package; import; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.CertificateValidatorListener; import com.kofax.kmc.kut.utilities.error.IllegalArgumentException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import o.gjJ; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class ServerExtractionParameters { private final String afS; private final TimeOutParameters afT; private final List afW; private final List afX; private final CertificateValidatorListener afY; private final HashMap afZ; public ServerExtractionParameters(String str, List list, List list2, CertificateValidatorListener certificateValidatorListener, HashMap hashMap, TimeOutParameters timeOutParameters) { if (gjJ.b((CharSequence) str)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("serverUrl cannot be null or empty"); } if ((list == null || list.size() == 0) && (list2 == null || list2.size() == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("images and imageBytes cannot be null or empty"); } this.afS = str; this.afW = list; this.afX = list2; this.afY = certificateValidatorListener; this.afZ = hashMap; this.afT = timeOutParameters == null ? new TimeOutParameters(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) : timeOutParameters; } public TimeOutParameters getTimeOutParameters() { return this.afT; } public String getServerUrl() { return this.afS; } public HashMap getParameters() { return this.afZ; } public List getImages() { return this.afW; } public List getImageBytes() { return this.afX; } public CertificateValidatorListener getCertificateValidationListener() { return this.afY; } }