package o; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.TimeZone; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class FOT implements Parcelable { public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { // from class: o.FOT.2 @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public final /* synthetic */ FOT createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) { return new FOT((UJG) parcel.readParcelable(UJG.class.getClassLoader()), (UJG) parcel.readParcelable(UJG.class.getClassLoader()), (LWm) parcel.readParcelable(LWm.class.getClassLoader()), (UJG) parcel.readParcelable(UJG.class.getClassLoader()), parcel.readInt(), (byte) 0); } @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ FOT[] newArray(int i) { return new FOT[i]; } }; final UJG a; public final UJG b; final int c; public final int d; public UJG e; public final LWm f; final int h; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public interface LWm extends Parcelable { boolean e(long j); } @Override // android.os.Parcelable public final int describeContents() { return 0; } public /* synthetic */ FOT(UJG ujg, UJG ujg2, LWm lWm, UJG ujg3, int i, byte b) { this(ujg, ujg2, lWm, ujg3, i); } private FOT(UJG ujg, UJG ujg2, LWm lWm, UJG ujg3, int i) { Objects.requireNonNull(ujg, "start cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(ujg2, "end cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(lWm, "validator cannot be null"); this.b = ujg; this.a = ujg2; this.e = ujg3; this.d = i; this.f = lWm; if (ujg3 != null && ujg.c.compareTo(ujg3.c) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("start Month cannot be after current Month"); } if (ujg3 != null && ujg3.c.compareTo(ujg2.c) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("current Month cannot be after end Month"); } if (i >= 0) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); calendar.clear(); if (i <= calendar.getMaximum(7)) { this.c = ujg.c(ujg2) + 1; this.h = (ujg2.g - ujg.g) + 1; return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("firstDayOfWeek is not valid"); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof FOT)) { return false; } FOT fot = (FOT) obj; return this.b.equals(fot.b) && this.a.equals(fot.a) && ZEY.b(this.e, fot.e) && this.d == fot.d && this.f.equals(fot.f); } public final int hashCode() { UJG ujg = this.b; UJG ujg2 = this.a; UJG ujg3 = this.e; int i = this.d; return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[]{ujg, ujg2, ujg3, Integer.valueOf(i), this.f}); } @Override // android.os.Parcelable public final void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.writeParcelable(this.b, 0); parcel.writeParcelable(this.a, 0); parcel.writeParcelable(this.e, 0); parcel.writeParcelable(this.f, 0); parcel.writeInt(this.d); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class Sts { private static long g; private static long i; public long a; public long b; public Long c; public int d; public LWm e; public Sts() { this.b = g; this.a = i; this.e = new C1112Vwm(Long.MIN_VALUE); } public Sts(FOT fot) { this.b = g; this.a = i; this.e = new C1112Vwm(Long.MIN_VALUE); this.b = fot.b.i; this.a = fot.a.i; this.c = Long.valueOf(fot.e.i); this.d = fot.d; this.e = fot.f; } static { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); calendar.clear(); calendar.set(1, 1900); calendar.set(2, 0); long j = new UJG(calendar).i; Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); calendar2.clear(); calendar2.setTimeInMillis(j); g = OnG.c(calendar2).getTimeInMillis(); Calendar calendar3 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); calendar3.clear(); calendar3.set(1, 2100); calendar3.set(2, 11); long j2 = new UJG(calendar3).i; Calendar calendar4 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); calendar4.clear(); calendar4.setTimeInMillis(j2); i = OnG.c(calendar4).getTimeInMillis(); } } }