package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import com.huawei.hms.common.ApiException; import com.huawei.hms.hwid.ap; import; import com.huawei.hms.hwid.x; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import o.HiE; import o.nNj; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class HuaweiIdAuthManager { public static HuaweiIdAuthService getService(Context context, HuaweiIdAuthParams huaweiIdAuthParams) { return new HuaweiIdAuthServiceImpl(context, huaweiIdAuthParams, 60900100); } public static HuaweiIdAuthService getService(Activity activity, HuaweiIdAuthParams huaweiIdAuthParams) { return new HuaweiIdAuthServiceImpl(activity, huaweiIdAuthParams, 60900100); } public static HiE parseAuthResultFromIntent(Intent intent) { nNj nnj = new nNj(); HuaweiIdAuthResult a = x.a(intent); if (a == null) { nnj.c(new ApiException(new Status(8))); } else if (!a.isSuccess() || a.getHuaweiId() == null) { nnj.c(new ApiException(a.getStatus())); } else { nnj.b(a.getHuaweiId()); } return nnj.b; } public static AuthHuaweiId getAuthResult() { return x.b(); } public static AuthHuaweiId getAuthResultWithScopes(List list) throws HuaweiIdAuthException { if (ap.a(list).booleanValue()) { throw new HuaweiIdAuthException("ScopeList should not be empty"); } AuthHuaweiId b = x.b(); if (b == null) { b = new AuthHuaweiId(); } b.requestExtraScopes(list); return b; } public static AuthHuaweiId getExtendedAuthResult(HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams) { if (huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams == null) { throw new NullPointerException("HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams should not be null"); } List extendedScopes = huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams.getExtendedScopes(); AuthHuaweiId b = x.b(); if (b == null) { b = new AuthHuaweiId(); } return b.requestExtraScopes(extendedScopes); } public static boolean containScopes(AuthHuaweiId authHuaweiId, HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams) { if (huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams == null) { return false; } return containScopes(authHuaweiId, huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams.getExtendedScopes()); } public static boolean containScopes(AuthHuaweiId authHuaweiId, List list) { if (authHuaweiId == null) { return false; } if (ap.a(list).booleanValue()) { return true; } return authHuaweiId.getAuthorizedScopes().containsAll(list); } public static void addAuthScopes(Activity activity, int i, HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams) { if (huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams == null) { throw new NullPointerException("HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams should not be null"); } addAuthScopes(activity, i, huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams.getExtendedScopes()); } public static void addAuthScopes(Fragment fragment, int i, HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams) { if (huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams == null) { throw new NullPointerException("HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams should not be null"); } addAuthScopes(fragment, i, huaweiIdAuthExtendedParams.getExtendedScopes()); } public static void addAuthScopes(Activity activity, int i, List list) { if (activity == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Activity should not be null"); } if (list == null) { throw new NullPointerException("ScopeList should not be null"); } try { activity.startActivityForResult(a(activity, list), i); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Exception:"); sb.append(e.getClass().getSimpleName()); as.d("HuaweiIdAuthManager", sb.toString(), true); } } public static void addAuthScopes(Fragment fragment, int i, List list) { if (fragment == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Fragment should not be null"); } if (list == null) { throw new NullPointerException("ScopeList should not be null"); } try { fragment.startActivityForResult(a(fragment.getActivity(), list), i); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Exception:"); sb.append(e.getClass().getSimpleName()); as.d("HuaweiIdAuthManager", sb.toString(), true); } } private static Intent a(Activity activity, List list) { return getService(activity, x.a(list)).getSignInIntent(); } }