package o; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.LocaleList; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import o.SYO; import o.kVs; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class Yoi { private boolean a; private C16821rXR b; private final VBp c; private C16821rXR d; private C16821rXR e; private C16821rXR f; private C16821rXR g; private Typeface h; private C16821rXR i; private C16821rXR j; private final TextView n; private int m = 0; private int k = -1; public Yoi(TextView textView) { this.n = textView; this.c = new VBp(textView); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:101:0x02d4 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:103:0x02db */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:105:0x02e2 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:108:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:109:0x027f */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:110:0x026e */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:111:0x025d */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:112:0x024c */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:113:0x023b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:114:0x022a */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:116:0x0124 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:117:0x0110 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x0107 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x011b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:40:0x015b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:43:0x016d */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x017b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:57:0x01a8 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x01bb */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:64:0x01c2 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:71:0x01e5 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:77:0x0224 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:80:0x0235 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:83:0x0246 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:86:0x0257 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:89:0x0268 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:92:0x0279 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:95:0x028f */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:98:0x02a4 */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void he_(android.util.AttributeSet r17, int r18) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 744 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.Yoi.he_(android.util.AttributeSet, int):void"); } private void b(Context context, C0683McA c0683McA) { int i; String string; this.m = c0683McA.d.getInt(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_textStyle, this.m); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) { int i2 = c0683McA.d.getInt(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_textFontWeight, -1); this.k = i2; if (i2 != -1) { this.m &= 2; } } if (!c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_fontFamily)) { if (!c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_fontFamily)) { if (c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_typeface)) { this.a = false; int i3 = c0683McA.d.getInt(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_typeface, 1); if (i3 == 1) { this.h = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; return; } else if (i3 == 2) { this.h = Typeface.SERIF; return; } else { if (i3 == 3) { this.h = Typeface.MONOSPACE; return; } return; } } return; } } Typeface typeface = null; this.h = null; if (c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_fontFamily)) { i = SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_fontFamily; } else { i = SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_fontFamily; } int i4 = this.k; int i5 = this.m; if (!context.isRestricted()) { kVs.LWm lWm = new kVs.LWm(this, i4, i5, new WeakReference(this.n)) { // from class: o.Yoi.1 final int a; final Yoi b; final int d; final WeakReference e; @Override // o.kVs.LWm /* renamed from: e */ public void b(int i6) { } { this.b = this; this.d = i4; this.a = i5; this.e = r4; } @Override // o.kVs.LWm /* renamed from: KC_ */ public void oq_(Typeface typeface2) { int i6; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28 && (i6 = this.d) != -1) { typeface2 = HBt.hs_(typeface2, i6, (this.a & 2) != 0); } this.b.hf_(this.e, typeface2); } }; try { int i6 = this.m; int resourceId = c0683McA.d.getResourceId(i, 0); if (resourceId != 0) { if (c0683McA.a == null) { c0683McA.a = new TypedValue(); } typeface = kVs.oc_(c0683McA.b, resourceId, c0683McA.a, i6, lWm); } if (typeface != null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 28 || this.k == -1) { this.h = typeface; } else { this.h = HBt.hs_(Typeface.create(typeface, 0), this.k, (this.m & 2) != 0); } } this.a = this.h == null; } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException unused) { } } if (this.h != null || (string = c0683McA.d.getString(i)) == null) { return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28 && this.k != -1) { this.h = HBt.hs_(Typeface.create(string, 0), this.k, (this.m & 2) != 0); } else { this.h = Typeface.create(string, this.m); } } void hf_(WeakReference weakReference, Typeface typeface) { if (this.a) { this.h = typeface; TextView textView = weakReference.get(); if (textView != null) { if (ViewCompat.H(textView)) { Runnable(this, textView, typeface, this.m) { // from class: o.Yoi.5 final Yoi a; final TextView b; final Typeface c; final int e; { this.a = this; this.b = textView; this.c = typeface; this.e = r4; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { this.b.setTypeface(this.c, this.e); } }); } else { textView.setTypeface(typeface, this.m); } } } } public void d(Context context, int i) { C0683McA c0683McA = new C0683McA(context, context.obtainStyledAttributes(i, SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance)); if (c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_textAllCaps)) { a(c0683McA.d.getBoolean(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_textAllCaps, false)); } if (c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_textSize)) { if (c0683McA.d.getDimensionPixelSize(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_android_textSize, -1) == 0) { this.n.setTextSize(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } } b(context, c0683McA); if (c0683McA.d.hasValue(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_fontVariationSettings)) { String string = c0683McA.d.getString(SYO.ZqN.TextAppearance_fontVariationSettings); if (string != null) { LWm.hr_(this.n, string); } } c0683McA.d.recycle(); Typeface typeface = this.h; if (typeface != null) { this.n.setTypeface(typeface, this.m); } } public void a(boolean z) { this.n.setAllCaps(z); } public void l() { a(); } public void a() { if (this.d != null || this.g != null || this.j != null || this.b != null) { Drawable[] compoundDrawables = this.n.getCompoundDrawables(); ha_(compoundDrawables[0], this.d); ha_(compoundDrawables[1], this.g); ha_(compoundDrawables[2], this.j); ha_(compoundDrawables[3], this.b); } if (this.f == null && this.e == null) { return; } Drawable[] hk_ = RVV.hk_(this.n); ha_(hk_[0], this.f); ha_(hk_[2], this.e); } private void ha_(Drawable drawable, C16821rXR c16821rXR) { if (drawable == null || c16821rXR == null) { return; } RXZ.fN_(drawable, c16821rXR, this.n.getDrawableState()); } private static C16821rXR a(Context context, RXZ rxz, int i) { ColorStateList fQ_ = rxz.fQ_(context, i); if (fQ_ == null) { return null; } C16821rXR c16821rXR = new C16821rXR(); c16821rXR.b = true; c16821rXR.c = fQ_; return c16821rXR; } public void b(boolean z, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { if (mxt.a) { return; } b(); } public void e(int i, float f) { if (mxt.a || i()) { return; } b(i, f); } public void b() { this.c.c(); } public boolean i() { return this.c.i(); } private void b(int i, float f) { this.c.c(i, f); } public void c(int i) { this.c.a(i); } public void b(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.c.d(i, i2, i3, i4); } public void c(int[] iArr, int i) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.c.e(iArr, i); } public int j() { return this.c.f(); } public int d() { return this.c.b(); } public int e() { return this.c.e(); } public int c() { return this.c.d(); } public int[] f() { return this.c.a(); } public ColorStateList hc_() { C16821rXR c16821rXR = this.i; if (c16821rXR != null) { return c16821rXR.c; } return null; } public void hh_(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (this.i == null) { this.i = new C16821rXR(); } this.i.c = colorStateList; this.i.b = colorStateList != null; o(); } public PorterDuff.Mode hd_() { C16821rXR c16821rXR = this.i; if (c16821rXR != null) { return c16821rXR.d; } return null; } public void hi_(PorterDuff.Mode mode) { if (this.i == null) { this.i = new C16821rXR(); } this.i.d = mode; this.i.a = mode != null; o(); } private void hb_(Drawable drawable, Drawable drawable2, Drawable drawable3, Drawable drawable4, Drawable drawable5, Drawable drawable6) { if (drawable5 != null || drawable6 != null) { Drawable[] hk_ = RVV.hk_(this.n); TextView textView = this.n; if (drawable5 == null) { drawable5 = hk_[0]; } if (drawable2 == null) { drawable2 = hk_[1]; } if (drawable6 == null) { drawable6 = hk_[2]; } if (drawable4 == null) { drawable4 = hk_[3]; } RVV.hl_(textView, drawable5, drawable2, drawable6, drawable4); return; } if (drawable == null && drawable2 == null && drawable3 == null && drawable4 == null) { return; } Drawable[] hk_2 = RVV.hk_(this.n); Drawable drawable7 = hk_2[0]; if (drawable7 != null || hk_2[2] != null) { TextView textView2 = this.n; if (drawable2 == null) { drawable2 = hk_2[1]; } Drawable drawable8 = hk_2[2]; if (drawable4 == null) { drawable4 = hk_2[3]; } RVV.hl_(textView2, drawable7, drawable2, drawable8, drawable4); return; } Drawable[] compoundDrawables = this.n.getCompoundDrawables(); TextView textView3 = this.n; if (drawable == null) { drawable = compoundDrawables[0]; } if (drawable2 == null) { drawable2 = compoundDrawables[1]; } if (drawable3 == null) { drawable3 = compoundDrawables[2]; } if (drawable4 == null) { drawable4 = compoundDrawables[3]; } textView3.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(drawable, drawable2, drawable3, drawable4); } public void hg_(TextView textView, InputConnection inputConnection, EditorInfo editorInfo) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30 || inputConnection == null) { return; } C0208BiK.uA_(editorInfo, textView.getText()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class LWm { static boolean hr_(TextView textView, String str) { return textView.setFontVariationSettings(str); } static int ho_(TextView textView) { return textView.getAutoSizeStepGranularity(); } static void hp_(TextView textView, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(i, i2, i3, i4); } static void hq_(TextView textView, int[] iArr, int i) { textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(iArr, i); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class Sts { static void hn_(TextView textView, LocaleList localeList) { textView.setTextLocales(localeList); } static LocaleList hm_(String str) { return LocaleList.forLanguageTags(str); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class RVV { static void hl_(TextView textView, Drawable drawable, Drawable drawable2, Drawable drawable3, Drawable drawable4) { textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(drawable, drawable2, drawable3, drawable4); } static Drawable[] hk_(TextView textView) { return textView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class HBt { static Typeface hs_(Typeface typeface, int i, boolean z) { return Typeface.create(typeface, i, z); } } private void o() { C16821rXR c16821rXR = this.i; this.d = c16821rXR; this.g = c16821rXR; this.j = c16821rXR; this.b = c16821rXR; this.f = c16821rXR; this.e = c16821rXR; } }