package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import; import butterknife.BindView; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import o.AbstractC14961gcz; import o.AbstractC15351go; import o.C14851gaI; import o.C14866gag; import o.C14957gcv; import o.C5553bvI; import o.C5561bvQ; import o.C5568bvX; import o.C5627bwd; import o.C6583cXR; import o.GJE; import o.InterfaceC13391fZD; import o.InterfaceC14894gbR; import o.InterfaceC9252dgH; import o.ML; import o.MYp; import o.SSH; import o.ViewOnFocusChangeListenerC10337eBX; import o.ZI; import o.fKI; import o.fLO; import o.lNZ; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public class HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment extends Hilt_HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment implements InterfaceC9252dgH { public static final RVV c = new RVV(0); @BindView public CustomExternalSelector addressSelector; @BindView public CheckBox cbProfession; @BindView public TextView experienceError; @BindView public CustomPhoneNumberInput ivgContactNumber; @BindView public CustomExternalSelector ivgRegistered; @BindView public CustomSpinnerWithTitle monthsSpinner; @BindView public Button nextButton; @InterfaceC13391fZD public C5553bvI presenter; @BindView public CustomAcceptDeclineButtons professionButtons; @BindView public TextView tvNameFooter; @BindView public TextView tvProfessionError; @BindView public TextView tvProfessionFooter; @BindView public TextView tvProfessionLabel; @BindView public CustomSpinnerWithTitle yearsSpinner; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class RVV { private RVV() { } public /* synthetic */ RVV(byte b) { this(); } } @Override // public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { C14957gcv.e(layoutInflater, ""); View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.2131559476, viewGroup, false); ButterKnife.c(this, inflate); C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.presenter; C5553bvI c5553bvI2 = null; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.e((C5553bvI) this); CustomAcceptDeclineButtons customAcceptDeclineButtons = this.professionButtons; if (customAcceptDeclineButtons == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customAcceptDeclineButtons = null; } TextView textView = customAcceptDeclineButtons.tvLabel; if (textView == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); textView = null; } textView.setVisibility(8); CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle = this.yearsSpinner; if (customSpinnerWithTitle == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customSpinnerWithTitle = null; } b(customSpinnerWithTitle, R.array.f1252130903053); CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle2 = this.monthsSpinner; if (customSpinnerWithTitle2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customSpinnerWithTitle2 = null; } b(customSpinnerWithTitle2, R.array.f1242130903052); CheckBox checkBox = this.cbProfession; if (checkBox == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); checkBox = null; } checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener(this) { // from class: o.fdQ private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment a; @Override // android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener public final void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean z) { HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.c(this.a, z); } { this.a = this; } }); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.addressSelector; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } View.OnClickListener onClickListener = new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.fdR private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment e; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view) { HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.c(this.e); } { this.e = this; } }; C14957gcv.e(onClickListener, ""); View view = customExternalSelector.container; if (view == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); view = null; } view.setOnClickListener(onClickListener); Button button = this.nextButton; if (button == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); button = null; } button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.fdS private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment c; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.b(this.c); } { this.c = this; } }); CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput = null; } fLO flo = new fLO(new HBt(this)); customPhoneNumberInput.mEditText.addTextChangedListener(flo); customPhoneNumberInput.d.add(flo); CustomAcceptDeclineButtons customAcceptDeclineButtons2 = this.professionButtons; if (customAcceptDeclineButtons2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customAcceptDeclineButtons2 = null; } customAcceptDeclineButtons2.setOnButtonClickListener(new Sts(this)); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector2 = this.ivgRegistered; if (customExternalSelector2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector2 = null; } View.OnClickListener onClickListener2 = new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.fdW private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment c; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.a(this.c); } { this.c = this; } }; C14957gcv.e(onClickListener2, ""); View view2 = customExternalSelector2.container; if (view2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); view2 = null; } view2.setOnClickListener(onClickListener2); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector3 = this.ivgRegistered; if (customExternalSelector3 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector3 = null; } String string = getString(R.string.hml_business_occupation_registered_name_error); C14957gcv.c((Object) string, ""); customExternalSelector3.setErrorText(string); CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput2 = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput2 = null; } new IeS(this).invoke(customPhoneNumberInput2.mEditText); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector4 = this.ivgRegistered; if (customExternalSelector4 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector4 = null; } customExternalSelector4.clearFocus(); CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput3 = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput3 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput3 = null; } customPhoneNumberInput3.clearFocus(); CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput4 = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput4 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput4 = null; } customPhoneNumberInput4.mEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new ViewOnFocusChangeListenerC10337eBX(customPhoneNumberInput4, customPhoneNumberInput4.getOnFocusChangeListener())); Button button2 = this.nextButton; if (button2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); button2 = null; } button2.requestFocus(); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector5 = this.addressSelector; if (customExternalSelector5 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector5 = null; } String string2 = getString(R.string.hml_business_occupation_address_error); C14957gcv.c((Object) string2, ""); customExternalSelector5.setErrorText(string2); CustomAcceptDeclineButtons customAcceptDeclineButtons3 = this.professionButtons; if (customAcceptDeclineButtons3 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customAcceptDeclineButtons3 = null; } customAcceptDeclineButtons3.setText(getString(R.string.hml_business_occupation_profession_doctor), getString(R.string.hml_business_occupation_profession_dentist), getString(R.string.hml_business_occupation_profession_footer)); C5553bvI c5553bvI3 = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI3 != null) { c5553bvI2 = c5553bvI3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c5553bvI2.g = true; c5553bvI2.e(false); if (c5553bvI2.f != 0) { c5553bvI2.f.y(); } c5553bvI2.e.e(new C5553bvI.Sts(c5553bvI2), new C5553bvI.RVV(c5553bvI2), new AbstractC15351go.LWm(), c5553bvI2.d); return inflate; } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ static final class HBt extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR { private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment e; @Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR public final /* synthetic */ C14866gag invoke(String str) { String str2 = str; C14957gcv.e(str2, ""); C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.e.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } C14957gcv.e(str2, ""); c5553bvI.b.c.b = C6583cXR.v(str2); C5561bvQ c5561bvQ = new C5561bvQ(c5553bvI, true); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5561bvQ.e(c5553bvI.f); } return C14866gag.c; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ HBt(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { super(1); this.e = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment; } } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ static final class Sts extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR { private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment d; @Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR public final /* synthetic */ C14866gag invoke(Boolean bool) { boolean booleanValue = bool.booleanValue(); C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.d.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.b.e.d = booleanValue; c5553bvI.b.e.a = !booleanValue; C5627bwd c5627bwd = new C5627bwd(c5553bvI); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5627bwd.e(c5553bvI.f); } return C14866gag.c; } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ Sts(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { super(1); this.d = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment; } } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class IeS extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR { private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment a; @Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR public final /* synthetic */ C14866gag invoke(EditText editText) { final EditText editText2 = editText; C14957gcv.c(editText2, ""); fKI.aAj_(editText2, true); final HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment = this.a; editText2.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener(editText2, hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { // from class: o.fdY private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment b; private EditText d; @Override // android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener public final void onFocusChange(View view, boolean z) { HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.IeS.atD_(this.d, this.b, z); } { this.d = editText2; this.b = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment; } }); return C14866gag.c; } public static /* synthetic */ void atD_(EditText editText, HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, boolean z) { C14957gcv.e(hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, ""); boolean z2 = false; if (z) { C14957gcv.c(editText, ""); fKI.aAj_(editText, false); return; } C14957gcv.c(editText, ""); fKI.aAj_(editText, false); C5553bvI c5553bvI = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } C5561bvQ c5561bvQ = new C5561bvQ(c5553bvI, z2); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5561bvQ.e(c5553bvI.f); } } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ IeS(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { super(1); this.a = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment; } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void d(String str) { C14957gcv.e(str, ""); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.ivgRegistered; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } customExternalSelector.setSelected(str); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void a() { FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null) { activity.onBackPressed(); } } public Intent aui_(Context context) { C14957gcv.e(context, ""); HmlETBBusinessInformationActivity.LWm lWm = HmlETBBusinessInformationActivity.k; C14957gcv.e(context, ""); return new Intent(context, (Class) HmlETBBusinessInformationActivity.class); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void c() { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { startActivity(aui_(context)); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void b(String str) { C14957gcv.e(str, ""); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.addressSelector; C5553bvI c5553bvI = null; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } customExternalSelector.setSelected(str); C5553bvI c5553bvI2 = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI2 != null) { c5553bvI = c5553bvI2; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c5553bvI.d(str); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void b() { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { HmlBusinessAddressActivity.RVV rvv = HmlBusinessAddressActivity.b; GJE.Sts sts = GJE.Sts.BUSINESS; Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(R.string.hml_business_info_address_title); C14957gcv.e(context, ""); C14957gcv.e(sts, ""); Intent putExtra = new Intent(context, (Class) HmlBusinessAddressActivity.class).putExtra("", sts).putExtra("EXTRA_DISPLAY", valueOf); C14957gcv.c(putExtra, ""); startActivityForResult(putExtra, 101); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void b(boolean z) { int i = z ? 0 : 8; CustomAcceptDeclineButtons customAcceptDeclineButtons = this.professionButtons; TextView textView = null; if (customAcceptDeclineButtons == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customAcceptDeclineButtons = null; } customAcceptDeclineButtons.setVisibility(i); TextView textView2 = this.tvProfessionLabel; if (textView2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); textView2 = null; } textView2.setVisibility(i); TextView textView3 = this.tvProfessionFooter; if (textView3 != null) { textView = textView3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } textView.setVisibility(i); } private final void b(CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle, int i) { C14851gaI c14851gaI; customSpinnerWithTitle.b(); String[] stringArray = getResources().getStringArray(i); C14957gcv.c(stringArray, ""); Object[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(stringArray, stringArray.length); C14957gcv.e(copyOf, ""); if (copyOf.length > 0) { C14957gcv.e(copyOf, ""); c14851gaI = Arrays.asList(copyOf); C14957gcv.c(c14851gaI, ""); } else { c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c; } customSpinnerWithTitle.setItems(c14851gaI, true, false); customSpinnerWithTitle.setMandatory(true); customSpinnerWithTitle.setOnCustomSpinnerWithTitleCompletion(new LWm(customSpinnerWithTitle, this)); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class LWm implements CustomSpinnerWithTitle.LWm { private HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment a; private CustomSpinnerWithTitle c; @Override // public final void bn_() { } LWm(CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle, HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { this.c = customSpinnerWithTitle; this.a = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment; } @Override // public final void bo_() { if (((MYp) this.c.c.e()).c.getSelectedItemPosition() > 0) { int selectedItemPosition = ((MYp) this.c.c.e()).c.getSelectedItemPosition() - 1; CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle = this.c; CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle2 = this.a.yearsSpinner; C5553bvI c5553bvI = null; if (customSpinnerWithTitle2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customSpinnerWithTitle2 = null; } if (C14957gcv.b(customSpinnerWithTitle, customSpinnerWithTitle2)) { C5553bvI c5553bvI2 = this.a.presenter; if (c5553bvI2 != null) { c5553bvI = c5553bvI2; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c5553bvI.b.b.a = Integer.valueOf(selectedItemPosition); if (!c5553bvI.i) { ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvL @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).e(false); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS.e(c5553bvI.f); } c5553bvI.i = true; return; } if (c5553bvI.h) { ZI.IeS ieS2 = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvO @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).e(false); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS2.e(c5553bvI.f); } c5553bvI.h = false; return; } final lNZ.IeS ieS3 = c5553bvI.b.b; ZI.IeS ieS4 = new ZI.IeS(ieS3) { // from class: o.bvN private lNZ.IeS c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C5553bvI.e(this.c, (InterfaceC9252dgH) obj); } { this.c = ieS3; } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS4.e(c5553bvI.f); return; } return; } C5553bvI c5553bvI3 = this.a.presenter; if (c5553bvI3 != null) { c5553bvI = c5553bvI3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } c5553bvI.b.b.d = Integer.valueOf(selectedItemPosition); if (!c5553bvI.c) { ZI.IeS ieS5 = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvJ @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).e(false); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS5.e(c5553bvI.f); } c5553bvI.c = true; return; } if (c5553bvI.a) { ZI.IeS ieS6 = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvU @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).e(false); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS6.e(c5553bvI.f); } c5553bvI.a = false; return; } final lNZ.IeS ieS7 = c5553bvI.b.b; ZI.IeS ieS8 = new ZI.IeS(ieS7) { // from class: o.bvN private lNZ.IeS c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C5553bvI.e(this.c, (InterfaceC9252dgH) obj); } { this.c = ieS7; } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS8.e(c5553bvI.f); } } } } @Override //, public void onActivityResult(int i, int i2, Intent intent) { String stringExtra; super.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent); if (intent == null || i2 != -1) { return; } C5553bvI c5553bvI = null; if (i != 101) { if (i != 102 || (stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("EXTRA_COMPANY_NAME")) == null) { return; } C5553bvI c5553bvI2 = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI2 != null) { c5553bvI = c5553bvI2; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } C14957gcv.c((Object) stringExtra, ""); c5553bvI.b(stringExtra); return; } final String stringExtra2 = intent.getStringExtra(""); if (stringExtra2 != null) { C5553bvI c5553bvI3 = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI3 != null) { c5553bvI = c5553bvI3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } C14957gcv.c((Object) stringExtra2, ""); C14957gcv.e(stringExtra2, ""); ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(stringExtra2) { // from class: o.bvS private String c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C5553bvI.c(this.c, (InterfaceC9252dgH) obj); } { this.c = stringExtra2; } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS.e(c5553bvI.f); } } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void e() { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { HmlCompanyNameActivity.LWm lWm = HmlCompanyNameActivity.l; C14957gcv.e(context, ""); startActivityForResult(new Intent(context, (Class) HmlCompanyNameActivity.class), 102); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void a(boolean z) { CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.ivgRegistered; TextView textView = null; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } customExternalSelector.a(z); TextView textView2 = this.tvNameFooter; if (textView2 != null) { textView = textView2; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } textView.setVisibility(z ? 8 : 0); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void c(boolean z) { CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput = null; } if (z) { customPhoneNumberInput.c(); } else { customPhoneNumberInput.e(); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void d(boolean z) { CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.addressSelector; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } customExternalSelector.a(z); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void b(boolean z, boolean z2) { TextView textView = this.tvProfessionError; TextView textView2 = null; if (textView == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); textView = null; } textView.setVisibility(z ? 0 : 8); TextView textView3 = this.tvProfessionFooter; if (textView3 != null) { textView2 = textView3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } textView2.setVisibility((z || !z2) ? 8 : 0); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void e(boolean z) { TextView textView = this.experienceError; if (textView == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); textView = null; } textView.setVisibility(z ? 0 : 8); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void d() { Context context = getContext(); if (context != null) { CustomDialog.b(context).c(R.string.hml_business_info_2_empty_fields_title).d(R.string.hml_business_info_2_empty_fields_content).aoR_(getString(R.string.ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: o.fdV @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { dialogInterface.dismiss(); } }).show(); } } @Override //, public void onDestroy() { C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.w_(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override // public void onResume() { super.onResume(); C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.g = true; } public static /* synthetic */ void a(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { C14957gcv.e(hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, ""); C5553bvI c5553bvI = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvM @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).e(); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS.e(c5553bvI.f); } } public static /* synthetic */ void c(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, boolean z) { C14957gcv.e(hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, ""); C5553bvI c5553bvI = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.e(z); } public static /* synthetic */ void c(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { C14957gcv.e(hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, ""); C5553bvI c5553bvI = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvP @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).b(); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS.e(c5553bvI.f); } } public static /* synthetic */ void b(HmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment) { C14957gcv.e(hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment, ""); final C5553bvI c5553bvI = hmlBusinessOccupationInfoFragment.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } boolean z = false; if (c5553bvI.b.a != null && c5553bvI.b.c.e) { SSH ssh = c5553bvI.k; String str = c5553bvI.b.c.b; if (str != null && ssh.c.matcher(str).matches() && c5553bvI.b() && c5553bvI.c()) { if (c5553bvI.g) { c5553bvI.g = false; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5553bvI.f.y(); } c5553bvI.l.d(new C5553bvI.HBt(c5553bvI), new C5553bvI.IeS(c5553bvI), c5553bvI.b, c5553bvI.d); return; } return; } } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.bvV @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9252dgH) obj).d(); } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS.e(c5553bvI.f); } ZI.IeS ieS2 = new ZI.IeS(c5553bvI) { // from class: o.bvK private boolean b = false; private C5553bvI c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C5553bvI.a(this.c, this.b, (InterfaceC9252dgH) obj); } { this.c = c5553bvI; } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS2.e(c5553bvI.f); } C5568bvX c5568bvX = new C5568bvX(c5553bvI); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5568bvX.e(c5553bvI.f); } C5561bvQ c5561bvQ = new C5561bvQ(c5553bvI, z); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5561bvQ.e(c5553bvI.f); } C5627bwd c5627bwd = new C5627bwd(c5553bvI); if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { c5627bwd.e(c5553bvI.f); } ZI.IeS ieS3 = new ZI.IeS(c5553bvI) { // from class: o.bvT private C5553bvI a; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C5553bvI.e(this.a, (InterfaceC9252dgH) obj); } { this.a = c5553bvI; } }; if (c5553bvI.f != 0) { ieS3.e(c5553bvI.f); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9252dgH public final void e(ML ml) { Integer valueOf; Integer valueOf2; C14957gcv.e(ml, ""); String str = ml.a; CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle = null; if (str != null) { CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector = this.ivgRegistered; if (customExternalSelector == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector = null; } customExternalSelector.setSelected(str); } String str2 = ml.e.b; if (str2 != null) { CustomPhoneNumberInput customPhoneNumberInput = this.ivgContactNumber; if (customPhoneNumberInput == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customPhoneNumberInput = null; } customPhoneNumberInput.setText((String) C6583cXR.c(new Object[]{false, true, str2}, -1092823629, 1092823630, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())); } String str3 = ml.e.c; if (str3 != null) { C14957gcv.e(str3, ""); CustomExternalSelector customExternalSelector2 = this.addressSelector; if (customExternalSelector2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customExternalSelector2 = null; } customExternalSelector2.setSelected(str3); C5553bvI c5553bvI = this.presenter; if (c5553bvI == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c5553bvI = null; } c5553bvI.d(str3); } ML.LWm lWm = ml.d; CheckBox checkBox = this.cbProfession; if (checkBox == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); checkBox = null; } checkBox.setChecked(lWm.e); b(lWm.e); Boolean bool = lWm.c; Boolean bool2 = Boolean.TRUE; boolean b = C14957gcv.b(bool, bool2); boolean b2 = C14957gcv.b(lWm.b, bool2); if (!b) { bool2 = b2 ? Boolean.FALSE : null; } if (bool2 != null) { boolean booleanValue = bool2.booleanValue(); CustomAcceptDeclineButtons customAcceptDeclineButtons = this.professionButtons; if (customAcceptDeclineButtons == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customAcceptDeclineButtons = null; } customAcceptDeclineButtons.a(booleanValue); } ML.IeS ieS = ml.c; String str4 = ieS.d; if (str4 != null && (valueOf2 = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(str4))) != null) { CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle2 = this.monthsSpinner; if (customSpinnerWithTitle2 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); customSpinnerWithTitle2 = null; } customSpinnerWithTitle2.setSelectionIndex(valueOf2.intValue() + 1); } String str5 = ieS.e; if (str5 == null || (valueOf = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(str5))) == null) { return; } CustomSpinnerWithTitle customSpinnerWithTitle3 = this.yearsSpinner; if (customSpinnerWithTitle3 != null) { customSpinnerWithTitle = customSpinnerWithTitle3; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } customSpinnerWithTitle.setSelectionIndex(valueOf.intValue() + 1); } }