package o; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /* renamed from: o.wT, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class C17399wT extends C16157lj { private final Gson d; /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ @InterfaceC13391fZD public C17399wT(Resources resources, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, Gson gson) { super(resources, sharedPreferences); C14957gcv.e(gson, ""); this.d = gson; } private final List c(List list) { String str; String str2; String str3; ArrayList arrayList; if (list == null) { return null; } List list2 = list; String str4 = ""; C14957gcv.e(list2, ""); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10); Iterator it = list2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QJg qJg = (QJg); long j = qJg.A; int i = qJg.p; String str5 = qJg.F; String str6 = qJg.L; String str7 = qJg.I; String str8 = qJg.G; String str9 = qJg.D; String str10 = qJg.C; String str11 = qJg.k; String str12 = qJg.E; String str13 = qJg.z; Iterator it2 = it; String str14 = qJg.K; ArrayList arrayList3 = arrayList2; String str15 = qJg.J; String str16 = qJg.l; boolean z = qJg.f; int i2 = qJg.i; List c = c(qJg.M); String str17 = qJg.d; int i3 = qJg.u; int i4 = qJg.H; String str18 = qJg.y; String str19 = qJg.v; int i5 = qJg.t; int i6 = qJg.B; int i7 = qJg.q; int i8 = qJg.n; int i9 = qJg.m; String str20 = qJg.h; List list3 = qJg.g; if (list3 != null) { List list4 = list3; str2 = str20; C14957gcv.e(list4, str4); str3 = str4; ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(list4 instanceof Collection ? list4.size() : 10); Iterator it3 = list4.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { vrx vrxVar = (vrx); arrayList4.add(new QX(vrxVar.c, vrxVar.e)); it3 = it3; str14 = str14; } str = str14; arrayList = arrayList4; } else { str = str14; str2 = str20; str3 = str4; arrayList = null; } C0911Rj c0911Rj = new C0911Rj(j, i, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, str, str15, str16, z, i2, c, str17, i3, i4, str18, str19, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, str2, arrayList, qJg.r, qJg.x, qJg.c, qJg.j, qJg.a, qJg.b); arrayList2 = arrayList3; arrayList2.add(c0911Rj); it = it2; str4 = str3; } return arrayList2; } public final C0930Rt d(PUI pui) { String str; String str2; C0909Rh c0909Rh; String str3; String str4; String str5; String str6; C0903Rb c0903Rb; C0904Rc c0904Rc; String str7; C14957gcv.e(pui, ""); String str8 = pui.c; int i = pui.I; boolean z = pui.E; boolean z2 = pui.w; String str9 = pui.q; String str10 = pui.K; String str11 = pui.x; String str12 = pui.v; String str13 = pui.p; String str14 = pui.J; String str15 = pui.y; String str16 = pui.u; String str17 = pui.s; String str18 = pui.f; AbstractC1958aTW abstractC1958aTW = pui.G; C14957gcv.c(abstractC1958aTW, ""); String str19 = pui.m; String str20 = pui.l; String str21 = pui.C; String str22 = pui.A; List c = c(pui.F); String str23 = pui.d; int i2 = pui.e; String str24 = pui.a; String str25 = pui.r; String str26 = pui.t; xHz xhz = pui.H; if (xhz != null) { str2 = str26; str = str15; c0909Rh = new C0909Rh(xhz.b, xhz.e); } else { str = str15; str2 = str26; c0909Rh = null; } Wdj wdj = pui.b; if (wdj != null) { str6 = str14; str5 = str13; str4 = str12; str3 = str11; c0903Rb = new C0903Rb(wdj.f, wdj.a, wdj.g, wdj.f8433o, wdj.d, wdj.h, wdj.j); } else { str3 = str11; str4 = str12; str5 = str13; str6 = str14; c0903Rb = null; } YIo yIo = pui.k; C0905Rd c0905Rd = yIo != null ? new C0905Rd(yIo.p, yIo.O,, yIo.j) : null; oKV okv = pui.z; if (okv != null) { String str27 = okv.g; String str28 = okv.c; String str29 = okv.b; String str30 = okv.j; String str31 = okv.a; xMJ xmj = okv.d; c0904Rc = new C0904Rc(str27, str28, str29, str30, str31, xmj != null ? new QY(xmj.d) : null); } else { c0904Rc = null; } String str32 = pui.g; boolean z3 = pui.n; JsonArray jsonArray = pui.j; if (jsonArray != null) { C14957gcv.c(jsonArray, ""); str7 = this.d.toJson((JsonElement) jsonArray); } else { str7 = null; } return new C0930Rt(str8, i, z, z2, str9, str10, str3, str4, str5, str6, str, str16, str17, str18, abstractC1958aTW, (String) null, str20, str21, str22, c, str23, i2, str24, str25, str2, c0909Rh, c0903Rb, c0905Rd, c0904Rc, str32, z3, str7, pui.B, pui.h, pui.i); } }