package o; import; import java.util.List; import o.Xnj; /* renamed from: o.Igv, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class C0510Igv { @SerializedName("customerContactInfo") public final Sts a; @SerializedName("businessInfo") public final HBt b; @SerializedName("requestedProduct") public final LWm c; @SerializedName("consentDocuments") public final List d; @SerializedName("spouseInfo") public final IeS e; @SerializedName("uploadedDocumentAmount") public final String g; /* renamed from: o.Igv$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class HBt { @SerializedName("businessExperience") public final Xnj.IeS a; @SerializedName("businessAddress") public final List b; @SerializedName("businessOnLease") public final String c; @SerializedName("businessIndustry") public final String d; @SerializedName("businessName") public final String e; @SerializedName("businessRegistrationNo") public final String f; @SerializedName("businessUrl") public final String g; @SerializedName("businessType") public final String h; @SerializedName("loanPurpose") public final List i; @SerializedName("companyPhone") public final String j; @SerializedName("operatingAccount") public final List k; @SerializedName("marketplaceUrl") public final LWm l; @SerializedName("netIncome") public final String m; @SerializedName("sourceOfIncome") public final ovD n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ @SerializedName("privilegedProfession") public final String f8212o; @SerializedName("storeType") public final List q; /* renamed from: o.Igv$HBt$HBt, reason: collision with other inner class name */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class C0085HBt { @SerializedName("accountNo") public final String b; @SerializedName("bankLogo") public final String e; public final String toString() { String str = this.e; String str2 = this.b; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OperatingAccount(bankLogo="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", accountNo="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { return (this.e.hashCode() * 31) + this.b.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof C0085HBt)) { return false; } C0085HBt c0085HBt = (C0085HBt) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.e, (Object) c0085HBt.e) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.b, (Object) c0085HBt.b); } } /* renamed from: o.Igv$HBt$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class LWm { @SerializedName("productUrl") public final List d; @SerializedName("storeUrl") public final List e; public final String toString() { List list = this.e; List list2 = this.d; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("MarketUrl(storeUrl="); sb.append(list); sb.append(", productUrl="); sb.append(list2); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { List list = this.e; int hashCode = list == null ? 0 : list.hashCode(); List list2 = this.d; return (hashCode * 31) + (list2 != null ? list2.hashCode() : 0); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof LWm)) { return false; } LWm lWm = (LWm) obj; return C14957gcv.b(this.e, lWm.e) && C14957gcv.b(this.d, lWm.d); } } public final String toString() { String str = this.f8212o; String str2 = this.e; List list = this.b; String str3 = this.j; Xnj.IeS ieS = this.a; String str4 = this.d; String str5 = this.h; String str6 = this.f; List list2 = this.q; String str7 = this.c; List list3 = this.i; String str8 = this.m; List list4 = this.k; String str9 = this.g; LWm lWm = this.l; ovD ovd = this.n; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("BusinessInfo(privilegedProfession="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", businessName="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(", businessAddress="); sb.append(list); sb.append(", companyPhone="); sb.append(str3); sb.append(", businessExperience="); sb.append(ieS); sb.append(", businessIndustry="); sb.append(str4); sb.append(", businessType="); sb.append(str5); sb.append(", businessRegistrationNo="); sb.append(str6); sb.append(", storeType="); sb.append(list2); sb.append(", businessOnLease="); sb.append(str7); sb.append(", loanPurpose="); sb.append(list3); sb.append(", netIncome="); sb.append(str8); sb.append(", operatingAccount="); sb.append(list4); sb.append(", businessUrl="); sb.append(str9); sb.append(", marketplaceUrl="); sb.append(lWm); sb.append(", sourceOfIncome="); sb.append(ovd); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { String str = this.f8212o; int hashCode = str == null ? 0 : str.hashCode(); int hashCode2 = this.e.hashCode(); int hashCode3 = this.b.hashCode(); int hashCode4 = this.j.hashCode(); int hashCode5 = this.a.hashCode(); int hashCode6 = this.d.hashCode(); int hashCode7 = this.h.hashCode(); String str2 = this.f; int hashCode8 = str2 == null ? 0 : str2.hashCode(); int hashCode9 = this.q.hashCode(); String str3 = this.c; int hashCode10 = str3 == null ? 0 : str3.hashCode(); int hashCode11 = this.i.hashCode(); int hashCode12 = this.m.hashCode(); int hashCode13 = this.k.hashCode(); String str4 = this.g; int hashCode14 = str4 == null ? 0 : str4.hashCode(); LWm lWm = this.l; return (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hashCode * 31) + hashCode2) * 31) + hashCode3) * 31) + hashCode4) * 31) + hashCode5) * 31) + hashCode6) * 31) + hashCode7) * 31) + hashCode8) * 31) + hashCode9) * 31) + hashCode10) * 31) + hashCode11) * 31) + hashCode12) * 31) + hashCode13) * 31) + hashCode14) * 31) + (lWm != null ? lWm.hashCode() : 0)) * 31) + this.n.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof HBt)) { return false; } HBt hBt = (HBt) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.f8212o, (Object) hBt.f8212o) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.e, (Object) hBt.e) && C14957gcv.b(this.b, hBt.b) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.j, (Object) hBt.j) && C14957gcv.b(this.a, hBt.a) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.d, (Object) hBt.d) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.h, (Object) hBt.h) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.f, (Object) hBt.f) && C14957gcv.b(this.q, hBt.q) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.c, (Object) hBt.c) && C14957gcv.b(this.i, hBt.i) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.m, (Object) hBt.m) && C14957gcv.b(this.k, hBt.k) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.g, (Object) hBt.g) && C14957gcv.b(this.l, hBt.l) && C14957gcv.b(this.n, hBt.n); } } /* renamed from: o.Igv$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class LWm { @SerializedName("annualInterest") public final String a; @SerializedName("installmentFrequency") public final IeS b; @SerializedName("duration") public final String c; @SerializedName("dutyStampFee") public final RVV d; @SerializedName("installmentAmount") public final String e; @SerializedName("repaymentStartDate") public final String f; @SerializedName("tierRateList") public final List g; @SerializedName("repaymentDate") public final String h; @SerializedName("principal") public final String i; /* renamed from: o.Igv$LWm$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class IeS { @SerializedName("perUnit") public final String a; @SerializedName("unit") public final String d; public final String toString() { String str = this.a; String str2 = this.d; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("InstallmentFrequency(perUnit="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", unit="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { return (this.a.hashCode() * 31) + this.d.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof IeS)) { return false; } IeS ieS = (IeS) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.a, (Object) ieS.a) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.d, (Object) ieS.d); } } /* renamed from: o.Igv$LWm$RVV */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class RVV { @SerializedName("rate") public final String b; @SerializedName("maxAmount") public final String e; public final String toString() { String str = this.b; String str2 = this.e; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("DutyStampFee(rate="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", maxAmount="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { return (this.b.hashCode() * 31) + this.e.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof RVV)) { return false; } RVV rvv = (RVV) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.b, (Object) rvv.b) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.e, (Object) rvv.e); } } public final String toString() { String str = this.i; String str2 = this.c; String str3 = this.e; IeS ieS = this.b; String str4 = this.h; String str5 = this.a; String str6 = this.f; List list = this.g; RVV rvv = this.d; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("RequestedProduct(principal="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", duration="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(", installmentAmount="); sb.append(str3); sb.append(", installmentFrequencyEntity="); sb.append(ieS); sb.append(", repaymentDate="); sb.append(str4); sb.append(", annualInterest="); sb.append(str5); sb.append(", repaymentStartDate="); sb.append(str6); sb.append(", tierRateList="); sb.append(list); sb.append(", dutyStampFee="); sb.append(rvv); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { return (((((((((((((((this.i.hashCode() * 31) + this.c.hashCode()) * 31) + this.e.hashCode()) * 31) + this.b.hashCode()) * 31) + this.h.hashCode()) * 31) + this.a.hashCode()) * 31) + this.f.hashCode()) * 31) + this.g.hashCode()) * 31) + this.d.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof LWm)) { return false; } LWm lWm = (LWm) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.i, (Object) lWm.i) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.c, (Object) lWm.c) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.e, (Object) lWm.e) && C14957gcv.b(this.b, lWm.b) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.h, (Object) lWm.h) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.a, (Object) lWm.a) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.f, (Object) lWm.f) && C14957gcv.b(this.g, lWm.g) && C14957gcv.b(this.d, lWm.d); } } /* renamed from: o.Igv$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class IeS { @SerializedName("thaiName") public final String a; @SerializedName("citizenId") public final String c; public final String toString() { String str = this.a; String str2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SpouseInfo(thaiName="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", citizenId="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { String str = this.a; int hashCode = str == null ? 0 : str.hashCode(); String str2 = this.c; return (hashCode * 31) + (str2 != null ? str2.hashCode() : 0); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof IeS)) { return false; } IeS ieS = (IeS) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.a, (Object) ieS.a) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.c, (Object) ieS.c); } } /* renamed from: o.Igv$Sts */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Sts { @SerializedName("educationLevel") public final String a; @SerializedName("email") public final String b; @SerializedName("dateOfBirth") public final String c; @SerializedName("engName") public final String d; @SerializedName("citizenId") public final lbI e; @SerializedName("mobileNo") public final String f; @SerializedName("residentType") public final String g; @SerializedName("maritalStatus") public final String h; @SerializedName("mailingAddress") public final List i; @SerializedName("engTitle") public final String j; @SerializedName("thaiTitle") public final String k; @SerializedName("thaiName") public final String n; public final String toString() { String str = this.k; String str2 = this.j; String str3 = this.n; String str4 = this.d; String str5 = this.f; String str6 = this.c; String str7 = this.b; List list = this.i; String str8 = this.h; String str9 = this.g; String str10 = this.a; lbI lbi = this.e; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CustomerContact(thaiTitle="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", engTitle="); sb.append(str2); sb.append(", thaiName="); sb.append(str3); sb.append(", engName="); sb.append(str4); sb.append(", mobileNo="); sb.append(str5); sb.append(", dateOfBirth="); sb.append(str6); sb.append(", email="); sb.append(str7); sb.append(", mailingAddress="); sb.append(list); sb.append(", maritalStatus="); sb.append(str8); sb.append(", residentType="); sb.append(str9); sb.append(", educationLevel="); sb.append(str10); sb.append(", citizenId="); sb.append(lbi); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { int hashCode = this.k.hashCode(); int hashCode2 = this.j.hashCode(); int hashCode3 = this.n.hashCode(); String str = this.d; return (((((((((((((((((((((hashCode * 31) + hashCode2) * 31) + hashCode3) * 31) + (str == null ? 0 : str.hashCode())) * 31) + this.f.hashCode()) * 31) + this.c.hashCode()) * 31) + this.b.hashCode()) * 31) + this.i.hashCode()) * 31) + this.h.hashCode()) * 31) + this.g.hashCode()) * 31) + this.a.hashCode()) * 31) + this.e.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Sts)) { return false; } Sts sts = (Sts) obj; return C14957gcv.b((Object) this.k, (Object) sts.k) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.j, (Object) sts.j) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.n, (Object) sts.n) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.d, (Object) sts.d) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.f, (Object) sts.f) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.c, (Object) sts.c) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.b, (Object) sts.b) && C14957gcv.b(this.i, sts.i) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.h, (Object) sts.h) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.g, (Object) sts.g) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.a, (Object) sts.a) && C14957gcv.b(this.e, sts.e); } } public final String toString() { LWm lWm = this.c; Sts sts = this.a; IeS ieS = this.e; HBt hBt = this.b; String str = this.g; List list = this.d; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HmlBusinessOwnerReviewSubmissionEntity(requestedProduct="); sb.append(lWm); sb.append(", customerContactInfo="); sb.append(sts); sb.append(", spouseInfo="); sb.append(ieS); sb.append(", businessInfo="); sb.append(hBt); sb.append(", uploadedDocumentAmount="); sb.append(str); sb.append(", consentDocuments="); sb.append(list); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public final int hashCode() { int hashCode = this.c.hashCode(); int hashCode2 = this.a.hashCode(); IeS ieS = this.e; return (((((((((hashCode * 31) + hashCode2) * 31) + (ieS == null ? 0 : ieS.hashCode())) * 31) + this.b.hashCode()) * 31) + this.g.hashCode()) * 31) + this.d.hashCode(); } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof C0510Igv)) { return false; } C0510Igv c0510Igv = (C0510Igv) obj; return C14957gcv.b(this.c, c0510Igv.c) && C14957gcv.b(this.a, c0510Igv.a) && C14957gcv.b(this.e, c0510Igv.e) && C14957gcv.b(this.b, c0510Igv.b) && C14957gcv.b((Object) this.g, (Object) c0510Igv.g) && C14957gcv.b(this.d, c0510Igv.d); } }