package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton; import; import; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import o.C0367Fb; import o.C0602KjX; import o.C11560ehe; import o.C1171Xc; import o.C1208Ya; import o.C1210Yb; import o.C12485ezB; import o.C12817fI; import o.C12915fL; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C15602gz; import o.C6412cSB; import o.C6414cSG; import o.C6415cSI; import o.C6583cXR; import o.EnumC6470cTu; import o.Heg; import o.HsO; import o.InterfaceC0834Plv; import o.InterfaceC13391fZD; import o.InterfaceC6648cYz; import o.KlN; import o.MoT; import o.NJs; import o.WW; import o.YE; import o.ZI; import o.cSM; import o.fFO; import o.gcH; import o.gdZ; import o.guQ; import o.huo; import o.mro; import o.pug; import o.qeC; import o.yRS; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public final class CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment extends Hilt_CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment implements InterfaceC6648cYz, AccountSourceSelectFragment.Sts, fFO { public static final LWm c = new LWm(0); @InterfaceC13391fZD public C6412cSB cardlessWithdrawPresenter; private NJs d; private C0602KjX f; private CardlessATMActivity.RVV g = CardlessATMActivity.RVV.DEPOSITS; private double h; private boolean i; private KlN j; private huo l; private C12485ezB m; public static final /* synthetic */ KlN b(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment) { KlN klN = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); return klN; } @Override // public final void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle bundle) { Intent intent; CardlessATMActivity.RVV rvv; C14957gcv.e(view, ""); super.onViewCreated(view, bundle); c("cardless_atm_input", new pug("source", Q())); FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null && (intent = activity.getIntent()) != null && intent.hasExtra("CARDLESS_DEFAULT_TAB")) { if (gdZ.a("CARDS", intent.getStringExtra("CARDLESS_DEFAULT_TAB"), true)) { rvv = CardlessATMActivity.RVV.CARDS; } else { rvv = CardlessATMActivity.RVV.DEPOSITS; } this.g = rvv; } Bundle arguments = getArguments(); if (arguments != null) { this.i = arguments.getBoolean("", false); } C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.e((C6412cSB) this); c6412cSB.b = this.i; if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6412cSB.f.y(); } c6412cSB.e.d(); mro mroVar = c6412cSB.e; mroVar.d(mroVar.i, new C6412cSB.Sts(c6412cSB)); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); nJs.e.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.fGd private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment b; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.a(this.b); } { this.b = this; } }); NJs nJs2 = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs2); nJs2.b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.fGb private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment a; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.e(this.a); } { this.a = this; } }); huo registerForActivityResult = registerForActivityResult(new C11560ehe.Sts(), new InterfaceC0834Plv(this) { // from class: o.fGl private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment b; @Override // o.InterfaceC0834Plv public final void d(Object obj) { CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.a(this.b, (Heg) obj); } { this.b = this; } }); C14957gcv.c(registerForActivityResult, ""); this.l = registerForActivityResult; } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void br_() { NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); nJs.e.setEnabled(false); i(); h(); y(); } private final void i() { yRS childFragmentManager = getChildFragmentManager(); C14957gcv.c(childFragmentManager, ""); HBt hBt = new HBt(this, childFragmentManager); KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); FragmentWrapContentViewPager fragmentWrapContentViewPager = klN.i; fragmentWrapContentViewPager.setAdapter(hBt); fragmentWrapContentViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(2); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); TabLayout tabLayout = nJs.d; KlN klN2 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN2); tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(klN2.i); IeS ieS = new IeS(this); if (!tabLayout.d.contains(ieS)) { tabLayout.d.add(ieS); } KlN klN3 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN3); klN3.i.setDisableSwiping(true); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class IeS implements TabLayout.IeS { private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment c; IeS(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment) { this.c = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment; } @Override // public final void e(TabLayout.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); C6412cSB c6412cSB = null; if (rvv.i == 0) { C6412cSB c6412cSB2 = this.c.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB2 != null) { c6412cSB = c6412cSB2; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c6412cSB.d = true; WW ww = c6412cSB.g; if (ww != null) { c6412cSB.g = ww; if (c6412cSB.d) { cSM csm = new cSM(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { csm.e(c6412cSB.f); } } } C6415cSI c6415cSI = new C6415cSI(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6415cSI.e(c6412cSB.f); return; } return; } if (rvv.i == 1) { C6412cSB c6412cSB3 = this.c.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB3 != null) { c6412cSB = c6412cSB3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c6412cSB.d = false; C0367Fb c0367Fb = c6412cSB.m; if (c0367Fb != null) { c6412cSB.m = c0367Fb; if (!c6412cSB.d) { c6412cSB.c(); } } C6414cSG c6414cSG = new C6414cSG(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6414cSG.e(c6412cSB.f); } } } @Override // public final void a(TabLayout.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); } @Override // public final void d(TabLayout.RVV rvv) { C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); } } private final void h() { if (this.g == CardlessATMActivity.RVV.CARDS) { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); klN.i.setCurrentItem(1); } else { KlN klN2 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN2); klN2.i.setCurrentItem(0); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void c(C1210Yb c1210Yb) { List list; if (c1210Yb == null) { return; } KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); LinearLayout linearLayout = klN.b; C14957gcv.c(linearLayout, ""); LinearLayout linearLayout2 = linearLayout; C14957gcv.e(linearLayout2, ""); linearLayout2.setVisibility(0); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); AppCompatButton appCompatButton = nJs.e; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton2 = appCompatButton; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton2, ""); appCompatButton2.setVisibility(0); AppCompatButton appCompatButton3 = nJs.b; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton3, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton4 = appCompatButton3; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton4, ""); appCompatButton4.setVisibility(8); C0602KjX c0602KjX = this.f; C14957gcv.e(c0602KjX); TextView textView = c0602KjX.d; C14957gcv.c(textView, ""); TextView textView2 = textView; C14957gcv.e(textView2, ""); textView2.setVisibility(8); RelativeLayout relativeLayout = c0602KjX.e; C14957gcv.c(relativeLayout, ""); RelativeLayout relativeLayout2 = relativeLayout; C14957gcv.e(relativeLayout2, ""); relativeLayout2.setVisibility(8); getContext(); LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(0, false); KlN klN2 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN2); klN2.d.setLayoutManager(linearLayoutManager); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); List list2 = c1210Yb.a; if (list2 != null && !list2.isEmpty() && (list = c1210Yb.a) != null) { arrayList.addAll(list); } Boolean bool = c1210Yb.e; if (bool != null) { boolean booleanValue = bool.booleanValue(); ArrayList arrayList2 = arrayList; C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } this.m = new C12485ezB(booleanValue, arrayList2, c6412cSB.d()); } C12485ezB c12485ezB = this.m; if (c12485ezB != null) { RVV rvv = new RVV(this, c1210Yb); C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); c12485ezB.d = rvv; } KlN klN3 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN3); klN3.d.setAdapter(this.m); klN3.h.setText(c1210Yb.b); Double d = c1210Yb.h; if (d != null) { final double doubleValue = d.doubleValue(); Double d2 = c1210Yb.j; if (d2 != null) { final double doubleValue2 = d2.doubleValue(); KlN klN4 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN4); AmountEditText amountEditText = klN4.e; amountEditText.setOnAmountChangeListener(null); amountEditText.setText(""); gcH gch = gcH.d; String format = String.format("%s - %s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{(String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{Double.valueOf(doubleValue)}, -150997759, 150997764, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()), (String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{Double.valueOf(doubleValue2)}, -150997759, 150997764, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())}, 2)); C14957gcv.c((Object) format, ""); amountEditText.setCustomHint(format); amountEditText.setOnAmountChangeListener(new Sts(this, doubleValue, doubleValue2)); amountEditText.setHandleDismissKeyboard(new AmountEditText.LWm(this, doubleValue, doubleValue2) { // from class: o.fGg private double b; private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment c; private double d; @Override // public final void d() { CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.b(this.c, this.d, this.b); } { this.c = this; this.d = doubleValue; this.b = doubleValue2; } }); } } KlN klN5 = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN5); ScbTextInputLayout scbTextInputLayout = klN5.c; scbTextInputLayout.setError(""); scbTextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(false); NJs nJs2 = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs2); nJs2.e.setEnabled(false); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class RVV implements C12485ezB.LWm { private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment a; private C1210Yb d; RVV(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, C1210Yb c1210Yb) { this.a = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment; this.d = c1210Yb; } @Override // o.C12485ezB.LWm public final void b() { final AmountEditText amountEditText = CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.b(this.a).e; Runnable(amountEditText) { // from class: o.fGk private AmountEditText d; @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { AmountEditText amountEditText2 = this.d; C14957gcv.e(amountEditText2, ""); amountEditText2.requestFocus(); amountEditText2.onKeyUp(23, new KeyEvent(1, 23)); } { this.d = amountEditText; } }); } @Override // o.C12485ezB.LWm public final void d(double d) { CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.b(this.a).e.setText((String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{Double.valueOf(d)}, -150997759, 150997764, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())); Double d2 = this.d.h; if (d2 != null) { C1210Yb c1210Yb = this.d; CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment = this.a; double doubleValue = d2.doubleValue(); Double d3 = c1210Yb.j; if (d3 != null) { cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.e(doubleValue, d3.doubleValue()); } } } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void b(String str) { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); klN.a.setText(str); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class Sts implements AmountEditText.RVV { private double a; private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment c; private double e; Sts(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, double d, double d2) { this.c = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment; this.a = d; this.e = d2; } @Override // public final void b(double d) { this.c.e(this.a, this.e); } @Override // public final void a() { guQ.c("onDonePress", new Object[0]); this.c.aN_(); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void c(int i) { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); ScbTextInputLayout scbTextInputLayout = klN.c; scbTextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(true); scbTextInputLayout.setError(getString(i)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void e(double d, double d2) { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); double d3 = klN.e.e; C12485ezB c12485ezB = this.m; if (c12485ezB != null) { c12485ezB.a(d3); } C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } boolean c2 = c6412cSB.c(d3, d, d2); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); nJs.e.setEnabled(c2); } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void b(C1208Ya c1208Ya, String str) { C14957gcv.e(c1208Ya, ""); Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { CardlessATMReviewActivity.IeS ieS = CardlessATMReviewActivity.b; String Q = Q(); C14957gcv.c((Object) Q, ""); C14957gcv.e(context, ""); C14957gcv.e(Q, ""); Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class) CardlessATMReviewActivity.class); intent.putExtra("source", Q); intent.putExtra("", c1208Ya); intent.putExtra("CONDITION", str); context.startActivity(intent); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void c() { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { huo huoVar = this.l; if (huoVar == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); huoVar = null; } CardlessATMTermsConditionsActivity.HBt hBt = CardlessATMTermsConditionsActivity.b; C14957gcv.e(context, ""); huoVar.d(new Intent(context, (Class) CardlessATMTermsConditionsActivity.class), null); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void e(String str) { if (str != null) { a(str); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void d(String str) { if (str != null) { a(str); } } @Override // public final void a(final WW ww) { if (ww != null) { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; final C6412cSB c6412cSB2 = null; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } if (ww != null) { c6412cSB.g = ww; if (c6412cSB.d) { cSM csm = new cSM(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { csm.e(c6412cSB.f); } } } if (this.m != null) { NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); TabLayout.RVV rvv = nJs.d.f; if (rvv == null || rvv.i != 0) { return; } C6412cSB c6412cSB3 = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB3 != null) { c6412cSB2 = c6412cSB3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } if (ww != null) { ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(c6412cSB2, ww) { // from class: o.cSH private WW c; private C6412cSB e; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C6412cSB.d(this.e, this.c, (InterfaceC6648cYz) obj); } { this.e = c6412cSB2; this.c = ww; } }; if (c6412cSB2.f != 0) { ieS.e(c6412cSB2.f); } } } } } @Override // public final void e_(boolean z) { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.i = Boolean.valueOf(z); C6415cSI c6415cSI = new C6415cSI(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6415cSI.e(c6412cSB.f); } } @Override // public final void H_() { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.c = Boolean.TRUE; if (c6412cSB.d) { ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.cSO @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC6648cYz) obj).a(); } }; if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { ieS.e(c6412cSB.f); } } } @Override // o.fFO public final void e(C0367Fb c0367Fb) { C12485ezB c12485ezB; C14957gcv.e(c0367Fb, ""); guQ.c("onCreditCardSelected", new Object[0]); C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } if (c0367Fb != null) { c6412cSB.m = c0367Fb; if (!c6412cSB.d) { c6412cSB.c(); } } if (this.m != null) { NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); TabLayout.RVV rvv = nJs.d.f; if (rvv == null || rvv.i != 1 || (c12485ezB = this.m) == null) { return; } Double c2 = C6583cXR.c(c0367Fb.d); C14957gcv.c(c2, ""); c12485ezB.c = c2.doubleValue(); c12485ezB.a = false; c12485ezB.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } @Override // o.fFO public final void c(boolean z) { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.h = Boolean.valueOf(z); C6414cSG c6414cSG = new C6414cSG(c6412cSB); if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6414cSG.e(c6412cSB.f); } } @Override // o.fFO public final void d() { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.a = Boolean.TRUE; if (c6412cSB.d) { return; } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.cSF @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC6648cYz) obj).a(); } }; if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { ieS.e(c6412cSB.f); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void a() { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); LinearLayout linearLayout = klN.b; C14957gcv.c(linearLayout, ""); LinearLayout linearLayout2 = linearLayout; C14957gcv.e(linearLayout2, ""); linearLayout2.setVisibility(8); C0602KjX c0602KjX = this.f; C14957gcv.e(c0602KjX); TextView textView = c0602KjX.d; C14957gcv.c(textView, ""); TextView textView2 = textView; C14957gcv.e(textView2, ""); textView2.setVisibility(8); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); AppCompatButton appCompatButton = nJs.e; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton2 = appCompatButton; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton2, ""); appCompatButton2.setVisibility(8); NJs nJs2 = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs2); AppCompatButton appCompatButton3 = nJs2.b; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton3, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton4 = appCompatButton3; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton4, ""); appCompatButton4.setVisibility(8); C0602KjX c0602KjX2 = this.f; C14957gcv.e(c0602KjX2); RelativeLayout relativeLayout = c0602KjX2.e; C14957gcv.c(relativeLayout, ""); RelativeLayout relativeLayout2 = relativeLayout; C14957gcv.e(relativeLayout2, ""); relativeLayout2.setVisibility(0); ar_(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void e(Double d) { C12485ezB c12485ezB; if (d == null || (c12485ezB = this.m) == null) { return; } c12485ezB.c = d.doubleValue(); c12485ezB.a = false; c12485ezB.notifyDataSetChanged(); } private final void a(String str) { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); LinearLayout linearLayout = klN.b; C14957gcv.c(linearLayout, ""); LinearLayout linearLayout2 = linearLayout; C14957gcv.e(linearLayout2, ""); linearLayout2.setVisibility(8); NJs nJs = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); AppCompatButton appCompatButton = nJs.e; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton2 = appCompatButton; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton2, ""); appCompatButton2.setVisibility(8); AppCompatButton appCompatButton3 = nJs.b; C14957gcv.c(appCompatButton3, ""); AppCompatButton appCompatButton4 = appCompatButton3; C14957gcv.e(appCompatButton4, ""); appCompatButton4.setVisibility(0); C0602KjX c0602KjX = this.f; C14957gcv.e(c0602KjX); RelativeLayout relativeLayout = c0602KjX.e; C14957gcv.c(relativeLayout, ""); RelativeLayout relativeLayout2 = relativeLayout; C14957gcv.e(relativeLayout2, ""); relativeLayout2.setVisibility(8); TextView textView = c0602KjX.d; C14957gcv.c(textView, ""); TextView textView2 = textView; C14957gcv.e(textView2, ""); textView2.setVisibility(0); c0602KjX.d.setText(str); ar_(); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public final class HBt extends MoT { private CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment e; @Override // o.WYJ public final int getCount() { return 2; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public HBt(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, yRS yrs) { super(yrs); C14957gcv.e(yrs, ""); this.e = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment; } @Override // o.MoT public final Fragment b(int i) { if (i == 1) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add("CARDLESS_ATM_SOURCE"); CardlessCreditCardSelectorFragment.LWm lWm = CardlessCreditCardSelectorFragment.c; return CardlessCreditCardSelectorFragment.LWm.d(arrayList, false); } C1171Xc.IeS ieS = new C1171Xc.IeS(YE.CARDLESS_ATM_FUNCTION); C1171Xc c1171Xc = ieS.c; c1171Xc.a = false; c1171Xc.b = true; c1171Xc.j = true; c1171Xc.g = true; ieS.c.j = false; ieS.c.g = false; AccountSourceSelectFragment d = AccountSourceSelectFragment.d(ieS.c, this.e.i); C14957gcv.c(d, ""); return d; } @Override // o.WYJ public final CharSequence getPageTitle(int i) { String string; String str; if (i == 0) { string = this.e.getString(R.string.cardless_atm_tab_deposit); str = "getString(PresentationR.…cardless_atm_tab_deposit)"; } else { string = this.e.getString(R.string.cardless_atm_tab_cards); str = "getString(\n …m_tab_cards\n )"; } C14957gcv.c((Object) string, str); return string; } } @Override //, public final void onDestroyView() { C6412cSB c6412cSB = this.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; huo huoVar = null; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } c6412cSB.w_(); this.d = null; this.j = null; this.f = null; huo huoVar2 = this.l; if (huoVar2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); } else { huoVar = huoVar2; } huoVar.e(); super.onDestroyView(); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class LWm { private LWm() { } public /* synthetic */ LWm(byte b) { this(); } } public static /* synthetic */ void a(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment) { C0367Fb c0367Fb; String str; EnumC6470cTu enumC6470cTu; WW ww; C14957gcv.e(cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, ""); KlN klN = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.h = klN.e.e; C6412cSB c6412cSB = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.cardlessWithdrawPresenter; if (c6412cSB == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c6412cSB = null; } double d = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.h; boolean z = c6412cSB.d; if (!z || (ww = c6412cSB.g) == null) { if (!z && (c0367Fb = c6412cSB.m) != null && c0367Fb != null) { str = c0367Fb.g; } str = null; } else { if (ww != null) { str = ww.s; } str = null; } if (str == null || d <= 0.0d) { return; } if (c6412cSB.f != 0) { c6412cSB.f.y(); } C12817fI c2 = C12817fI.c(); if (c6412cSB.d) { enumC6470cTu = EnumC6470cTu.DEPOSIT; } else { C0367Fb c0367Fb2 = c6412cSB.m; if (c0367Fb2 != null && C6412cSB.d(c0367Fb2)) { if (gdZ.a("CDX", c6412cSB.n, true)) { enumC6470cTu = EnumC6470cTu.CARD_X_SPEEDY_CASH; } else { enumC6470cTu = EnumC6470cTu.SPEEDY_CASH; } } else if (gdZ.a("CDX", c6412cSB.n, true)) { enumC6470cTu = EnumC6470cTu.CARD_X_CREDIT; } else { enumC6470cTu = EnumC6470cTu.CREDIT; } } c2.c = enumC6470cTu.typeCode; c2.b = str; c2.a = C15602gz.e(d); C14957gcv.c(c2, ""); WW ww2 = c6412cSB.g; if (ww2 != null && c6412cSB.b && c6412cSB.d && ww2.q != null) { C14957gcv.c(ww2.q, ""); if (!r3.isEmpty()) { c2.e = String.valueOf(ww2.d); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); List list = ww2.q; C14957gcv.c(list, ""); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(new C12915fL(((HsO), ww2.f.a)); } c2.d = arrayList; } } c6412cSB.e.a(c2); mro mroVar = c6412cSB.e; C0367Fb c0367Fb3 = c6412cSB.m; mroVar.d(mroVar.i, new C6412cSB.HBt(c6412cSB, c2, c0367Fb3 != null ? c0367Fb3.q : null)); } public static /* synthetic */ void e(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment) { C14957gcv.e(cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, ""); AddAccountConsentActivity.a(cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.getContext()); } public static /* synthetic */ void b(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, double d, double d2) { C14957gcv.e(cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, ""); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.e(d, d2); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.aN_(); } public static /* synthetic */ void a(CardlessWithdrawAmountFragment cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, Heg heg) { C14957gcv.e(cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment, ""); C14957gcv.e(heg, ""); if (heg.e == 0) { FragmentActivity activity = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.getActivity(); if (activity != null) { activity.finish(); return; } return; } if (heg.e == -1) { NJs nJs = cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs); nJs.e.setEnabled(false); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.i(); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.h(); cardlessWithdrawAmountFragment.y(); } } @Override // public final View onCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { C14957gcv.e(layoutInflater, ""); View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.2131559486, viewGroup, false); int i =; AppCompatButton appCompatButton = (AppCompatButton) qeC.e(inflate,; if (appCompatButton != null) { i =; AppCompatButton appCompatButton2 = (AppCompatButton) qeC.e(inflate,; if (appCompatButton2 != null) { i =; LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) qeC.e(inflate,; if (linearLayout != null) { i =; TextView textView = (TextView) qeC.e(inflate,; if (textView != null) { i =; TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) qeC.e(inflate,; if (tabLayout != null) { NJs nJs = new NJs((LinearLayout) inflate, appCompatButton, appCompatButton2, linearLayout, textView, tabLayout); this.d = nJs; C14957gcv.e(nJs); LinearLayout linearLayout2 = nJs.c; int i2 =; TextView textView2 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (textView2 != null) { i2 =; ScbTextInputLayout scbTextInputLayout = (ScbTextInputLayout) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (scbTextInputLayout != null) { i2 =; RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (recyclerView != null) { i2 =; TextView textView3 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (textView3 != null) { i2 =; AmountEditText amountEditText = (AmountEditText) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (amountEditText != null) { i2 =; TextView textView4 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (textView4 != null) { i2 =; LinearLayout linearLayout3 = (LinearLayout) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (linearLayout3 != null) { i2 =; LinearLayout linearLayout4 = (LinearLayout) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (linearLayout4 != null) { i2 =; TextView textView5 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (textView5 != null) { i2 =; TextView textView6 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (textView6 != null) { i2 =; FragmentWrapContentViewPager fragmentWrapContentViewPager = (FragmentWrapContentViewPager) qeC.e(linearLayout2,; if (fragmentWrapContentViewPager != null) { this.j = new KlN(linearLayout2, textView2, scbTextInputLayout, recyclerView, textView3, amountEditText, textView4, linearLayout3, linearLayout4, textView5, textView6, fragmentWrapContentViewPager); LinearLayout linearLayout5 = nJs.c; int i3 =; RelativeLayout relativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) qeC.e(linearLayout5,; if (relativeLayout != null) { i3 =; TextView textView7 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout5,; if (textView7 != null) { i3 =; TextView textView8 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout5,; if (textView8 != null) { i3 =; TextView textView9 = (TextView) qeC.e(linearLayout5,; if (textView9 != null) { this.f = new C0602KjX(linearLayout5, relativeLayout, textView7, textView8, textView9); NJs nJs2 = this.d; C14957gcv.e(nJs2); LinearLayout linearLayout6 = nJs2.c; C14957gcv.c(linearLayout6, ""); return linearLayout6; } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(linearLayout5.getResources().getResourceName(i3))); } } } } } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(linearLayout2.getResources().getResourceName(i2))); } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(inflate.getResources().getResourceName(i))); } @Override // o.InterfaceC6648cYz public final void e() { KlN klN = this.j; C14957gcv.e(klN); ScbTextInputLayout scbTextInputLayout = klN.c; scbTextInputLayout.setError(""); scbTextInputLayout.setErrorEnabled(false); } }