package; import bolts.Continuation; import bolts.Task; import; import com.kofax.BuildConfig; import; import; import; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.ColorDepth; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.CropType; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.DeskewType; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.DocumentDimensions; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.ImageProcessorConfiguration; import com.kofax.kmc.ken.engines.processing.RotateType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.DeviceProfileResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.DeviceServiceResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.GetIndexFieldsResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.RetrieveScanSettingsResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.StartJobResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.UserLoginResponse; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.WebServiceCallResult; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.WscDestination; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.WscIndexField; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.WscScanSetting; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.DeviceService; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.GetIndexFields; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.ProfileService; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.RetrieveScanSettings; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.SendImage; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.StartJob; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.UserLogin; import com.kofax.kmc.klo.logistics.webservice.calls.UserLogout; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.CertificateValidatorListener; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.Licensing; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.ErrorInfo; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.IllegalArgumentException; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.KmcException; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.KmcRuntimeException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import o.gjJ; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class CaptureServer implements ICaptureServer { private CertificateValidatorListener JI; private URL agd; private DocumentType.SourceServer agf; private final String TAG = "CaptureServer"; private final String agc = "EVRSOperationsString"; private Map age = null; private boolean agg = false; private int agh = 20000; private UserProfile agi = null; private HashMap agj = null; public CaptureServer(String str, DocumentType.SourceServer sourceServer) { this.agf = DocumentType.SourceServer.SERVER_NONE; try { if (!Licensing.isSdkLicensed(Licensing.LicenseType.LOGISTICS)) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_UT_LICENSE_LOGISTICS); } if (str == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("server url is null"); } if (sourceServer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SourceServer is null"); } this.agd = new URL(str); this.agf = sourceServer; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_SERVER_URL; errorInfo.setErrCause(e.getMessage()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo, e); } } public int getServerTimeout() { return this.agh / 1000; } @Override // public void registerDevice(ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } ud().continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m313then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m313then(Task task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void login(UserProfile userProfile, ICompletionListener> iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } this.agi = userProfile.m277clone(); a(userProfile).continueWith(new Continuation, Void>(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m314then((Task>) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m314then(Task> task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void loginAnonymously(ICompletionListener> iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } this.agi = new UserProfile(); ue().continueWith(new Continuation, Void>(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m315then((Task>) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m315then(Task> task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void logout(ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } uf().continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m316then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m316then(Task task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void getDocumentType(String str, ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } aO(str).continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m317then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m317then(Task task) throws Exception { DocumentType documentType = (DocumentType) task.getResult(); if (documentType != null) { documentType.setSourceServer(this.agk.agf); } this.JC.onComplete(documentType, task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void startJobService(ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } ug().continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m318then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m318then(Task task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void sendImageService(Document document, String str, Image image, int i, boolean z, ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } a(document, image, str, i, z).continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final ICompletionListener JC; final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; this.JC = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m319then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m319then(Task task) throws Exception { this.JC.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public void submitDocument(Document document, IProgressListener iProgressListener, ICompletionListener iCompletionListener) { if (iCompletionListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CompletionListener cannot be null"); } if (iProgressListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ProgressListener cannot be null"); } a(this.agi, document, iProgressListener).continueWith(new Continuation(this, iCompletionListener) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; final ICompletionListener agv; { this.agk = this; this.agv = iCompletionListener; } public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Object then(Task task) throws Exception { return m320then((Task) task); } /* renamed from: then, reason: collision with other method in class */ public Void m320then(Task task) throws Exception { this.agv.onComplete(task.getResult(), task.getError()); return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } @Override // public ErrorInfo cancelSubmission(String str) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS; if (!this.agj.containsKey(str)) { return ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_NO_OPERATION_TO_CANCEL; } this.agj.put(str, Boolean.TRUE); return errorInfo; } private Task ud() { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable public Void call() throws Exception { ErrorInfo errorInfo; WebServiceCallResult updateDeviceInfo = DeviceService.updateDeviceInfo(this.agk.agd, this.agk.JI, this.agk.agh); DeviceServiceResponse deviceServiceResponse = updateDeviceInfo.getExtraData() instanceof DeviceServiceResponse ? (DeviceServiceResponse) updateDeviceInfo.getExtraData() : null; if (updateDeviceInfo.isSuccess()) { return null; } if (deviceServiceResponse != null && deviceServiceResponse.getResultCode() == DeviceService.ERROR_LICENSE_REQUIRES_AUTH) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_REGISTER_REQUIRES_AUTH); } if (updateDeviceInfo.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = updateDeviceInfo.getErrorInfo() != null ? updateDeviceInfo.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_DEVICE_REG_LICENSING_ERROR; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (deviceServiceResponse != null) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(" (resultCode="); sb2.append(deviceServiceResponse.getResultCode()); sb2.append(")"); sb.append(sb2.toString()); } StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); sb3.append(updateDeviceInfo.getErrorMsg()); sb3.append(sb.toString()); errorInfo.setErrCause(sb3.toString()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } }); } private Task> a(UserProfile userProfile) { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable>(this, userProfile) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; final UserProfile agl; { this.agk = this; this.agl = userProfile; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable /* renamed from: mR, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public List call() throws Exception { ErrorInfo errorInfo; UserProfile userProfile2 = this.agl; if (userProfile2 == null) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_GN_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION, new IllegalArgumentException("login: userProfile parameter is null")); } if (userProfile2.getUsername().isEmpty()) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_USERNAME_NOT_SET); } WebServiceCallResult loginUser = UserLogin.loginUser(this.agk.agd, this.agl.getDomain(), this.agl.getUsername(), this.agl.getPassword(), this.agk.agh, this.agk.JI); if (loginUser.isSuccess()) { this.agk.age = new HashMap(); for (WscDestination wscDestination : ((UserLoginResponse) loginUser.getExtraData()).getPersonalShortCuts()) { this.agk.age.put(wscDestination.getShortcutName(), wscDestination); } return this.agk.uh(); } this.agk.ui(); if (loginUser.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = loginUser.getErrorInfo() != null ? loginUser.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_USER_LOGIN_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(loginUser.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } }); } private Task> ue() { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable>(this) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable /* renamed from: mR, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public List call() throws Exception { ErrorInfo errorInfo; WebServiceCallResult profile = ProfileService.getProfile(this.agk.agd, this.agk.agh, this.agk.JI); if (profile.isSuccess()) { this.agk.age = new HashMap(); for (WscDestination wscDestination : ((DeviceProfileResponse) profile.getExtraData()).getProfileShortCuts()) { this.agk.age.put(wscDestination.getShortcutName(), wscDestination); } return this.agk.uh(); } this.agk.ui(); if (profile.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = profile.getErrorInfo() != null ? profile.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_USER_LOGIN_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(profile.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } }); } private Task uf() { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable public Void call() throws Exception { ErrorInfo errorInfo; if (this.agk.age != null) { if (this.agk.agi != null && this.agk.agi.getUsername().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("") && this.agk.agi.getPassword().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { this.agk.ui(); return null; } WebServiceCallResult logoutUser = UserLogout.logoutUser(this.agk.agd, this.agk.agi.getDomain(), this.agk.agi.getUsername(), this.agk.agi.getPassword(), this.agk.JI, this.agk.agh); if (logoutUser.isSuccess()) { this.agk.ui(); return null; } if (logoutUser.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = logoutUser.getErrorInfo() != null ? logoutUser.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_USER_LOGOUT_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(logoutUser.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_NOT_LOGGED_IN); } }); } private Task aO(String str) { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this, str) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; final String agm; { this.agk = this; this.agm = str; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable /* renamed from: uj, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public DocumentType call() throws Exception { if (this.agk.age != null) { if (this.agk.age.containsKey(this.agm)) { CaptureServer captureServer = this.agk; GetIndexFieldsResponse a = captureServer.a(captureServer.agd, this.agk.agi, (WscDestination) this.agk.age.get(this.agm), this.agk.JI); CaptureServer captureServer2 = this.agk; RetrieveScanSettingsResponse b = captureServer2.b(captureServer2.agd, this.agk.agi, (WscDestination) this.agk.age.get(this.agm), this.agk.JI); List indexFields = a.getIndexFields(); List scanSettings = b.getScanSettings(); DocumentType documentType = new DocumentType(this.agk.w(indexFields)); BasicSettingsProfile basicSettingsProfile = null; boolean z = false; ImagePerfectionProfile imagePerfectionProfile = null; ImageProcessorConfiguration imageProcessorConfiguration = null; for (WscScanSetting wscScanSetting : scanSettings) { if ("EVRSOperationsString".equals(wscScanSetting.getName()) && wscScanSetting.getValue() != null) { imagePerfectionProfile = new ImagePerfectionProfile(); imagePerfectionProfile.setIpOperations(wscScanSetting.getValue()); imageProcessorConfiguration = new ImageProcessorConfiguration(wscScanSetting.getValue()); z = true; } String name = wscScanSetting.getName(); String value = wscScanSetting.getValue(); if (name != null && value != null) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ShortEdgeLength")) { documentType.setDocWidth(this.agk.aQ(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("LongEdgeLength")) { documentType.setDocHeight(this.agk.aQ(value)); } } } if (!z) { imageProcessorConfiguration = new ImageProcessorConfiguration(); basicSettingsProfile = this.agk.a(scanSettings, imageProcessorConfiguration); } documentType.setTypeName(this.agm); documentType.setDisplayName(((WscDestination) this.agk.age.get(this.agm)).getDisplayValue()); documentType.setSourceServer(DocumentType.SourceServer.SERVER_NONE); new DocumentType.FriendDT(documentType, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID).setWscIndexFields(indexFields); if (basicSettingsProfile != null) { documentType.setBasicSettingsProfile(basicSettingsProfile); } else if (imagePerfectionProfile != null) { documentType.setImagePerfectionProfile(imagePerfectionProfile); } documentType.setImageProcessorConfiguration(imageProcessorConfiguration); return documentType; } throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME); } throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_NOT_LOGGED_IN); } }); } private Task ug() { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; { this.agk = this; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable /* renamed from: mB, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public String call() throws Exception { if (this.agk.age != null) { CaptureServer captureServer = this.agk; return captureServer.b(captureServer.agi); } throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_NOT_LOGGED_IN); } }); } private Task a(Document document, Image image, String str, int i, boolean z) { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this, document, image, str, i, z) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; final Document agn; final String ago; final int agp; final boolean agq; final Image yB; { this.agk = this; this.agn = document; this.yB = image; this.ago = str; this.agp = i; this.agq = z; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable public Void call() throws Exception { if (this.agk.age == null) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_NOT_LOGGED_IN); } if (this.agn == null) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_GN_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION, new IllegalArgumentException("sendImage: document parameter is null")); } if (this.yB == null) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_GN_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION, new IllegalArgumentException("sendImage: Image parameter is null")); } if (this.ago != null) { CaptureServer captureServer = this.agk; ErrorInfo a = captureServer.a(captureServer.agd, this.agk.agi, this.yB, this.agn, this.agp, this.ago, this.agq, this.agk.JI); if (a == ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS) { return null; } throw new KmcRuntimeException(a); } throw new KmcRuntimeException(ErrorInfo.KMC_GN_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION, new IllegalArgumentException("sendImage: JobID parameter is null")); } }); } private Task a(UserProfile userProfile, Document document, IProgressListener iProgressListener) { return Task.callInBackground(new Callable(this, document, userProfile, iProgressListener) { // from class: final CaptureServer agk; final UserProfile agl; final Document agn; final IProgressListener agr; { this.agk = this; this.agn = document; this.agl = userProfile; this.agr = iProgressListener; } @Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable /* renamed from: uk, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public Integer call() throws Exception { ErrorInfo a = this.agk.a(this.agn); if (a == ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS) { this.agk.b(this.agn); String b = this.agk.b(this.agl); if (this.agk.agj == null) { this.agk.agj = new HashMap(); } this.agk.agj.put(b, Boolean.FALSE); ErrorInfo a2 = this.agk.a(this.agl, this.agn.getPages(), this.agn, b, this.agr); if (a2 != ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(a2); } return Integer.valueOf(a2.ordinal()); } throw new KmcRuntimeException(a); } }); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x0148, code lost: r19 = r14; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.ErrorInfo a( r22, java.util.List r23, r24, java.lang.String r25, r26) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 349 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, java.util.List,, java.lang.String,"); } private WebServiceCallResult a(UserProfile userProfile, WscDestination wscDestination, String str) { return SendImage.cancelJob(this.agd, wscDestination, userProfile.getUsername(), userProfile.getPassword(), str, this.JI); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public ErrorInfo a(Document document) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS; List pages = document.getPages(); if (pages.isEmpty()) { return ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_SUBMIT_DOCUMENT_NO_IMAGE_ERROR; } Iterator it = pages.iterator(); boolean z = false; while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } Page next =; List images = next.getImages(); if (!images.isEmpty()) { Image image = images.get(next.getCurrentImageIndex()); boolean z2 = image.getImageFileRep() == Image.ImageFileRep.FILE_BUFFERED || image.getImageFileRep() == Image.ImageFileRep.FILE_STORED; boolean z3 = image.getImageMimeType() == Image.ImageMimeType.MIMETYPE_JPEG || image.getImageMimeType() == Image.ImageMimeType.MIMETYPE_TIFF; if (!z2) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_SUBMIT_DOCUMENT_IMAGE_REP_ERROR; break; } if (!z3) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_SUBMIT_DOCUMENT_MIMETYPE_ERROR; break; } if (image.getImageFileRep() == Image.ImageFileRep.FILE_STORED && !new File(image.getImageFilePath()).exists()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_SUBMIT_DOCUMENT_IMAGE_FILE_MISSING; break; } z = true; } } return (errorInfo != ErrorInfo.KMC_SUCCESS || z) ? errorInfo : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_SUBMIT_DOCUMENT_NO_IMAGE_ERROR; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public String b(UserProfile userProfile) { ErrorInfo errorInfo; WebServiceCallResult startJob = StartJob.startJob(this.agd, userProfile.getUsername(), userProfile.getPassword(), this.JI, this.agh); if (startJob.isSuccess()) { StartJobResponse startJobResponse = (StartJobResponse) startJob.getExtraData(); if (gjJ.b((CharSequence) startJobResponse.getJobId())) { ErrorInfo errorInfo2 = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_START_SUBMIT_INVALID_JOB_ID; errorInfo2.setErrCause("Null jobId returned from server"); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo2); } return startJobResponse.getJobId(); } if (startJob.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = startJob.getErrorInfo() != null ? startJob.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_START_SUBMIT_JOB_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(startJob.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:35:0x010a A[Catch: Exception -> 0x010e, TRY_ENTER, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #2 {Exception -> 0x010e, blocks: (B:27:0x00dc, B:35:0x010a), top: B:11:0x005e }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:42:0x0121 A[EXC_TOP_SPLITTER, SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:49:? A[SYNTHETIC] */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.ErrorInfo a( r17, r18, r19, r20, int r21, java.lang.String r22, boolean r23, com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.CertificateValidatorListener r24) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 317 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:,,,, int, java.lang.String, boolean, com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.CertificateValidatorListener):com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.ErrorInfo"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public GetIndexFieldsResponse a(URL url, UserProfile userProfile, WscDestination wscDestination, CertificateValidatorListener certificateValidatorListener) { ErrorInfo errorInfo; WebServiceCallResult indexFields = GetIndexFields.getIndexFields(url, wscDestination, userProfile.getUsername(), userProfile.getPassword(), certificateValidatorListener, this.agh); if (indexFields.isSuccess()) { return (GetIndexFieldsResponse) indexFields.getExtraData(); } if (indexFields.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = indexFields.getErrorInfo() != null ? indexFields.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_DOWNLOAD_DOCUMENT_FIELDS_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(indexFields.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public RetrieveScanSettingsResponse b(URL url, UserProfile userProfile, WscDestination wscDestination, CertificateValidatorListener certificateValidatorListener) { ErrorInfo errorInfo; WebServiceCallResult scanSettings = RetrieveScanSettings.getScanSettings(url, wscDestination, userProfile.getUsername(), userProfile.getPassword(), certificateValidatorListener, this.agh); if (scanSettings.isSuccess()) { return (RetrieveScanSettingsResponse) scanSettings.getExtraData(); } if (scanSettings.isCertificateError()) { errorInfo = ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else { errorInfo = scanSettings.getErrorInfo() != null ? scanSettings.getErrorInfo() : ErrorInfo.KMC_LO_DOWNLOAD_DOCUMENT_SCAN_SETTINGS_ERROR; } errorInfo.setErrCause(scanSettings.getErrorMsg()); throw new KmcRuntimeException(errorInfo); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public ArrayList w(List list) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { WscIndexField wscIndexField = list.get(i); FieldType fieldType = new FieldType(); fieldType.setHidden(Boolean.valueOf(wscIndexField.isHidden())); fieldType.setDisplayName(wscIndexField.getDisplayName()); fieldType.setName(wscIndexField.getName()); fieldType.setRequired(Boolean.valueOf(wscIndexField.isRequired())); fieldType.setDefault(wscIndexField.getValue()); fieldType.setForceMatch(Boolean.valueOf(wscIndexField.isForceMatch())); fieldType.setMin(wscIndexField.getMin()); fieldType.setMax(wscIndexField.getMax()); String str = this.TAG; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(wscIndexField.getDisplayName()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(wscIndexField.getDataType()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(wscIndexField.getMin()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(wscIndexField.getMax()); k.c(str, sb.toString()); fieldType.setOptions((String[]) wscIndexField.getOptions().toArray(new String[wscIndexField.getOptions().size()])); if (wscIndexField.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase("string")) { fieldType.setDataType(FieldType.DataType.STRING); } else if (wscIndexField.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { fieldType.setDataType(FieldType.DataType.DATE); } else if (wscIndexField.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase("float")) { fieldType.setDataType(FieldType.DataType.FLOAT); } else if (wscIndexField.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase("int")) { fieldType.setDataType(FieldType.DataType.INT); } else if (wscIndexField.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { fieldType.setDataType(FieldType.DataType.BOOL); } arrayList.add(fieldType); } return arrayList; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public BasicSettingsProfile a(Collection collection, ImageProcessorConfiguration imageProcessorConfiguration) { BasicSettingsProfile basicSettingsProfile = new BasicSettingsProfile(); Float valueOf = Float.valueOf(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); Float f = valueOf; for (WscScanSetting wscScanSetting : collection) { String str = this.TAG; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("wscScanSetting.getName() = "); sb.append(wscScanSetting.getName()); k.c(str, sb.toString()); String name = wscScanSetting.getName(); String str2 = this.TAG; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("wscScanSetting.getValue() = "); sb2.append(wscScanSetting.getValue()); k.c(str2, sb2.toString()); String value = wscScanSetting.getValue(); if (value != null) { if (name.equals("OutputColorMode")) { if (Integer.parseInt(wscScanSetting.getValue()) == 3) { basicSettingsProfile.setOutputBitDepth(BasicSettingsProfile.OutputBitDepth.BITONAL); imageProcessorConfiguration.outputColorDepth = ColorDepth.BITONAL; } if (Integer.parseInt(wscScanSetting.getValue()) == 1) { basicSettingsProfile.setOutputBitDepth(BasicSettingsProfile.OutputBitDepth.COLOR); imageProcessorConfiguration.outputColorDepth = ColorDepth.COLOR; } if (Integer.parseInt(wscScanSetting.getValue()) == 2) { basicSettingsProfile.setOutputBitDepth(BasicSettingsProfile.OutputBitDepth.GRAYSCALE); imageProcessorConfiguration.outputColorDepth = ColorDepth.GRAYSCALE; } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("DDPIV")) { basicSettingsProfile.setOutputDPI(Integer.valueOf(value)); imageProcessorConfiguration.outputDPI = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AutoDeskew")) { if (aP(wscScanSetting.getValue())) { basicSettingsProfile.setDoDeskew(true); imageProcessorConfiguration.deskewType = DeskewType.DESKEW_BY_DOCUMENT_EDGES; } else { basicSettingsProfile.setDoDeskew(false); } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AutoCrop")) { if (aP(wscScanSetting.getValue())) { basicSettingsProfile.setCropType(BasicSettingsProfile.CropType.CROP_AUTO); imageProcessorConfiguration.cropType = CropType.CROP_AUTO; } else { basicSettingsProfile.setCropType(BasicSettingsProfile.CropType.CROP_NONE); imageProcessorConfiguration.cropType = CropType.CROP_NONE; } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AutoOrientation")) { if (aP(wscScanSetting.getValue())) { basicSettingsProfile.setDoDeskew(true); basicSettingsProfile.setRotateType(BasicSettingsProfile.RotateType.ROTATE_AUTO); imageProcessorConfiguration.deskewType = DeskewType.DESKEW_BY_DOCUMENT_EDGES; imageProcessorConfiguration.rotateType = RotateType.ROTATE_AUTO; } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ShortEdgeLength")) { basicSettingsProfile.setInputDocShortEdge(Float.valueOf(aQ(value))); valueOf = Float.valueOf(aQ(value)); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("LongEdgeLength")) { basicSettingsProfile.setInputDocLongEdge(Float.valueOf(aQ(value))); f = Float.valueOf(aQ(value)); } } } if (valueOf.floatValue() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED || f.floatValue() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) { imageProcessorConfiguration.documentDimensions = new DocumentDimensions(valueOf, f); } String str3 = this.TAG; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("bsp :: CROP = "); sb3.append(basicSettingsProfile.getCropType()); sb3.append(" SKEW = "); sb3.append(basicSettingsProfile.getDoDeskew()); sb3.append(" BITDEPTH = "); sb3.append(basicSettingsProfile.getOutputBitDepth()); sb3.append(" ROTATE = "); sb3.append(basicSettingsProfile.getRotateType()); k.c(str3, sb3.toString()); return basicSettingsProfile; } private boolean aP(String str) { return gjJ.c((CharSequence) str) ? Integer.parseInt(str) == 1 : str.equalsIgnoreCase("True"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public float aQ(String str) { float f = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; if (str != null && !str.trim().equals("")) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(new Locale("en")); arrayList.add(new Locale("pt", "BR")); arrayList.add(new Locale("de")); arrayList.add(new Locale("es")); arrayList.add(new Locale("fr")); arrayList.add(new Locale("it")); arrayList.add(new Locale("ja")); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) { try { f = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance((Locale) arrayList.get(i)).parse(str).floatValue(); break; } catch (ParseException unused) { } } } return f; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public List uh() { ArrayList arrayList; synchronized (this) { arrayList = new ArrayList(this.age.keySet()); } return arrayList; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public WscDestination b(Document document) { try { List wscIndexFields = new DocumentType.FriendDT(document.getDocumentType(), BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID).getWscIndexFields(); List fields = document.getFields(); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (Field field : fields) { hashMap.put(field.getFieldType().getName(), field); } for (WscIndexField wscIndexField : wscIndexFields) { wscIndexField.setValue(((Field) hashMap.get(wscIndexField.getName())).getValue()); } WscDestination wscDestination = this.age.get(document.getDocumentType().getTypeName()); wscDestination.setIndexFields(wscIndexFields); return wscDestination; } catch (KmcException e) { throw new KmcRuntimeException(e.getErrorInfo(), e); } } public void setServerTimeout(int i) { this.agh = i <= 0 ? 20000 : i * 1000; } public void setCertificateValidatorListener(CertificateValidatorListener certificateValidatorListener) { this.JI = certificateValidatorListener; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public void ui() { this.age = null; this.agi = null; this.agj = null; } }