package o; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class qtT implements Runnable { public long b; private long c; public ArrayList d = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList h = new ArrayList<>(); public static final ThreadLocal e = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static Comparator a = new Comparator() { // from class: o.qtT.3 @Override // java.util.Comparator public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ int compare(Sts sts, Sts sts2) { Sts sts3 = sts; Sts sts4 = sts2; if ((sts3.b == null) != (sts4.b == null)) { return sts3.b == null ? 1 : -1; } if (sts3.e != sts4.e) { return sts3.e ? -1 : 1; } int i = sts4.c - sts3.c; if (i != 0) { return i; } int i2 = sts3.d - sts4.d; if (i2 != 0) { return i2; } return 0; } }; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static class Sts { public int a; public RecyclerView b; public int c; public int d; public boolean e; Sts() { } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class LWm implements RecyclerView.tOB.Sts { int a; int b; public int[] c; public int e; final void d(RecyclerView recyclerView, boolean z) { this.e = 0; int[] iArr = this.c; if (iArr != null) { Arrays.fill(iArr, -1); } RecyclerView.tOB tob = recyclerView.x; if (recyclerView.g == null || tob == null || !tob.q) { return; } if (!z) { if (!recyclerView.d()) { tob.b(this.a, this.b, recyclerView.R, this); } } else if (recyclerView.j.d.size() <= 0) { tob.d(recyclerView.g.getItemCount(), this); } if (this.e > tob.p) { tob.p = this.e; tob.r = z; recyclerView.M.b(); } } @Override // androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.tOB.Sts public final void c(int i, int i2) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layout positions must be non-negative"); } if (i2 < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pixel distance must be non-negative"); } int i3 = this.e; int i4 = i3 << 1; int[] iArr = this.c; if (iArr == null) { int[] iArr2 = new int[4]; this.c = iArr2; Arrays.fill(iArr2, -1); } else if (i4 >= iArr.length) { int[] iArr3 = new int[i3 << 2]; this.c = iArr3; System.arraycopy(iArr, 0, iArr3, 0, iArr.length); } int[] iArr4 = this.c; iArr4[i4] = i; iArr4[i4 + 1] = i2; this.e++; } public final boolean b(int i) { if (this.c != null) { int i2 = this.e; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < (i2 << 1); i3 += 2) { if (this.c[i3] == i) { return true; } } } return false; } } public final void a(RecyclerView recyclerView, int i, int i2) { if (recyclerView.isAttachedToWindow() && this.c == 0) { this.c = RecyclerView.b();; } LWm lWm = recyclerView.J; lWm.a = i; lWm.b = i2; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { RecyclerView recyclerView; Sts sts; long j = 0; try { Lfp.b("RV Prefetch"); if (!this.d.isEmpty()) { int size = this.d.size(); long j2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { try { RecyclerView recyclerView2 = this.d.get(i); if (recyclerView2.getWindowVisibility() == 0) { j2 = Math.max(recyclerView2.getDrawingTime(), j2); } } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; this.c = j; throw th; } } if (j2 != 0) { long nanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(j2) + this.b; int size2 = this.d.size(); int i2 = 0; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < size2; i3++) { RecyclerView recyclerView3 = this.d.get(i3); if (recyclerView3.getWindowVisibility() == 0) { recyclerView3.J.d(recyclerView3, false); i2 += recyclerView3.J.e; } } this.h.ensureCapacity(i2); int i4 = 0; int i5 = 0; while (i4 < size2) { RecyclerView recyclerView4 = this.d.get(i4); if (recyclerView4.getWindowVisibility() == 0) { LWm lWm = recyclerView4.J; int abs = Math.abs(lWm.a) + Math.abs(lWm.b); int i6 = 0; while (i6 < (lWm.e << 1)) { if (i5 >= this.h.size()) { sts = new Sts(); this.h.add(sts); } else { sts = this.h.get(i5); } int i7 = lWm.c[i6 + 1]; sts.e = i7 <= abs; sts.c = abs; sts.d = i7; sts.b = recyclerView4; sts.a = lWm.c[i6]; i5++; i6 += 2; j = 0; } } i4++; j = 0; } Collections.sort(this.h, a); for (int i8 = 0; i8 < this.h.size(); i8++) { Sts sts2 = this.h.get(i8); if (sts2.b == null) { break; } RecyclerView.zJl d = d(sts2.b, sts2.a, sts2.e ? Long.MAX_VALUE : nanos); if (d != null && d.mNestedRecyclerView != null && d.isBound() && !d.isInvalid() && (recyclerView = d.mNestedRecyclerView.get()) != null) { if (recyclerView.k && recyclerView.n.d.c() != 0) { recyclerView.i(); } LWm lWm2 = recyclerView.J; lWm2.d(recyclerView, true); if (lWm2.e != 0) { try { Lfp.b("RV Nested Prefetch"); RecyclerView.AcL acL = recyclerView.R; RecyclerView.Sts sts3 = recyclerView.g; acL.j = 1; acL.h = sts3.getItemCount(); acL.c = false; acL.t = false; acL.f = false; for (int i9 = 0; i9 < (lWm2.e << 1); i9 += 2) { d(recyclerView, lWm2.c[i9], nanos); } Lfp.c(); } finally { Lfp.c(); } } } sts2.e = false; sts2.c = 0; sts2.d = 0; sts2.b = null; sts2.a = 0; } this.c = 0L; } } this.c = 0L; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; j = 0; } } private static RecyclerView.zJl d(RecyclerView recyclerView, int i, long j) { int c = recyclerView.n.d.c(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < c; i2++) { RecyclerView.zJl c2 = RecyclerView.c(recyclerView.n.d.e(i2)); if (c2.mPosition == i && !c2.isInvalid()) { return null; } } RecyclerView.huo huoVar = recyclerView.M; try { recyclerView.B++; RecyclerView.zJl a2 = huoVar.a(i, j); if (a2 != null) { if (a2.isBound() && !a2.isInvalid()) { huoVar.c(a2.itemView); } else { huoVar.c(a2, false); } } return a2; } finally { recyclerView.d(false); } } }