package o; import io.reactivex.rxjava3.exceptions.CompositeException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class fYR { public static final Throwable b = new HBt(); public static RuntimeException c(Throwable th) { if (th instanceof Error) { throw ((Error) th); } if (th instanceof RuntimeException) { return (RuntimeException) th; } return new RuntimeException(th); } public static boolean c(AtomicReference atomicReference, Throwable th) { while (true) { Throwable th2 = atomicReference.get(); if (th2 == b) { return false; } Throwable compositeException = th2 == null ? th : new CompositeException(th2, th); while (!atomicReference.compareAndSet(th2, compositeException)) { if (atomicReference.get() != th2) { break; } } return true; } } public static Throwable b(AtomicReference atomicReference) { Throwable th = atomicReference.get(); Throwable th2 = b; return th != th2 ? atomicReference.getAndSet(th2) : th; } public static String a(long j, TimeUnit timeUnit) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The source did not signal an event for "); sb.append(j); sb.append(" "); sb.append(timeUnit.toString().toLowerCase()); sb.append(" and has been terminated."); return sb.toString(); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class HBt extends Throwable { @Override // java.lang.Throwable public final Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } HBt() { super("No further exceptions"); } } public static NullPointerException c(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(str); sb.append(" Null values are generally not allowed in 3.x operators and sources."); return new NullPointerException(sb.toString()); } public static T d(T t, String str) { if (t != null) { return t; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(str); sb.append(" Null values are generally not allowed in 3.x operators and sources."); throw new NullPointerException(sb.toString()); } }