package o; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import o.C15425gqD; import o.C15454gqw; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.RFC3280CertPathUtilities; import org.spongycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer; import org.spongycastle.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException; import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.AnnotatedException; import org.spongycastle.util.StoreException; /* renamed from: o.gra, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ final class C15473gra { private static String a; private static String b; private static String c; C15473gra() { } static { new C15478grf(); String str = C15394gpK.i.d; String str2 = C15394gpK.b.d; String str3 = C15394gpK.q.d; String str4 = C15394gpK.s.d; String str5 = C15394gpK.l.d; String str6 = C15394gpK.n.d; String str7 = C15394gpK.f.d; c = C15394gpK.f9146o.d; String str8 = C15394gpK.h.d; String str9 = C15394gpK.m.d; String str10 = C15394gpK.j.d; String str11 = C15394gpK.c.d; b = C15394gpK.d.d; a = C15394gpK.e.d; new String[]{"unspecified", "keyCompromise", "cACompromise", "affiliationChanged", "superseded", "cessationOfOperation", "certificateHold", SystemUtils.UNKNOWN, "removeFromCRL", "privilegeWithdrawn", "aACompromise"}; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static TrustAnchor e(X509Certificate x509Certificate, Set set, String str) throws AnnotatedException { X509CertSelector x509CertSelector = new X509CertSelector(); C15417gpt d = C15484grl.d(x509Certificate); try { x509CertSelector.setSubject(d.l()); Iterator it = set.iterator(); TrustAnchor trustAnchor = null; Exception exc = null; PublicKey publicKey = null; while (it.hasNext() && trustAnchor == null) { trustAnchor = (TrustAnchor); if (trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() != null) { if (x509CertSelector.match(trustAnchor.getTrustedCert())) { publicKey = trustAnchor.getTrustedCert().getPublicKey(); } trustAnchor = null; } else { if (trustAnchor.getCAName() != null && trustAnchor.getCAPublicKey() != null) { try { if (d.equals(C15417gpt.c(trustAnchor.getCA().getEncoded()))) { publicKey = trustAnchor.getCAPublicKey(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { } } trustAnchor = null; } if (publicKey != null) { if (str == null) { try { x509Certificate.verify(publicKey); } catch (Exception e) { exc = e; trustAnchor = null; publicKey = null; } } else { x509Certificate.verify(publicKey, str); } } } if (trustAnchor != null || exc == null) { return trustAnchor; } throw new AnnotatedException("TrustAnchor found but certificate validation failed.", exc); } catch (IOException e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Cannot set subject search criteria for trust anchor.", e2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static List e(byte[] bArr, Map map) throws CertificateParsingException { if (bArr != null) { byte[] b2 = gnD.b((Object) bArr).b(); gpO[] gpoArr = (b2 != null ? new gpP(AbstractC15317gnH.a(b2)) : null).b; int length = gpoArr.length; gpO[] gpoArr2 = new gpO[length]; System.arraycopy(gpoArr, 0, gpoArr2, 0, gpoArr.length); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i != length; i++) { InterfaceC15455gqx interfaceC15455gqx = map.get(gpoArr2[i]); if (interfaceC15455gqx != null) { arrayList.add(interfaceC15455gqx); } } return arrayList; } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static boolean c(X509Certificate x509Certificate) { return x509Certificate.getSubjectDN().equals(x509Certificate.getIssuerDN()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static AbstractC15315gnE a(X509Extension x509Extension, String str) throws AnnotatedException { byte[] extensionValue = x509Extension.getExtensionValue(str); if (extensionValue == null) { return null; } return b(str, extensionValue); } private static AbstractC15315gnE b(String str, byte[] bArr) throws AnnotatedException { try { return new C15348gnx(((gnD) new C15348gnx(bArr).b()).b()).b(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotatedException("exception processing extension ".concat(String.valueOf(str)), e); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static C15423gpz b(PublicKey publicKey) throws CertPathValidatorException { try { AbstractC15315gnE b2 = new C15348gnx(publicKey.getEncoded()).b(); return (b2 != null ? new gpZ(AbstractC15317gnH.a(b2)) : null).e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Subject public key cannot be decoded.", e); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static final Set b(AbstractC15317gnH abstractC15317gnH) throws CertPathValidatorException { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); if (abstractC15317gnH == null) { return hashSet; } ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); gnG gng = new gnG(byteArrayOutputStream); Enumeration b2 = abstractC15317gnH.b(); while (b2.hasMoreElements()) { try { gng.d((InterfaceC15342gnr) b2.nextElement()); hashSet.add(new PolicyQualifierInfo(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray())); byteArrayOutputStream.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy qualifier info cannot be decoded.", e); } } return hashSet; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static C15485grm a(C15485grm c15485grm, List[] listArr, C15485grm c15485grm2) { C15485grm c15485grm3 = (C15485grm) c15485grm2.getParent(); if (c15485grm == null) { return null; } if (c15485grm3 == null) { for (int i = 0; i < listArr.length; i++) { listArr[i] = new ArrayList(); } return null; } c15485grm3.d.remove(c15485grm2); c(listArr, c15485grm2); return c15485grm; } private static void c(List[] listArr, C15485grm c15485grm) { listArr[c15485grm.getDepth()].remove(c15485grm); if (!c15485grm.d.isEmpty()) { Iterator children = c15485grm.getChildren(); while (children.hasNext()) { c(listArr, (C15485grm); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static boolean a(int i, List[] listArr, C15314gnC c15314gnC, Set set) { List list = listArr[i - 1]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.size(); i2++) { C15485grm c15485grm = (C15485grm) list.get(i2); if (c15485grm.getExpectedPolicies().contains(c15314gnC.d)) { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); hashSet.add(c15314gnC.d); C15485grm c15485grm2 = new C15485grm(new ArrayList(), i, hashSet, c15485grm, set, c15314gnC.d, false); c15485grm.d.add(c15485grm2); c15485grm2.b = c15485grm; listArr[i].add(c15485grm2); return true; } } return false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void d(int i, List[] listArr, C15314gnC c15314gnC, Set set) { List list = listArr[i - 1]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.size(); i2++) { C15485grm c15485grm = (C15485grm) list.get(i2); if (RFC3280CertPathUtilities.ANY_POLICY.equals(c15485grm.getValidPolicy())) { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); hashSet.add(c15314gnC.d); C15485grm c15485grm2 = new C15485grm(new ArrayList(), i, hashSet, c15485grm, set, c15314gnC.d, false); c15485grm.d.add(c15485grm2); c15485grm2.b = c15485grm; listArr[i].add(c15485grm2); return; } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static boolean d(Set set) { return set == null || set.contains(RFC3280CertPathUtilities.ANY_POLICY) || set.isEmpty(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Collection b(C15425gqD c15425gqD, List list) throws AnnotatedException { LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet(); for (Object obj : list) { if (obj instanceof InterfaceC15465grJ) { try { linkedHashSet.addAll(((InterfaceC15465grJ) obj).b()); } catch (StoreException e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Problem while picking certificates from X.509 store.", e); } } else { try { linkedHashSet.addAll(((CertStore) obj).getCertificates(new C15425gqD.HBt(c15425gqD))); } catch (CertStoreException e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Problem while picking certificates from certificate store.", e2); } } } return linkedHashSet; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static List d(gpC gpc, Map map) throws AnnotatedException { gpP gpp; if (gpc != null) { try { C15392gpI[] d = gpc.d(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (C15392gpI c15392gpI : d) { C15395gpL c15395gpL = c15392gpI.d; if (c15395gpL != null && c15395gpL.e == 0) { InterfaceC15342gnr interfaceC15342gnr = c15395gpL.c; if (interfaceC15342gnr instanceof gpP) { gpp = (gpP) interfaceC15342gnr; } else { gpp = interfaceC15342gnr != null ? new gpP(AbstractC15317gnH.a(interfaceC15342gnr)) : null; } gpO[] gpoArr = gpp.b; int length = gpoArr.length; gpO[] gpoArr2 = new gpO[length]; System.arraycopy(gpoArr, 0, gpoArr2, 0, gpoArr.length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { InterfaceC15456gqy interfaceC15456gqy = map.get(gpoArr2[i]); if (interfaceC15456gqy != null) { arrayList.add(interfaceC15456gqy); } } } } return arrayList; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Distribution points could not be read.", e); } } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void a(Date date, X509CRL x509crl, Object obj, gqY gqy) throws AnnotatedException { X509CRLEntry revokedCertificate; C15417gpt c2; try { if (C15491grs.a(x509crl)) { revokedCertificate = x509crl.getRevokedCertificate(((X509Certificate) obj).getSerialNumber()); if (revokedCertificate == null) { return; } X500Principal certificateIssuer = revokedCertificate.getCertificateIssuer(); if (certificateIssuer != null) { c2 = C15417gpt.c(certificateIssuer.getEncoded()); } else { c2 = C15417gpt.c(x509crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getEncoded()); } if (!C15484grl.d(obj).equals(c2)) { return; } } else if (!C15484grl.d(obj).equals(C15417gpt.c(x509crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getEncoded())) || (revokedCertificate = x509crl.getRevokedCertificate(((X509Certificate) obj).getSerialNumber())) == null) { return; } C15350gnz c15350gnz = null; AbstractC15315gnE b2 = null; if (revokedCertificate.hasExtensions()) { try { String str = C15394gpK.r.d; byte[] extensionValue = revokedCertificate.getExtensionValue(str); if (extensionValue != null) { b2 = b(str, extensionValue); } c15350gnz = C15350gnz.a(b2); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Reason code CRL entry extension could not be decoded.", e); } } if (date.getTime() >= revokedCertificate.getRevocationDate().getTime() || c15350gnz == null || new BigInteger(c15350gnz.a).intValue() == 0 || new BigInteger(c15350gnz.a).intValue() == 1 || new BigInteger(c15350gnz.a).intValue() == 2 || new BigInteger(c15350gnz.a).intValue() == 8) { if (c15350gnz != null) { gqy.c = new BigInteger(c15350gnz.a).intValue(); } else { gqy.c = 0; } gqy.e = revokedCertificate.getRevocationDate(); } } catch (CRLException e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Failed check for indirect CRL.", e2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Set e(Date date, X509CRL x509crl, List list, List list2) throws AnnotatedException { X509CRLSelector x509CRLSelector = new X509CRLSelector(); try { x509CRLSelector.addIssuerName(C15417gpt.c(x509crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getEncoded()).l()); try { String str = a; byte[] extensionValue = x509crl.getExtensionValue(str); byte[] bArr = null; AbstractC15315gnE b2 = extensionValue == null ? null : b(str, extensionValue); BigInteger bigInteger = b2 != null ? new BigInteger(1, ASN1Integer.e((Object) b2).b) : null; try { byte[] extensionValue2 = x509crl.getExtensionValue(c); x509CRLSelector.setMinCRLNumber(bigInteger == null ? null : bigInteger.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1L))); C15454gqw.HBt hBt = new C15454gqw.HBt(x509CRLSelector); if (extensionValue2 != null) { bArr = new byte[extensionValue2.length]; System.arraycopy(extensionValue2, 0, bArr, 0, extensionValue2.length); } hBt.d = bArr; hBt.c = true; hBt.f = bigInteger; Set b3 = C15478grf.b(new C15454gqw(hBt, (byte) 0), date, list, list2); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); for (X509CRL x509crl2 : b3) { Set criticalExtensionOIDs = x509crl2.getCriticalExtensionOIDs(); if (criticalExtensionOIDs != null && criticalExtensionOIDs.contains(C15492grt.e)) { hashSet.add(x509crl2); } } return hashSet; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Issuing distribution point extension value could not be read.", e); } } catch (Exception e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("CRL number extension could not be extracted from CRL.", e2); } } catch (IOException e3) { throw new AnnotatedException("Cannot extract issuer from CRL.", e3); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Set d(C15392gpI c15392gpI, Object obj, C15457gqz c15457gqz) throws AnnotatedException { X509CRLSelector x509CRLSelector = new X509CRLSelector(); try { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); hashSet.add(C15484grl.d(obj)); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (c15392gpI.c != null) { gpO[] gpoArr = c15392gpI.c.b; int length = gpoArr.length; gpO[] gpoArr2 = new gpO[length]; System.arraycopy(gpoArr, 0, gpoArr2, 0, gpoArr.length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (gpoArr2[i].e == 4) { try { arrayList.add(C15417gpt.c(gpoArr2[i].d.i().l())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AnnotatedException("CRL issuer information from distribution point cannot be decoded.", e); } } } } else { if (c15392gpI.d == null) { throw new AnnotatedException("CRL issuer is omitted from distribution point but no distributionPoint field present."); } Iterator it = hashSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(; } } Iterator it2 = arrayList.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { try { x509CRLSelector.addIssuerName(((C15417gpt); } catch (IOException e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Cannot decode CRL issuer information.", e2); } } if (obj instanceof X509Certificate) { x509CRLSelector.setCertificateChecking((X509Certificate) obj); } C15454gqw.HBt hBt = new C15454gqw.HBt(x509CRLSelector); hBt.a = true; C15454gqw c15454gqw = new C15454gqw(hBt, (byte) 0); new Date(c15457gqz.a.getTime()); Set b2 = C15478grf.b(c15454gqw, new Date(c15457gqz.a.getTime()), c15457gqz.b.getCertStores(), c15457gqz.d); if (!b2.isEmpty()) { return b2; } if (obj instanceof InterfaceC15508gsd) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("No CRLs found for issuer \""); sb.append(((InterfaceC15508gsd) obj).e().e()[0]); sb.append("\""); throw new AnnotatedException(sb.toString()); } StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("No CRLs found for issuer \""); sb2.append(C15420gpw.d.a(C15417gpt.c(((X509Certificate) obj).getIssuerX500Principal().getEncoded()))); sb2.append("\""); throw new AnnotatedException(sb2.toString()); } catch (AnnotatedException e3) { throw new AnnotatedException("Could not get issuer information from distribution point.", e3); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static Date a(C15457gqz c15457gqz, CertPath certPath, int i) throws AnnotatedException { if (c15457gqz.l != 1) { return new Date(c15457gqz.a.getTime()); } if (i <= 0) { return new Date(c15457gqz.a.getTime()); } int i2 = i - 1; if (i2 == 0) { try { byte[] extensionValue = ((X509Certificate) certPath.getCertificates().get(i2)).getExtensionValue(InterfaceC15398gpa.c.d); C15349gny d = extensionValue != null ? C15349gny.d(AbstractC15315gnE.b(extensionValue)) : null; if (d != null) { try { return d.e(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Date from date of cert gen extension could not be parsed.", e); } } return ((X509Certificate) certPath.getCertificates().get(i2)).getNotBefore(); } catch (IOException unused) { throw new AnnotatedException("Date of cert gen extension could not be read."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Date of cert gen extension could not be read."); } } return ((X509Certificate) certPath.getCertificates().get(i2)).getNotBefore(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static PublicKey c(List list, int i, gqQ gqq) throws CertPathValidatorException { DSAPublicKey dSAPublicKey; PublicKey publicKey = ((Certificate) list.get(i)).getPublicKey(); if (!(publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) { return publicKey; } DSAPublicKey dSAPublicKey2 = (DSAPublicKey) publicKey; if (dSAPublicKey2.getParams() != null) { return dSAPublicKey2; } do { i++; if (i < list.size()) { PublicKey publicKey2 = ((X509Certificate) list.get(i)).getPublicKey(); if (!(publicKey2 instanceof DSAPublicKey)) { throw new CertPathValidatorException("DSA parameters cannot be inherited from previous certificate."); } dSAPublicKey = (DSAPublicKey) publicKey2; } else { throw new CertPathValidatorException("DSA parameters cannot be inherited from previous certificate."); } } while (dSAPublicKey.getParams() == null); DSAParams params = dSAPublicKey.getParams(); try { return gqq.b("DSA").generatePublic(new DSAPublicKeySpec(dSAPublicKey2.getY(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static Collection b(X509Certificate x509Certificate, List list, List list2) throws AnnotatedException { X509CertSelector x509CertSelector = new X509CertSelector(); try { x509CertSelector.setSubject(C15417gpt.c(x509Certificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getEncoded()).l()); try { byte[] extensionValue = x509Certificate.getExtensionValue(b); if (extensionValue != null) { byte[] b2 = gnD.b((Object) extensionValue).b(); gnD gnd = (b2 != null ? new C15419gpv(AbstractC15317gnH.a(b2)) : null).a; byte[] b3 = gnd != null ? gnd.b() : null; if (b3 != null) { x509CertSelector.setSubjectKeyIdentifier(new C15382gov(b3).l()); } } } catch (Exception unused) { } C15425gqD c15425gqD = new C15425gqD(new C15425gqD.RVV(x509CertSelector).a, (byte) 0); LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet(); try { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.addAll(b(c15425gqD, list)); arrayList.addAll(b(c15425gqD, list2)); Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { linkedHashSet.add((X509Certificate); } return linkedHashSet; } catch (AnnotatedException e) { throw new AnnotatedException("Issuer certificate cannot be searched.", e); } } catch (IOException e2) { throw new AnnotatedException("Subject criteria for certificate selector to find issuer certificate could not be set.", e2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void e(X509Certificate x509Certificate, PublicKey publicKey, String str) throws GeneralSecurityException { if (str == null) { x509Certificate.verify(publicKey); } else { x509Certificate.verify(publicKey, str); } } }