package o; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /* renamed from: o.fVm, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public final class C13269fVm extends AbstractC13163fSk { private Iterable> a; private boolean b; private int c; private fSS d; private InterfaceC13169fSq[] e; public C13269fVm(InterfaceC13169fSq[] interfaceC13169fSqArr, Iterable> iterable, fSS fss, int i, boolean z) { this.e = interfaceC13169fSqArr; this.a = iterable; this.d = fss; this.c = i; this.b = z; } @Override // o.AbstractC13163fSk public final void subscribeActual(InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv) { int length; InterfaceC13169fSq[] interfaceC13169fSqArr = this.e; if (interfaceC13169fSqArr == null) { interfaceC13169fSqArr = new InterfaceC13169fSq[8]; try { length = 0; for (InterfaceC13169fSq interfaceC13169fSq : this.a) { if (length == interfaceC13169fSqArr.length) { InterfaceC13169fSq[] interfaceC13169fSqArr2 = new InterfaceC13169fSq[(length >> 2) + length]; System.arraycopy(interfaceC13169fSqArr, 0, interfaceC13169fSqArr2, 0, length); interfaceC13169fSqArr = interfaceC13169fSqArr2; } interfaceC13169fSqArr[length] = (InterfaceC13169fSq) Objects.requireNonNull(interfaceC13169fSq, "The Iterator returned a null ObservableSource"); length++; } } catch (Throwable th) { C13147fSI.c(th); EnumC13195fTi.a(th, interfaceC13174fSv); return; } } else { length = interfaceC13169fSqArr.length; } int i = length; if (i == 0) { EnumC13195fTi.e(interfaceC13174fSv); return; } HBt hBt = new HBt(interfaceC13174fSv, this.d, i, this.c, this.b); IeS[] ieSArr = hBt.h; int length2 = ieSArr.length; hBt.c.onSubscribe(hBt); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length2 && !hBt.d && !hBt.a; i2++) { interfaceC13169fSqArr[i2].subscribe(ieSArr[i2]); } } /* renamed from: o.fVm$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ static final class HBt extends AtomicInteger implements fSJ { volatile boolean a; final boolean b; final InterfaceC13174fSv c; volatile boolean d; int e; final C13355fYI f = new C13355fYI(); private fSS g; final IeS[] h; Object[] i; private int j; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ private C13416fZs f9114o; HBt(InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv, fSS fss, int i, int i2, boolean z) { this.c = interfaceC13174fSv; this.g = fss; this.b = z; this.i = new Object[i]; IeS[] ieSArr = new IeS[i]; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i; i3++) { ieSArr[i3] = new IeS<>(this, i3); } this.h = ieSArr; this.f9114o = new C13416fZs<>(i2); } @Override // o.fSJ public final void dispose() { if (this.a) { return; } this.a = true; for (IeS ieS : this.h) { EnumC13192fTf.e(ieS); } e(); } final void e() { if (getAndIncrement() != 0) { return; } C13416fZs c13416fZs = this.f9114o; InterfaceC13174fSv interfaceC13174fSv = this.c; boolean z = this.b; int i = 1; while (!this.a) { int i2 = 0; if (!z && this.f.get() != null) { IeS[] ieSArr = this.h; int length = ieSArr.length; while (i2 < length) { EnumC13192fTf.e(ieSArr[i2]); i2++; } synchronized (this) { this.i = null; } c13416fZs.e(); Throwable b = fYR.b(this.f); if (b == null) { interfaceC13174fSv.onComplete(); return; } else { if (b != fYR.b) { interfaceC13174fSv.onError(b); return; } return; } } boolean z2 = this.d; Object[] b2 = c13416fZs.b(); boolean z3 = b2 == null; if (z2 && z3) { synchronized (this) { this.i = null; } c13416fZs.e(); Throwable b3 = fYR.b(this.f); if (b3 == null) { interfaceC13174fSv.onComplete(); return; } else { if (b3 != fYR.b) { interfaceC13174fSv.onError(b3); return; } return; } } if (!z3) { try { interfaceC13174fSv.onNext((Object) Objects.requireNonNull(this.g.a(b2), "The combiner returned a null value")); } catch (Throwable th) { C13147fSI.c(th); if (!fYR.c(this.f, th)) { C13418fZu.c(th); } IeS[] ieSArr2 = this.h; int length2 = ieSArr2.length; while (i2 < length2) { EnumC13192fTf.e(ieSArr2[i2]); i2++; } synchronized (this) { this.i = null; c13416fZs.e(); Throwable b4 = fYR.b(this.f); if (b4 == null) { interfaceC13174fSv.onComplete(); return; } else { if (b4 != fYR.b) { interfaceC13174fSv.onError(b4); return; } return; } } } } else { i = addAndGet(-i); if (i == 0) { return; } } } synchronized (this) { this.i = null; } c13416fZs.e(); Throwable b5 = fYR.b(this.f); if (b5 == null || b5 == fYR.b) { return; } C13418fZu.c(b5); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ final void b(int i, T t) { boolean z; synchronized (this) { Object[] objArr = this.i; if (objArr == null) { return; } Object obj = objArr[i]; int i2 = this.j; if (obj == null) { i2++; this.j = i2; } objArr[i] = t; if (i2 == objArr.length) { this.f9114o.b(objArr.clone()); z = true; } else { z = false; } if (z) { e(); } } } @Override // o.fSJ public final boolean isDisposed() { return this.a; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: o.fVm$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static final class IeS extends AtomicReference implements InterfaceC13174fSv { private HBt a; private int d; IeS(HBt hBt, int i) { this.a = hBt; this.d = i; } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onSubscribe(fSJ fsj) { EnumC13192fTf.a(this, fsj); } @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onNext(T t) { this.a.b(this.d, t); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x0028, code lost: if (r4 == r6.length) goto L18; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:19:0x002d, code lost: if (r1 != false) goto L25; */ @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void onError(java.lang.Throwable r6) { /* r5 = this; o.fVm$HBt r0 = r5.a int r1 = r5.d o.fYI r2 = r0.f boolean r2 = o.fYR.c(r2, r6) if (r2 == 0) goto L44 boolean r6 = r0.b r2 = 0 if (r6 == 0) goto L33 monitor-enter(r0) java.lang.Object[] r6 = r0.i // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 if (r6 != 0) goto L18 monitor-exit(r0) return L18: r1 = r6[r1] // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 r3 = 1 if (r1 != 0) goto L1f r1 = r3 goto L20 L1f: r1 = r2 L20: if (r1 != 0) goto L2a int r4 = r0.e // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 int r4 = r4 + r3 r0.e = r4 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 int r6 = r6.length // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 if (r4 != r6) goto L2c L2a: r0.d = r3 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L30 L2c: monitor-exit(r0) if (r1 == 0) goto L40 goto L33 L30: r6 = move-exception monitor-exit(r0) throw r6 L33: o.fVm$IeS[] r6 = r0.h int r1 = r6.length L36: if (r2 >= r1) goto L40 r3 = r6[r2] o.EnumC13192fTf.e(r3) int r2 = r2 + 1 goto L36 L40: r0.e() goto L47 L44: o.C13418fZu.c(r6) L47: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C13269fVm.IeS.onError(java.lang.Throwable):void"); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x001c, code lost: if (r5 == r2.length) goto L15; */ @Override // o.InterfaceC13174fSv /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void onComplete() { /* r6 = this; o.fVm$HBt r0 = r6.a int r1 = r6.d monitor-enter(r0) java.lang.Object[] r2 = r0.i // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 if (r2 != 0) goto Lb monitor-exit(r0) return Lb: r1 = r2[r1] // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 r3 = 0 r4 = 1 if (r1 != 0) goto L13 r1 = r4 goto L14 L13: r1 = r3 L14: if (r1 != 0) goto L1e int r5 = r0.e // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 int r5 = r5 + r4 r0.e = r5 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 int r2 = r2.length // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 if (r5 != r2) goto L20 L1e: r0.d = r4 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L34 L20: monitor-exit(r0) if (r1 == 0) goto L30 o.fVm$IeS[] r1 = r0.h int r2 = r1.length L26: if (r3 >= r2) goto L30 r4 = r1[r3] o.EnumC13192fTf.e(r4) int r3 = r3 + 1 goto L26 L30: r0.e() return L34: r1 = move-exception monitor-exit(r0) throw r1 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C13269fVm.IeS.onComplete():void"); } } }