package o; import o.InterfaceC14912gbn; /* renamed from: o.gho, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class C15126gho { public static final C15119ghh e = new C15119ghh("NO_THREAD_ELEMENTS"); private static final InterfaceC14937gcb c = Sts.e; private static final InterfaceC14937gcb, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts, InterfaceC15036gfN> a = IeS.d; private static final InterfaceC14937gcb b = HBt.a; /* renamed from: o.gho$Sts */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class Sts extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14937gcb { public static final Sts e = new Sts(); @Override // o.InterfaceC14937gcb public final /* synthetic */ Object invoke(Object obj, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = sts; if (!(sts2 instanceof InterfaceC15036gfN)) { return obj; } Integer num = obj instanceof Integer ? (Integer) obj : null; int intValue = num != null ? num.intValue() : 1; return intValue != 0 ? Integer.valueOf(intValue + 1) : sts2; } Sts() { super(2); } } /* renamed from: o.gho$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class IeS extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14937gcb, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts, InterfaceC15036gfN> { public static final IeS d = new IeS(); @Override // o.InterfaceC14937gcb public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ InterfaceC15036gfN invoke(InterfaceC15036gfN interfaceC15036gfN, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { InterfaceC15036gfN interfaceC15036gfN2 = interfaceC15036gfN; InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = sts; if (interfaceC15036gfN2 != null) { return interfaceC15036gfN2; } if (sts2 instanceof InterfaceC15036gfN) { return (InterfaceC15036gfN) sts2; } return null; } IeS() { super(2); } } /* renamed from: o.gho$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class HBt extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14937gcb { public static final HBt a = new HBt(); @Override // o.InterfaceC14937gcb public final /* synthetic */ C15125ghn invoke(C15125ghn c15125ghn, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { C15125ghn c15125ghn2 = c15125ghn; InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = sts; if (sts2 instanceof InterfaceC15036gfN) { InterfaceC15036gfN interfaceC15036gfN = (InterfaceC15036gfN) sts2; Object e = interfaceC15036gfN.e(c15125ghn2.c); Object[] objArr = c15125ghn2.a; int i = c15125ghn2.d; objArr[i] = e; InterfaceC15036gfN[] interfaceC15036gfNArr = c15125ghn2.e; c15125ghn2.d = i + 1; interfaceC15036gfNArr[i] = interfaceC15036gfN; } return c15125ghn2; } HBt() { super(2); } } public static final Object d(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn) { Object fold = interfaceC14912gbn.fold(0, c); C14957gcv.e(fold); return fold; } public static final Object e(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { obj = interfaceC14912gbn.fold(0, c); C14957gcv.e(obj); } if (obj == 0) { return e; } if (obj instanceof Integer) { return interfaceC14912gbn.fold(new C15125ghn(interfaceC14912gbn, ((Number) obj).intValue()), b); } return ((InterfaceC15036gfN) obj).e(interfaceC14912gbn); } public static final void c(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn, Object obj) { if (obj == e) { return; } if (obj instanceof C15125ghn) { C15125ghn c15125ghn = (C15125ghn) obj; int length = c15125ghn.e.length - 1; if (length < 0) { return; } while (true) { int i = length - 1; InterfaceC15036gfN interfaceC15036gfN = c15125ghn.e[length]; C14957gcv.e(interfaceC15036gfN); interfaceC15036gfN.d(c15125ghn.a[length]); if (i < 0) { return; } else { length = i; } } } else { Object fold = interfaceC14912gbn.fold(null, a); if (fold == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlinx.coroutines.ThreadContextElement"); } ((InterfaceC15036gfN) fold).d(obj); } } }