package o; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import o.fNW; /* renamed from: o.fOa, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class C13020fOa { private static final AtomicInteger c = new AtomicInteger(); public final fNW.IeS a; public boolean b; public Object d; public boolean e; private int f; private int g; private int h; private Drawable i; private final Picasso j; private Drawable l; private int m; private boolean n; public C13020fOa(Picasso picasso, Uri uri, int i) { this.n = true; boolean z = picasso.n; this.j = picasso; this.a = new fNW.IeS(uri, i, picasso.e); } C13020fOa() { this.n = true; this.j = null; this.a = new fNW.IeS(null, 0, null); } public final C13020fOa b(int i) { if (!this.n) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already explicitly declared as no placeholder."); } if (i == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Placeholder image resource invalid."); } if (this.l != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Placeholder image already set."); } this.m = i; return this; } public final C13020fOa aBv_(Drawable drawable) { if (!this.n) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already explicitly declared as no placeholder."); } if (this.m != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Placeholder image already set."); } this.l = drawable; return this; } public final C13020fOa e(int i) { if (i == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error image resource invalid."); } if (this.i != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error image already set."); } this.h = i; return this; } public final C13020fOa aBs_(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error image may not be null."); } if (this.h != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error image already set."); } this.i = drawable; return this; } public final C13020fOa d() { Resources resources = this.j.c.getResources(); this.a.e(resources.getDimensionPixelSize(, resources.getDimensionPixelSize(; return this; } public final C13020fOa a(EnumC12984fNP enumC12984fNP, EnumC12984fNP... enumC12984fNPArr) { if (enumC12984fNP == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Memory policy cannot be null."); } this.f = enumC12984fNP.index | this.f; if (enumC12984fNPArr.length > 0) { for (EnumC12984fNP enumC12984fNP2 : enumC12984fNPArr) { if (enumC12984fNP2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Memory policy cannot be null."); } this.f = enumC12984fNP2.index | this.f; } } return this; } public final Bitmap aBt_() throws IOException { long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); C13025fOf.e(); if (this.e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with get."); } fNW.IeS ieS = this.a; if (ieS.p == null && ieS.h == 0) { return null; } fNW d = d(nanoTime); C12983fNM c12983fNM = new C12983fNM(this.j, d, this.f, this.g, this.d, C13025fOf.c(d, new StringBuilder())); Picasso picasso = this.j; return RunnableC13011fNx.d(picasso, picasso.a, this.j.b, this.j.f8088o, c12983fNM).aBc_(); } public final void d(InterfaceC13027fOh interfaceC13027fOh) { Bitmap aBo_; long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); C13025fOf.b(); if (interfaceC13027fOh == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target must not be null."); } if (this.e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with a Target."); } fNW.IeS ieS = this.a; Drawable drawable = null; if (!((ieS.p == null && ieS.h == 0) ? false : true)) { Picasso picasso = this.j; if (interfaceC13027fOh == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("target cannot be null."); } picasso.e(interfaceC13027fOh); if (this.n) { drawable = this.m != 0 ? this.j.c.getDrawable(this.m) : this.l; } interfaceC13027fOh.aBC_(drawable); return; } fNW d = d(nanoTime); String e = C13025fOf.e(d); if (!EnumC12984fNP.e(this.f) || (aBo_ = this.j.aBo_(e)) == null) { if (this.n) { drawable = this.m != 0 ? this.j.c.getDrawable(this.m) : this.l; } interfaceC13027fOh.aBC_(drawable); this.j.a(new C13028fOi(this.j, interfaceC13027fOh, d, this.f, this.g, this.i, e, this.d, this.h)); return; } Picasso picasso2 = this.j; if (interfaceC13027fOh == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("target cannot be null."); } picasso2.e(interfaceC13027fOh); Picasso.HBt hBt = Picasso.HBt.MEMORY; interfaceC13027fOh.aBB_(aBo_); } public final void aBu_(ImageView imageView, InterfaceC12980fNE interfaceC12980fNE) { Bitmap aBo_; long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); C13025fOf.b(); if (imageView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target must not be null."); } fNW.IeS ieS = this.a; if (ieS.p == null && ieS.h == 0) { Picasso picasso = this.j; if (imageView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("view cannot be null."); } picasso.e(imageView); if (this.n) { C12986fNY.aBr_(imageView, this.m != 0 ? this.j.c.getDrawable(this.m) : this.l); return; } return; } if (this.e) { fNW.IeS ieS2 = this.a; if (ieS2.l != 0 || ieS2.m != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize."); } int width = imageView.getWidth(); int height = imageView.getHeight(); if (width == 0 || height == 0) { if (this.n) { C12986fNY.aBr_(imageView, this.m != 0 ? this.j.c.getDrawable(this.m) : this.l); } Picasso picasso2 = this.j; fNC fnc = new fNC(this, imageView, interfaceC12980fNE); if (picasso2.l.containsKey(imageView)) { picasso2.e(imageView); } picasso2.l.put(imageView, fnc); return; } this.a.e(width, height); } fNW d = d(nanoTime); String e = C13025fOf.e(d); if (!EnumC12984fNP.e(this.f) || (aBo_ = this.j.aBo_(e)) == null) { if (this.n) { C12986fNY.aBr_(imageView, this.m != 0 ? this.j.c.getDrawable(this.m) : this.l); } this.j.a(new C12982fNL(this.j, imageView, d, this.f, this.g, this.h, this.i, e, this.d, interfaceC12980fNE, this.b)); return; } Picasso picasso3 = this.j; if (imageView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("view cannot be null."); } picasso3.e(imageView); C12986fNY.aBq_(imageView, this.j.c, aBo_, Picasso.HBt.MEMORY, this.b, this.j.j); if (this.j.f) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[R"); sb.append(d.h); sb.append(']'); String obj = sb.toString(); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("from "); sb2.append(Picasso.HBt.MEMORY); C13025fOf.d("Main", "completed", obj, sb2.toString()); } if (interfaceC12980fNE != null) { interfaceC12980fNE.d(); } } private fNW d(long j) { int andIncrement = c.getAndIncrement(); fNW.IeS ieS = this.a; boolean z = ieS.d; if (z && ieS.e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Center crop and center inside can not be used together."); } if (ieS.e && ieS.l == 0 && ieS.m == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Center crop requires calling resize with positive width and height."); } if (z && ieS.l == 0 && ieS.m == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Center inside requires calling resize with positive width and height."); } if (ieS.i == null) { ieS.i = Picasso.LWm.NORMAL; } fNW fnw = new fNW(ieS.p, ieS.h, ieS.n, ieS.s, ieS.l, ieS.m, ieS.e, ieS.d, ieS.c, ieS.g, ieS.j, ieS.k, ieS.f9100o, ieS.b, ieS.f, ieS.a, ieS.i, (byte) 0); fnw.h = andIncrement; fnw.q = j; boolean z2 = this.j.f; if (z2) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[R"); sb.append(fnw.h); sb.append(']'); C13025fOf.d("Main", "created", sb.toString(), fnw.toString()); } Picasso picasso = this.j; fNW b = picasso.m.b(fnw); if (b == null) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Request transformer "); sb2.append(picasso.m.getClass().getCanonicalName()); sb2.append(" returned null for "); sb2.append(fnw); throw new IllegalStateException(sb2.toString()); } if (b != fnw) { b.h = andIncrement; b.q = j; if (z2) { C13025fOf.d("Main", "changed", b.c(), "into ".concat(String.valueOf(b))); } } return b; } }