package; import; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class FirebaseVisionImage { private static zzpx zzaxa = zzpx.zznk(); private volatile Bitmap zzaxb; private volatile ByteBuffer zzaxc; private volatile FirebaseVisionImageMetadata zzaxd; private volatile Frame zzaxe; private volatile byte[] zzaxf; private final long zzaxg = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); public static FirebaseVisionImage fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, FirebaseVisionImageMetadata firebaseVisionImageMetadata) { return new FirebaseVisionImage(byteBuffer, firebaseVisionImageMetadata); } private FirebaseVisionImage(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, FirebaseVisionImageMetadata firebaseVisionImageMetadata) { this.zzaxc = (ByteBuffer) Preconditions.checkNotNull(byteBuffer); this.zzaxd = (FirebaseVisionImageMetadata) Preconditions.checkNotNull(firebaseVisionImageMetadata); } public Bitmap getBitmapForDebugging() { return zznj(); } private final Bitmap zznj() { if (this.zzaxb != null) { return this.zzaxb; } synchronized (this) { if (this.zzaxb == null) { byte[] zzae = zzae(false); Bitmap decodeByteArray = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(zzae, 0, zzae.length); if (this.zzaxd != null) { decodeByteArray = zza(decodeByteArray, this.zzaxd.getRotation()); } this.zzaxb = decodeByteArray; } } return this.zzaxb; } private static Bitmap zza(Bitmap bitmap, int i) { int zzbm = zzpv.zzbm(i); if (zzbm == 0) { return bitmap; } Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postRotate(zzbm); return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true); } public final Pair zze(int i, int i2) { int width; int height; byte[] zzae; if (this.zzaxd != null) { boolean z = this.zzaxd.getRotation() == 1 || this.zzaxd.getRotation() == 3; FirebaseVisionImageMetadata firebaseVisionImageMetadata = this.zzaxd; width = z ? firebaseVisionImageMetadata.getHeight() : firebaseVisionImageMetadata.getWidth(); height = z ? this.zzaxd.getWidth() : this.zzaxd.getHeight(); } else { width = zznj().getWidth(); height = zznj().getHeight(); } float min = Math.min(i / width, i2 / height); if (min < 1.0f) { Bitmap zznj = zznj(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postScale(min, min); zzae = zzpx.zza(Bitmap.createBitmap(zznj, 0, 0, this.zzaxb.getWidth(), this.zzaxb.getHeight(), matrix, true)); } else { zzae = zzae(true); min = 1.0f; } return Pair.create(zzae, Float.valueOf(min)); } private final byte[] zzae(boolean z) { if (this.zzaxf != null) { return this.zzaxf; } synchronized (this) { if (this.zzaxf != null) { return this.zzaxf; } if (this.zzaxc != null && (!z || this.zzaxd.getRotation() == 0)) { byte[] zza = zzpx.zza(this.zzaxc); int format = this.zzaxd.getFormat(); if (format != 17) { if (format == 842094169) { zza = zzpx.zzf(zza); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Must be one of: IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21, IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12"); } } byte[] zza2 = zzpx.zza(zza, this.zzaxd.getWidth(), this.zzaxd.getHeight()); if (this.zzaxd.getRotation() == 0) { this.zzaxf = zza2; } return zza2; } byte[] zza3 = zzpx.zza(zznj()); this.zzaxf = zza3; return zza3; } } public final Frame zza(boolean z, boolean z2) { Frame frame; synchronized (this) { int i = 0; Preconditions.checkArgument((z && z2) ? false : true, "Can't restrict to bitmap-only and NV21 byte buffer-only"); if (this.zzaxe == null) { Frame.Builder builder = new Frame.Builder(); if (this.zzaxc != null && !z) { int i2 = 842094169; if (z2 && this.zzaxd.getFormat() != 17) { if (this.zzaxd.getFormat() == 842094169) { this.zzaxc = ByteBuffer.wrap(zzpx.zzf(zzpx.zza(this.zzaxc))); this.zzaxd = new FirebaseVisionImageMetadata.Builder().setFormat(17).setWidth(this.zzaxd.getWidth()).setHeight(this.zzaxd.getHeight()).setRotation(this.zzaxd.getRotation()).build(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Must be one of: IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21, IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12"); } } ByteBuffer byteBuffer = this.zzaxc; int width = this.zzaxd.getWidth(); int height = this.zzaxd.getHeight(); int format = this.zzaxd.getFormat(); if (format == 17) { i2 = 17; } else if (format != 842094169) { i2 = 0; } builder.setImageData(byteBuffer, width, height, i2); int rotation = this.zzaxd.getRotation(); if (rotation != 0) { if (rotation != 1) { i = 2; if (rotation != 2) { i = 3; if (rotation != 3) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(29); sb.append("Invalid rotation: "); sb.append(rotation); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } } } else { i = 1; } } builder.setRotation(i); } else { builder.setBitmap(zznj()); } builder.setTimestampMillis(this.zzaxg); this.zzaxe =; } frame = this.zzaxe; } return frame; } }