package o; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import o.InterfaceC9588dma; import o.WHF; import o.ZI; /* renamed from: o.cwx, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public final class C7897cwx extends ZI { public boolean a; public boolean b; public boolean c; public boolean d; public boolean e; public final C0898RCr g; public int h; public boolean i; public final Resources k; private final Fnl l; private fSC m; private final WHF n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ public String f8670o; private final C17765zb p; private boolean q; /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ @InterfaceC13391fZD public C7897cwx(WHF whf, C17765zb c17765zb, Resources resources, Fnl fnl, C0898RCr c0898RCr, C16903sI c16903sI) { super(c16903sI); C14957gcv.e(whf, ""); C14957gcv.e(c17765zb, ""); C14957gcv.e(resources, ""); C14957gcv.e(fnl, ""); C14957gcv.e(c0898RCr, ""); C14957gcv.e(c16903sI, ""); this.n = whf; this.p = c17765zb; this.k = resources; this.l = fnl; this.g = c0898RCr; this.m = new fSC(); this.i = true; this.f8670o = ""; } /* renamed from: o.cwx$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public static final class HBt { private HBt() { } public /* synthetic */ HBt(byte b) { this(); } } /* renamed from: o.cwx$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public static final class LWm implements InterfaceC13176fSx { private InterfaceC9588dma.RVV c; private C7897cwx e; LWm(C7897cwx c7897cwx, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { this.e = c7897cwx; this.c = rvv; } @Override // o.InterfaceC13176fSx public final /* synthetic */ void e(Kco kco) { Kco kco2 = kco; C14957gcv.e(kco2, ""); C7897cwx.a(this.e); this.c.a(this.e.p.d(kco2), false, false); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13176fSx public final void onError(Throwable th) { C14957gcv.e(th, ""); C7897cwx.a(this.e); this.e.a = (th instanceof IllegalStateException) || (th instanceof EntityMappingException) || (th instanceof NullPointerException); this.c.a(null, true, this.e.a); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13176fSx public final void onSubscribe(fSJ fsj) { C14957gcv.e(fsj, ""); } } @Override // o.ZI public final void w_() { this.m.dispose(); super.w_(); } /* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:30:0x001e, code lost: if (r0.equals("DEPOSIT_AND_POINT") == false) goto L17; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:32:0x0027, code lost: if (r0.equals("CREDIT_CARD_AND_POINT") == false) goto L17; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:34:0x0030, code lost: if (r0.equals("DEPOSIT_AND_CREDIT_CARD") != false) goto L16; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0015, code lost: if (r0.equals("HYBRID") != false) goto L16; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0032, code lost: r0 = true; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public static /* synthetic */ void d(final o.C7897cwx r2, o.InterfaceC9588dma.RVV r3) { /* java.lang.String r0 = "" o.C14957gcv.e(r2, r0) java.lang.String r0 = r2.f8670o int r1 = r0.hashCode() switch(r1) { case -1834369459: goto L2a; case -683077505: goto L21; case 162361447: goto L18; case 2145539580: goto Lf; default: goto Le; } Le: goto L34 Lf: java.lang.String r1 = "HYBRID" boolean r0 = r0.equals(r1) if (r0 == 0) goto L34 goto L32 L18: java.lang.String r1 = "DEPOSIT_AND_POINT" boolean r0 = r0.equals(r1) if (r0 != 0) goto L32 goto L34 L21: java.lang.String r1 = "CREDIT_CARD_AND_POINT" boolean r0 = r0.equals(r1) if (r0 != 0) goto L32 goto L34 L2a: java.lang.String r1 = "DEPOSIT_AND_CREDIT_CARD" boolean r0 = r0.equals(r1) if (r0 == 0) goto L34 L32: r0 = 1 goto L35 L34: r0 = 0 L35: r2.q = r0 if (r0 == 0) goto L40 r3.i() r3.e() goto L43 L40: r3.j() L43: boolean r0 = r2.b if (r0 == 0) goto L5c o.Fnl r0 = r2.l o.azC r0 = r0.d o.dAG r0 = r0.a() o.YIo r0 = r0.r boolean r0 = r0.P if (r0 != 0) goto L5c boolean r0 = r2.q if (r0 == 0) goto L5c r3.f() L5c: boolean r3 = r2.a if (r3 == 0) goto L72 boolean r3 = r2.e if (r3 != 0) goto L72 o.cwC r3 = new o.cwC r3.(r2) T extends o.cYp r0 = r2.f if (r0 == 0) goto L72 T extends o.cYp r2 = r2.f r3.e(r2) L72: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C7897cwx.d(o.cwx, o.dma$RVV):void"); } public static /* synthetic */ void c(C7897cwx c7897cwx, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); if (c7897cwx.i) { rvv.f(); } else { rvv.h(); } } public static /* synthetic */ void e(C7897cwx c7897cwx, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); rvv.b(c7897cwx.h); } public static /* synthetic */ void a(C7897cwx c7897cwx, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); c7897cwx.n.b(new LWm(c7897cwx, rvv), new WHF.LWm(new C6312cP(YZ.QR.code)), c7897cwx.m); } public static /* synthetic */ void b(C7897cwx c7897cwx, boolean z, boolean z2, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); if (c7897cwx.l.d.a().r.P) { return; } if (!c7897cwx.q) { rvv.j(); return; } if (z || (z2 && c7897cwx.i)) { rvv.f(); } else if (z2) { rvv.i(); rvv.h(); } else { rvv.i(); } } public static /* synthetic */ void b(final C7897cwx c7897cwx, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); if (!c7897cwx.c || c7897cwx.g.d()) { rvv.a(null, false, false); return; } if (c7897cwx.f != 0) { c7897cwx.f.y(); } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(c7897cwx) { // from class: o.cwB private C7897cwx c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C7897cwx.a(this.c, (InterfaceC9588dma.RVV) obj); } { this.c = c7897cwx; } }; if (c7897cwx.f != 0) { ieS.e(c7897cwx.f); } } public static /* synthetic */ void a(C7897cwx c7897cwx, String[] strArr, InterfaceC9588dma.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(c7897cwx, ""); if (c7897cwx.b) { rvv.b(); if (c7897cwx.e) { rvv.a(); } } if (c7897cwx.d && (strArr == null || strArr.length != 0)) { rvv.c(); } if (!c7897cwx.c || c7897cwx.a) { return; } rvv.d(); } public static final /* synthetic */ void a(C7897cwx c7897cwx) { if (c7897cwx.f != 0) { c7897cwx.f.ar_(); } } public static String[] d(C1203Xy c1203Xy) { C14851gaI c14851gaI; C14957gcv.e(c1203Xy, ""); if (c1203Xy.f != null) { c14851gaI = c1203Xy.f.c; } else { c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c; } C14957gcv.c(c14851gaI, ""); if (!c14851gaI.isEmpty()) { Collection collection = c14851gaI; C14957gcv.e(collection, ""); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(collection instanceof Collection ? collection.size() : 10); Iterator it = collection.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(((XW); } return (String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[0]); } return new String[]{""}; } static { new HBt((byte) 0); } }