15) - 1); } } } private final void readIndexedHeader(int i) throws IOException { if (isStaticHeader(i)) { this.headerList.add(Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE()[i]); return; } int dynamicTableIndex = dynamicTableIndex(i - Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE().length); if (dynamicTableIndex >= 0) { Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; if (dynamicTableIndex < headerArr.length) { List
list = this.headerList; Header header = headerArr[dynamicTableIndex]; C14957gcv.e(header); list.add(header); return; } } throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("Header index too large ", Integer.valueOf(i + 1))); } private final void readLiteralHeaderWithoutIndexingIndexedName(int i) throws IOException { this.headerList.add(new Header(getName(i), readByteString())); } private final void readLiteralHeaderWithoutIndexingNewName() throws IOException { this.headerList.add(new Header(Hpack.INSTANCE.checkLowercase(readByteString()), readByteString())); } private final void readLiteralHeaderWithIncrementalIndexingIndexedName(int i) throws IOException { insertIntoDynamicTable(-1, new Header(getName(i), readByteString())); } private final void readLiteralHeaderWithIncrementalIndexingNewName() throws IOException { insertIntoDynamicTable(-1, new Header(Hpack.INSTANCE.checkLowercase(readByteString()), readByteString())); } private final C15155gij getName(int i) throws IOException { if (isStaticHeader(i)) { return Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE()[i].name; } int dynamicTableIndex = dynamicTableIndex(i - Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE().length); if (dynamicTableIndex >= 0) { Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; if (dynamicTableIndex < headerArr.length) { Header header = headerArr[dynamicTableIndex]; C14957gcv.e(header); return; } } throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("Header index too large ", Integer.valueOf(i + 1))); } private final boolean isStaticHeader(int i) { return i >= 0 && i <= Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE().length - 1; } private final void insertIntoDynamicTable(int i, Header header) { this.headerList.add(header); int i2 = header.hpackSize; if (i != -1) { Header header2 = this.dynamicTable[dynamicTableIndex(i)]; C14957gcv.e(header2); i2 -= header2.hpackSize; } int i3 = this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; if (i2 > i3) { clearDynamicTable(); return; } int evictToRecoverBytes = evictToRecoverBytes((this.dynamicTableByteCount + i2) - i3); if (i == -1) { int i4 = this.headerCount; Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; if (i4 + 1 > headerArr.length) { Header[] headerArr2 = new Header[headerArr.length << 1]; System.arraycopy(headerArr, 0, headerArr2, headerArr.length, headerArr.length); this.nextHeaderIndex = this.dynamicTable.length - 1; this.dynamicTable = headerArr2; } int i5 = this.nextHeaderIndex; this.nextHeaderIndex = i5 - 1; this.dynamicTable[i5] = header; this.headerCount++; } else { this.dynamicTable[i + dynamicTableIndex(i) + evictToRecoverBytes] = header; } this.dynamicTableByteCount += i2; } private final int readByte() throws IOException { return Util.and(this.source.f(), 255); } public final int readInt(int i, int i2) throws IOException { int i3 = i & i2; if (i3 < i2) { return i3; } int i4 = 0; while (true) { int readByte = readByte(); if ((readByte & 128) == 0) { return i2 + (readByte << i4); } i2 += (readByte & 127) << i4; i4 += 7; } } public final C15155gij readByteString() throws IOException { int readByte = readByte(); boolean z = (readByte & 128) == 128; long readInt = readInt(readByte, 127); if (z) { C15111ghZ c15111ghZ = new C15111ghZ(); Huffman.INSTANCE.decode(this.source, readInt, c15111ghZ); return c15111ghZ.c(c15111ghZ.c); } return this.source.c(readInt); } private final void clearDynamicTable() { Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; int length = headerArr.length; C14957gcv.e(headerArr, ""); Arrays.fill(headerArr, 0, length, (Object) null); this.nextHeaderIndex = this.dynamicTable.length - 1; this.headerCount = 0; this.dynamicTableByteCount = 0; } public final int maxDynamicTableByteCount() { return this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; } private final int dynamicTableIndex(int i) { return this.nextHeaderIndex + 1 + i; } /* JADX WARN: 'this' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Reader(giD gid, int i) { this(gid, i, 0, 4, null); C14957gcv.e(gid, ""); } } private final Map nameToFirstIndex() { Header[] headerArr = STATIC_HEADER_TABLE; LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap(headerArr.length); int length = headerArr.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Header[] headerArr2 = STATIC_HEADER_TABLE; if (!linkedHashMap.containsKey(headerArr2[i].name)) { linkedHashMap.put(headerArr2[i].name, Integer.valueOf(i)); } } Map unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(linkedHashMap); C14957gcv.c(unmodifiableMap, ""); return unmodifiableMap; } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static final class Writer { public Header[] dynamicTable; public int dynamicTableByteCount; private boolean emitDynamicTableSizeUpdate; public int headerCount; public int headerTableSizeSetting; public int maxDynamicTableByteCount; private int nextHeaderIndex; private final C15111ghZ out; private int smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting; private final boolean useCompression; public Writer(int i, boolean z, C15111ghZ c15111ghZ) { C14957gcv.e(c15111ghZ, ""); this.headerTableSizeSetting = i; this.useCompression = z; this.out = c15111ghZ; this.smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.maxDynamicTableByteCount = i; this.dynamicTable = new Header[8]; this.nextHeaderIndex = 7; } public /* synthetic */ Writer(int i, boolean z, C15111ghZ c15111ghZ, int i2, C14953gcr c14953gcr) { this((i2 & 1) != 0 ? 4096 : i, (i2 & 2) != 0 ? true : z, c15111ghZ); } private final int evictToRecoverBytes(int i) { int i2; int i3 = 0; if (i > 0) { int length = this.dynamicTable.length; while (true) { length--; i2 = this.nextHeaderIndex; if (length < i2 || i <= 0) { break; } Header header = this.dynamicTable[length]; C14957gcv.e(header); i -= header.hpackSize; int i4 = this.dynamicTableByteCount; Header header2 = this.dynamicTable[length]; C14957gcv.e(header2); this.dynamicTableByteCount = i4 - header2.hpackSize; this.headerCount--; i3++; } Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; int i5 = i2 + 1; System.arraycopy(headerArr, i5, headerArr, i5 + i3, this.headerCount); Header[] headerArr2 = this.dynamicTable; int i6 = this.nextHeaderIndex + 1; Arrays.fill(headerArr2, i6, i6 + i3, (Object) null); this.nextHeaderIndex += i3; } return i3; } private final void insertIntoDynamicTable(Header header) { int i = header.hpackSize; int i2 = this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; if (i > i2) { clearDynamicTable(); return; } evictToRecoverBytes((this.dynamicTableByteCount + i) - i2); int i3 = this.headerCount; Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; if (i3 + 1 > headerArr.length) { Header[] headerArr2 = new Header[headerArr.length << 1]; System.arraycopy(headerArr, 0, headerArr2, headerArr.length, headerArr.length); this.nextHeaderIndex = this.dynamicTable.length - 1; this.dynamicTable = headerArr2; } int i4 = this.nextHeaderIndex; this.nextHeaderIndex = i4 - 1; this.dynamicTable[i4] = header; this.headerCount++; this.dynamicTableByteCount += i; } public final void writeHeaders(List
list) throws IOException { int i; int i2; C14957gcv.e(list, ""); if (this.emitDynamicTableSizeUpdate) { int i3 = this.smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting; if (i3 < this.maxDynamicTableByteCount) { writeInt(i3, 31, 32); } this.emitDynamicTableSizeUpdate = false; this.smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting = Integer.MAX_VALUE; writeInt(this.maxDynamicTableByteCount, 31, 32); } int size = list.size(); for (int i4 = 0; i4 < size; i4++) { Header header = list.get(i4); C15155gij g =; C15155gij c15155gij = header.value; Integer num = Hpack.INSTANCE.getNAME_TO_FIRST_INDEX().get(g); if (num != null) { int intValue = num.intValue(); i2 = intValue + 1; if (2 <= i2 && i2 < 8) { if (C14957gcv.b(Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE()[intValue].value, c15155gij)) { i = i2; } else if (C14957gcv.b(Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE()[i2].value, c15155gij)) { i = intValue + 2; } } i = -1; } else { i = -1; i2 = -1; } if (i == -1) { int i5 = this.nextHeaderIndex + 1; int length = this.dynamicTable.length; while (true) { if (i5 >= length) { break; } Header header2 = this.dynamicTable[i5]; C14957gcv.e(header2); if (C14957gcv.b(, g)) { Header header3 = this.dynamicTable[i5]; C14957gcv.e(header3); if (C14957gcv.b(header3.value, c15155gij)) { i = Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE().length + (i5 - this.nextHeaderIndex); break; } else if (i2 == -1) { i2 = Hpack.INSTANCE.getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE().length + (i5 - this.nextHeaderIndex); } } i5++; } } if (i != -1) { writeInt(i, 127, 128); } else if (i2 == -1) { this.out.b(64); writeByteString(g); writeByteString(c15155gij); insertIntoDynamicTable(header); } else { C15155gij c15155gij2 = Header.PSEUDO_PREFIX; C14957gcv.e(c15155gij2, ""); if (g.d(c15155gij2, 0, c15155gij2.a()) && !C14957gcv.b(Header.TARGET_AUTHORITY, g)) { writeInt(i2, 15, 0); writeByteString(c15155gij); } else { writeInt(i2, 63, 64); writeByteString(c15155gij); insertIntoDynamicTable(header); } } } } public final void writeInt(int i, int i2, int i3) { if (i < i2) { this.out.b(i | i3); return; } this.out.b(i3 | i2); int i4 = i - i2; while (i4 >= 128) { this.out.b(128 | (i4 & 127)); i4 >>>= 7; } this.out.b(i4); } public final void writeByteString(C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); if (this.useCompression && Huffman.INSTANCE.encodedLength(c15155gij) < c15155gij.a()) { C15111ghZ c15111ghZ = new C15111ghZ(); Huffman.INSTANCE.encode(c15155gij, c15111ghZ); C15155gij c = c15111ghZ.c(c15111ghZ.c); writeInt(c.a(), 127, 128); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ2 = this.out; C14957gcv.e(c, ""); c.a(c15111ghZ2, c.a()); return; } writeInt(c15155gij.a(), 127, 0); C15111ghZ c15111ghZ3 = this.out; C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); c15155gij.a(c15111ghZ3, c15155gij.a()); } public final void resizeHeaderTable(int i) { this.headerTableSizeSetting = i; int min = Math.min(i, 16384); int i2 = this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; if (i2 == min) { return; } if (min < i2) { this.smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting = Math.min(this.smallestHeaderTableSizeSetting, min); } this.emitDynamicTableSizeUpdate = true; this.maxDynamicTableByteCount = min; adjustDynamicTableByteCount(); } private final void adjustDynamicTableByteCount() { int i = this.maxDynamicTableByteCount; int i2 = this.dynamicTableByteCount; if (i < i2) { if (i == 0) { clearDynamicTable(); } else { evictToRecoverBytes(i2 - i); } } } private final void clearDynamicTable() { Header[] headerArr = this.dynamicTable; int length = headerArr.length; C14957gcv.e(headerArr, ""); Arrays.fill(headerArr, 0, length, (Object) null); this.nextHeaderIndex = this.dynamicTable.length - 1; this.headerCount = 0; this.dynamicTableByteCount = 0; } /* JADX WARN: 'this' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Writer(C15111ghZ c15111ghZ) { this(0, false, c15111ghZ, 3, null); C14957gcv.e(c15111ghZ, ""); } /* JADX WARN: 'this' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Writer(int i, C15111ghZ c15111ghZ) { this(i, false, c15111ghZ, 2, null); C14957gcv.e(c15111ghZ, ""); } } public final C15155gij checkLowercase(C15155gij c15155gij) throws IOException { C14957gcv.e(c15155gij, ""); int a = c15155gij.a(); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { byte c = c15155gij.c(i); if (65 <= c && c <= 90) { String str = c15155gij.d; if (str == null) { byte[] b = c15155gij.b(); C14957gcv.e(b, ""); String str2 = new String(b, gdP.a); c15155gij.d = str2; str = str2; } throw new IOException(C14957gcv.c("PROTOCOL_ERROR response malformed: mixed case name: ", (Object) str)); } } return c15155gij; } public final Header[] getSTATIC_HEADER_TABLE() { return STATIC_HEADER_TABLE; } public final Map getNAME_TO_FIRST_INDEX() { return NAME_TO_FIRST_INDEX; } }