package o; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class cKE { private static volatile int a = 100; int b; int c; public int d; uCO e; private boolean i; public static long b(long j) { return (j >>> 1) ^ (-(1 & j)); } public static int c(int i) { return (i >>> 1) ^ (-(i & 1)); } public abstract boolean a() throws IOException; public abstract boolean b() throws IOException; public abstract boolean b(int i) throws IOException; public abstract QwV c() throws IOException; public abstract int d(); public abstract int d(int i) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException; public abstract void e() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException; public abstract void e(int i); public abstract double f() throws IOException; public abstract long g() throws IOException; public abstract int h() throws IOException; public abstract float i() throws IOException; public abstract int j() throws IOException; public abstract long k() throws IOException; public abstract int l() throws IOException; public abstract int m() throws IOException; abstract long n() throws IOException; public abstract long o() throws IOException; public abstract long p() throws IOException; public abstract int q() throws IOException; public abstract String r() throws IOException; public abstract int s() throws IOException; public abstract String t() throws IOException; public abstract long v() throws IOException; public abstract int y() throws IOException; /* synthetic */ cKE(byte b) { this(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static cKE a(Iterable iterable) { int i = 0; int i2 = 0; for (ByteBuffer byteBuffer : iterable) { i2 += byteBuffer.remaining(); if (byteBuffer.hasArray()) { i |= 1; } else { i = byteBuffer.isDirect() ? i | 2 : i | 4; } } if (i == 2) { return new RVV(iterable, i2); } return new LWm(new MZr(iterable)); } public static cKE a(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; return c(bArr, 0, 0, false); } public static cKE a(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { return c(bArr, 0, i2, false); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static cKE c(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, boolean z) { HBt hBt = new HBt(bArr, i, i2, z, (byte) 0); try { hBt.d(i2); return hBt; } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } private cKE() { this.c = a; this.d = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.i = false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class HBt extends cKE { private final byte[] a; private int f; private int g; private int h; private final boolean i; private boolean j; private int l; private int n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ private int f8607o; /* synthetic */ HBt(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, boolean z, byte b) { this(bArr, i, i2, z); } private HBt(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, boolean z) { super((byte) 0); this.f = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.a = bArr; this.n = i2 + i; this.l = i; this.f8607o = i; this.i = z; } @Override // o.cKE public final void e() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (this.g != 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b(int i) throws IOException { int s; int c = Nvr.c(i); int i2 = 0; if (c == 0) { if (this.n - this.l >= 10) { while (i2 < 10) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i3 = this.l; this.l = i3 + 1; if (bArr[i3] < 0) { i2++; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } while (i2 < 10) { if (x() < 0) { i2++; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); return true; } if (c == 1) { a(8); return true; } if (c == 2) { a(A()); return true; } if (c != 3) { if (c == 4) { return false; } if (c == 5) { a(4); return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.e(); } do { s = s(); if (s == 0) { break; } } while (b(s)); if (this.g == Nvr.c(Nvr.b(i), 4)) { return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } @Override // o.cKE public final double f() throws IOException { return Double.longBitsToDouble(C()); } @Override // o.cKE public final float i() throws IOException { return Float.intBitsToFloat(w()); } @Override // o.cKE public final long v() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long k() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int l() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long g() throws IOException { return C(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int j() throws IOException { return w(); } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b() throws IOException { return z() != 0; } @Override // o.cKE public final String t() throws IOException { int A = A(); if (A > 0) { int i = this.n; int i2 = this.l; if (A <= i - i2) { String str = new String(this.a, i2, A, MTP.b); this.l += A; return str; } } if (A == 0) { return ""; } if (A < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final String r() throws IOException { int A = A(); if (A > 0) { int i = this.n; int i2 = this.l; if (A <= i - i2) { String d = C16752qto.d(this.a, i2, A); this.l += A; return d; } } if (A == 0) { return ""; } if (A <= 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final QwV c() throws IOException { byte[] bArr; int A = A(); if (A > 0) { int i = this.n; int i2 = this.l; if (A <= i - i2) { QwV c = QwV.c(this.a, i2, A); this.l += A; return c; } } if (A == 0) { return QwV.a; } if (A > 0) { int i3 = this.n; int i4 = this.l; if (A <= i3 - i4) { int i5 = A + i4; this.l = i5; bArr = Arrays.copyOfRange(this.a, i4, i5); return QwV.d(bArr); } } if (A > 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } if (A == 0) { bArr = MTP.e; return QwV.d(bArr); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int y() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int h() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int m() throws IOException { return w(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long o() throws IOException { return C(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int q() throws IOException { int A = A(); return (A >>> 1) ^ (-(A & 1)); } @Override // o.cKE public final long p() throws IOException { long z = z(); return (z >>> 1) ^ (-(1 & z)); } private int A() throws IOException { int i; int i2 = this.l; int i3 = this.n; if (i3 != i2) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i4 = i2 + 1; byte b = bArr[i2]; if (b >= 0) { this.l = i4; return b; } if (i3 - i4 >= 9) { int i5 = i2 + 2; int i6 = (bArr[i4] << 7) ^ b; if (i6 < 0) { i = i6 ^ (-128); } else { int i7 = i2 + 3; int i8 = (bArr[i5] << 14) ^ i6; if (i8 >= 0) { i = i8 ^ 16256; } else { int i9 = i2 + 4; int i10 = i8 ^ (bArr[i7] << Ascii.NAK); if (i10 < 0) { i = (-2080896) ^ i10; } else { i7 = i2 + 5; byte b2 = bArr[i9]; int i11 = (i10 ^ (b2 << 28)) ^ 266354560; if (b2 < 0) { i9 = i2 + 6; if (bArr[i7] < 0) { i7 = i2 + 7; if (bArr[i9] < 0) { i9 = i2 + 8; if (bArr[i7] < 0) { i7 = i2 + 9; if (bArr[i9] < 0) { if (bArr[i7] >= 0) { i5 = i2 + 10; i = i11; } } } } } i = i11; } i = i11; } i5 = i9; } i5 = i7; } this.l = i5; return i; } } return (int) n(); } private long z() throws IOException { long j; long j2; long j3; int i = this.l; int i2 = this.n; if (i2 != i) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i3 = i + 1; byte b = bArr[i]; if (b >= 0) { this.l = i3; return b; } if (i2 - i3 >= 9) { int i4 = i + 2; int i5 = (bArr[i3] << 7) ^ b; if (i5 < 0) { j = i5 ^ (-128); } else { int i6 = i + 3; int i7 = (bArr[i4] << 14) ^ i5; if (i7 >= 0) { j = i7 ^ 16256; i4 = i6; } else { int i8 = i + 4; int i9 = i7 ^ (bArr[i6] << Ascii.NAK); if (i9 < 0) { long j4 = (-2080896) ^ i9; i4 = i8; j = j4; } else { long j5 = i9; i4 = i + 5; long j6 = j5 ^ (bArr[i8] << 28); if (j6 >= 0) { j3 = 266354560; } else { int i10 = i + 6; long j7 = j6 ^ (bArr[i4] << 35); if (j7 < 0) { j2 = -34093383808L; } else { i4 = i + 7; j6 = j7 ^ (bArr[i10] << 42); if (j6 >= 0) { j3 = 4363953127296L; } else { i10 = i + 8; j7 = j6 ^ (bArr[i4] << 49); if (j7 < 0) { j2 = -558586000294016L; } else { i4 = i + 9; long j8 = (j7 ^ (bArr[i10] << 56)) ^ 71499008037633920L; if (j8 < 0) { if (bArr[i4] >= 0) { i4 = i + 10; } } j = j8; } } } j = j7 ^ j2; i4 = i10; } j = j6 ^ j3; } } } this.l = i4; return j; } } return n(); } @Override // o.cKE final long n() throws IOException { long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 7) { j |= (r3 & Ascii.DEL) << i; if ((x() & 128) == 0) { return j; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } private int w() throws IOException { int i = this.l; if (this.n - i < 4) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } byte[] bArr = this.a; this.l = i + 4; return ((bArr[i + 3] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 24) | (bArr[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) | ((bArr[i + 1] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 8) | ((bArr[i + 2] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 16); } private long C() throws IOException { int i = this.l; if (this.n - i < 8) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } byte[] bArr = this.a; this.l = i + 8; return ((bArr[i + 7] & 255) << 56) | (bArr[i] & 255) | ((bArr[i + 1] & 255) << 8) | ((bArr[i + 2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[i + 3] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[i + 4] & 255) << 32) | ((bArr[i + 5] & 255) << 40) | ((bArr[i + 6] & 255) << 48); } @Override // o.cKE public final void e(int i) { this.f = i; u(); } private byte x() throws IOException { int i = this.l; if (i == this.n) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } byte[] bArr = this.a; this.l = i + 1; return bArr[i]; } private void a(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { int i2 = this.n; int i3 = this.l; if (i <= i2 - i3) { this.l = i3 + i; return; } } if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int d(int i) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } int i2 = i + (this.l - this.f8607o); if (i2 >= 0) { int i3 = this.f; if (i2 > i3) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.f = i2; u(); return i3; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.f(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int s() throws IOException { if (this.l == this.n) { this.g = 0; return 0; } int A = A(); this.g = A; if (Nvr.b(A) != 0) { return this.g; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.d(); } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean a() throws IOException { return this.l == this.n; } @Override // o.cKE public final int d() { return this.l - this.f8607o; } private void u() { int i = this.n + this.h; this.n = i; int i2 = i - this.f8607o; int i3 = this.f; if (i2 <= i3) { this.h = 0; return; } int i4 = i2 - i3; this.h = i4; this.n = i - i4; } } public static cKE e(InputStream inputStream) { if (inputStream == null) { byte[] bArr = MTP.e; return c(bArr, 0, bArr.length, false); } return new LWm(inputStream); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static final class LWm extends cKE { private final byte[] a; private final InputStream f; private int g; private int h; private int i; private int j; private int k; private int m; private HBt n; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ interface HBt { } /* synthetic */ LWm(InputStream inputStream) { this(inputStream, 4096); } private LWm(InputStream inputStream, int i) { super((byte) 0); this.i = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.n = null; MTP.c(inputStream, "input"); this.f = inputStream; this.a = new byte[4096]; this.j = 0; this.k = 0; this.m = 0; } private static int b(InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { try { return, i, i2); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { e.e = true; throw e; } } private static long d(InputStream inputStream, long j) throws IOException { try { return inputStream.skip(j); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { e.e = true; throw e; } } private static int d(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { try { return inputStream.available(); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { e.e = true; throw e; } } @Override // o.cKE public final int s() throws IOException { if (this.k == this.j && !h(1)) { this.g = 0; return 0; } int D = D(); this.g = D; if (Nvr.b(D) != 0) { return this.g; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.d(); } @Override // o.cKE public final void e() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (this.g != 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b(int i) throws IOException { int s; int c = Nvr.c(i); int i2 = 0; if (c == 0) { if (this.j - this.k >= 10) { while (i2 < 10) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i3 = this.k; this.k = i3 + 1; if (bArr[i3] < 0) { i2++; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } while (i2 < 10) { if (u() < 0) { i2++; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); return true; } if (c == 1) { o(8); return true; } if (c == 2) { o(D()); return true; } if (c != 3) { if (c == 4) { return false; } if (c == 5) { o(4); return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.e(); } do { s = s(); if (s == 0) { break; } } while (b(s)); if (this.g == Nvr.c(Nvr.b(i), 4)) { return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } @Override // o.cKE public final double f() throws IOException { return Double.longBitsToDouble(z()); } @Override // o.cKE public final float i() throws IOException { return Float.intBitsToFloat(x()); } @Override // o.cKE public final long v() throws IOException { return B(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long k() throws IOException { return B(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int l() throws IOException { return D(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long g() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int j() throws IOException { return x(); } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b() throws IOException { return B() != 0; } @Override // o.cKE public final String t() throws IOException { int D = D(); if (D > 0) { int i = this.j; int i2 = this.k; if (D <= i - i2) { String str = new String(this.a, i2, D, MTP.b); this.k += D; return str; } } if (D == 0) { return ""; } if (D <= this.j) { i(D); String str2 = new String(this.a, this.k, D, MTP.b); this.k += D; return str2; } return new String(a(D), MTP.b); } @Override // o.cKE public final String r() throws IOException { byte[] a; int D = D(); int i = this.k; int i2 = this.j; if (D <= i2 - i && D > 0) { a = this.a; this.k = i + D; } else { if (D == 0) { return ""; } i = 0; if (D <= i2) { i(D); a = this.a; this.k = D; } else { a = a(D); } } return C16752qto.d(a, i, D); } @Override // o.cKE public final QwV c() throws IOException { int D = D(); int i = this.j; int i2 = this.k; if (D <= i - i2 && D > 0) { QwV c = QwV.c(this.a, i2, D); this.k += D; return c; } if (D == 0) { return QwV.a; } byte[] j = j(D); if (j != null) { return QwV.b(j); } int i3 = this.k; int i4 = this.j; int i5 = i4 - i3; this.m += i4; this.k = 0; this.j = 0; List f = f(D - i5); byte[] bArr = new byte[D]; System.arraycopy(this.a, i3, bArr, 0, i5); for (byte[] bArr2 : f) { System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr, i5, bArr2.length); i5 += bArr2.length; } return QwV.d(bArr); } @Override // o.cKE public final int y() throws IOException { return D(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int h() throws IOException { return D(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int m() throws IOException { return x(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long o() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int q() throws IOException { int D = D(); return (D >>> 1) ^ (-(D & 1)); } @Override // o.cKE public final long p() throws IOException { long B = B(); return (B >>> 1) ^ (-(1 & B)); } private int D() throws IOException { int i; int i2 = this.k; int i3 = this.j; if (i3 != i2) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i4 = i2 + 1; byte b = bArr[i2]; if (b >= 0) { this.k = i4; return b; } if (i3 - i4 >= 9) { int i5 = i2 + 2; int i6 = (bArr[i4] << 7) ^ b; if (i6 < 0) { i = i6 ^ (-128); } else { int i7 = i2 + 3; int i8 = (bArr[i5] << 14) ^ i6; if (i8 >= 0) { i = i8 ^ 16256; } else { int i9 = i2 + 4; int i10 = i8 ^ (bArr[i7] << Ascii.NAK); if (i10 < 0) { i = (-2080896) ^ i10; } else { i7 = i2 + 5; byte b2 = bArr[i9]; int i11 = (i10 ^ (b2 << 28)) ^ 266354560; if (b2 < 0) { i9 = i2 + 6; if (bArr[i7] < 0) { i7 = i2 + 7; if (bArr[i9] < 0) { i9 = i2 + 8; if (bArr[i7] < 0) { i7 = i2 + 9; if (bArr[i9] < 0) { if (bArr[i7] >= 0) { i5 = i2 + 10; i = i11; } } } } } i = i11; } i = i11; } i5 = i9; } i5 = i7; } this.k = i5; return i; } } return (int) n(); } private long B() throws IOException { long j; long j2; long j3; int i = this.k; int i2 = this.j; if (i2 != i) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i3 = i + 1; byte b = bArr[i]; if (b >= 0) { this.k = i3; return b; } if (i2 - i3 >= 9) { int i4 = i + 2; int i5 = (bArr[i3] << 7) ^ b; if (i5 < 0) { j = i5 ^ (-128); } else { int i6 = i + 3; int i7 = (bArr[i4] << 14) ^ i5; if (i7 >= 0) { j = i7 ^ 16256; i4 = i6; } else { int i8 = i + 4; int i9 = i7 ^ (bArr[i6] << Ascii.NAK); if (i9 < 0) { long j4 = (-2080896) ^ i9; i4 = i8; j = j4; } else { long j5 = i9; i4 = i + 5; long j6 = j5 ^ (bArr[i8] << 28); if (j6 >= 0) { j3 = 266354560; } else { int i10 = i + 6; long j7 = j6 ^ (bArr[i4] << 35); if (j7 < 0) { j2 = -34093383808L; } else { i4 = i + 7; j6 = j7 ^ (bArr[i10] << 42); if (j6 >= 0) { j3 = 4363953127296L; } else { i10 = i + 8; j7 = j6 ^ (bArr[i4] << 49); if (j7 < 0) { j2 = -558586000294016L; } else { i4 = i + 9; long j8 = (j7 ^ (bArr[i10] << 56)) ^ 71499008037633920L; if (j8 < 0) { if (bArr[i4] >= 0) { i4 = i + 10; } } j = j8; } } } j = j7 ^ j2; i4 = i10; } j = j6 ^ j3; } } } this.k = i4; return j; } } return n(); } @Override // o.cKE final long n() throws IOException { long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 7) { j |= (r3 & Ascii.DEL) << i; if ((u() & 128) == 0) { return j; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } private int x() throws IOException { int i = this.k; if (this.j - i < 4) { i(4); i = this.k; } byte[] bArr = this.a; this.k = i + 4; return ((bArr[i + 3] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 24) | (bArr[i] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) | ((bArr[i + 1] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 8) | ((bArr[i + 2] & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 16); } private long z() throws IOException { int i = this.k; if (this.j - i < 8) { i(8); i = this.k; } byte[] bArr = this.a; this.k = i + 8; return ((bArr[i + 7] & 255) << 56) | (bArr[i] & 255) | ((bArr[i + 1] & 255) << 8) | ((bArr[i + 2] & 255) << 16) | ((bArr[i + 3] & 255) << 24) | ((bArr[i + 4] & 255) << 32) | ((bArr[i + 5] & 255) << 40) | ((bArr[i + 6] & 255) << 48); } @Override // o.cKE public final int d(int i) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } int i2 = i + this.m + this.k; int i3 = this.i; if (i2 > i3) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.i = i2; w(); return i3; } @Override // o.cKE public final void e(int i) { this.i = i; w(); } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean a() throws IOException { return this.k == this.j && !h(1); } private void i(int i) throws IOException { if (h(i)) { return; } if (i > (this.d - this.m) - this.k) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.j(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } private boolean h(int i) throws IOException { if (this.k + i <= this.j) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("refillBuffer() called when "); sb.append(i); sb.append(" bytes were already available in buffer"); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } int i2 = this.d; int i3 = this.m; int i4 = this.k; if (i > (i2 - i3) - i4 || i3 + i4 + i > this.i) { return false; } if (i4 > 0) { int i5 = this.j; if (i5 > i4) { byte[] bArr = this.a; System.arraycopy(bArr, i4, bArr, 0, i5 - i4); } this.m += i4; this.j -= i4; this.k = 0; } InputStream inputStream = this.f; byte[] bArr2 = this.a; int i6 = this.j; int b = b(inputStream, bArr2, i6, Math.min(bArr2.length - i6, (this.d - this.m) - this.j)); if (b == 0 || b < -1 || b > this.a.length) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append(this.f.getClass()); sb2.append("#read(byte[]) returned invalid result: "); sb2.append(b); sb2.append("\nThe InputStream implementation is buggy."); throw new IllegalStateException(sb2.toString()); } if (b <= 0) { return false; } this.j += b; w(); if (this.j >= i) { return true; } return h(i); } private byte u() throws IOException { if (this.k == this.j) { i(1); } byte[] bArr = this.a; int i = this.k; this.k = i + 1; return bArr[i]; } private byte[] a(int i) throws IOException { byte[] j = j(i); if (j != null) { return j; } int i2 = this.k; int i3 = this.j; int i4 = i3 - i2; this.m += i3; this.k = 0; this.j = 0; List f = f(i - i4); byte[] bArr = new byte[i]; System.arraycopy(this.a, i2, bArr, 0, i4); for (byte[] bArr2 : f) { System.arraycopy(bArr2, 0, bArr, i4, bArr2.length); i4 += bArr2.length; } return bArr; } private byte[] j(int i) throws IOException { if (i == 0) { return MTP.e; } if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } int i2 = this.m + this.k + i; if (i2 - this.d > 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.j(); } int i3 = this.i; if (i2 > i3) { o((i3 - this.m) - this.k); throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } int i4 = this.j - this.k; int i5 = i - i4; if (i5 >= 4096 && i5 > d(this.f)) { return null; } byte[] bArr = new byte[i]; System.arraycopy(this.a, this.k, bArr, 0, i4); this.m += this.j; this.k = 0; this.j = 0; while (i4 < i) { int b = b(this.f, bArr, i4, i - i4); if (b == -1) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.m += b; i4 += b; } return bArr; } private List f(int i) throws IOException { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); while (i > 0) { int min = Math.min(i, 4096); byte[] bArr = new byte[min]; int i2 = 0; while (i2 < min) { int read =, i2, min - i2); if (read == -1) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.m += read; i2 += read; } i -= min; arrayList.add(bArr); } return arrayList; } private void o(int i) throws IOException { int i2 = this.j; int i3 = this.k; if (i > i2 - i3 || i < 0) { g(i); } else { this.k = i3 + i; } } private void g(int i) throws IOException { if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } int i2 = this.m; int i3 = this.k; int i4 = this.i; int i5 = i2 + i3; if (i5 + i > i4) { o((i4 - i2) - i3); throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.m = i5; int i6 = this.j; this.j = 0; this.k = 0; int i7 = i6 - i3; while (i7 < i) { try { long j = i - i7; long d = d(this.f, j); if (d >= 0 && d <= j) { if (d == 0) { break; } else { i7 += (int) d; } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.f.getClass()); sb.append("#skip returned invalid result: "); sb.append(d); sb.append("\nThe InputStream implementation is buggy."); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } } finally { this.m += i7; w(); } } if (i7 >= i) { return; } int i8 = this.j; int i9 = i8 - this.k; this.k = i8; i(1); while (true) { int i10 = i - i9; int i11 = this.j; if (i10 <= i11) { this.k = i10; return; } else { i9 += i11; this.k = i11; i(1); } } } @Override // o.cKE public final int d() { return this.m + this.k; } private void w() { int i = this.j + this.h; this.j = i; int i2 = this.m + i; int i3 = this.i; if (i2 <= i3) { this.h = 0; return; } int i4 = i2 - i3; this.h = i4; this.j = i - i4; } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static final class RVV extends cKE { private int a; private ByteBuffer f; private long g; private long h; private long i; private long j; private final boolean k; private int l; private boolean m; private final Iterator n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ private final Iterable f8608o; private int p; private int r; private int s; private int t; /* synthetic */ RVV(Iterable iterable, int i) { this(iterable, i, true); } private RVV(Iterable iterable, int i, boolean z) { super((byte) 0); this.l = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.t = i; this.f8608o = iterable; this.n = iterable.iterator(); this.k = true; this.r = 0; this.s = 0; if (i == 0) { this.f = MTP.d; this.h = 0L; this.j = 0L; this.g = 0L; this.i = 0L; return; } x(); } private void x() { ByteBuffer next =; this.f = next; this.r += (int) (this.h - this.j); long position = next.position(); this.h = position; this.j = position; this.g = this.f.limit(); long d = vqr.d(this.f); this.i = d; this.h += d; this.j += d; this.g += d; } @Override // o.cKE public final int s() throws IOException { if (a()) { this.p = 0; return 0; } int A = A(); this.p = A; if (Nvr.b(A) != 0) { return this.p; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.d(); } @Override // o.cKE public final void e() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (this.p != 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b(int i) throws IOException { int s; int c = Nvr.c(i); if (c == 0) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++) { if (w() >= 0) { return true; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } if (c == 1) { a(8); return true; } if (c == 2) { a(A()); return true; } if (c != 3) { if (c == 4) { return false; } if (c == 5) { a(4); return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.e(); } do { s = s(); if (s == 0) { break; } } while (b(s)); if (this.p == Nvr.c(Nvr.b(i), 4)) { return true; } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.c(); } @Override // o.cKE public final double f() throws IOException { return Double.longBitsToDouble(B()); } @Override // o.cKE public final float i() throws IOException { return Float.intBitsToFloat(z()); } @Override // o.cKE public final long v() throws IOException { return C(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long k() throws IOException { return C(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int l() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long g() throws IOException { return B(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int j() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean b() throws IOException { return C() != 0; } @Override // o.cKE public final String t() throws IOException { int A = A(); if (A > 0) { long j = A; long j2 = this.g; long j3 = this.h; if (j <= j2 - j3) { byte[] bArr = new byte[A]; vqr.e(j3, bArr, 0L, j); String str = new String(bArr, MTP.b); this.h += j; return str; } } if (A > 0 && A <= ((int) (((this.t - this.r) - this.h) + this.j))) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[A]; e(bArr2, A); return new String(bArr2, MTP.b); } if (A == 0) { return ""; } if (A < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final String r() throws IOException { int A = A(); if (A > 0) { long j = A; long j2 = this.g; long j3 = this.h; if (j <= j2 - j3) { String c = C16752qto.c(this.f, (int) (j3 - this.j), A); this.h += j; return c; } } if (A >= 0 && A <= ((int) (((this.t - this.r) - this.h) + this.j))) { byte[] bArr = new byte[A]; e(bArr, A); return C16752qto.d(bArr, 0, A); } if (A == 0) { return ""; } if (A <= 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final QwV c() throws IOException { int A = A(); if (A > 0) { long j = A; long j2 = this.g; long j3 = this.h; if (j <= j2 - j3) { byte[] bArr = new byte[A]; vqr.e(j3, bArr, 0L, j); this.h += j; return QwV.d(bArr); } } if (A > 0 && A <= ((int) (((this.t - this.r) - this.h) + this.j))) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[A]; e(bArr2, A); return QwV.d(bArr2); } if (A == 0) { return QwV.a; } if (A < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int y() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int h() throws IOException { return A(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int m() throws IOException { return z(); } @Override // o.cKE public final long o() throws IOException { return B(); } @Override // o.cKE public final int q() throws IOException { int A = A(); return (A >>> 1) ^ (-(A & 1)); } @Override // o.cKE public final long p() throws IOException { long C = C(); return (C >>> 1) ^ (-(1 & C)); } private int A() throws IOException { int i; long j = this.h; if (this.g != j) { byte d = vqr.d(j); if (d >= 0) { this.h++; return d; } if (this.g - this.h >= 10) { long j2 = 2 + j; int d2 = d ^ (vqr.d(1 + j) << 7); if (d2 < 0) { i = d2 ^ (-128); } else { long j3 = 3 + j; int d3 = d2 ^ (vqr.d(j2) << 14); if (d3 >= 0) { i = d3 ^ 16256; } else { j2 = 4 + j; int d4 = d3 ^ (vqr.d(j3) << Ascii.NAK); if (d4 < 0) { i = (-2080896) ^ d4; } else { j3 = 5 + j; byte d5 = vqr.d(j2); int i2 = (d4 ^ (d5 << 28)) ^ 266354560; if (d5 < 0) { j2 = 6 + j; if (vqr.d(j3) < 0) { j3 = 7 + j; if (vqr.d(j2) < 0) { j2 = 8 + j; if (vqr.d(j3) < 0) { j3 = 9 + j; if (vqr.d(j2) < 0) { if (vqr.d(j3) >= 0) { j2 = j + 10; } } } } } i = i2; } i = i2; } } j2 = j3; } this.h = j2; return i; } } return (int) n(); } private long C() throws IOException { long j; long j2; int i; long j3 = this.h; if (this.g != j3) { byte d = vqr.d(j3); if (d >= 0) { this.h++; return d; } if (this.g - this.h >= 10) { long j4 = 2 + j3; int d2 = d ^ (vqr.d(1 + j3) << 7); if (d2 >= 0) { long j5 = 3 + j3; int d3 = d2 ^ (vqr.d(j4) << 14); if (d3 >= 0) { j = d3 ^ 16256; j4 = j5; } else { j4 = 4 + j3; int d4 = d3 ^ (vqr.d(j5) << Ascii.NAK); if (d4 < 0) { i = (-2080896) ^ d4; } else { long j6 = 5 + j3; long d5 = d4 ^ (vqr.d(j4) << 28); if (d5 >= 0) { j2 = 266354560; } else { long j7 = 6 + j3; d5 ^= vqr.d(j6) << 35; if (d5 < 0) { j2 = -34093383808L; } else { j6 = 7 + j3; d5 ^= vqr.d(j7) << 42; if (d5 >= 0) { j2 = 4363953127296L; } else { j7 = 8 + j3; d5 ^= vqr.d(j6) << 49; if (d5 < 0) { j2 = -558586000294016L; } else { long j8 = 9 + j3; long d6 = (d5 ^ (vqr.d(j7) << 56)) ^ 71499008037633920L; if (d6 >= 0) { j = d6; j4 = j8; } else if (vqr.d(j8) >= 0) { j4 = j3 + 10; j = d6; } } } } j4 = j7; j = j2 ^ d5; } j4 = j6; j = j2 ^ d5; } } this.h = j4; return j; } i = d2 ^ (-128); j = i; this.h = j4; return j; } } return n(); } @Override // o.cKE final long n() throws IOException { long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 7) { j |= (r3 & Ascii.DEL) << i; if ((w() & 128) == 0) { return j; } } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.b(); } @Override // o.cKE public final void e(int i) { this.l = i; u(); } private void e(byte[] bArr, int i) throws IOException { if (i < 0 || i > ((int) (((this.t - this.r) - this.h) + this.j))) { if (i > 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } if (i != 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } return; } int i2 = i; while (i2 > 0) { if (this.g - this.h == 0) { if (!this.n.hasNext()) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } x(); } int min = Math.min(i2, (int) (this.g - this.h)); long j = min; vqr.e(this.h, bArr, i - i2, j); i2 -= min; this.h += j; } } @Override // o.cKE public final int d(int i) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } int i2 = i + ((int) (((this.r - this.s) + this.h) - this.j)); int i3 = this.l; if (i2 > i3) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } this.l = i2; u(); return i3; } private byte w() throws IOException { if (this.g - this.h == 0) { if (!this.n.hasNext()) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } x(); } long j = this.h; this.h = 1 + j; return vqr.d(j); } private int z() throws IOException { long j = this.g; long j2 = this.h; if (j - j2 >= 4) { this.h = 4 + j2; byte d = vqr.d(j2); byte d2 = vqr.d(1 + j2); byte d3 = vqr.d(2 + j2); return (d & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) | ((d2 & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 8) | ((d3 & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 16) | ((vqr.d(j2 + 3) & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 24); } return (w() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) | ((w() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 8) | ((w() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 16) | ((w() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 24); } private long B() throws IOException { long j; long w; byte w2; long j2 = this.g; long j3 = this.h; if (j2 - j3 >= 8) { this.h = 8 + j3; w = ((vqr.d(j3 + 5) & 255) << 40) | (vqr.d(j3) & 255) | ((vqr.d(1 + j3) & 255) << 8) | ((vqr.d(j3 + 2) & 255) << 16) | ((vqr.d(j3 + 3) & 255) << 24) | ((vqr.d(j3 + 4) & 255) << 32) | ((vqr.d(j3 + 6) & 255) << 48); w2 = vqr.d(j3 + 7); j = 255; } else { j = 255; w = (w() & 255) | ((w() & 255) << 8) | ((w() & 255) << 16) | ((w() & 255) << 24) | ((w() & 255) << 32) | ((w() & 255) << 40) | ((w() & 255) << 48); w2 = w(); } return w | ((w2 & j) << 56); } private void a(int i) throws IOException { if (i < 0 || i > ((this.t - this.r) - this.h) + this.j) { if (i < 0) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.i(); } throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } while (i > 0) { if (this.g - this.h == 0) { if (!this.n.hasNext()) { throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.g(); } x(); } int min = Math.min(i, (int) (this.g - this.h)); i -= min; this.h += min; } } @Override // o.cKE public final boolean a() throws IOException { return (((long) this.r) + this.h) - this.j == ((long) this.t); } @Override // o.cKE public final int d() { return (int) (((this.r - this.s) + this.h) - this.j); } private void u() { int i = this.t + this.a; this.t = i; int i2 = i - this.s; int i3 = this.l; if (i2 <= i3) { this.a = 0; return; } int i4 = i2 - i3; this.a = i4; this.t = i - i4; } } }