package o; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /* renamed from: o.fZz, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public final class C13423fZz extends AbstractC13422fZy { boolean b; volatile boolean c; final C13416fZs e; private volatile boolean f; private Throwable g; private AtomicReference i; private boolean j = true; final AtomicReference> d = new AtomicReference<>(); private AtomicBoolean h = new AtomicBoolean(); final AbstractC13183fTH a = new LWm(this); public static C13423fZz c() { return new C13423fZz<>(bufferSize(), null); } public static C13423fZz b(int i, Runnable runnable) { C13199fTm.c(i, "capacityHint"); Objects.requireNonNull(runnable, "onTerminate"); return new C13423fZz<>(i, runnable); } private C13423fZz(int i, Runnable runnable) { this.e = new C13416fZs<>(i); this.i = new AtomicReference<>(runnable); } @Override // o.AbstractC13163fSk public final void subscribeActual(InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv) { if (!this.h.get() && this.h.compareAndSet(false, true)) { interfaceC13174fSv.onSubscribe(this.a); this.d.lazySet(interfaceC13174fSv); if (this.c) { this.d.lazySet(null); return; } else { d(); return; } } EnumC13195fTi.a(new IllegalStateException("Only a single observer allowed."), interfaceC13174fSv); } final void b() { Runnable runnable = this.i.get(); if (runnable != null) { AtomicReference atomicReference = this.i; while (!atomicReference.compareAndSet(runnable, null)) { if (atomicReference.get() != runnable) { return; } }; } } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onSubscribe(fSJ fsj) { if (this.f || this.c) { fsj.dispose(); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onNext(T t) { fYR.d(t, "onNext called with a null value."); if (this.f || this.c) { return; } this.e.b(t); d(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onError(Throwable th) { fYR.d(th, "onError called with a null Throwable."); if (this.f || this.c) { C13418fZu.c(th); return; } this.g = th; this.f = true; b(); d(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onComplete() { if (this.f || this.c) { return; } this.f = true; b(); d(); } private boolean a(InterfaceC13414fZq interfaceC13414fZq, InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv) { Throwable th = this.g; if (th == null) { return false; } this.d.lazySet(null); interfaceC13414fZq.e(); interfaceC13174fSv.onError(th); return true; } private void d() { if (this.a.getAndIncrement() != 0) { return; } InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv = this.d.get(); int i = 1; while (interfaceC13174fSv == null) { i = this.a.addAndGet(-i); if (i == 0) { return; } else { interfaceC13174fSv = this.d.get(); } } if (this.b) { C13416fZs c13416fZs = this.e; boolean z = this.j; int i2 = 1; while (!this.c) { boolean z2 = this.f; if ((!z) && z2 && a(c13416fZs, interfaceC13174fSv)) { return; } interfaceC13174fSv.onNext(null); if (!z2) { i2 = this.a.addAndGet(-i2); if (i2 == 0) { return; } } else { this.d.lazySet(null); Throwable th = this.g; if (th != null) { interfaceC13174fSv.onError(th); return; } else { interfaceC13174fSv.onComplete(); return; } } } this.d.lazySet(null); return; } C13416fZs c13416fZs2 = this.e; boolean z3 = this.j; boolean z4 = true; int i3 = 1; while (!this.c) { boolean z5 = this.f; T b = this.e.b(); boolean z6 = b == null; if (z5) { if ((!z3) && z4) { if (a(c13416fZs2, interfaceC13174fSv)) { return; } else { z4 = false; } } if (z6) { this.d.lazySet(null); Throwable th2 = this.g; if (th2 != null) { interfaceC13174fSv.onError(th2); return; } else { interfaceC13174fSv.onComplete(); return; } } } if (!z6) { interfaceC13174fSv.onNext(b); } else { i3 = this.a.addAndGet(-i3); if (i3 == 0) { return; } } } this.d.lazySet(null); c13416fZs2.e(); } /* renamed from: o.fZz$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ final class LWm extends AbstractC13183fTH { private C13423fZz d; LWm(C13423fZz c13423fZz) { this.d = c13423fZz; } @Override // o.InterfaceC13413fZp public final int b(int i) { if ((i & 2) == 0) { return 0; } this.d.b = true; return 2; } @Override // o.InterfaceC13414fZq public final T b() { return this.d.e.b(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13414fZq public final boolean c() { C13416fZs c13416fZs = this.d.e; return c13416fZs.b.get() == c13416fZs.e.get(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13414fZq public final void e() { this.d.e.e(); } @Override // o.fSJ public final void dispose() { if (this.d.c) { return; } this.d.c = true; this.d.b(); this.d.d.lazySet(null); if (this.d.a.getAndIncrement() == 0) { this.d.d.lazySet(null); if (this.d.b) { return; } this.d.e.e(); } } @Override // o.fSJ public final boolean isDisposed() { return this.d.c; } } }