package o; import; import o.C0608Kn; /* renamed from: o.etK, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public final class C12176etK extends BaseHorizontalBubbleAdapter { private final int a; private final int c; public C0608Kn.Sts d; private C0608Kn g; private void b(C0608Kn.Sts sts) { this.d = sts; if (this.b == -1 || c(this.e.get(this.b))) { return; } this.b = -1; } public C12176etK(C0608Kn c0608Kn, BaseHorizontalBubbleAdapter.RVV rvv) { super(c0608Kn.c, rvv); this.c = -1; this.a = 0; this.g = c0608Kn; e(null); } private boolean c(Integer num) { boolean z = false; if (this.d != null) { for (int i = 0; !z && i < this.d.e.size(); i++) { z = this.d.e.get(i).equals(num); } } return z; } @Override // androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Sts public final int getItemViewType(int i) { if (this.g.d) { if (i == this.b) { return 3; } return (this.d == null || !c(this.e.get(i))) ? 5 : 4; } if (i == this.b) { return 0; } return (this.d == null || !c(this.e.get(i))) ? 2 : 1; } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x003f, code lost: b(null); */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void e(java.lang.Double r8) { /* r7 = this; r0 = 0 r1 = r0 L2: if (r8 == 0) goto L3d if (r0 != 0) goto L3d o.Kn r2 = r7.g java.util.List r2 = r2.b int r2 = r2.size() if (r1 >= r2) goto L3d o.Kn r2 = r7.g java.util.List r2 = r2.b java.lang.Object r2 = r2.get(r1) o.Kn$Sts r2 = (o.C0608Kn.Sts) r2 java.lang.Double r3 = r2.a double r3 = r3.doubleValue() double r5 = r8.doubleValue() int r3 = (r3 > r5 ? 1 : (r3 == r5 ? 0 : -1)) if (r3 > 0) goto L3a double r3 = r8.doubleValue() java.lang.Double r5 = r2.b double r5 = r5.doubleValue() int r3 = (r3 > r5 ? 1 : (r3 == r5 ? 0 : -1)) if (r3 > 0) goto L3a r7.b(r2) r0 = 1 L3a: int r1 = r1 + 1 goto L2 L3d: if (r0 != 0) goto L43 r8 = 0 r7.b(r8) L43: r7.notifyDataSetChanged() return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C12176etK.e(java.lang.Double):void"); } }