package o; import; import o.C14930gcM; import o.InterfaceC14912gbn; /* renamed from: o.gbg, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public final class C14905gbg implements InterfaceC14912gbn, Serializable { private final InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts c; private final InterfaceC14912gbn e; public C14905gbg(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14912gbn, ""); C14957gcv.e(sts, ""); this.e = interfaceC14912gbn; this.c = sts; } @Override // o.InterfaceC14912gbn public final InterfaceC14912gbn plus(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn) { C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14912gbn, ""); return interfaceC14912gbn != C14908gbj.e ? (InterfaceC14912gbn) interfaceC14912gbn.fold(this, InterfaceC14912gbn.IeS.C0117IeS.a) : this; } @Override // o.InterfaceC14912gbn public final E get(InterfaceC14912gbn.HBt hBt) { C14957gcv.e(hBt, ""); C14905gbg c14905gbg = this; while (true) { E e = (E) c14905gbg.c.get(hBt); if (e != null) { return e; } InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn = c14905gbg.e; if (interfaceC14912gbn instanceof C14905gbg) { c14905gbg = (C14905gbg) interfaceC14912gbn; } else { return (E) interfaceC14912gbn.get(hBt); } } } @Override // o.InterfaceC14912gbn public final R fold(R r, InterfaceC14937gcb interfaceC14937gcb) { C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14937gcb, ""); return interfaceC14937gcb.invoke((Object) this.e.fold(r, interfaceC14937gcb), this.c); } @Override // o.InterfaceC14912gbn public final InterfaceC14912gbn minusKey(InterfaceC14912gbn.HBt hBt) { C14957gcv.e(hBt, ""); if (this.c.get(hBt) != null) { return this.e; } InterfaceC14912gbn minusKey = this.e.minusKey(hBt); if (minusKey == this.e) { return this; } return minusKey == C14908gbj.e ? this.c : new C14905gbg(minusKey, this.c); } private final int c() { int i = 2; C14905gbg c14905gbg = this; while (true) { InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn = c14905gbg.e; c14905gbg = interfaceC14912gbn instanceof C14905gbg ? (C14905gbg) interfaceC14912gbn : null; if (c14905gbg == null) { return i; } i++; } } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this != obj) { if (obj instanceof C14905gbg) { C14905gbg c14905gbg = (C14905gbg) obj; if (c14905gbg.c() == c()) { C14905gbg c14905gbg2 = this; while (true) { InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts = c14905gbg2.c; if (!C14957gcv.b(c14905gbg.get(sts.getKey()), sts)) { break; } InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn = c14905gbg2.e; if (interfaceC14912gbn instanceof C14905gbg) { c14905gbg2 = (C14905gbg) interfaceC14912gbn; } else { C14957gcv.d(interfaceC14912gbn, ""); InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = (InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts) interfaceC14912gbn; if (!C14957gcv.b(c14905gbg.get(sts2.getKey()), sts2)) { break; } } } } } return false; } return true; } public final int hashCode() { return this.e.hashCode() + this.c.hashCode(); } /* renamed from: o.gbg$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ static final class LWm extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14937gcb { public static final LWm e = new LWm(); @Override // o.InterfaceC14937gcb public final /* synthetic */ String invoke(String str, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { String str2 = str; InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = sts; C14957gcv.e(str2, ""); C14957gcv.e(sts2, ""); if (str2.length() == 0) { return sts2.toString(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(str2); sb.append(", "); sb.append(sts2); return sb.toString(); } LWm() { super(2); } } public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); sb.append((String) fold("", LWm.e)); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } private final Object writeReplace() { int c = c(); InterfaceC14912gbn[] interfaceC14912gbnArr = new InterfaceC14912gbn[c]; C14930gcM.IeS ieS = new C14930gcM.IeS(); fold(C14866gag.c, new IeS(interfaceC14912gbnArr, ieS)); if (ieS.b != c) { throw new IllegalStateException("Check failed.".toString()); } return new HBt(interfaceC14912gbnArr); } /* renamed from: o.gbg$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ static final class IeS extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14937gcb { private InterfaceC14912gbn[] a; private C14930gcM.IeS c; @Override // o.InterfaceC14937gcb public final /* synthetic */ C14866gag invoke(C14866gag c14866gag, InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts) { InterfaceC14912gbn.Sts sts2 = sts; C14957gcv.e(c14866gag, ""); C14957gcv.e(sts2, ""); InterfaceC14912gbn[] interfaceC14912gbnArr = this.a; int i = this.c.b; this.c.b = i + 1; interfaceC14912gbnArr[i] = sts2; return C14866gag.c; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ IeS(InterfaceC14912gbn[] interfaceC14912gbnArr, C14930gcM.IeS ieS) { super(2); this.a = interfaceC14912gbnArr; this.c = ieS; } } /* renamed from: o.gbg$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ static final class HBt implements Serializable { private final InterfaceC14912gbn[] c; /* renamed from: o.gbg$HBt$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static final class LWm { private LWm() { } public /* synthetic */ LWm(byte b) { this(); } } public HBt(InterfaceC14912gbn[] interfaceC14912gbnArr) { C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14912gbnArr, ""); this.c = interfaceC14912gbnArr; } private final Object readResolve() { InterfaceC14912gbn[] interfaceC14912gbnArr = this.c; InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn = C14908gbj.e; for (InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn2 : interfaceC14912gbnArr) { interfaceC14912gbn =; } return interfaceC14912gbn; } static { new LWm((byte) 0); } } }