package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.Space; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import butterknife.BindView; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import butterknife.OnClick; import butterknife.Unbinder; import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.PieChart; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import o.AbstractC12009eqC; import o.BpT; import o.BzM; import o.C0871Qk; import o.C0872Ql; import o.C0873Qm; import o.C12923fLa; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C16075kv; import o.C16180lwo; import o.C2640aiS; import o.C2727ak; import o.C7968cyO; import o.Dfa; import o.EnumC1274Zk; import o.Ikb; import o.InterfaceC13391fZD; import o.InterfaceC9355diF; import o.Klc; import o.NNu; import o.OT; import o.ZI; import o.bHA; import o.gnL; import o.nMh; import o.pyT; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public class ScbsLandingFragment extends Hilt_ScbsLandingFragment implements InterfaceC9355diF { private HeaderBinding c; private BzM d = new BzM(); @InterfaceC13391fZD public bHA scbsLandingPresenter; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public class HeaderBinding_ViewBinding implements Unbinder { private View c; private View d; private HeaderBinding e; public HeaderBinding_ViewBinding(HeaderBinding headerBinding, View view) { this.e = headerBinding; headerBinding.marketValueText = (TextView) pyT.e(view,, "field 'marketValueText'", TextView.class); headerBinding.netGainText = (TextView) pyT.e(view,, "field 'netGainText'", TextView.class); headerBinding.asOfDateText = (TextView) pyT.e(view,, "field 'asOfDateText'", TextView.class); headerBinding.marketValueArrowImage = (ImageView) pyT.e(view,, "field 'marketValueArrowImage'", ImageView.class); headerBinding.pieChart = (PieChart) pyT.e(view,, "field 'pieChart'", PieChart.class); View a = pyT.a(view,, "field 'tradeNowButton' and method 'tradeNowButtonClicked'"); headerBinding.tradeNowButton = a; this.d = a; a.setOnClickListener(new gnL(this, headerBinding) { // from class: private HeaderBinding b; private HeaderBinding_ViewBinding e; { this.e = this; this.b = headerBinding; } @Override // o.gnL public final void e(View view2) { this.b.tradeNowButtonClicked(view2); } }); View a2 = pyT.a(view,, "field 'otherProductButton' and method 'otherProductButtonClicked'"); headerBinding.otherProductButton = a2; this.c = a2; a2.setOnClickListener(new gnL(this, headerBinding) { // from class: private HeaderBinding a; private HeaderBinding_ViewBinding b; { this.b = this; this.a = headerBinding; } @Override // o.gnL public final void e(View view2) { this.a.otherProductButtonClicked(view2); } }); headerBinding.legendRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) pyT.e(view,, "field 'legendRecyclerView'", RecyclerView.class); } @Override // butterknife.Unbinder public final void a() { HeaderBinding headerBinding = this.e; if (headerBinding == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bindings already cleared."); } this.e = null; headerBinding.marketValueText = null; headerBinding.netGainText = null; headerBinding.asOfDateText = null; headerBinding.marketValueArrowImage = null; headerBinding.pieChart = null; headerBinding.tradeNowButton = null; headerBinding.otherProductButton = null; headerBinding.legendRecyclerView = null; this.d.setOnClickListener(null); this.d = null; this.c.setOnClickListener(null); this.c = null; } } public static ScbsLandingFragment h() { return new ScbsLandingFragment(); } @Override //, public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { View onCreateView = super.onCreateView(layoutInflater, viewGroup, bundle); this.c.pieChart.setHoleRadius(35.0f); this.c.pieChart.setTransparentCircleRadius(35.0f); this.c.pieChart.setRotationAngle(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); this.c.pieChart.setExtraOffsets(-4.0f, -4.0f, -4.0f, -4.0f); byte b = 0; this.c.pieChart.setRotationEnabled(false); this.c.pieChart.setHighlightPerTapEnabled(false); this.c.pieChart.setRotationAngle(270.0f); this.c.pieChart.k(); this.c.pieChart.d(C2640aiS.c); this.c.pieChart.l().q = false; this.c.pieChart.setDescription(null); this.c.pieChart.setDrawEntryLabels(false); this.scbsLandingPresenter.e((bHA) this); BzM bzM = this.d; if (getActivity() != null) { bzM.c(((BaseActivity) getActivity()).scbAnalytics, "scbs_portfolio"); } bHA bha = this.scbsLandingPresenter; if (bha.f != 0) { bha.f.y(); } bha.b.a(); BpT bpT = bha.b; bpT.d(bpT.i, new bHA.HBt(bha, b)); return onCreateView; } @Override // public final AbstractC12009eqC avh_(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup) { this.c = new HeaderBinding(this); View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.2131560045, viewGroup, false); View inflate2 = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.2131560044, viewGroup, false); ButterKnife.c(this.c, inflate); LandingAccountsAdapter landingAccountsAdapter = new LandingAccountsAdapter(getContext(), inflate2, new Space(getContext())); landingAccountsAdapter.a = inflate; landingAccountsAdapter.c = new AbstractC12009eqC.RVV(this) { // from class: o.fiO private ScbsLandingFragment d; @Override // o.AbstractC12009eqC.RVV public final void b(Object obj) { ScbsLandingFragment.a(this.d, (C0873Qm) obj); } { this.d = this; } }; return landingAccountsAdapter; } @Override //, public void onDestroy() { this.scbsLandingPresenter.w_(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9355diF public final void c(C0871Qk c0871Qk) { this.c.marketValueText.setText(c0871Qk.f); this.c.netGainText.setText(c0871Qk.h); this.c.netGainText.setTextColor(nMh.getColor(getContext(), c0871Qk.g)); this.c.asOfDateText.setVisibility(c0871Qk.b == null ? 8 : 0); this.c.asOfDateText.setText(c0871Qk.b); this.c.marketValueArrowImage.setImageResource(c0871Qk.a); e(c0871Qk.d); this.c.tradeNowButton.setVisibility(c0871Qk.i ? 0 : 8); if (c0871Qk.c) { PieChart pieChart = this.c.pieChart; List list = c0871Qk.j; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); for (C0872Ql c0872Ql : list) { arrayList2.add(new Ikb(c0872Ql.a, c0872Ql.b, "")); arrayList.add(Integer.valueOf(Color.parseColor(c0872Ql.c))); } C16180lwo c16180lwo = new C16180lwo(arrayList2, ""); c16180lwo.e = arrayList; Dfa dfa = new Dfa(c16180lwo); dfa.b(new C12923fLa(this.c.pieChart, new DecimalFormat("###,###,###"))); dfa.j(); dfa.a(); dfa.Gy_(Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), "fonts/PSL001Pro.ttf")); pieChart.setData(dfa); this.c.legendRecyclerView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); getContext(); this.c.legendRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager()); this.c.legendRecyclerView.setAdapter(new PieChartLegendAdapter(c0871Qk.j)); this.c.pieChart.invalidate(); } else { this.c.pieChart.setVisibility(8); this.c.legendRecyclerView.setVisibility(8); } this.c.otherProductButton.setVisibility(c0871Qk.e ? 8 : 0); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9355diF public final void e(String str) { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { startActivity(PartnerAuthorizationActivity.ajM_(context, str)); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9355diF public final void c(OT ot) { ScbsAccountDetailActivity.e(getContext(), ot); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9355diF public final void e(int i) { if (getContext() != null) { startActivity(AddAccountInfoActivity.ahz_(getContext(), i)); } } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public class HeaderBinding { @BindView TextView asOfDateText; private ScbsLandingFragment d; @BindView RecyclerView legendRecyclerView; @BindView ImageView marketValueArrowImage; @BindView TextView marketValueText; @BindView TextView netGainText; @BindView View otherProductButton; @BindView PieChart pieChart; @BindView View tradeNowButton; public HeaderBinding(ScbsLandingFragment scbsLandingFragment) { this.d = scbsLandingFragment; } @OnClick public void tradeNowButtonClicked(View view) { this.d.d.d("source", "SCBS_landing"); ScbsLandingFragment scbsLandingFragment = this.d; BzM bzM = scbsLandingFragment.d; if (scbsLandingFragment.getActivity() != null) { bzM.c(((BaseActivity) scbsLandingFragment.getActivity()).scbAnalytics, "trade_now"); } final bHA bha = this.d.scbsLandingPresenter; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(bha) { // from class: o.bHz private bHA b; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9355diF) obj).e(this.b.h.g.a); } { this.b = bha; } }; if (bha.f != 0) { ieS.e(bha.f); } } @OnClick public void otherProductButtonClicked(View view) { ScbsLandingFragment scbsLandingFragment = this.d; if (scbsLandingFragment.getActivity() != null) { ((BaseActivity) scbsLandingFragment.getActivity()).scbAnalytics.c("scbsonboard_open_other"); } final bHA bha = this.d.scbsLandingPresenter; final C7968cyO p = bha.d.b.p(); if (bha.h.g != null) { C16075kv c16075kv = bha.e; String str = EnumC1274Zk.SCBS_PORTFOLIO.entryPoint; C14957gcv.e(str, ""); Klc klc = c16075kv.d; C14957gcv.e(str, ""); klc.e.d(str); ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(bha, p) { // from class: o.bHB private C7968cyO c; private bHA d; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C7968cyO c7968cyO = this.c; ((InterfaceC9355diF) obj).e((!r1.h.b || r1.h.d) ? 0 : 1); } { this.d = bha; this.c = p; } }; if (bha.f != 0) { ieS.e(bha.f); } } } } public static /* synthetic */ void a(ScbsLandingFragment scbsLandingFragment, C0873Qm c0873Qm) { bHA bha = scbsLandingFragment.scbsLandingPresenter; bha.a = c0873Qm; if (bha.f != 0) { bha.f.y(); } bha.c.a(new C2727ak(c0873Qm.e, c0873Qm.d, c0873Qm.b)); NNu nNu = bha.c; nNu.d(nNu.i, new bHA.IeS(bha, (byte) 0)); } }