package o; import android.content.Context; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DataSetObserver; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.Filter; import android.widget.FilterQueryProvider; import android.widget.Filterable; import o.yQj; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public abstract class BEC extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable, yQj.LWm { private Context a; private FilterQueryProvider f; private yQj i; private boolean e = true; public Cursor d = null; protected boolean c = false; private int h = -1; private Sts b = new Sts(this); private DataSetObserver j = new IeS(this); @Override // android.widget.BaseAdapter, android.widget.Adapter public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } public abstract void wJ_(View view, Cursor cursor); public abstract View wV_(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup viewGroup); public BEC(Context context) { this.a = context; } @Override // android.widget.Adapter public int getCount() { Cursor cursor; if (!this.c || (cursor = this.d) == null) { return 0; } return cursor.getCount(); } @Override // android.widget.Adapter public Object getItem(int i) { Cursor cursor; if (!this.c || (cursor = this.d) == null) { return null; } cursor.moveToPosition(i); return this.d; } @Override // android.widget.Adapter public long getItemId(int i) { Cursor cursor; if (this.c && (cursor = this.d) != null && cursor.moveToPosition(i)) { return this.d.getLong(this.h); } return 0L; } @Override // android.widget.Adapter public View getView(int i, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) { if (!this.c) { throw new IllegalStateException("this should only be called when the cursor is valid"); } if (!this.d.moveToPosition(i)) { throw new IllegalStateException("couldn't move cursor to position ".concat(String.valueOf(i))); } if (view == null) { view = wV_(this.a, this.d, viewGroup); } wJ_(view, this.d); return view; } @Override // android.widget.BaseAdapter, android.widget.SpinnerAdapter public View getDropDownView(int i, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) { if (!this.c) { return null; } this.d.moveToPosition(i); if (view == null) { view = wU_(this.a, this.d, viewGroup); } wJ_(view, this.d); return view; } public View wU_(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup viewGroup) { return wV_(context, cursor, viewGroup); } @Override // o.yQj.LWm public void wQ_(Cursor cursor) { Cursor cursor2 = this.d; if (cursor == cursor2) { cursor2 = null; } else { if (cursor2 != null) { Sts sts = this.b; if (sts != null) { cursor2.unregisterContentObserver(sts); } DataSetObserver dataSetObserver = this.j; if (dataSetObserver != null) { cursor2.unregisterDataSetObserver(dataSetObserver); } } this.d = cursor; if (cursor != null) { Sts sts2 = this.b; if (sts2 != null) { cursor.registerContentObserver(sts2); } DataSetObserver dataSetObserver2 = this.j; if (dataSetObserver2 != null) { cursor.registerDataSetObserver(dataSetObserver2); } this.h = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id"); this.c = true; notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { this.h = -1; this.c = false; notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } } if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } } @Override // o.yQj.LWm public CharSequence wR_(Cursor cursor) { return cursor == null ? "" : cursor.toString(); } @Override // o.yQj.LWm public Cursor wT_(CharSequence charSequence) { return this.d; } @Override // android.widget.Filterable public Filter getFilter() { if (this.i == null) { this.i = new yQj(this); } return this.i; } protected final void e() { Cursor cursor; if (!this.e || (cursor = this.d) == null || cursor.isClosed()) { return; } this.c = this.d.requery(); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ class Sts extends ContentObserver { final BEC d; @Override // android.database.ContentObserver public final boolean deliverSelfNotifications() { return true; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ Sts(BEC bec) { super(new Handler()); this.d = bec; } @Override // android.database.ContentObserver public final void onChange(boolean z) { this.d.e(); } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ class IeS extends DataSetObserver { final BEC d; IeS(BEC bec) { this.d = bec; } @Override // android.database.DataSetObserver public final void onChanged() { this.d.c = true; this.d.notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override // android.database.DataSetObserver public final void onInvalidated() { this.d.c = false; this.d.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } } @Override // o.yQj.LWm public final Cursor wS_() { return this.d; } }