package o; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import o.SKK; /* renamed from: o.yNd, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class C17617yNd extends dUI { private final Integer a; private final JzX b; private final SKK c; private C17617yNd(SKK skk, JzX jzX, Integer num) { this.c = skk; this.b = jzX; this.a = num; } public static C17617yNd c(SKK skk, JzX jzX, Integer num) throws GeneralSecurityException { if (jzX.c.b.length != 32) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Invalid key size"); } if (skk.a != SKK.LWm.c && num == null) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Cannot create key without ID requirement with format with ID requirement"); } if (skk.a == SKK.LWm.c && num != null) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Cannot create key with ID requirement with format without ID requirement"); } return new C17617yNd(skk, jzX, num); } @Override // o.dUI public final C1246Yua c() { if (this.c.a != SKK.LWm.c) { if (this.c.a == SKK.LWm.d || this.c.a == SKK.LWm.b) { byte[] array = ByteBuffer.allocate(5).put((byte) 0).putInt(this.a.intValue()).array(); if (array == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must be non-null"); } int length = array.length; if (array == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must be non-null"); } return new C1246Yua(array, length); } if (this.c.a == SKK.LWm.a) { byte[] array2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(5).put((byte) 1).putInt(this.a.intValue()).array(); if (array2 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must be non-null"); } int length2 = array2.length; if (array2 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must be non-null"); } return new C1246Yua(array2, length2); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Unknown AesCmacParameters.Variant: "); sb.append(this.c.a); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } return new C1246Yua(new byte[0], 0); } @Override // o.dUI, o.rMq public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ HeE e() { return this.c; } @Override // o.dUI /* renamed from: b */ public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ AbstractC9925dtA e() { return this.c; } }