package; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatRadioButton; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout; import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView; import; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import; import; import; import; import; import; import o.AbstractC14961gcz; import o.C10326eAv; import o.C1344aBe; import o.C1346aBg; import o.C14866gag; import o.C14954gcs; import o.C14957gcv; import o.IE; import o.InterfaceC13391fZD; import o.InterfaceC13393fZL; import o.InterfaceC14890gbN; import o.InterfaceC9137ddz; import o.ZI; import o.fKB; import o.fZZ; import o.qeC; /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public final class FaceIdentificationCSentFragment extends Hilt_FaceIdentificationCSentFragment implements InterfaceC9137ddz { public static final RVV d = new RVV(0); private final InterfaceC13393fZL c; @InterfaceC13391fZD public C1346aBg presenter; public FaceIdentificationCSentFragment() { Sts sts = new Sts(this); C14957gcv.e(sts, ""); this.c = new fZZ(sts); } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ public static final class RVV { private RVV() { } public /* synthetic */ RVV(byte b) { this(); } } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ static final class Sts extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14890gbN { private FaceIdentificationCSentFragment c; @Override // o.InterfaceC14890gbN public final /* synthetic */ C10326eAv invoke() { View inflate = this.c.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.2131559646, (ViewGroup) null, false); int i =; AppCompatButton appCompatButton = (AppCompatButton) qeC.e(inflate,; if (appCompatButton != null) { i =; NestedScrollView nestedScrollView = (NestedScrollView) qeC.e(inflate,; if (nestedScrollView != null) { i =; View e = qeC.e(inflate,; if (e != null) { i =; AppCompatRadioButton appCompatRadioButton = (AppCompatRadioButton) qeC.e(inflate,; if (appCompatRadioButton != null) { i =; AppCompatRadioButton appCompatRadioButton2 = (AppCompatRadioButton) qeC.e(inflate,; if (appCompatRadioButton2 != null) { i =; TextView textView = (TextView) qeC.e(inflate,; if (textView != null) { i =; SCBWebView sCBWebView = (SCBWebView) qeC.e(inflate,; if (sCBWebView != null) { return new C10326eAv((ConstraintLayout) inflate, appCompatButton, nestedScrollView, e, appCompatRadioButton, appCompatRadioButton2, textView, sCBWebView); } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(inflate.getResources().getResourceName(i))); } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ Sts(FaceIdentificationCSentFragment faceIdentificationCSentFragment) { super(0); this.c = faceIdentificationCSentFragment; } } @Override // public final View onCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { C14957gcv.e(layoutInflater, ""); ((BaseFragment) this).a = ButterKnife.c(this, ((C10326eAv) this.c.e()).c); ConstraintLayout constraintLayout = ((C10326eAv) this.c.e()).c; C14957gcv.c(constraintLayout, ""); return constraintLayout; } @Override // public final void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle bundle) { C14957gcv.e(view, ""); super.onViewCreated(view, bundle); C1346aBg c1346aBg = this.presenter; C1346aBg c1346aBg2 = null; if (c1346aBg == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg = null; } c1346aBg.e((C1346aBg) this); Bundle arguments = getArguments(); final IE ie = arguments != null ? (IE) arguments.getParcelable("FACE_IDENTIFICATION_CONSENT_DISPLAY") : null; C1346aBg c1346aBg3 = this.presenter; if (c1346aBg3 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg3 = null; } c1346aBg3.e = ie; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(ie) { // from class: o.aBn private IE e; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C1346aBg.e(this.e, (InterfaceC9137ddz) obj); } { this.e = ie; } }; if (c1346aBg3.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1346aBg3.f); } C10326eAv c10326eAv = (C10326eAv) this.c.e(); c10326eAv.a.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.eOZ private FaceIdentificationCSentFragment b; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { FaceIdentificationCSentFragment.e(this.b); } { this.b = this; } }); c10326eAv.b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.ePd private FaceIdentificationCSentFragment a; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { FaceIdentificationCSentFragment.a(this.a); } { this.a = this; } }); c10326eAv.e.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.ePh private FaceIdentificationCSentFragment c; @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener public final void onClick(View view2) { FaceIdentificationCSentFragment.b(this.c); } { this.c = this; } }); TextView textView = ((C10326eAv) this.c.e()).d; Resources resources = textView.getResources(); C14957gcv.c(resources, ""); String string = getString(R.string.auto_csent_sensitive_notice_read_more_link); C14957gcv.c((Object) string, ""); String string2 = getString(R.string.auto_csent_sensitive_notice_read_more); C14957gcv.c((Object) string2, ""); C1346aBg c1346aBg4 = this.presenter; if (c1346aBg4 == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg4 = null; } String M = c1346aBg4.c.b.c.M(); C14957gcv.c((Object) M, ""); String str = C14957gcv.b((Object) M, (Object) "en") ? "." : ""; C1346aBg c1346aBg5 = this.presenter; if (c1346aBg5 != null) { c1346aBg2 = c1346aBg5; } else { C14957gcv.a(""); } textView.setText(fKB.azW_(resources, string, string2, str, true, R.color.f13682131100876, new IeS(c1346aBg2), 32)); textView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9137ddz public final void a(String str) { C14957gcv.e(str, ""); SCBWebView sCBWebView = ((C10326eAv) this.c.e()).h; sCBWebView.setScrollContainer(false); sCBWebView.setWebViewBackgroundColor(R.color.f14012131100909); sCBWebView.b(str, "css/bot_consent_style.css"); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9137ddz public final void c() { ((CustomDialog) CustomDialog.e(new Object[]{CustomDialog.b(getContext()).c(R.string.common_ndid_consent_decline_title).d(R.string.common_ndid_consent_decline_description), Integer.valueOf(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: o.ePa @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { dialogInterface.dismiss(); } }})).aoT_(R.string.confirm, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(this) { // from class: o.eOV private FaceIdentificationCSentFragment e; @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { FaceIdentificationCSentFragment.arA_(this.e, dialogInterface); } { this.e = this; } }).show(); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9137ddz public final void d() { ((C10326eAv) this.c.e()).e.setEnabled(true); } @Override // o.InterfaceC9137ddz public final void c(String str) { C14957gcv.e(str, ""); PrivacyCSentWebViewActivity.IeS ieS = PrivacyCSentWebViewActivity.b; FragmentActivity requireActivity = requireActivity(); C14957gcv.c(requireActivity, ""); startActivity(PrivacyCSentWebViewActivity.IeS.aaM_(requireActivity, str)); } public static /* synthetic */ void b(FaceIdentificationCSentFragment faceIdentificationCSentFragment) { C14957gcv.e(faceIdentificationCSentFragment, ""); C1346aBg c1346aBg = faceIdentificationCSentFragment.presenter; if (c1346aBg == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg = null; } if (c1346aBg.d == C1346aBg.RVV.ACCEPTED) { c1346aBg.d(); return; } ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.aBf @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((InterfaceC9137ddz) obj).c(); } }; if (c1346aBg.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1346aBg.f); } } /* loaded from: classes5.dex */ final /* synthetic */ class IeS extends C14954gcs implements InterfaceC14890gbN { @Override // o.InterfaceC14890gbN public final /* synthetic */ C14866gag invoke() { final C1346aBg c1346aBg = (C1346aBg) this.f; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(c1346aBg) { // from class: o.aBi private C1346aBg d; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { C1346aBg.d(this.d, (InterfaceC9137ddz) obj); } { this.d = c1346aBg; } }; if (c1346aBg.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1346aBg.f); } return C14866gag.c; } IeS(Object obj) { super(0, obj, C1346aBg.class, "onClickPrivacyNotice", "onClickPrivacyNotice()V"); } } public static /* synthetic */ void a(FaceIdentificationCSentFragment faceIdentificationCSentFragment) { C14957gcv.e(faceIdentificationCSentFragment, ""); C1346aBg c1346aBg = faceIdentificationCSentFragment.presenter; if (c1346aBg == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg = null; } C1346aBg.RVV rvv = C1346aBg.RVV.DECLINED; C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); c1346aBg.d = rvv; C1344aBe c1344aBe = new C1344aBe(); if (c1346aBg.f != 0) { c1344aBe.e(c1346aBg.f); } } public static /* synthetic */ void arA_(FaceIdentificationCSentFragment faceIdentificationCSentFragment, DialogInterface dialogInterface) { C14957gcv.e(faceIdentificationCSentFragment, ""); dialogInterface.dismiss(); C1346aBg c1346aBg = faceIdentificationCSentFragment.presenter; if (c1346aBg == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg = null; } c1346aBg.d(); } public static /* synthetic */ void e(FaceIdentificationCSentFragment faceIdentificationCSentFragment) { C14957gcv.e(faceIdentificationCSentFragment, ""); C1346aBg c1346aBg = faceIdentificationCSentFragment.presenter; if (c1346aBg == null) { C14957gcv.a(""); c1346aBg = null; } C1346aBg.RVV rvv = C1346aBg.RVV.ACCEPTED; C14957gcv.e(rvv, ""); c1346aBg.d = rvv; C1344aBe c1344aBe = new C1344aBe(); if (c1346aBg.f != 0) { c1344aBe.e(c1346aBg.f); } } @Override // o.InterfaceC9137ddz public final void a(boolean z) { FragmentActivity requireActivity = requireActivity(); if (z) { requireActivity.setResult(-1); } requireActivity.finish(); } }