package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class d { public static float[] f0 = {0.03f, 0.07f, 0.93f, 0.97f}; public B; public StringBuilder C; public boolean D; public int E; public int F; public int G; public int H; public int I; public int J; public int K; public boolean M; public boolean N; public AuroraView O; public long V; public Context a; public OnPaFaceDetectorListener b; public h b0; public LiveFaceConfig c; public j c0; public Activity e; public i k; public o l; public f m; public k n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ public m f6509o; public n p; public l q; public boolean r; public boolean s; public PaFaceDetectFrame t; public PaFaceDetectFrame u; public PaFaceDetectFrame v; public PaFaceDetectFrame w; public PaFaceDetectFrame x; public PaFaceDetectFrame y; public boolean d = true; public BlockingDeque f = null; public c g = null; public HandlerC0068d h = null; public long i = 0; public AtomicBoolean j = new AtomicBoolean(false); public List z = new FixedLinkedList(20); public boolean A = false; public boolean L = true; public boolean P = false; public int Q = -1; public int R = 0; public float S = 0.3f; public float T = 0.55f; public List U = new ArrayList(5); public int W = 0; public boolean X = false; public float Y = -1.0f; public float Z = -1.0f; public int a0 = 0; public d0 = new; public e e0 = new e(this, null); /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class a implements Runnable { public final Activity a; public final float b; public a(d dVar, Activity activity, float f) { this.a = activity; this.b = f; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { z.a(this.a, this.b); } } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class b implements Runnable { public final d a; public b(d dVar) { this.a = dVar; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { if (this.a.O != null) { this.a.O.setAuroraViewColor(0); } } } /* renamed from:$d, reason: collision with other inner class name */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class HandlerC0068d extends Handler { public final d a; @Override // android.os.Handler public final void handleMessage(Message message) { if (this.a.b == null) { return; } int i = message.what; if (i > 1000 && i < 2000) { this.a.b.onDetectMotionTips(i); this.a.b.onDetectProgress(i, this.a.q != null ? this.a.q.a() : BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); return; } if (i > 2000 && i < 3000) { this.a.b.onDetectTips(i); this.a.b.onDetectTips(i, this.a.t); return; } if (i > 3000 && i < 4000) { if (this.a.g != null) { this.a.g.b(false); } if (this.a.h != null) { this.a.h.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); this.a.h = null; } this.a.b.onInterruptError(i); this.a.b.onInterruptError(i, this.a.z); return; } if (i <= 4000 || i >= 5000) { if (i == 6) { this.a.b.onDetectFaceInfo(this.a.K, this.a.t, message.arg1, message.arg2); return; } else { if (i == 5) { this.a.b.onDetectMotionDone(this.a.G); return; } return; } } if (i == 4001) { if (this.a.g != null) { this.a.g.b(false); } PaFaceDetectFrame[] paFaceDetectFrameArr = {this.a.u, this.a.x, this.a.w, this.a.v, this.a.y}; if (this.a.h != null) { this.a.h.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); this.a.h = null; } this.a.b.onDetectProgress(i, this.a.q != null ? this.a.q.a() : 1.0f); this.a.b.onDetectComplete(i, paFaceDetectFrameArr); if (this.a.p != null) { this.a.p.e(); } } } /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public HandlerC0068d(d dVar, Looper looper) { super(looper); this.a = dVar; } } public final native void a(LiveFaceConfig liveFaceConfig); public native void a(OnPaFaceDetectorListener onPaFaceDetectorListener); public native void a(AuroraView auroraView); public native boolean a(Context context, LiveFaceConfig liveFaceConfig); public native void b(LiveFaceConfig liveFaceConfig); /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x0061, code lost: if (r5.g != null) goto L30; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:23:0x0085, code lost: r5.P = false; r5.g = null; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:0x0089, code lost: return; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:26:0x0082, code lost: c(); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:37:0x0080, code lost: if (r5.g == null) goto L31; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void g() { /* r5 = this; java.lang.String r0 = "stopDetect" java.lang.StringBuilder r0 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r0.() java.lang.String r1 = r0.append(r1) java.lang.String r1 = " stopDetect" r0.append(r1) java.lang.String r0 = r0.toString() r5.c(r0) r0 = 1 r1 = 0 r2 = 0 r5.a(r0) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66$c r0 = r5.g // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L37, r2) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66$c r0 = r5.g // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 boolean r0 = r0.isAlive() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L37$c r0 = r5.g // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 r0.interrupt() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 L37: r0 = r5.k // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L3e r0.a(r2) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 L3e: r0 = r5.m // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L45 r0.a(r2) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 L45:$d r0 = r5.h // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L4e r0.removeCallbacksAndMessages(r1) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 r5.h = r1 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 L4e: java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque r0 = r5.f // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 if (r0 == 0) goto L57 r0.clear() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 r5.f = r1 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 L57: r0 = -1082130432(0xffffffffbf800000, float:-1.0) r5.a(r0) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66 r5.d() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Exception -> L66$c r0 = r5.g if (r0 == 0) goto L85 goto L82 L64: r0 = move-exception goto L8a L66: r0 = move-exception java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.String r4 = "stopDetect throws exception," r3.(r4) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.String r4 = "PaFace Detector" java.lang.String r0 = r0.getMessage() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r3.append(r0) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.String r0 = r3.toString() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64, r0) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64$c r0 = r5.g if (r0 == 0) goto L85 L82: r5.c() L85: r5.P = r2 r5.g = r1 return L8a:$c r3 = r5.g if (r3 == 0) goto L91 r5.c() L91: r5.P = r2 r5.g = r1 throw r0 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } public void f() { LiveFaceConfig liveFaceConfig; float f; a(0.8f); boolean z = this.N && this.O != null; this.M = z; if (z) { this.c.setFaceFarThr(this.S + 0.15f); liveFaceConfig = this.c; f = this.T + 0.3f; } else { this.c.setFaceFarThr(this.S); liveFaceConfig = this.c; f = this.T; } liveFaceConfig.setFaceCloseThr(f); n nVar = this.p; if (nVar != null) { nVar.a(this.M); } this.a0 = 0; this.P = false; this.z.clear(); a(false); if (this.g == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" new DetectionThread"); c(sb.toString()); this.g = new c(this, null); } if (this.f == null) { this.f = new LinkedBlockingDeque(1); } if (this.h == null) { this.h = new HandlerC0068d(this, Looper.getMainLooper()); } this.g.b(true); this.g.start(); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append(; sb2.append(" startFaceDetect"); c(sb2.toString()); } public final void e() { PFaceDetector.FaceConfig faceConfig = new PFaceDetector.FaceConfig(); faceConfig.liveThreshold100 = 0.17527d; faceConfig.liveThreshold1000 = 0.77133d; faceConfig.liveThreshold10000 = 0.93352d; faceConfig.trackingMode = true; faceConfig.detectFaceMinScale = 0.10000000149011612d; faceConfig.detectFaceMaxScale = 0.30000001192092896d; faceConfig.usePyramid = true; PFaceDetector.setConfig(faceConfig); } public void d(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PAFaceSDK-Time-"); sb.append(str); sb.append("\r\n"); b(sb.toString()); } public final void d() { AuroraView auroraView = this.O; if (auroraView != null) { b(this)); } } public void c(boolean z) { this.c.setGravitySwitch(z); } public void c(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PAFaceSDK-Log-"); sb.append(str); sb.append("\r\n"); b(sb.toString()); } public void c(int i) { if (i != -1) { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTimeMillis - this.i > 750) { n nVar = this.p; if (nVar != null) { nVar.a(i); } this.e0.b(i); this.i = currentTimeMillis; } } } public final void c() { StringBuilder sb; if (!this.A || (sb = this.C) == null || sb.toString().equals("")) { return; } aVar = this.B; aVar.a(aVar.a(), this.C.toString(), this.c); StringBuilder sb2 = this.C; sb2.delete(0, sb2.length()); } public boolean b() { return this.P; } public final void b(boolean z) { this.j.set(z); this.d0.c(); } public final void b(String str) { StringBuilder sb; if (!this.A || this.B == null || (sb = this.C) == null) { return; } sb.append(str); } public void b(int i) { n nVar = this.p; if (nVar != null) { nVar.a(i); } if (this.h != null) { this.e0.a = i; this.h.sendEmptyMessage(i); } } public void a(boolean z) { h hVar = this.b0; if (hVar != null) { hVar.h(); this.e0.a(); } b(z); l lVar = this.q; if (lVar != null) { lVar.a(this.p); } this.s = false; o oVar = this.l; if (oVar != null) { oVar.m(); } this.u = null; this.x = null; this.w = null; this.v = null; this.y = null; m mVar = this.f6509o; if (mVar != null) { mVar.g(); } this.E = 0; this.W = 0; this.Q = -1; this.R = 0; } public void a(List list) { this.U.clear(); this.L = true; int i = 0; this.M = false; this.N = false; if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { for (Integer num : list) { if (1002 == num.intValue() || 1003 == num.intValue() || 1004 == num.intValue() || 1005 == num.intValue()) { this.U.add(num); } else if (1006 == num.intValue() && !this.U.contains(Integer.valueOf(PaFaceConstants.MotionType.AURORA))) { this.U.add(num); this.N = true; } i++; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" setMotions,size:"); sb.append(this.U.size()); sb.append(",elements:"); sb.append(this.U.toString()); c(sb.toString()); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("setMotions,size:"); sb2.append(this.U.size()); sb2.append(",elements:"); sb2.append(this.U.toString()); PaFaceLogger.i(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb2.toString()); n nVar = this.p; if (nVar != null) { nVar.a(this.U); } m mVar = this.f6509o; if (mVar != null) { mVar.a(i); } } public void a(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PAFaceSDK-Error-"); sb.append(str); sb.append("\r\n"); b(sb.toString()); } public final void a(Context context, boolean z) { this.A = z; if (z) { c2 =; this.B = c2; c2.a(context); if (this.C == null) { this.C = this.B.b(); } } } public void a(Activity activity, boolean z) { this.e = activity; this.d = z; } public void a(int i, byte[] bArr, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) { this.H = i5; this.I = i4; this.J = i3; PreviewFrame obtain = PreviewFrame.obtain(i, bArr, i2, i3, i4, i5); if (this.f == null || this.j.get()) { return; } this.f.offer(obtain); } public final void a(float f) { if (this.d) { Activity activity = this.e; if (activity != null || (this.a instanceof Activity)) { if (activity == null) { activity = (Activity) this.a; } activity.runOnUiThread(new a(this, activity, f)); } } } public void a() { if (this.b != null) { this.b = null; } j jVar = this.c0; if (jVar != null) { jVar.b(); this.c0 = null; } n nVar = this.p; if (nVar != null) { nVar.e(); this.p = null; } this.q = null; this.b0 = null; if (this.r) { PFaceDetector.nativeDestroy(); } this.r = false; this.O = null; this.a = null; this.e = null; this.U.clear(); this.z.clear(); i iVar = this.k; if (iVar != null) { iVar.a(true); this.k = null; } f fVar = this.m; if (fVar != null) { fVar.a(true); this.m = null; } this.n = null; this.f6509o = null; this.L = true; this.M = false; this.N = false; PaFaceLogger.i("deInit"); } public int a(int i) { int a2 = this.e0.a(i); if (a2 != -1) { this.e0.a = a2; } return a2; } public static /* synthetic */ int r(d dVar) { int i = dVar.W; dVar.W = i + 1; return i; } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class c extends Thread { public volatile boolean a; public PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] b; public final d c; public final native PaFaceDetectFrame a(PreviewFrame previewFrame, String str); public final native void a(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] b(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean c(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean d(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean e(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean f(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean g(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public final native boolean h(PreviewFrame previewFrame); @Override // java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { synchronized (this) { int i = 0; try { try { d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" DETECT CONSUMER"); dVar.c(sb.toString()); PaFaceLogger.i(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "detect thread is running."); while (this.a) { PreviewFrame previewFrame = (PreviewFrame) this.c.f.poll(200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (previewFrame != null) { a(previewFrame); this.c.e0.a(previewFrame); previewFrame.recycle(); } } while (true) { PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] aceFaceInfoArr = this.b; if (aceFaceInfoArr == null || i >= aceFaceInfoArr.length) { break; } aceFaceInfoArr[i] = null; i++; } } catch (Exception e) { d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append("DetectException:"); sb2.append(e.getMessage()); dVar2.a(sb2.toString()); StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); sb3.append("detect thread throw exception,"); sb3.append(e.getMessage()); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb3.toString()); while (true) { PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] aceFaceInfoArr2 = this.b; if (aceFaceInfoArr2 == null || i >= aceFaceInfoArr2.length) { break; } aceFaceInfoArr2[i] = null; i++; } } this.b = null; } catch (Throwable th) { while (true) { PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] aceFaceInfoArr3 = this.b; if (aceFaceInfoArr3 == null || i >= aceFaceInfoArr3.length) { break; } aceFaceInfoArr3[i] = null; i++; } this.b = null; throw th; } } } public final void j() { PaFaceDetectFrame paFaceDetectFrame; try { paFaceDetectFrame = (PaFaceDetectFrame) this.c.t.clone(); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("clone another frame failed:"); sb.append(e.getMessage()); PaFaceLogger.error(sb.toString()); paFaceDetectFrame = null; } if (this.c.k != null) { this.c.k.a(paFaceDetectFrame); } if (this.c.m == null || !this.c.b0.f()) { return; } this.c.m.a(paFaceDetectFrame); } public final boolean i() { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); float[] a = a(); long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis; this.c.d("Occ: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); PaFaceLogger.i("atomic checkOcc use time: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("check Occ,"); sb.append(a[1]); sb.append(";"); sb.append(a[2]); sb.append(";"); sb.append(a[3]); sb.append(";"); sb.append(a[7]); sb.append(";"); sb.append(a[8]); PaFaceLogger.i(sb.toString()); if (a[1] > x.j(this.c.c)) { this.c.c(this.c.a(PaFaceConstants.EnvironmentalTips.COVER_MOUTH)); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "COVER_MOUTH"); return true; } if (a[2] > x.e(this.c.c) || a[3] > x.e(this.c.c)) { this.c.c(this.c.a(PaFaceConstants.EnvironmentalTips.COVER_EYE)); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "COVER_EYE"); return true; } if (a[7] > x.f(this.c.c)) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2020)); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "COVER_FACE"); return true; } if (a[8] <= x.f(this.c.c)) { return false; } this.c.c(this.c.a(2020)); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "COVER_FACE"); return true; } public final boolean h() { if (this.c.Y != -1.0f && this.c.Z != -1.0f) { float f = this.c.t.landmarkPosition[222]; float f2 = this.c.t.landmarkPosition[223]; float a = u.a(this.c.Y, this.c.Z, f, f2); float f3 = this.c.t.frameWidth * 0.04f; if (a > f3) { d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" d="); sb.append(a); sb.append(" ; maxRange="); sb.append(f3); dVar.c(sb.toString()); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("NOSE_SHAKE d="); sb2.append(a); sb2.append(" ; maxRange="); sb2.append(f3); PaFaceLogger.error(sb2.toString()); this.c.Y = f; this.c.Z = f2; return true; } } d dVar2 = this.c; dVar2.Y = dVar2.t.landmarkPosition[222]; d dVar3 = this.c; dVar3.Z = dVar3.t.landmarkPosition[223]; return false; } public final boolean g() { if (this.c.b0.c()[4] > x.p(this.c.c) || this.c.b0.c()[5] > x.p(this.c.c)) { this.c.b0.l = true; d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" eyes:activeEyeAction"); dVar.c(sb.toString()); } if (!this.c.b0.l) { this.c.b0.s = false; this.c.b0.i.clear(); this.c.b0.j.clear(); } else { float a = u.a(this.c.b0.i); float b = u.b(this.c.b0.i); float a2 = u.a(this.c.b0.j); float b2 = u.b(this.c.b0.j); d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append(; sb2.append(" eyesInfoTrends:left eyeScore:"); sb2.append(this.c.b0.c()[4]); sb2.append(" ; right eyeScore:"); sb2.append(this.c.b0.c()[5]); dVar2.c(sb2.toString()); StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("eyesInfoTrends:left eyeScore:"); sb3.append(this.c.b0.c()[4]); sb3.append(" ; right eyeScore:"); sb3.append(this.c.b0.c()[5]); sb3.append(", leftD="); sb3.append(a - b); sb3.append(",rightD="); sb3.append(a2 - b2); PaFaceLogger.i(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb3.toString()); if (this.c.b0.c()[4] < x.c(this.c.c) && this.c.b0.c()[5] < x.c(this.c.c) && !this.c.b0.s) { this.c.b0.s = true; StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder("eyesInfoTrends:mIsCloseEye:"); sb4.append(this.c.b0.s); PaFaceLogger.i(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb4.toString()); } } if (this.c.b0.s) { float a3 = u.a(this.c.b0.i); float b3 = u.b(this.c.b0.i); float a4 = u.a(this.c.b0.j); float b4 = u.b(this.c.b0.j); if (a3 - b3 > x.o(this.c.c) && a4 - b4 > x.o(this.c.c) && !this.c.b0.s) { this.c.b0.t = true; d dVar3 = this.c; StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder(); sb5.append(; sb5.append(" eyesInfoTrends:mIsCloseEye:"); sb5.append(this.c.b0.t); dVar3.c(sb5.toString()); StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("eyesInfoTrends:mIsOpenEye:"); sb6.append(this.c.b0.t); PaFaceLogger.i(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb6.toString()); this.c.b0.e(); } } if (this.c.b0.t && this.c.b0.s) { return true; } PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "lmk blink eye not pass."); return false; } public final boolean f() { StringBuilder sb; float f; long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); float[] nativeGetPose = PFaceDetector.nativeGetPose(); this.c.t.yaw = nativeGetPose[0]; this.c.t.roll = nativeGetPose[1]; this.c.t.pitch = nativeGetPose[2]; long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis; this.c.d("Pose: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); PaFaceLogger.i("atomic get pose use time: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); if (this.c.t.yaw < (-this.c.c.getYawThr())) { this.c.c(this.c.a(PaFaceConstants.EnvironmentalTips.FACE_YAW_RIGHT)); d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("FaceYawRight:"); sb2.append(; sb2.append(" errorFace:yawRight,yaw="); sb2.append(this.c.t.yaw); dVar.a(sb2.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_YAW_RIGHT detect normal face yaw="); } else if (this.c.t.yaw > this.c.c.getYawThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2005)); d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("FaceYawLeft:"); sb3.append(; sb3.append(" errorFace:yawLeft,yaw="); sb3.append(this.c.t.yaw); dVar2.a(sb3.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_YAW_LEFT detect normal face yaw="); } else { if (this.c.t.roll < (-this.c.c.getRollThr())) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2008)); d dVar3 = this.c; StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder("FaceRollRight:"); sb4.append(; sb4.append(" errorFace:rollLeft,roll="); sb4.append(this.c.t.roll); dVar3.a(sb4.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_ROLL_RIGHT detect normal face roll="); } else if (this.c.t.roll > this.c.c.getRollThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2007)); d dVar4 = this.c; StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder("FaceRollLeft:"); sb5.append(; sb5.append(" errorFace:rollRight,roll="); sb5.append(this.c.t.roll); dVar4.a(sb5.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_ROLL_LEFT detect normal face roll="); } else { if (this.c.t.pitch < (-this.c.c.getPitchThr())) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2009)); d dVar5 = this.c; StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("FacePitchUp:"); sb6.append(; sb6.append(" errorFace:pitchUp,pitch="); sb6.append(this.c.t.pitch); dVar5.a(sb6.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_PITCH_UP detect normal face pitch="); } else { if (this.c.t.pitch <= this.c.c.getPitchThr()) { return true; } this.c.c(this.c.a(2010)); d dVar6 = this.c; StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder("FacePitchDown:"); sb7.append(; sb7.append(" errorFace:pitchDown,pitch="); sb7.append(this.c.t.pitch); dVar6.a(sb7.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("FACE_PITCH_DOWN detect normal face pitch="); } f = this.c.t.pitch; sb.append(f); PaFaceLogger.error(sb.toString()); return false; } f = this.c.t.roll; sb.append(f); PaFaceLogger.error(sb.toString()); return false; } f = this.c.t.yaw; sb.append(f); PaFaceLogger.error(sb.toString()); return false; } public final boolean e() { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); float[] nativeActionEyes = PFaceDetector.nativeActionEyes(); long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis; this.c.d("NativeDetectEye:".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); PaFaceLogger.i("atomic nativeActionEyes use time:".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); if (nativeActionEyes[0] <= x.b(this.c.c) && nativeActionEyes[1] <= x.b(this.c.c)) { return false; } this.c.c(this.c.a(PaFaceConstants.EnvironmentalTips.EYE_CLOSE_ERROR)); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "detect normal face,EYE_CLOSE_ERROR"); d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("EyeCloseError:"); sb.append(; sb.append(" detect normal face wrong."); dVar.a(sb.toString()); return true; } public final boolean d() { float[] nativeActionEyes = PFaceDetector.nativeActionEyes(); return a(nativeActionEyes[0], nativeActionEyes[1]) || g(); } public final void c() { a(true); } public final boolean b(String str) { boolean z; if (this.c.a0 > 0) { d.C(this.c); d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("MultiFace:"); sb.append(; sb.append(" errorFace:multiFace,faceLastNum:"); sb.append(this.c.a0); dVar.a(sb.toString()); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("MULTI_FACE "); sb2.append(str); sb2.append(" faceLastNum = "); sb2.append(this.c.a0); PaFaceLogger.error(sb2.toString()); if (this.c.a0 < 6) { return false; } this.c.a0 = 0; } if (this.c.t.faceNum <= 0) { StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("NO_FACE featureAttack "); sb3.append(str); sb3.append(" faceNum="); sb3.append(this.c.t.faceNum); sb3.append("; pre hasNormalFace = "); sb3.append(this.c.s); PaFaceLogger.error(sb3.toString()); boolean z2 = this.c.s || (this.c.f6509o != null && this.c.f6509o.c()); if (x.y(this.c.c) || !z2) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2002)); d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder("NoFace:"); sb4.append(; sb4.append(" noFace faceInfo.faceNum : "); sb4.append(this.c.t.faceNum); dVar2.a(sb4.toString()); StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder("NO_FACE "); sb5.append(str); sb5.append(" faceNum="); sb5.append(this.c.t.faceNum); PaFaceLogger.error(sb5.toString()); } else { this.c.b(3003); d dVar3 = this.c; StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("TrackingError:"); sb6.append(; sb6.append("errorLoseFace:noFace faceInfo.faceNum : "); sb6.append(this.c.t.faceNum); dVar3.a(sb6.toString()); StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder("NO_FACE featureAttack "); sb7.append(str); sb7.append(",faceNum="); sb7.append(this.c.t.faceNum); PaFaceLogger.error(sb7.toString()); this.c.a(true); } this.c.D = false; return false; } if (this.c.t.faceNum > 1) { String str2 = ""; for (int i = 1; i < this.c.t.faceNum; i++) { try { int i2 = this.b[i].right - this.b[i].left; int i3 = this.b[i].bottom - this.b[i].top; StringBuilder sb8 = new StringBuilder(); sb8.append(" faceInfo["); sb8.append(i); sb8.append("] width : "); sb8.append(i2); sb8.append(" ; faceInfo["); sb8.append(i); sb8.append("] height : "); sb8.append(i3); str2 = sb8.toString(); d dVar4 = this.c; StringBuilder sb9 = new StringBuilder(); sb9.append(; sb9.append(str2); dVar4.c(sb9.toString()); if (i2 * i3 > this.c.c.getMinFaceThr()) { z = true; break; } } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder sb10 = new StringBuilder("MULTI_FACE throws exception,"); sb10.append(e.getMessage()); PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, sb10.toString()); d dVar5 = this.c; StringBuilder sb11 = new StringBuilder("Exception:"); sb11.append(; sb11.append("MULTI_FACE throws exception,"); sb11.append(e.getMessage()); dVar5.a(sb11.toString()); } } z = false; StringBuilder sb12 = new StringBuilder("MULTI_FACE "); sb12.append(str); sb12.append(" multiInfo = "); sb12.append(str2); PaFaceLogger.i(sb12.toString()); if (z) { this.c.a0 = 1; this.c.c(this.c.a(2003)); d dVar6 = this.c; StringBuilder sb13 = new StringBuilder("MultiFace:"); sb13.append(; sb13.append(" errorFace:multiFace,faceNum:"); sb13.append(this.c.t.faceNum); dVar6.a(sb13.toString()); StringBuilder sb14 = new StringBuilder("MULTI_FACE "); sb14.append(str); sb14.append(" faceNum = "); sb14.append(this.c.t.faceNum); PaFaceLogger.error(sb14.toString()); return false; } } return true; } public final boolean b() { if (this.c.f6509o == null || this.c.f6509o.d()) { return false; } if (e()) { return true; } return this.c.f6509o.e(); } public final void b(boolean z) { this.a = z; } public final float[] a() { float[] nativeOcc = PFaceDetector.nativeOcc(); float f = nativeOcc[0]; if (f != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || nativeOcc[1] != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || nativeOcc[2] != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || nativeOcc[3] != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || nativeOcc[4] != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || nativeOcc[5] != BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) { nativeOcc[0] = 1.0f - f; nativeOcc[5] = 1.0f - nativeOcc[5]; } return nativeOcc; } public final boolean a(PFaceDetector.AceFaceInfo[] aceFaceInfoArr, String str) { int i; int i2; int i3; String str2; StringBuilder sb; float f; if (this.c.J % 90 != 0) { i = this.c.H; } else { i = this.c.I; } if (this.c.J % 90 == 0) { i2 = this.c.H; } else { i2 = this.c.I; } float f2 = this.c.t.rectW; if (this.c.H < this.c.I) { i3 = this.c.H; } else { i3 = this.c.I; } float f3 = f2 / i3; if (f3 < this.c.c.getFaceFarThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2015)); d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("TooFar:"); sb2.append(; sb2.append(" errorFace:tooFar,scale="); sb2.append(f3); sb2.append(",frameWidth="); sb2.append(this.c.t.frameWidth); sb2.append(",frameHeight="); sb2.append(this.c.t.frameHeight); dVar.a(sb2.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("TOO_FAR "); } else { if (f3 <= this.c.c.getFaceCloseThr()) { if (!"detect head".equalsIgnoreCase(str) && !"detect nod head".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { float abs = (Math.abs(aceFaceInfoArr[0].left + aceFaceInfoArr[0].right) / 2.0f) - (i / 2); float abs2 = (Math.abs(aceFaceInfoArr[0].top + aceFaceInfoArr[0].bottom) / 2.0f) - (i2 / 2); int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt((abs * abs) + (abs2 * abs2)); if (sqrt > this.c.c.getFaceCenterThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2004)); d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("FaceNoCenter:"); sb3.append(; sb3.append(" errorFace:noFace distance shake : "); sb3.append(sqrt); dVar2.a(sb3.toString()); d dVar3 = this.c; StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder(); sb4.append(; sb4.append(" errorFace:noFace : "); sb4.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].left); sb4.append(" ; "); sb4.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].top); sb4.append(" ; "); sb4.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].right); sb4.append(";"); sb4.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].bottom); dVar3.c(sb4.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("CENTER NO_FACE lower threshold,faceNum="); sb.append(this.c.t.faceNum); sb.append(", distance="); sb.append(sqrt); str2 = sb.toString(); PaFaceLogger.error(str2); return false; } } float f4 = i; if (aceFaceInfoArr[0].left >= d.f0[0] * f4) { float f5 = i2; if (aceFaceInfoArr[0].top >= d.f0[1] * f5 && aceFaceInfoArr[0].right <= f4 * d.f0[2] && aceFaceInfoArr[0].bottom <= f5 * d.f0[3]) { if (!"detect aurora face".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.c.t.brightness = PFaceDetector.nativeGetIllumination(); long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis; this.c.d("Illumination: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); PaFaceLogger.i("atomic get illumination use time: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2))); if (this.c.t.brightness < this.c.c.getDarkThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(PaFaceConstants.EnvironmentalTips.TOO_DARK)); d dVar4 = this.c; StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder("TooDark:"); sb5.append(; sb5.append(" errorFace:tooDark,brightness="); sb5.append(this.c.t.brightness); dVar4.a(sb5.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("TOO_DARK "); } else if (this.c.t.brightness > this.c.c.getBrightnessThr()) { this.c.c(this.c.a(2012)); d dVar5 = this.c; StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("TooBright:"); sb6.append(; sb6.append(" errorFace:tooBright,brightness="); sb6.append(this.c.t.brightness); dVar5.a(sb6.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("TOO_BRIGHT "); } sb.append(str); sb.append(" brightness="); f = this.c.t.brightness; sb.append(f); str2 = sb.toString(); PaFaceLogger.error(str2); return false; } long currentTimeMillis3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.c.t.blurness = PFaceDetector.nativeGetBlur(); long currentTimeMillis4 = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis3; this.c.d("Blur: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis4))); PaFaceLogger.i("atomic get blur use time: ".concat(String.valueOf(currentTimeMillis4))); if (this.c.t.blurness <= this.c.c.getBlurThr()) { return true; } this.c.c(this.c.a(2013)); d dVar6 = this.c; StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder("TooFuzzy:"); sb7.append(; sb7.append(" errorFace:tooFuzzy,blurness="); sb7.append(this.c.t.blurness); dVar6.a(sb7.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("TOO_FUZZY "); sb.append(str); sb.append(" blurness="); f = this.c.t.blurness; sb.append(f); str2 = sb.toString(); PaFaceLogger.error(str2); return false; } } this.c.c(this.c.a(2004)); d dVar7 = this.c; StringBuilder sb8 = new StringBuilder("FaceNoCenter:"); sb8.append(; sb8.append(" errorFace:noFace : "); sb8.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].left); sb8.append(" ; "); sb8.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].top); sb8.append(" ; "); sb8.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].right); sb8.append(";"); sb8.append(aceFaceInfoArr[0].bottom); dVar7.a(sb8.toString()); str2 = "CENTER NO_FACE face is too close border."; PaFaceLogger.error(str2); return false; } this.c.c(this.c.a(2014)); d dVar8 = this.c; StringBuilder sb9 = new StringBuilder("TooClose:"); sb9.append(; sb9.append(" errorFace:tooClose,scale="); sb9.append(f3); sb9.append(",frameWidth="); sb9.append(this.c.t.frameWidth); sb9.append(",frameHeight="); sb9.append(this.c.t.frameHeight); dVar8.a(sb9.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("TOO_CLOSE "); } sb.append(str); sb.append(" scale= "); sb.append(f3); sb.append(",frameWidth="); sb.append(this.c.t.frameWidth); sb.append(",frameHeight="); sb.append(this.c.t.frameHeight); str2 = sb.toString(); PaFaceLogger.error(str2); return false; } public final boolean a(float[] fArr, String str) { long currentTimeMillis; if (this.c.W == 0) { this.c.V = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.c.X = false; currentTimeMillis = 0; } else { currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.c.V; } if (this.c.W < x.w(this.c.c) && (this.c.W <= 1 || currentTimeMillis <= x.g(this.c.c))) { d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" Stable:motionStableFrameCount="); sb.append(this.c.W); sb.append(" ; stableContinueTime="); sb.append(currentTimeMillis); dVar.c(sb.toString()); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("STABLE_LEGAL Stable:motionStableFrameCount="); sb2.append(this.c.W); sb2.append(" ; stableContinueTime="); sb2.append(currentTimeMillis); PaFaceLogger.error(sb2.toString()); if (!this.c.b0.b(str)) { this.c.W = 0; return false; } d.r(this.c); b(); return false; } if (!this.c.X) { this.c.X = true; d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); sb3.append(; sb3.append(" isPreMotionStable end."); dVar2.c(sb3.toString()); PaFaceLogger.i("isPreMotionStable end."); this.c.b0.h(); } return true; } public final boolean a(String str) { if (x.y(this.c.c)) { return true; } boolean z = this.c.s || (this.c.f6509o != null && this.c.f6509o.c()); int i = this.c.t.trackingId; if (this.c.Q == -1 || this.c.Q == i || !z) { this.c.Q = i; this.c.R = 0; } else if (d.I(this.c) < 3) { this.c.Q = -1; this.c.R = 0; d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TrackingError:"); sb.append(; sb.append(" TRACKING_ERROR:TrackId change.trackId : "); sb.append(this.c.Q); sb.append("faceInfo.trackingId"); sb.append(this.c.t.trackingId); dVar.a(sb.toString()); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("TRACK_CHANGE featureAttack "); sb2.append(str); sb2.append(" TRACKING_ERROR:TrackId change.trackId : "); sb2.append(this.c.Q); sb2.append("faceInfo.trackingId"); sb2.append(this.c.t.trackingId); PaFaceLogger.error(sb2.toString()); this.c.b(3003); this.c.a(true); return false; } return true; } public final boolean a(float f, float f2) { if (this.c.b0.c()[4] > x.p(this.c.c) || this.c.b0.c()[5] > x.p(this.c.c)) { this.c.b0.m = true; d dVar = this.c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append(" eyes:activeEyeAction"); dVar.c(sb.toString()); } if (!this.c.b0.m) { this.c.b0.u = false; } else if (f > x.d(this.c.c) && f2 > x.d(this.c.c)) { this.c.b0.u = true; d dVar2 = this.c; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append(; sb2.append(" model blink eyesInfo:left eyeScore:"); sb2.append(f); sb2.append(" ; right eyeScore:"); sb2.append(f2); dVar2.c(sb2.toString()); PaFaceLogger.error(" model blink eyesInfo: EyeClose"); this.c.b0.e(); } if (this.c.b0.u && f < x.q(this.c.c) && f2 < x.q(this.c.c)) { this.c.b0.v = true; } if (this.c.b0.v && this.c.b0.u) { return true; } PaFaceLogger.error(PaFaceLogger.TAG, "model blink eye not pass."); return false; } public final void a(boolean z) { this.c.b0.b(); if (z) { this.c.t.yaw = this.c.b0.c()[0]; this.c.t.roll = this.c.b0.c()[1]; this.c.t.pitch = this.c.b0.c()[2]; } } public final void a(int i, float f) { if (this.c.q != null) { this.c.q.a(i, f, this.c.f6509o); } } public final void a(int i) { if (i != 5 && i == 2022) { this.c.e0.c(2022); } this.c.e0.b(i); } public /* synthetic */ c(d dVar, a aVar) { this(dVar); } public c(d dVar) { this.c = dVar; this.a = true; } } public static /* synthetic */ int I(d dVar) { int i = dVar.R + 1; dVar.R = i; return i; } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class e { public int a; public int b; public int c; public int d; public List e; public final d f; public native void a(PreviewFrame previewFrame); public void c(int i) { List list = this.e; if (list != null) { int size = list.size(); this.e.clear(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < size; i2++) { this.e.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x004a */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void b(int r3) { /* r2 = this; r0 = r2.f$d r0 = if (r0 == 0) goto L5a r0 = 1000(0x3e8, float:1.401E-42) if (r3 < r0) goto L51 if (r3 <= r0) goto L12 r0 = 2000(0x7d0, float:2.803E-42) if (r3 < r0) goto L51 L12: r0 = 3000(0xbb8, float:4.204E-42) if (r3 > r0) goto L51 r0 = 2001(0x7d1, float:2.804E-42) if (r3 != r0) goto L27 int r1 = r2.b if (r1 == r0) goto L27 r0 = r2.f$d r0 = int r1 = r2.b goto L35 L27: if (r3 != r0) goto L39 int r1 = r2.c if (r1 == r0) goto L39 r0 = r2.f$d r0 = int r1 = r2.c L35: r0.sendEmptyMessage(r1) goto L42 L39: r0 = r2.f$d r0 = r0.sendEmptyMessage(r3) L42: int r0 = r2.d r1 = 1 int r0 = r0 + r1 r2.d = r0 if (r0 <= r1) goto L4e int r0 = r2.b r2.c = r0 L4e: r2.b = r3 return L51: r0 = r2.f$d r0 = r0.sendEmptyMessage(r3) L5a: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } public void a() { List list = this.e; if (list != null) { list.clear(); c(2001); } this.b = 0; this.c = 0; } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:?, code lost: return r3.e.get(4).intValue(); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:16:0x0047, code lost: return -1; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x001e, code lost: if (r3.e.size() == 5) goto L7; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x0021, code lost: if (r1 >= 4) goto L15; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x0023, code lost: r4 = r3.e.get(r1); r1 = r1 + 1; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0037, code lost: if (r4.equals(r3.e.get(r1)) != false) goto L17; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public int a(int r4) { /* r3 = this; java.util.List r0 = r3.e int r0 = r0.size() r1 = 0 r2 = 5 if (r0 != r2) goto Lf java.util.List r0 = r3.e r0.remove(r1) Lf: java.util.List r0 = r3.e java.lang.Integer r4 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r4) r0.add(r4) java.util.List r4 = r3.e int r4 = r4.size() if (r4 != r2) goto L47 L20: r4 = 4 if (r1 >= r4) goto L3a java.util.List r4 = r3.e java.lang.Object r4 = r4.get(r1) java.lang.Integer r4 = (java.lang.Integer) r4 java.util.List r0 = r3.e int r1 = r1 + 1 java.lang.Object r0 = r0.get(r1) boolean r4 = r4.equals(r0) if (r4 != 0) goto L20 goto L47 L3a: java.util.List r0 = r3.e java.lang.Object r4 = r0.get(r4) java.lang.Integer r4 = (java.lang.Integer) r4 int r4 = r4.intValue() goto L48 L47: r4 = -1 L48: return r4 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } public /* synthetic */ e(d dVar, a aVar) { this(dVar); } public e(d dVar) { this.f = dVar; this.d = 0; this.e = new ArrayList(); } } public static /* synthetic */ int C(d dVar) { int i = dVar.a0; dVar.a0 = i + 1; return i; } }