package io.grpc; import; import io.grpc.ClientCall; import io.grpc.MethodDescriptor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class ClientInterceptors { private static final ClientCall NOOP_CALL = new ClientCall() { // from class: io.grpc.ClientInterceptors.2 @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void cancel(String str, Throwable th) { } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void halfClose() { } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public boolean isReady() { return false; } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void request(int i) { } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void sendMessage(Object obj) { } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void start(ClientCall.Listener listener, Metadata metadata) { } }; private ClientInterceptors() { } public static Channel interceptForward(Channel channel, ClientInterceptor... clientInterceptorArr) { return interceptForward(channel, (List) Arrays.asList(clientInterceptorArr)); } public static Channel interceptForward(Channel channel, List list) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list); Collections.reverse(arrayList); return intercept(channel, arrayList); } public static Channel intercept(Channel channel, ClientInterceptor... clientInterceptorArr) { return intercept(channel, (List) Arrays.asList(clientInterceptorArr)); } public static Channel intercept(Channel channel, List list) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(channel, "channel"); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { channel = new InterceptorChannel(channel,, null); } return channel; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: io.grpc.ClientInterceptors$1, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class AnonymousClass1 implements ClientInterceptor { final ClientInterceptor val$interceptor; final MethodDescriptor.Marshaller val$reqMarshaller; final MethodDescriptor.Marshaller val$respMarshaller; AnonymousClass1(MethodDescriptor.Marshaller marshaller, MethodDescriptor.Marshaller marshaller2, ClientInterceptor clientInterceptor) { this.val$reqMarshaller = marshaller; this.val$respMarshaller = marshaller2; this.val$interceptor = clientInterceptor; } @Override // io.grpc.ClientInterceptor public ClientCall interceptCall(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor, CallOptions callOptions, Channel channel) { return new C00741(this, this.val$interceptor.interceptCall(methodDescriptor.toBuilder(this.val$reqMarshaller, this.val$respMarshaller).build(), callOptions, channel), methodDescriptor); } /* JADX INFO: Add missing generic type declarations: [ReqT, RespT] */ /* renamed from: io.grpc.ClientInterceptors$1$1, reason: invalid class name and collision with other inner class name */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ class C00741 extends PartialForwardingClientCall { final AnonymousClass1 this$0; final MethodDescriptor val$method; final ClientCall val$wrappedCall; C00741(AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1, ClientCall clientCall, MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor) { this.this$0 = anonymousClass1; this.val$wrappedCall = clientCall; this.val$method = methodDescriptor; } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void start(ClientCall.Listener listener, Metadata metadata) { this.val$wrappedCall.start(new PartialForwardingClientCallListener(this, listener) { // from class: io.grpc.ClientInterceptors.1.1.1 final C00741 this$1; final ClientCall.Listener val$responseListener; { this.this$1 = this; this.val$responseListener = listener; } @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall.Listener public void onMessage(WRespT wrespt) { this.val$responseListener.onMessage(this.this$1.val$method.getResponseMarshaller().parse(this.this$1.this$0.val$; } @Override // io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCallListener protected ClientCall.Listener delegate() { return this.val$responseListener; } }, metadata); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // io.grpc.ClientCall public void sendMessage(ReqT reqt) { this.val$wrappedCall.sendMessage(this.this$0.val$reqMarshaller.parse(this.val$method.getRequestMarshaller().stream(reqt))); } @Override // io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCall protected ClientCall delegate() { return this.val$wrappedCall; } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static ClientInterceptor wrapClientInterceptor(ClientInterceptor clientInterceptor, MethodDescriptor.Marshaller marshaller, MethodDescriptor.Marshaller marshaller2) { return new AnonymousClass1(marshaller, marshaller2, clientInterceptor); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static class InterceptorChannel extends Channel { private final Channel channel; private final ClientInterceptor interceptor; /* synthetic */ InterceptorChannel(Channel channel, ClientInterceptor clientInterceptor, AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1) { this(channel, clientInterceptor); } private InterceptorChannel(Channel channel, ClientInterceptor clientInterceptor) { = channel; this.interceptor = (ClientInterceptor) Preconditions.checkNotNull(clientInterceptor, "interceptor"); } @Override // io.grpc.Channel public ClientCall newCall(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor, CallOptions callOptions) { return this.interceptor.interceptCall(methodDescriptor, callOptions,; } @Override // io.grpc.Channel public String authority() { return; } } /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public static abstract class CheckedForwardingClientCall extends ForwardingClientCall { private ClientCall delegate; protected abstract void checkedStart(ClientCall.Listener listener, Metadata metadata) throws Exception; protected CheckedForwardingClientCall(ClientCall clientCall) { this.delegate = clientCall; } @Override // io.grpc.ForwardingClientCall, io.grpc.ClientCall public final void start(ClientCall.Listener listener, Metadata metadata) { try { checkedStart(listener, metadata); } catch (Exception e) { this.delegate = ClientInterceptors.NOOP_CALL; listener.onClose(Status.fromThrowable(e), new Metadata()); } } @Override // io.grpc.ForwardingClientCall, io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCall protected final ClientCall delegate() { return this.delegate; } } }