package com.huawei.hms.hatool; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class h1 implements o1 { private List a; private k0 b; private t0 c; private o1 d; private String e = ""; private String f; public void a(List list) { this.a = list; } public void a(String str) { if (str != null) { this.e = str; } } public void a(t0 t0Var) { this.c = t0Var; } public void a(l lVar) { this.d = lVar; } public void a(k0 k0Var) { this.b = k0Var; } @Override // com.huawei.hms.hatool.o1 public JSONObject a() { String str; List list = this.a; if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { str = "Not have actionEvent to send"; } else if (this.b == null || this.c == null || this.d == null) { str = "model in wrong format"; } else { JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(); jSONObject.put("header", this.b.a()); JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject a = this.d.a(); a.put("properties", this.c.a()); try { a.put("events_global_properties", new JSONObject(this.e)); } catch (JSONException unused) { a.put("events_global_properties", this.e); } jSONObject2.put("events_common", a); JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(); Iterator it = this.a.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JSONObject a2 =; if (a2 != null) { jSONArray.put(a2); } else { v.e("hmsSdk", "custom event is empty,delete this event"); } } jSONObject2.put("events", jSONArray); try { String a3 = n.a(k1.a(jSONObject2.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")), this.f); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(a3)) { v.e("hmsSdk", "eventInfo encrypt failed,report over!"); return null; } jSONObject.put("event", a3); return jSONObject; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused2) { str = "getBitZip(): Unsupported coding : utf-8"; } } v.e("hmsSdk", str); return null; } public h1(String str) { this.f = str; } }