package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Process; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation; import android.text.AndroidCharacter; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import android.widget.VideoView; import butterknife.BindView; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import o.C14957gcv; import o.Nhs; import o.dQY; import o.xzZ; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite; import; /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public final class VideoPlaybackActivity extends Hilt_VideoPlaybackActivity { private static char[] k; private static long l; private static long m; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ public static final RVV f6543o; private static int p; private static char r; private static int t; @BindView public View loaderView; @BindView public VideoView videoPlayer; private static final byte[] $$p = {94, -37, CVCAFile.CAR_TAG, -43}; private static final int $$q = CipherSuite.TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256; private static int $10 = 0; private static int $11 = 1; private static int s = 1; private static void aC(short s2, int i, short s3, Object[] objArr) { int i2 = 115 - i; int i3 = (s2 * 4) + 4; int i4 = s3 * 3; byte[] bArr = $$p; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i4 + 1]; int i5 = -1; if (bArr == null) { i2 = i3 + (-i4); i3++; } while (true) { i5++; bArr2[i5] = (byte) i2; if (i5 == i4) { objArr[0] = new String(bArr2, 0); return; } int i6 = i2; int i7 = i3 + 1; i2 = i6 + (-bArr[i3]); i3 = i7; } } public static /* synthetic */ Object d(Object[] objArr, int i, int i2, int i3) { VideoPlaybackActivity videoPlaybackActivity = (VideoPlaybackActivity) objArr[0]; int i4 = 2 % 2; Context baseContext = videoPlaybackActivity.getBaseContext(); if (baseContext == null) { int i5 = p + 93; s = i5 % 128; int i6 = i5 % 2; Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1]; aA(((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 16, ((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.remittance_landing_head_description).substring(51, 52).length() + 25, (char) (((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().codePointAt(8) + 61796), objArr2); Class cls = Class.forName((String) objArr2[0]); Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1]; aB((char) (((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.easycash_ncb_slip_save_error).substring(0, 15).codePointAt(7) + 8195), new char[]{46534, 59846, 10928, 5915, 25852, 65007, 41152, 51904, 8881, 56507, 40454, 60371, 52940, 41540, 514, 28521, 55076, 17069}, new char[]{43786, 3440, 9771, 30510}, new char[]{19430, 57516, 48735, 42479}, Process.myTid() >> 22, objArr3); baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null); } if (baseContext != null) { int i7 = s + 53; p = i7 % 128; int i8 = i7 % 2; baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext(); } if (baseContext != null) { try { Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855); if (obj == null) { obj = ((Class) xzZ.c( + 492, 4 - TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0), (char) KeyEvent.normalizeMetaState(0))).getMethod("a", null); xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj); } Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null); Object[] objArr4 = {baseContext}; Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1378719468); if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - (Process.myPid() >> 22), (ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() >> 16) + 5, (char) (ViewConfiguration.getMaximumFlingVelocity() >> 16))).getMethod(KtaJsonExactionHelper.OBJECT, Context.class); xzZ.y.put(1378719468, obj2); } ((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr4); } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause != null) { throw cause; } throw th; } } super.onResume(); return null; } /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public static final class RVV { private RVV() { } public /* synthetic */ RVV(byte b) { this(); } } private static void aA(int i, int i2, char c, Object[] objArr) { int i3 = 2 % 2; dQY dqy = new dQY(); long[] jArr = new long[i2]; dqy.a = 0; while (dqy.a < i2) { int i4 = $10 + 89; $11 = i4 % 128; if (i4 % 2 == 0) { int i5 = dqy.a; try { Object[] objArr2 = {Integer.valueOf(k[i << dqy.a])}; Object obj = xzZ.y.get(1095064095); if (obj == null) { Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((Process.myTid() >> 22) + 308, (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 4, (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16) + 32797)); byte b = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1]; aC(b, (byte) (b | 17), b, objArr3); obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(1095064095, obj); } try { Object[] objArr4 = {Long.valueOf(((Long) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).longValue()), Long.valueOf(dqy.a), Long.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(c)}; Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-548438098); if (obj2 == null) { Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(412 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarSize() >> 8), 6 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) (1 - (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)))); byte b2 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1]; aC(b2, (byte) (b2 | 16), b2, objArr5); obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(-548438098, obj2); } jArr[i5] = ((Long) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4)).longValue(); try { Object[] objArr6 = {dqy, dqy}; Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919); if (obj3 == null) { Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c((CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) > 0.0d ? 1 : (CdmaCellLocation.convertQuartSecToDecDegrees(0) == 0.0d ? 0 : -1)) + 407, (ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16) + 5, (char) (29234 - (AudioTrack.getMinVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMinVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)))); byte b3 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1]; aC(b3, (byte) (b3 | 9), b3, objArr7); obj3 = cls3.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj3); } ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6); } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause == null) { throw th; } throw cause; } } catch (Throwable th2) { Throwable cause2 = th2.getCause(); if (cause2 == null) { throw th2; } throw cause2; } } catch (Throwable th3) { Throwable cause3 = th3.getCause(); if (cause3 == null) { throw th3; } throw cause3; } } else { int i6 = dqy.a; try { Object[] objArr8 = {Integer.valueOf(k[i + dqy.a])}; Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1095064095); if (obj4 == null) { Class cls4 = (Class) xzZ.c(308 - (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (ViewConfiguration.getJumpTapTimeout() >> 16) + 5, (char) (32798 - (SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() > (-1L) ? 1 : (SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() == (-1L) ? 0 : -1)))); byte b4 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1]; aC(b4, (byte) (b4 | 17), b4, objArr9); obj4 = cls4.getMethod((String) objArr9[0], Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(1095064095, obj4); } Object[] objArr10 = {Long.valueOf(((Long) ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr8)).longValue()), Long.valueOf(dqy.a), Long.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(c)}; Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(-548438098); if (obj5 == null) { Class cls5 = (Class) xzZ.c(412 - ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6), View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 5, (char) (ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() >> 16)); byte b5 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr11 = new Object[1]; aC(b5, (byte) (b5 | 16), b5, objArr11); obj5 = cls5.getMethod((String) objArr11[0], Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(-548438098, obj5); } jArr[i6] = ((Long) ((Method) obj5).invoke(null, objArr10)).longValue(); Object[] objArr12 = {dqy, dqy}; Object obj6 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919); if (obj6 == null) { Class cls6 = (Class) xzZ.c(406 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0'), 6 - (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) (View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 29234)); byte b6 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr13 = new Object[1]; aC(b6, (byte) (b6 | 9), b6, objArr13); obj6 = cls6.getMethod((String) objArr13[0], Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj6); } ((Method) obj6).invoke(null, objArr12); } catch (Throwable th4) { Throwable cause4 = th4.getCause(); if (cause4 == null) { throw th4; } throw cause4; } } } char[] cArr = new char[i2]; dqy.a = 0; while (dqy.a < i2) { int i7 = $10 + 25; $11 = i7 % 128; if (i7 % 2 == 0) { cArr[dqy.a] = (char) jArr[dqy.a]; Object[] objArr14 = {dqy, dqy}; Object obj7 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919); if (obj7 == null) { Class cls7 = (Class) xzZ.c(407 -, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16), (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getMaximumDrawingCacheSize() >> 24) + 29234)); byte b7 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr15 = new Object[1]; aC(b7, (byte) (b7 | 9), b7, objArr15); obj7 = cls7.getMethod((String) objArr15[0], Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj7); } ((Method) obj7).invoke(null, objArr14); int i8 = 48 / 0; } else { cArr[dqy.a] = (char) jArr[dqy.a]; Object[] objArr16 = {dqy, dqy}; Object obj8 = xzZ.y.get(1071125919); if (obj8 == null) { Class cls8 = (Class) xzZ.c(408 - (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), + 5, (char) ((SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() > (-1L) ? 1 : (SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() == (-1L) ? 0 : -1)) + 29233)); byte b8 = (byte) 0; Object[] objArr17 = new Object[1]; aC(b8, (byte) (b8 | 9), b8, objArr17); obj8 = cls8.getMethod((String) objArr17[0], Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1071125919, obj8); } ((Method) obj8).invoke(null, objArr16); } } objArr[0] = new String(cArr); } private static void aB(char c, char[] cArr, char[] cArr2, char[] cArr3, int i, Object[] objArr) { int i2 = 2 % 2; Nhs nhs = new Nhs(); int length = cArr2.length; char[] cArr4 = new char[length]; int length2 = cArr3.length; char[] cArr5 = new char[length2]; System.arraycopy(cArr2, 0, cArr4, 0, length); System.arraycopy(cArr3, 0, cArr5, 0, length2); cArr4[0] = (char) (cArr4[0] ^ c); cArr5[2] = (char) (cArr5[2] + ((char) i)); int length3 = cArr.length; char[] cArr6 = new char[length3]; nhs.a = 0; int i3 = $10 + 81; $11 = i3 % 128; int i4 = i3 % 2; while (nhs.a < length3) { int i5 = $11 + 71; $10 = i5 % 128; int i6 = i5 % 2; try { Object[] objArr2 = {nhs}; Object obj = xzZ.y.get(263693715); if (obj == null) { obj = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8) + 45, 6 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) ((-1) - ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(0)))).getMethod("t", Object.class); xzZ.y.put(263693715, obj); } int intValue = ((Integer) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).intValue(); Object[] objArr3 = {nhs}; Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-484664112); if (obj2 == null) { Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getMaximumDrawingCacheSize() >> 24) + 352, AndroidCharacter.getMirror('0') - '+', (char) (52128 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarSize() >> 8))); byte b = (byte) 0; byte b2 = b; Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1]; aC(b, b2, b2, objArr4); obj2 = cls.getMethod((String) objArr4[0], Object.class); xzZ.y.put(-484664112, obj2); } int intValue2 = ((Integer) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr3)).intValue(); Object[] objArr5 = {nhs, Integer.valueOf(cArr4[nhs.a % 4] * 32718), Integer.valueOf(cArr5[intValue])}; Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(430099516); if (obj3 == null) { obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16) + 748, 5 - View.getDefaultSize(0, 0), (char) ((-1) - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0, 0)))).getMethod(p.a, Object.class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(430099516, obj3); } ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr5); Object[] objArr6 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr4[intValue2] * 32718), Integer.valueOf(cArr5[intValue])}; Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1019894806); if (obj4 == null) { Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(0L) + 402, 4 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0'), (char) (TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0, 0) + 21609)); byte b3 = (byte) 0; byte b4 = (byte) (b3 + 1); Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1]; aC(b3, b4, (byte) (b4 - 1), objArr7); obj4 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(1019894806, obj4); } cArr5[intValue2] = ((Character) ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr6)).charValue(); cArr4[intValue2] = nhs.c; cArr6[nhs.a] = (char) ((((cArr4[intValue2] ^ cArr[nhs.a]) ^ (m ^ 9051040786702654117L)) ^ ((int) (t ^ 9051040786702654117L))) ^ ((char) (r ^ 9051040786702654117L))); nhs.a++; int i7 = $10 + 105; $11 = i7 % 128; int i8 = i7 % 2; } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause == null) { throw th; } throw cause; } } objArr[0] = new String(cArr6); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x00a4, code lost: if (r3 > 99999) goto L6; */ @Override //,,, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity,,, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity,, /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void onCreate(android.os.Bundle r25) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 1414 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } @Override //,,, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity,,, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity,, public final void onPause() { int i = 2 % 2; Context baseContext = getBaseContext(); Object obj = null; if (baseContext == null) { int i2 = s + 7; p = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; aA(18 - (Process.myTid() >> 22), 26 - (ViewConfiguration.getJumpTapTimeout() >> 16), (char) (((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_total_interest_fee_2).substring(0, 1).codePointAt(0) + 61868), objArr); Class cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]); Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1]; aB((char) (((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.auto_single_form_select_account_mf_title).substring(89, 90).length() + 11813), new char[]{46534, 59846, 10928, 5915, 25852, 65007, 41152, 51904, 8881, 56507, 40454, 60371, 52940, 41540, 514, 28521, 55076, 17069}, new char[]{43786, 3440, 9771, 30510}, new char[]{19430, 57516, 48735, 42479}, ((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34, objArr2); baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null); } if (baseContext != null) { int i4 = p + 51; s = i4 % 128; if (i4 % 2 == 0) { baseContext.getApplicationContext(); obj.hashCode(); throw null; } baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext(); } if (baseContext != null) { try { Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(125943855); if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16) + 492, 4 - MotionEvent.axisFromString(""), (char) KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString(""))).getMethod("a", null); xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj2); } Object invoke = ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, null); Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext}; Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1633456013); if (obj3 == null) { obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - Color.argb(0, 0, 0, 0), 5 - TextUtils.indexOf("", "", 0, 0), (char) KeyEvent.getDeadChar(0, 0))).getMethod("c", Context.class); xzZ.y.put(1633456013, obj3); } ((Method) obj3).invoke(invoke, objArr3); } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause == null) { throw th; } throw cause; } } super.onPause(); } @Override //,,, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity,,, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity,,, android.view.ContextThemeWrapper, android.content.ContextWrapper public final void attachBaseContext(Context context) { Context context2; int i = 2 % 2; super.attachBaseContext(context); Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; aA(, 18 - View.getDefaultSize(0, 0), (char), objArr); Class cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]); Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1]; aB((char) (Color.alpha(0) + 7374), new char[]{33503, 54521, 46631, 12026, 57102}, new char[]{45990, 42741, 52761, 53276}, new char[]{19430, 57516, 48735, 42479}, 430372275 -, objArr2); int intValue = ((Integer) cls.getDeclaredMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue() % 100000; if (intValue < 99000 || intValue > 99999) { if (context != null) { context2 = context.getApplicationContext(); int i2 = p + 59; s = i2 % 128; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { int i3 = 3 / 3; } } else { context2 = context; } if (context2 != null) { int i4 = s + 11; p = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; try { Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855); if (obj == null) { obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6) + 492, 6 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) - 1))).getMethod("a", null); xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj); } Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null); Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1]; aB((char) (ViewConfiguration.getWindowTouchSlop() >> 8), new char[]{34744, 21958, 58851, 46686, 42993, 31984, 45741, 58965, 3606, 35935, 13479, 17177, 34997, 46689, 62175, 13237, 10192, 53794, 65069, 8656, 48488, 52638, 32916, 28353, 30374, 64778, 24125, 55726, 64696, 41137, 50051, 22462, 35064, 50428, 15592, 19965, 38396, 8170, 24024, 32219, 31586, 22422, 28004, 54333, 59516, 20735, 27387, 38210}, new char[]{5885, 2808, 31595, 31304}, new char[]{19430, 57516, 48735, 42479}, ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(0) + 1, objArr3); String str = (String) objArr3[0]; Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1]; aA(44 -, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) + 16777280, (char) (51385 - Drawable.resolveOpacity(0, 0)), objArr4); String str2 = (String) objArr4[0]; Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1]; aA(View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 108, 64 - (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) (56323 - TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0, 0)), objArr5); String str3 = (String) objArr5[0]; Object[] objArr6 = new Object[1]; aA((ViewConfiguration.getWindowTouchSlop() >> 8) + CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(0L) + 74, (char) (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L) + 14009), objArr6); String str4 = (String) objArr6[0]; Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1]; aA((-16776970) - Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) + 16777221, (char) (TextUtils.getOffsetBefore("", 0) + 13569), objArr7); String str5 = (String) objArr7[0]; Object[] objArr8 = new Object[1]; aA((ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16) + 251, 37 - (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() > 0L ? 1 : (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getWindowTouchSlop() >> 8), objArr8); Object[] objArr9 = {context2, str, str2, str3, str4, true, str5, (String) objArr8[0]}; Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1656189573); if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(535 - AndroidCharacter.getMirror('0'), 6 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16))).getMethod("e", Context.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE, String.class, String.class); xzZ.y.put(1656189573, obj2); } ((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr9); } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause == null) { throw th; } throw cause; } } } } public static /* synthetic */ void a(VideoPlaybackActivity videoPlaybackActivity) { int i = 2 % 2; C14957gcv.e(videoPlaybackActivity, ""); View view = videoPlaybackActivity.loaderView; if (view != null) { int i2 = p + 97; s = i2 % 128; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { int i3 = 80 / 0; } } else { C14957gcv.a(""); int i4 = s + 103; p = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; view = null; } view.setVisibility(8); } public static /* synthetic */ boolean c(VideoPlaybackActivity videoPlaybackActivity) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 87; p = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; C14957gcv.e(videoPlaybackActivity, ""); if (i3 != 0) { videoPlaybackActivity.finish(); return false; } videoPlaybackActivity.finish(); return true; } static void f() { k = new char[]{36787, 17617, 6508, 60903, 41481, 30362, 19256, 7, 54485, 43380, 32190, 12845, 1724, 56116, 36935, 25812, 14705, 3484, 32359, 46341, 59576, 7219, 21469, 34638, 47852, 61907, 9487, 22691, 35892, 50055, 63323, 10988, 24964, 38156, 51360, 64594, 13272, 26472, 39638, 53663, 1322, 14504, 27743, 41927, 18190, 35940, 53639, 9545, 27369, 48680, 33745, 51369, 7270, 24971, 46363, 64242, 52805, 5076, 22698, 44089, 61837, 50530, 2800, 24142, 41868, 59564, 15444, 404, 21856, 39672, 61001, 13175, 30901, 19467, 37277, 58720, 11004, 32337, 17188, 35053, 56330, 8594, 29991, 47762, 36437, 54140, 6376, 27666, 45538, 34163, 51915, 7690, 25471, 43150, 64583, 49643, 5420, 23234, 44960, 62306, 14475, 3149, 20968, 42316, 60113, 16368, 876, 18653, 21431, 39043, 50492, 12706, 32259, 43716, 38717, 56392, 2188, 30010, 41383, 60956, 55976, 1899, 19472, 47245, 58727, 53641, 7706, 19185, 46947, 64535, 10431, 5423, 16781, 36427, 64162, 10188, 27650, 22713, 34089, 61825, 15938, 27321, 22477, 39940, 51383, 13605, 25033, 44668, 39659, 51091, 3073, 30890, 42252, 37276, 56950, 2736, 30660, 48238, 59566, 54617, 452, 20094, 47896, 59355, 11326, 6386, 17666, 45480, 65135, 11031, 6099, 23602, 47362, 29299, 12228, 56157, 38061, 16497, 32203, 14014, 57969, 40918, 19273, 1192, 12309, 60812, 42737, 21092, 4063, 15141, 62627, 40980, 23951, 5879, 49750, 65472, 43836, 25764, 4182, 52577, 34542, 45633, 28617, 6968, 54462, 32772, 48497, 30462, 8778, 57221, 35619, 17540, 28675, 11629, 59116, 37462, 20391, 31542, 13469, 57371, 40319, 22169, 579, 16306, 60195, 42196, 20981, 3441, 50907, 61952, 44977, 23323, 5249, 49654, 64895, 46797, 25093, 8113, 52034, 33986, 45563, 28029, 9921, 53823, 36790, 47884, 47850, 29072, 11313, 55482, 38743, 36791, 17630, 6458, 60833, 41474, 30410, 19304, 25, 54423, 43313, 32160, 12824, 1708, 56182, 36880, 25731, 14643, 3550, 49749, 38564, 27444, 8262, 62703, 51508, 40408, 21012, 9970, 64460, 45065, 34030, 22903, 11732, 57926, 46826, 35737, 16464}; l = 9072221353598796991L; m = -2849511944005119677L; t = 452713125; r = (char) 55973; } @Override //,,, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity,,, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity,, public final void onResume() { d(new Object[]{this}, 1018695483, -1018695483, ((Context) Class.forName("").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 283838572); } @Override //,,, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity,,, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity,, public final void onStart() { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 35; p = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; super.onStart(); if (i3 == 0) { return; } Object obj = null; obj.hashCode(); throw null; } public final void setLoaderView(View view) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 13; p = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; C14957gcv.e(view, ""); this.loaderView = view; if (i3 != 0) { throw null; } int i4 = s + 49; p = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; } static { p = 0; f(); f6543o = new RVV((byte) 0); int i = s + 117; p = i % 128; int i2 = i % 2; } }