package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import o.sbb; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class Mutation { private final List fieldTransforms; private final DocumentKey key; private final Precondition precondition; public abstract FieldMask applyToLocalView(MutableDocument mutableDocument, FieldMask fieldMask, Timestamp timestamp); public abstract void applyToRemoteDocument(MutableDocument mutableDocument, MutationResult mutationResult); public abstract FieldMask getFieldMask(); /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public Mutation(DocumentKey documentKey, Precondition precondition) { this(documentKey, precondition, new ArrayList()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public Mutation(DocumentKey documentKey, Precondition precondition, List list) { this.key = documentKey; this.precondition = precondition; this.fieldTransforms = list; } public static Mutation calculateOverlayMutation(MutableDocument mutableDocument, FieldMask fieldMask) { if (!mutableDocument.hasLocalMutations()) { return null; } if (fieldMask != null && fieldMask.getMask().isEmpty()) { return null; } if (fieldMask == null) { if (mutableDocument.isNoDocument()) { return new DeleteMutation(mutableDocument.getKey(), Precondition.NONE); } return new SetMutation(mutableDocument.getKey(), mutableDocument.getData(), Precondition.NONE); } ObjectValue data = mutableDocument.getData(); ObjectValue objectValue = new ObjectValue(); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); for (FieldPath fieldPath : fieldMask.getMask()) { if (!hashSet.contains(fieldPath)) { if (data.get(fieldPath) == null && fieldPath.length() > 1) { fieldPath = fieldPath.popLast(); } objectValue.set(fieldPath, data.get(fieldPath)); hashSet.add(fieldPath); } } return new PatchMutation(mutableDocument.getKey(), objectValue, FieldMask.fromSet(hashSet), Precondition.NONE); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public boolean hasSameKeyAndPrecondition(Mutation mutation) { return this.key.equals(mutation.key) && this.precondition.equals(mutation.precondition); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public int keyAndPreconditionHashCode() { return (getKey().hashCode() * 31) + this.precondition.hashCode(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public String keyAndPreconditionToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("key="); sb.append(this.key); sb.append(", precondition="); sb.append(this.precondition); return sb.toString(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void verifyKeyMatches(MutableDocument mutableDocument) { Assert.hardAssert(mutableDocument.getKey().equals(getKey()), "Can only apply a mutation to a document with the same key", new Object[0]); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public Map serverTransformResults(MutableDocument mutableDocument, List list) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(this.fieldTransforms.size()); Assert.hardAssert(this.fieldTransforms.size() == list.size(), "server transform count (%d) should match field transform count (%d)", Integer.valueOf(list.size()), Integer.valueOf(this.fieldTransforms.size())); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { FieldTransform fieldTransform = this.fieldTransforms.get(i); hashMap.put(fieldTransform.getFieldPath(), fieldTransform.getOperation().applyToRemoteDocument(mutableDocument.getField(fieldTransform.getFieldPath()), list.get(i))); } return hashMap; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public Map localTransformResults(Timestamp timestamp, MutableDocument mutableDocument) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(this.fieldTransforms.size()); for (FieldTransform fieldTransform : this.fieldTransforms) { hashMap.put(fieldTransform.getFieldPath(), fieldTransform.getOperation().applyToLocalView(mutableDocument.getField(fieldTransform.getFieldPath()), timestamp)); } return hashMap; } public ObjectValue extractTransformBaseValue(Document document) { ObjectValue objectValue = null; for (FieldTransform fieldTransform : this.fieldTransforms) { sbb computeBaseValue = fieldTransform.getOperation().computeBaseValue(document.getField(fieldTransform.getFieldPath())); if (computeBaseValue != null) { if (objectValue == null) { objectValue = new ObjectValue(); } objectValue.set(fieldTransform.getFieldPath(), computeBaseValue); } } return objectValue; } public Precondition getPrecondition() { return this.precondition; } public DocumentKey getKey() { return this.key; } public List getFieldTransforms() { return this.fieldTransforms; } }