package com.journeyapps.barcodescanner; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.List; import o.C17083tlK; import o.C17725zIe; import o.InterfaceC14590fwA; import o.InterfaceC15330gnf; import o.Xad; import o.qCz; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class DecoratedBarcodeView extends FrameLayout { private TextView a; private ViewfinderView b; public BarcodeView d; private Sts e; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface Sts { } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ class RVV implements InterfaceC15330gnf { private DecoratedBarcodeView a; private InterfaceC15330gnf b; public RVV(DecoratedBarcodeView decoratedBarcodeView, InterfaceC15330gnf interfaceC15330gnf) { this.a = decoratedBarcodeView; this.b = interfaceC15330gnf; } @Override // o.InterfaceC15330gnf public final void c(C17725zIe c17725zIe) { this.b.c(c17725zIe); } @Override // o.InterfaceC15330gnf public final void e(List list) { for (qCz qcz : list) { ViewfinderView viewfinderView = this.a.b; if (viewfinderView.a.size() < 20) { viewfinderView.a.add(qcz); } } this.b.e(list); } } public DecoratedBarcodeView(Context context) { super(context); Oq_(null); } public DecoratedBarcodeView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { super(context, attributeSet); Oq_(attributeSet); } public DecoratedBarcodeView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i) { super(context, attributeSet, i); Oq_(attributeSet); } private void Oq_(AttributeSet attributeSet) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, C17083tlK.ojQ.zxing_view); int resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(C17083tlK.ojQ.zxing_view_zxing_scanner_layout, C17083tlK.HBt.zxing_barcode_scanner); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); inflate(getContext(), resourceId, this); BarcodeView barcodeView = (BarcodeView) findViewById(C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_barcode_surface); this.d = barcodeView; if (barcodeView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no a com.journeyapps.barcodescanner.BarcodeView on provided layout with the id \"zxing_barcode_surface\"."); } barcodeView.Op_(attributeSet); ViewfinderView viewfinderView = (ViewfinderView) findViewById(C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_viewfinder_view); this.b = viewfinderView; if (viewfinderView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no a com.journeyapps.barcodescanner.ViewfinderView on provided layout with the id \"zxing_viewfinder_view\"."); } viewfinderView.setCameraPreview(this.d); this.a = (TextView) findViewById(C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_status_view); } public void setCameraSettings(Xad xad) { this.d.setCameraSettings(xad); } public void setDecoderFactory(InterfaceC14590fwA interfaceC14590fwA) { this.d.setDecoderFactory(interfaceC14590fwA); } public void setStatusText(String str) { TextView textView = this.a; if (textView != null) { textView.setText(str); } } public void setTorchOn() { this.d.setTorch(true); } public void setTorchOff() { this.d.setTorch(false); } @Override // android.view.View, android.view.KeyEvent.Callback public boolean onKeyDown(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (i == 24) { setTorchOn(); return true; } if (i == 25) { setTorchOff(); return true; } if (i == 27 || i == 80) { return true; } return super.onKeyDown(i, keyEvent); } public void setTorchListener(Sts sts) { this.e = sts; } }