package o; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Resources; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import o.C1078Vc; import o.C15715hv; import o.UT; import o.UU; import o.UW; import o.UX; import o.UY; /* renamed from: o.Au, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class C0180Au extends C16157lj { /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ @InterfaceC13391fZD public C0180Au(Resources resources, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { super(resources, sharedPreferences); C14957gcv.e(resources, ""); C14957gcv.e(sharedPreferences, ""); } public final List c(UJ uj, UN un) { C14957gcv.e(uj, ""); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(g()); String string = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_pending_cards_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string, ""); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.e.e != null) { arrayList2.add(k(uj.e.e)); } else { arrayList2.addAll(a(uj.e.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Ay private C0180Au c; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.g(this.c, (UG) obj); } { this.c = this; } })); } arrayList.addAll(b(string, arrayList2)); String string2 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_credit_cards_and_speedy_cash_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string2, ""); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.a.e != null) { arrayList3.add(k(uj.a.e)); } else { List a = a(uj.a.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Av private C0180Au a; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.j(this.a, (UG) obj); } { this.a = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a, ""); arrayList3.addAll(a); } arrayList.addAll(b(string2, arrayList3)); String string3 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.debit_atm_add_account_section); C14957gcv.c((Object) string3, ""); ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.d.e != null) { arrayList4.add(k(uj.d.e)); } else { List a2 = a(uj.d.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.AD private C0180Au c; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.a(this.c, (UG) obj); } { this.c = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a2, ""); arrayList4.addAll(a2); } arrayList.addAll(b(string3, arrayList4)); String string4 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_prepaid_card_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string4, ""); ArrayList arrayList5 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.q.e != null) { arrayList5.add(k(uj.q.e)); } else { List a3 = a(uj.q.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.At private C0180Au d; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.f(this.d, (UG) obj); } { this.d = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a3, ""); arrayList5.addAll(a3); } arrayList.addAll(b(string4, arrayList5)); if (uj.k) { String e = e(C15715hv.tOB.add_accounts_need_verification); C14957gcv.c((Object) e, ""); C1078Vc.LWm e2 = C1078Vc.e(); e2.a = 11; e2.b = e; e2.d = true; C1078Vc c1078Vc = new C1078Vc(e2, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(c1078Vc, ""); arrayList.add(c1078Vc); } String string5 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_deposit_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string5, ""); ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.c.e != null) { arrayList6.add(k(uj.c.e)); } else { List a4 = a(uj.c.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Aw private C0180Au d; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.h(this.d, (UG) obj); } { this.d = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a4, ""); arrayList6.addAll(a4); } arrayList.addAll(b(string5, arrayList6)); String string6 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_shops_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string6, ""); ArrayList arrayList7 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.t.e != null) { arrayList7.add(k(uj.t.e)); } else { List a5 = a(uj.t.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Ax private C0180Au e; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.e(this.e, (UG) obj); } { this.e = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a5, ""); arrayList7.addAll(a5); } arrayList.addAll(b(string6, arrayList7)); String string7 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_investment_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string7, ""); ArrayList arrayList8 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.s.a == null) { if (uj.s.d) { UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = 12; d.n = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.account_management_scbs_label); d.g = true; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); arrayList8.add(uu); } } else { arrayList8.add(k(uj.s.a)); } if (uj.b.e != null) { arrayList8.add(k(uj.b.e)); } else { List a6 = a(uj.b.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Ar private C0180Au a; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.d(this.a, (UG) obj); } { this.a = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a6, ""); arrayList8.addAll(a6); } arrayList.addAll(b(string7, arrayList8)); String string8 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_loans_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string8, ""); ArrayList arrayList9 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.p.e != null) { arrayList9.add(k(uj.p.e)); } else { List a7 = a(uj.p.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.Az private C0180Au c; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.i(this.c, (UG) obj); } { this.c = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a7, ""); arrayList9.addAll(a7); } arrayList.addAll(b(string8, arrayList9)); String string9 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_business_loans_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string9, ""); ArrayList arrayList10 = new ArrayList(); if (uj.w.e != null) { arrayList10.add(k(uj.w.e)); } else { List a8 = a(uj.w.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.AE private C0180Au d; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.c(this.d, (UG) obj); } { this.d = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a8, ""); arrayList10.addAll(a8); } arrayList.addAll(b(string9, arrayList10)); if (b(un)) { String string10 = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_cardx_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string10, ""); arrayList.addAll(b(string10, d(un))); arrayList.add(h()); } return arrayList; } public final List c(UN un) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(g()); if (b(un)) { String string = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_cardx_header); C14957gcv.c((Object) string, ""); arrayList.addAll(b(string, d(un))); arrayList.add(h()); } return arrayList; } private final List d(UN un) { UK uk; UK uk2; UK uk3; UK uk4; UK uk5; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); List list = null; if (((un == null || (uk5 = un.e) == null) ? null : uk5.e) != null) { arrayList.add(k(un.e.e)); } else { if (((un == null || (uk4 = un.a) == null) ? null : uk4.e) != null) { arrayList.add(k(un.a.e)); } else { List list2 = (un == null || (uk3 = un.a) == null) ? null : uk3.a; if (list2 != null && !list2.isEmpty()) { List a = a((un == null || (uk2 = un.a) == null) ? null : uk2.a, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.AB private C0180Au e; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.b(this.e, (UG) obj); } { this.e = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a, ""); arrayList.addAll(a); } if (un != null && (uk = un.e) != null) { list = uk.a; } List a2 = a(list, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(this) { // from class: o.AC private C0180Au d; @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { return C0180Au.m(this.d, (UG) obj); } { this.d = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(a2, ""); arrayList.addAll(a2); } } return arrayList; } private static UV d(String str, int i, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, boolean z, String str6, String str7) { UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = i; d.d = str; d.e = str2; d.n = str3; d.t = str4; d.j = str5; d.m = z; d.i = str6; d.a = str7; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); return uu; } private static UV a(String str, int i, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, boolean z, String str6, String str7, String str8, String str9) { UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = i; d.d = str; d.e = str2; d.n = str3; d.t = str4; d.j = str5; d.m = z; d.i = str6; d.a = str7; d.f8391o = str8; d.h = str9; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); return uu; } private static UV b(UG ug) { UY.Sts b = UY.b(); b.f = 10; b.e = ug.c; b.a = ug.i; b.i = ug.f; b.d = C6583cXR.d(ug.c, ug.e); b.g = ug.m; b.c = ug.j; b.h = ug.e; b.b = ug.g; UY uy = new UY(b, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uy, ""); return uy; } private final UV g() { UW.Sts c = UW.c(); c.a = 9; c.b = this.e.getString(C15715hv.tOB.add_account_title_selector); UW uw = new UW(c, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uw, ""); return uw; } private static UV h() { UX.IeS b = UX.b(); b.i = 1; b.a = ""; UX ux = new UX(b, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(ux, ""); return ux; } private static List b(String str, List list) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); List list2 = list; if (list2 != null && !list2.isEmpty()) { list.get(list.size() - 1).r = true; UX.IeS b = UX.b(); b.i = 1; b.a = str; UX ux = new UX(b, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(ux, ""); arrayList.add(ux); arrayList.addAll(list2); } return arrayList; } private static UT k(String str) { UT.Sts a = UT.a(); a.b = 13; a.d = str; UT ut = new UT(a, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(ut, ""); return ut; } public static UU e(UY uy) { C14957gcv.e(uy, ""); UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = 16; d.d = uy.d; d.e = uy.a; d.n = uy.g; d.t = uy.f; d.f8391o = uy.h; d.h = uy.b; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); return uu; } public static /* synthetic */ UV e(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{ug.e}, 1830317437, -1830317431, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); String str4 = ug.f; String str5 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; return d(str, 7, str2, str3, str4, str5, bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true, ug.h, ug.a); } public static /* synthetic */ UV d(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; if (str == null) { str = ""; } String str2 = ug.b; if (str2 == null) { str2 = ""; } String str3 = (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{ug.e}, -1613428710, 1613428726, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); C14957gcv.c((Object) str3, ""); Boolean bool = ug.l; boolean booleanValue = bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true; String str4 = ug.h; if (str4 == null) { str4 = ""; } String str5 = ug.a; if (str5 == null) { str5 = ""; } UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = 4; d.d = str; d.c = str2; d.n = str3; d.m = booleanValue; d.i = str4; d.a = str5; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); return uu; } public static /* synthetic */ UV b(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); return b(ug); } public static /* synthetic */ UV c(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = ug.e; String str4 = ug.f; String str5 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; return d(str, 6, str2, str3, str4, str5, bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true, ug.h, ug.a); } public static /* synthetic */ UV a(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = ug.e; if (str3 == null) { str3 = (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{false, false, ug.c}, -1092823629, 1092823630, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); } String str4 = str3; String str5 = ug.f; String str6 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; return d(str, 15, str2, str4, str5, str6, bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true, ug.h, ug.a); } public static /* synthetic */ UV h(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = ug.b; String b = C6583cXR.b(ug.e, false); String str4 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; boolean booleanValue = bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true; String str5 = ug.h; String str6 = ug.a; UU.IeS d = UU.d(); d.q = 2; d.d = str; d.e = str2; d.c = str3; d.n = b; d.j = str4; d.m = booleanValue; d.i = str5; d.a = str6; UU uu = new UU(d, (byte) 0); C14957gcv.c(uu, ""); return uu; } public static /* synthetic */ UV f(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = ug.e; if (str3 == null) { str3 = (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{false, false, ug.c}, -1092823629, 1092823630, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); } String str4 = str3; String str5 = ug.f; String str6 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; return d(str, 14, str2, str4, str5, str6, bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true, ug.h, ug.a); } public static /* synthetic */ UV i(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = ug.i; String str3 = ug.e; String str4 = ug.f; String str5 = ug.d; Boolean bool = ug.l; return d(str, 5, str2, str3, str4, str5, bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true, ug.h, ug.a); } public static /* synthetic */ UV j(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = str == null ? "" : str; String str3 = ug.i; String str4 = str3 == null ? "" : str3; String str5 = ug.e; if (str5 == null) { str5 = (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{false, false, ug.c}, -1092823629, 1092823630, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); } String str6 = str5; C14957gcv.c((Object) str6, ""); String str7 = ug.f; String str8 = str7 == null ? "" : str7; String str9 = ug.d; String str10 = str9 == null ? "" : str9; Boolean bool = ug.l; boolean booleanValue = bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true; String str11 = ug.h; String str12 = str11 == null ? "" : str11; String str13 = ug.a; String str14 = str13 == null ? "" : str13; String str15 = ug.m; String str16 = str15 == null ? "" : str15; String str17 = ug.j; return a(str2, 3, str4, str6, str8, str10, booleanValue, str12, str14, str16, str17 == null ? "" : str17); } public static /* synthetic */ UV m(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); String str = ug.c; String str2 = str == null ? "" : str; String str3 = ug.i; String str4 = str3 == null ? "" : str3; String str5 = ug.e; String str6 = str5 == null ? "" : str5; String str7 = ug.f; String str8 = str7 == null ? "" : str7; String str9 = ug.d; String str10 = str9 == null ? "" : str9; Boolean bool = ug.l; boolean booleanValue = bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : true; String str11 = ug.h; String str12 = str11 == null ? "" : str11; String str13 = ug.a; String str14 = str13 == null ? "" : str13; String str15 = ug.m; String str16 = str15 == null ? "" : str15; String str17 = ug.j; return a(str2, 16, str4, str6, str8, str10, booleanValue, str12, str14, str16, str17 == null ? "" : str17); } private static boolean b(UN un) { return un != null && ((un.e.a.isEmpty() ^ true) || (un.a.a.isEmpty() ^ true)); } public static /* synthetic */ UV g(C0180Au c0180Au, UG ug) { C14957gcv.e(c0180Au, ""); C14957gcv.e(ug, ""); return b(ug); } }