package; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import o.AbstractC5573bvc; import o.C16752qto; import o.InterfaceC16095lEl; import o.InterfaceC16581pUl; import o.MTP; import o.MZj; import o.Nvr; import o.QwV; import o.Wnq; import o.XYy; import o.oQI; import o.vqr; import o.zRL; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public abstract class CodedOutputStream extends MZj { private static final Logger a = Logger.getLogger(CodedOutputStream.class.getName()); private static final boolean b = vqr.b(); public oQI d; public boolean e; public static int b() { return 4; } public static int c() { return 1; } public static int d() { return 8; } public static int d(long j) { int i; if (((-128) & j) == 0) { return 1; } if (j < 0) { return 10; } if (((-34359738368L) & j) != 0) { j >>>= 28; i = 6; } else { i = 2; } if (((-2097152) & j) != 0) { i += 2; j >>>= 14; } return (j & (-16384)) != 0 ? i + 1 : i; } public static int e() { return 8; } public static int f(int i) { if (i > 4096) { return 4096; } return i; } public static int g() { return 8; } public static int h() { return 4; } public static int j() { return 4; } public static int k(int i) { if ((i & (-128)) == 0) { return 1; } if ((i & (-16384)) == 0) { return 2; } if (((-2097152) & i) == 0) { return 3; } return (i & (-268435456)) == 0 ? 4 : 5; } public abstract void a(byte b2) throws IOException; public abstract void a(int i, String str) throws IOException; public abstract void a(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException; public abstract void a(long j) throws IOException; public abstract void a(String str) throws IOException; public abstract void b(int i, long j) throws IOException; public abstract void b(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException; public abstract void b(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException; public abstract void c(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void c(int i, boolean z) throws IOException; public abstract void c(QwV qwV) throws IOException; public abstract void d(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException; public abstract void d(byte[] bArr, int i) throws IOException; public abstract void e(int i, long j) throws IOException; public abstract void e(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) throws IOException; public abstract void e(long j) throws IOException; public abstract void f() throws IOException; public abstract void f(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void g(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void h(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract int i(); public abstract void p(int i) throws IOException; public abstract void r(int i) throws IOException; public abstract void t(int i) throws IOException; /* synthetic */ CodedOutputStream(byte b2) { this(); } public static CodedOutputStream c(OutputStream outputStream, int i) { return new HBt(outputStream, i); } public static CodedOutputStream a(byte[] bArr) { return new RVV(bArr, 0, bArr.length); } public static CodedOutputStream c(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { return new RVV(bArr, i, i2); } private CodedOutputStream() { } public static int o(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)); } public static int g(int i) { if (i >= 0) { return k(i); } return 10; } public static int m(int i) { return k((i << 1) ^ (i >> 31)); } public static int b(long j) { return d(j); } public static int c(long j) { return d((j << 1) ^ (j >> 63)); } public static int d(String str) { int length; try { length = C16752qto.b(str); } catch (C16752qto.HBt unused) { length = str.getBytes(MTP.b).length; } return k(length) + length; } public static int d(XYy xYy) { int c = xYy.c(); return k(c) + c; } public static int b(QwV qwV) { int g = qwV.g(); return k(g) + g; } public static int b(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; return k(length) + length; } public static int d(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) { int serializedSize = interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize(); return k(serializedSize) + serializedSize; } public static int a(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) { int serializedSize = ((AbstractC5573bvc) interfaceC16581pUl).getSerializedSize(wnq); return k(serializedSize) + serializedSize; } public static int h(int i) { return k(i) + i; } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class OutOfSpaceException extends IOException { OutOfSpaceException() { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space."); } OutOfSpaceException(Throwable th) { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.", th); } public OutOfSpaceException(String str, Throwable th) { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.: ".concat(String.valueOf(str)), th); } } final void e(String str, C16752qto.HBt hBt) throws IOException { a.log(Level.WARNING, "Converting ill-formed UTF-16. Your Protocol Buffer will not round trip correctly!", (Throwable) hBt); byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(MTP.b); try { r(bytes.length); b(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } catch (OutOfSpaceException e) { throw e; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e2) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(e2); } } @Deprecated public static int a(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) { return interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize(); } @Deprecated public static int j(int i) { return k(i); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class RVV extends CodedOutputStream { private final byte[] a; private final int b; private final int c; private int i; @Override // public final void f() { } RVV(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { super((byte) 0); if (bArr == null) { throw new NullPointerException("buffer"); } int i3 = i + i2; if (((bArr.length - i3) | i | i2) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Array range is invalid. Buffer.length=%d, offset=%d, length=%d", Integer.valueOf(bArr.length), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2))); } this.a = bArr; this.c = i; this.i = i; this.b = i3; } @Override // public final void g(int i, int i2) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, i2)); } @Override // public final void c(QwV qwV) throws IOException { r(qwV.g()); qwV.b(this); } @Override // public final void d(byte[] bArr, int i) throws IOException { r(i); e(bArr, 0, i); } @Override // public final void b(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException { r(interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize()); interfaceC16581pUl.writeTo(this); } @Override // public final void a(byte b) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i = this.i; this.i = i + 1; bArr[i] = b; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), 1), e); } } @Override // public final void t(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { r(i); } else { a(i); } } @Override // public final void r(int i) throws IOException { if (CodedOutputStream.b && !zRL.d()) { int i2 = this.b; int i3 = this.i; if (i2 - i3 >= 5) { if ((i & (-128)) == 0) { byte[] bArr = this.a; this.i = i3 + 1; vqr.b(bArr, i3, (byte) i); return; } byte[] bArr2 = this.a; this.i = i3 + 1; vqr.b(bArr2, i3, (byte) (i | 128)); int i4 = i >>> 7; if ((i4 & (-128)) == 0) { byte[] bArr3 = this.a; int i5 = this.i; this.i = i5 + 1; vqr.b(bArr3, i5, (byte) i4); return; } byte[] bArr4 = this.a; int i6 = this.i; this.i = i6 + 1; vqr.b(bArr4, i6, (byte) (i4 | 128)); int i7 = i >>> 14; if ((i7 & (-128)) == 0) { byte[] bArr5 = this.a; int i8 = this.i; this.i = i8 + 1; vqr.b(bArr5, i8, (byte) i7); return; } byte[] bArr6 = this.a; int i9 = this.i; this.i = i9 + 1; vqr.b(bArr6, i9, (byte) (i7 | 128)); int i10 = i >>> 21; if ((i10 & (-128)) == 0) { byte[] bArr7 = this.a; int i11 = this.i; this.i = i11 + 1; vqr.b(bArr7, i11, (byte) i10); return; } byte[] bArr8 = this.a; int i12 = this.i; this.i = i12 + 1; vqr.b(bArr8, i12, (byte) (i10 | 128)); byte[] bArr9 = this.a; int i13 = this.i; this.i = i13 + 1; vqr.b(bArr9, i13, (byte) (i >>> 28)); return; } } while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { try { byte[] bArr10 = this.a; int i14 = this.i; this.i = i14 + 1; bArr10[i14] = (byte) ((i & 127) | 128); i >>>= 7; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), 1), e); } } byte[] bArr11 = this.a; int i15 = this.i; this.i = i15 + 1; bArr11[i15] = (byte) i; } @Override // public final void p(int i) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i2 = this.i; bArr[i2] = (byte) i; bArr[i2 + 1] = (byte) (i >> 8); bArr[i2 + 2] = (byte) (i >> 16); this.i = i2 + 4; bArr[i2 + 3] = (byte) (i >>> 24); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), 1), e); } } @Override // public final void a(long j) throws IOException { if (CodedOutputStream.b && this.b - this.i >= 10) { while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i = this.i; this.i = i + 1; vqr.b(bArr, i, (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr2 = this.a; int i2 = this.i; this.i = i2 + 1; vqr.b(bArr2, i2, (byte) j); return; } while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { try { byte[] bArr3 = this.a; int i3 = this.i; this.i = i3 + 1; bArr3[i3] = (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128); j >>>= 7; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), 1), e); } } byte[] bArr4 = this.a; int i4 = this.i; this.i = i4 + 1; bArr4[i4] = (byte) j; } @Override // public final void e(long j) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.a; int i = this.i; bArr[i] = (byte) j; bArr[i + 1] = (byte) (j >> 8); bArr[i + 2] = (byte) (j >> 16); bArr[i + 3] = (byte) (j >> 24); bArr[i + 4] = (byte) (j >> 32); bArr[i + 5] = (byte) (j >> 40); bArr[i + 6] = (byte) (j >> 48); this.i = i + 8; bArr[i + 7] = (byte) (j >> 56); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), 1), e); } } private void e(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { try { System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.a, this.i, i2); this.i += i2; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.i), Integer.valueOf(this.b), Integer.valueOf(i2)), e); } } @Override // o.MZj public final void b(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { e(bArr, i, i2); } @Override // public final void a(String str) throws IOException { int i = this.i; try { int k = k(str.length() * 3); int k2 = k(str.length()); if (k2 == k) { int i2 = i + k2; this.i = i2; int b = C16752qto.b(str, this.a, i2, this.b - i2); this.i = i; r((b - i) - k2); this.i = b; return; } r(C16752qto.b(str)); byte[] bArr = this.a; int i3 = this.i; this.i = C16752qto.b(str, bArr, i3, this.b - i3); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(e); } catch (C16752qto.HBt e2) { this.i = i; e(str, e2); } } @Override // public final void c(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 0)); a(z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } @Override // public final void d(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); r(qwV.g()); qwV.b(this); } @Override // public final void c(int i, int i2) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 5)); p(i2); } @Override // public final void b(int i, long j) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 1)); e(j); } @Override // public final void h(int i, int i2) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 0)); if (i2 >= 0) { r(i2); } else { a(i2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public final void e(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); r(((AbstractC5573bvc) interfaceC16581pUl).getSerializedSize(wnq)); wnq.a((Wnq) interfaceC16581pUl, (InterfaceC16095lEl) this.d); } @Override // public final void a(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(1, 3)); g(2, 0); r(i); r(Nvr.c(3, 2)); r(interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize()); interfaceC16581pUl.writeTo(this); r(Nvr.c(1, 4)); } @Override // public final void b(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(1, 3)); g(2, 0); r(i); d(3, qwV); r(Nvr.c(1, 4)); } @Override // public final void a(int i, String str) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); a(str); } @Override // public final void f(int i, int i2) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 0)); r(i2); } @Override // public final void e(int i, long j) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 0)); a(j); } @Override // public final int i() { return this.b - this.i; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static abstract class IeS extends CodedOutputStream { int a; final int b; final byte[] c; int f; IeS(int i) { super((byte) 0); if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be >= 0"); } int max = Math.max(i, 20); this.c = new byte[max]; this.b = max; } @Override // public final int i() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("spaceLeft() can only be called on CodedOutputStreams that are writing to a flat array or ByteBuffer."); } final void q(int i) { if (CodedOutputStream.b) { long j = this.a; while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr = this.c; int i2 = this.a; this.a = i2 + 1; vqr.b(bArr, i2, (byte) ((i & 127) | 128)); i >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr2 = this.c; int i3 = this.a; this.a = i3 + 1; vqr.b(bArr2, i3, (byte) i); this.f += (int) (this.a - j); return; } while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr3 = this.c; int i4 = this.a; this.a = i4 + 1; bArr3[i4] = (byte) ((i & 127) | 128); this.f++; i >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr4 = this.c; int i5 = this.a; this.a = i5 + 1; bArr4[i5] = (byte) i; this.f++; } final void j(long j) { if (CodedOutputStream.b) { long j2 = this.a; while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr = this.c; int i = this.a; this.a = i + 1; vqr.b(bArr, i, (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr2 = this.c; int i2 = this.a; this.a = i2 + 1; vqr.b(bArr2, i2, (byte) j); this.f += (int) (this.a - j2); return; } while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr3 = this.c; int i3 = this.a; this.a = i3 + 1; bArr3[i3] = (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128); this.f++; j >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr4 = this.c; int i4 = this.a; this.a = i4 + 1; bArr4[i4] = (byte) j; this.f++; } final void s(int i) { byte[] bArr = this.c; int i2 = this.a; bArr[i2] = (byte) i; bArr[i2 + 1] = (byte) (i >> 8); bArr[i2 + 2] = (byte) (i >> 16); this.a = i2 + 4; bArr[i2 + 3] = (byte) (i >>> 24); this.f += 4; } final void h(long j) { byte[] bArr = this.c; int i = this.a; bArr[i] = (byte) (j & 255); bArr[i + 1] = (byte) ((j >> 8) & 255); bArr[i + 2] = (byte) ((j >> 16) & 255); bArr[i + 3] = (byte) (255 & (j >> 24)); bArr[i + 4] = (byte) (j >> 32); bArr[i + 5] = (byte) (j >> 40); bArr[i + 6] = (byte) (j >> 48); this.a = i + 8; bArr[i + 7] = (byte) (j >> 56); this.f += 8; } } public static int a(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 1; } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static final class HBt extends IeS { private final OutputStream h; HBt(OutputStream outputStream, int i) { super(i); if (outputStream == null) { throw new NullPointerException("out"); } this.h = outputStream; } @Override // public final void g(int i, int i2) throws IOException { int c = Nvr.c(i, i2); w(5); q(c); } @Override // public final void h(int i, int i2) throws IOException { w(20); q(Nvr.c(i, 0)); if (i2 >= 0) { q(i2); } else { j(i2); } } @Override // public final void f(int i, int i2) throws IOException { w(20); q(Nvr.c(i, 0)); q(i2); } @Override // public final void c(int i, int i2) throws IOException { w(14); q(Nvr.c(i, 5)); s(i2); } @Override // public final void e(int i, long j) throws IOException { w(20); q(Nvr.c(i, 0)); j(j); } @Override // public final void b(int i, long j) throws IOException { w(18); q(Nvr.c(i, 1)); h(j); } @Override // public final void c(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { w(11); q(Nvr.c(i, 0)); byte b = z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0; byte[] bArr = this.c; int i2 = this.a; this.a = i2 + 1; bArr[i2] = b; this.f++; } @Override // public final void c(QwV qwV) throws IOException { int g = qwV.g(); w(5); q(g); qwV.b(this); } @Override // public final void b(InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException { int serializedSize = interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize(); w(5); q(serializedSize); interfaceC16581pUl.writeTo(this); } @Override // public final void a(byte b) throws IOException { if (this.a == this.b) { this.h.write(this.c, 0, this.a); this.a = 0; } byte[] bArr = this.c; int i = this.a; this.a = i + 1; bArr[i] = b; this.f++; } @Override // public final void r(int i) throws IOException { w(5); q(i); } @Override // public final void p(int i) throws IOException { w(4); s(i); } @Override // public final void a(long j) throws IOException { w(10); j(j); } @Override // public final void e(long j) throws IOException { w(8); h(j); } @Override // public final void a(String str) throws IOException { int b; try { int length = str.length() * 3; int k = k(length); int i = k + length; if (i > this.b) { byte[] bArr = new byte[length]; int b2 = C16752qto.b(str, bArr, 0, length); w(5); q(b2); e(bArr, 0, b2); return; } if (i > this.b - this.a) { this.h.write(this.c, 0, this.a); this.a = 0; } int k2 = k(str.length()); int i2 = this.a; try { if (k2 == k) { this.a = i2 + k2; int b3 = C16752qto.b(str, this.c, this.a, this.b - this.a); this.a = i2; b = (b3 - i2) - k2; q(b); this.a = b3; } else { b = C16752qto.b(str); q(b); this.a = C16752qto.b(str, this.c, this.a, b); } this.f += b; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(e); } catch (C16752qto.HBt e2) { this.f -= this.a - i2; this.a = i2; throw e2; } } catch (C16752qto.HBt e3) { e(str, e3); } } @Override // public final void f() throws IOException { if (this.a > 0) { this.h.write(this.c, 0, this.a); this.a = 0; } } private void e(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (this.b - this.a >= i2) { System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.c, this.a, i2); this.a += i2; } else { int i3 = this.b - this.a; System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.c, this.a, i3); int i4 = i + i3; i2 -= i3; this.a = this.b; this.f += i3; this.h.write(this.c, 0, this.a); this.a = 0; if (i2 <= this.b) { System.arraycopy(bArr, i4, this.c, 0, i2); this.a = i2; } else { this.h.write(bArr, i4, i2); } } this.f += i2; } @Override // o.MZj public final void b(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { e(bArr, i, i2); } private void w(int i) throws IOException { if (this.b - this.a < i) { this.h.write(this.c, 0, this.a); this.a = 0; } } @Override // public final void d(byte[] bArr, int i) throws IOException { w(5); q(i); e(bArr, 0, i); } @Override // public final void d(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); r(qwV.g()); qwV.b(this); } @Override // public final void t(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { w(5); q(i); } else { w(10); j(i); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public final void e(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); int serializedSize = ((AbstractC5573bvc) interfaceC16581pUl).getSerializedSize(wnq); w(5); q(serializedSize); wnq.a((Wnq) interfaceC16581pUl, (InterfaceC16095lEl) this.d); } @Override // public final void a(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(1, 3)); w(20); q(Nvr.c(2, 0)); q(i); r(Nvr.c(3, 2)); int serializedSize = interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize(); w(5); q(serializedSize); interfaceC16581pUl.writeTo(this); r(Nvr.c(1, 4)); } @Override // public final void b(int i, QwV qwV) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(1, 3)); w(20); q(Nvr.c(2, 0)); q(i); d(3, qwV); r(Nvr.c(1, 4)); } @Override // public final void a(int i, String str) throws IOException { r(Nvr.c(i, 2)); a(str); } } public static int e(int i, QwV qwV) { int k = k(Nvr.c(i, 0)); int g = qwV.g(); return k + k(g) + g; } public static int b(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 8; } public static int a(int i, int i2) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + (i2 >= 0 ? k(i2) : 10); } public static int c(int i) { if (i >= 0) { return k(i); } return 10; } public static int e(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 4; } public static int d(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 8; } public static int i(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 4; } @Deprecated public static int d(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) { return (k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) << 1) + ((AbstractC5573bvc) interfaceC16581pUl).getSerializedSize(wnq); } public static int e(int i, int i2) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + (i2 >= 0 ? k(i2) : 10); } public static int a(int i, long j) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + d(j); } public static int b(int i, XYy xYy) { int k = k(Nvr.c(1, 0)); int k2 = k(Nvr.c(2, 0)) + k(i); int k3 = k(Nvr.c(3, 0)); int c = xYy.c(); return (k << 1) + k2 + k3 + k(c) + c; } public static int c(int i, XYy xYy) { int k = k(Nvr.c(i, 0)); int c = xYy.c(); return k + k(c) + c; } public static int b(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl) { int k = k(Nvr.c(1, 0)); int k2 = k(Nvr.c(2, 0)) + k(i); int k3 = k(Nvr.c(3, 0)); int serializedSize = interfaceC16581pUl.getSerializedSize(); return (k << 1) + k2 + k3 + k(serializedSize) + serializedSize; } public static int b(int i, InterfaceC16581pUl interfaceC16581pUl, Wnq wnq) { int k = k(Nvr.c(i, 0)); int serializedSize = ((AbstractC5573bvc) interfaceC16581pUl).getSerializedSize(wnq); return k + k(serializedSize) + serializedSize; } public static int a(int i, QwV qwV) { int k = k(Nvr.c(1, 0)); int k2 = k(Nvr.c(2, 0)) + k(i); int k3 = k(Nvr.c(3, 0)); int g = qwV.g(); return (k << 1) + k2 + k3 + k(g) + g; } public static int n(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 4; } public static int l(int i) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + 8; } public static int d(int i, int i2) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + k((i2 << 1) ^ (i2 >> 31)); } public static int d(int i, long j) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + d((j << 1) ^ (j >> 63)); } public static int b(int i, String str) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + d(str); } public static int b(int i, int i2) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + k(i2); } public static int c(int i, long j) { return k(Nvr.c(i, 0)) + d(j); } }