package o; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class Rez { private static final ThreadLocal c = new ThreadLocal<>(); public static int a(int i, int i2) { int alpha = Color.alpha(i2); int alpha2 = Color.alpha(i); int i3 = 255 - alpha2; int i4 = 255 - (((255 - alpha) * i3) / 255); return Color.argb(i4, i4 == 0 ? 0 : ((( * 255) * alpha2) + (( * alpha) * i3)) / (i4 * 255), i4 == 0 ? 0 : ((( * 255) * alpha2) + (( * alpha) * i3)) / (i4 * 255), i4 != 0 ? ((( * 255) * alpha2) + (( * alpha) * i3)) / (i4 * 255) : 0); } public static double c(int i) { ThreadLocal threadLocal = c; double[] dArr = threadLocal.get(); if (dArr == null) { dArr = new double[3]; threadLocal.set(dArr); } int red =; int green =; int blue =; if (dArr.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outXyz must have a length of 3."); } double d = red / 255.0d; double pow = d < 0.04045d ? d / 12.92d : Math.pow((d + 0.055d) / 1.055d, 2.4d); double d2 = green / 255.0d; double pow2 = d2 < 0.04045d ? d2 / 12.92d : Math.pow((d2 + 0.055d) / 1.055d, 2.4d); double d3 = blue / 255.0d; double pow3 = d3 < 0.04045d ? d3 / 12.92d : Math.pow((d3 + 0.055d) / 1.055d, 2.4d); dArr[0] = ((0.4124d * pow) + (0.3576d * pow2) + (0.1805d * pow3)) * 100.0d; double d4 = ((0.2126d * pow) + (0.7152d * pow2) + (0.0722d * pow3)) * 100.0d; dArr[1] = d4; dArr[2] = ((pow * 0.0193d) + (pow2 * 0.1192d) + (pow3 * 0.9505d)) * 100.0d; return d4 / 100.0d; } public static int d(int i, int i2) { if (i2 < 0 || i2 > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("alpha must be between 0 and 255."); } return (i & 16777215) | (i2 << 24); } public static int d(double d, double d2, double d3) { double d4 = (((3.2406d * d) + ((-1.5372d) * d2)) + ((-0.4986d) * d3)) / 100.0d; double d5 = ((((-0.9689d) * d) + (1.8758d * d2)) + (0.0415d * d3)) / 100.0d; double d6 = (((0.0557d * d) + ((-0.204d) * d2)) + (1.057d * d3)) / 100.0d; double pow = d4 > 0.0031308d ? (Math.pow(d4, 0.4166666666666667d) * 1.055d) - 0.055d : d4 * 12.92d; double pow2 = d5 > 0.0031308d ? (Math.pow(d5, 0.4166666666666667d) * 1.055d) - 0.055d : d5 * 12.92d; double pow3 = d6 > 0.0031308d ? (Math.pow(d6, 0.4166666666666667d) * 1.055d) - 0.055d : d6 * 12.92d; int round = (int) Math.round(pow * 255.0d); int min = round >= 0 ? Math.min(round, 255) : 0; int round2 = (int) Math.round(pow2 * 255.0d); int min2 = round2 >= 0 ? Math.min(round2, 255) : 0; int round3 = (int) Math.round(pow3 * 255.0d); return Color.rgb(min, min2, round3 >= 0 ? Math.min(round3, 255) : 0); } public static int a(float f) { float f2 = 1.0f - f; return Color.argb((int) ((Color.alpha(-65281) * f2) + (Color.alpha(-16776961) * f)), (int) (( * f2) + ( * f)), (int) (( * f2) + ( * f)), (int) (( * f2) + ( * f))); } }